#governance | Logs for 2023-09-23
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[22:31:46] -!- soylentil666 [soylentil666!~soylentil@2a00:23c5:4e84:vpxn:usny:sqjl:rvik:gyuu] has joined #governance
[22:41:10] -!- soylentil666 has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
[22:52:33] -!- soylentil666 [soylentil666!~soylentil@2a00:23c5:4e84:vpxn:usny:sqjl:rvik:gyuu] has joined #governance
[22:55:08] soylentil666 is now known as Deucalion-SHTF
[23:04:09] <Deucalion-SHTF> Deucalion is alive but is navigating the most dire straits. For now I cannot authenticate myself on IRC or the site or access email. I hope to be back in some fashion within the week.
[23:05:28] -!- Deucalion-SHTF has quit [Quit: Client closed]
[23:20:47] <chromas> Seems legit