#governance | Logs for 2023-10-06

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[13:41:53] <Bytram> chromas: Yes, I could... but it is problematic because I don't know the new date/time. Hence my question!
[13:48:48] <requerdanos> The next meeting is scheduled for October 11th at 21:00 UTC (5pm Eastern)
[14:11:28] <janrinok> chromas - is that using the 'topic' command?
[14:31:38] <Ingar> /topic Put your title here
[14:40:42] Fnord666 changed topic of #governance to: SoylentNews Governance Committee - Next Meeting Wednesday Oct 11th 20:30 UTC | This channel IS logged and publicly displayed here https://logs.sylnt.us
[14:40:57] <Fnord666> Bytram: Done
[14:41:10] <Fnord666> janrinok: yes, with the /topic command.
[14:43:20] Bytram changed topic of #governance to: SoylentNews Governance Committee - Next Meeting Wednesday Oct 11th at 21:00 UTC (5PM Eastern)| This channel IS logged and publicly displayed here https://logs.sylnt.us
[14:44:13] Bytram changed topic of #governance to: SoylentNews Governance Committee - Next Meeting is on Wednesday Oct 11th at 21:00 UTC (5PM Eastern)| This channel IS logged and publicly displayed here https://logs.sylnt.us
[14:46:36] <Bytram> Fnord666: we were updating at the same time, oops! Are we in "sync" now?
[15:21:41] <chromas> also you can (probably) edit directly from the topic field in hexchat
[16:16:10] -!- not_kolie0 [not_kolie0!~not_kolie@47.180.mlm.kw] has joined #governance
[16:16:23] -!- not_kolie0 has quit [Changing host]
[16:16:23] -!- not_kolie0 [not_kolie0!~not_kolie@Soylent/Staff/Management/kolie] has joined #governance
[16:16:23] -!- mode/#governance [+o not_kolie0] by ChanServ
[16:21:41] -!- halibut has quit [Quit: Timeout]
[16:21:54] <Ingar> Bytram: it's a race condition
[16:29:44] -!- halibut [halibut!~halibut@CanHazVHOST/halibut] has joined #governance
[17:57:08] <not_kolie0> I was intending to be here today but just got a call and I have to head over to la mirada DC for a few hours.
[17:57:40] <not_kolie0> The meeting is just that so any other questions or stuff from me people know how to reach me.
[17:58:13] <not_kolie0> I hope we've got together a list of questions for counsel.
[17:59:15] <not_kolie0> Much of what we need to do or discuss can be done outside of the meeting - just a touch point - so if you need anything from me email is good right now till work settles. I think its back to normal after this week for me.
[17:59:37] <janrinok> The meeting is next Wednesday.
[18:00:19] <janrinok> There is no meeting tonight - or am I misunderstanding what you are saying?
[19:28:35] <Bytram> chromas: Yep! That's *exactly* how I did it! ;^)
[19:30:45] <Bytram> Ingar: That's correct, as far as I understand it! :^)
[19:31:39] <Bytram> not_kolie0: Best wishes as you plow through the rest of this work!
[19:43:58] <not_kolie0> Ok cool.
[20:22:57] -!- aristarchus [aristarchus!~aristarch@926-5-155-592.hosted-by-worldstream.net] has joined #governance
[20:39:37] -!- aristarchus has quit [Quit: Client closed]
[21:11:41] -!- prg has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[23:08:18] -!- requerdanos has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[23:11:47] -!- requerdanos [requerdanos!~requerdan@Soylent/Staff/Editor/requerdanos] has joined #governance