#governance | Logs for 2023-09-22

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[05:55:02] <janrinok> "Yea I understand being burnt out for sure he does a ton." - which is precisely why I will not be responsible for writing any more bylaws. The work that has been done has been ignored. We cannot be on the board - agreed. The community should be in control - agreed. Everyone should be heard - agreed. Oh, apart from the Management Group and the Teams. - Not Acceptable to me.
[13:59:08] -!- requerdanos has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[15:43:06] -!- halibut has quit [Quit: Timeout]
[15:48:33] -!- halibut [halibut!~halibut@CanHazVHOST/halibut] has joined #governance
[16:36:34] -!- requerdanos [requerdanos!~requerdan@Soylent/Staff/Editor/requerdanos] has joined #governance
[19:02:41] * janrinok checking in
[19:48:13] -!- notkolie has quit [Read error: -0x1: ERROR - Generic error]
[19:48:34] -!- notkolie [notkolie!~notkolie@47.180.mlm.kw] has joined #governance
[19:58:19] * chromas czeching out
[20:17:02] <Bytram> Hi Gang! Please me a couple minutes before the governance meeting is due to start.
[20:17:37] <janrinok> if I don't fall asleep first.... I've been asleep once already!
[20:19:42] <Bytram> I was close a couple times, myself!
[20:20:15] <janrinok> lol
[20:20:32] * mechanicjay swaggers in and shoots everyone the finger guns
[20:20:34] <mechanicjay> Yo
[20:21:11] * janrinok ducks
[20:21:19] <janrinok> hi mj
[20:22:25] <Bytram> BTW, I have finally joined the 21st century... I'm online with a wired internet connection (no more tethering my cell phone!)
[20:23:13] <janrinok> lol - it wasn't that difficult was it?
[20:23:13] <Bytram> <big smite>
[20:23:29] <notkolie> o/
[20:23:30] * janrinok falls down having been smitten
[20:23:40] <janrinok> hi notkolie
[20:24:09] <Bytram> over 100x faster
[20:24:25] <Fnord666> So Bytram wants to be pleased????
[20:24:27] <janrinok> yay - that is worth having
[20:25:05] <janrinok> latest news in this part of France is that we should get fibre by 2030. !
[20:25:10] -!- aristarchus [aristarchus!~aristarch@195.146.h.wg] has joined #governance
[20:25:27] * Fnord666 is present, at least virtually.
[20:25:56] * requerdanos present and accounted for
[20:26:01] <Bytram> (I had about 250 KBps; it is now over 300 Mbps)
[20:26:02] <janrinok> that's all the present you need to be
[20:26:08] <janrinok> requerdanos, hi
[20:26:46] * janrinok is relieved that he doesn't _have_ to stay awake this week!
[20:26:48] <Fnord666> Howdy requerdanos
[20:27:25] <requerdanos> many greetings.
[20:27:39] <Fnord666> Just don't fall asleep on the keyboard and give is a bunch of ZZZZZZZZZZ's janrinok
[20:27:58] <janrinok> that might be the only cue you get....!
[20:29:03] <janrinok> Bytram, ping 2 mins
[20:29:27] <Bytram> kthx
[20:29:39] <janrinok> hands up those who are not here....
[20:31:12] <cmn32480> I'm not here
[20:31:32] <janrinok> cmn32480, hi stranger
[20:31:46] <cmn32480> but I've been messing with uncooperative powershell all day and I'm rather more cranky than usual
[20:31:58] <janrinok> that bad....!?
[20:32:04] <Fnord666> Even cooperative PS makes one cranky
[20:32:13] <cmn32480> uh huh
[20:32:46] <Bytram> I'm not (all) here :)
[20:32:51] <cmn32480> we know
[20:32:52] <Fnord666> I feel like there's meme to go with that...
[20:33:14] * Bytram smacks chromas
[20:33:40] <mechanicjay> I'm like here or something
[20:33:43] <Fnord666> ~blame
[20:33:43] <notkolie> janrinok I just responded to your second email.
[20:33:54] -!- dx3bydt3 [dx3bydt3!~|dx3bydt3@129.222.nxz.oyi] has joined #governance
[20:34:12] <Fnord666> I am Schrodinger's committee member, being both here and not here...
[20:34:13] <janrinok> too late but thanks, I won't see it until tomorrow now. I'm in bed....
[20:34:14] <notkolie> I got a little derailed and cut it before final thoughts because time ran here.
[20:34:22] * mechanicjay is sad that he didn't think to grab a cuppa before sitting down to this meeting.
[20:34:24] <janrinok> np
[20:34:27] <notkolie> No expectation on it being read immediately.
[20:34:33] <janrinok> ok thx
[20:34:41] <cmn32480> Okie dokie... let's got moving
[20:34:41] <Fnord666> MJ could be worse, I should have peed....
[20:34:59] <cmn32480> How many people we got today? <bangs gavel>
[20:35:01] <janrinok> is anyone going to start...?
[20:35:12] <requerdanos> I count seven
[20:35:13] <cmn32480> Meeting is called to order
[20:35:20] <mechanicjay> Fnord666: One is technically able to pee where they are. But I need to go elsewhere to acquire tea.
[20:35:37] * mechanicjay here
[20:35:39] <Fnord666> I do have an empty water bottle...
[20:35:41] <cmn32480> Attendance. Pleae give a shout out so we have an accurate count, please
[20:35:41] * Fnord666 is here
[20:35:44] * janrinok here
[20:35:45] * requerdanos is here
[20:35:49] <cmn32480> Here
[20:35:52] * notkolie is kolie and here.
[20:36:15] <janrinok> bytram can't keep up
[20:36:17] <cmn32480> Also saw mechanicjay and Bytram
[20:36:29] <cmn32480> so we have 7. Quorum +2
[20:36:33] * mechanicjay here here here
[20:37:04] <cmn32480> Starting with any open reports?
[20:37:36] * Bytram politely reminds folk that I have a vision deficiency, so please remember that during discussions
[20:37:38] <janrinok> shouldn't be the last minutes and then agenda
[20:37:52] <janrinok> ?
[20:37:54] <cmn32480> bah.. you are correct.
[20:38:05] <cmn32480> Motion to accept the last minutes as posted
[20:38:06] <Bytram> +janrinok: thank you!
[20:38:15] <janrinok> seconded
[20:38:22] <cmn32480> Any objections?
[20:38:28] <notkolie> approved aye.
[20:38:32] * janrinok aye
[20:38:33] <Bytram> not here
[20:38:44] <Bytram> approved
[20:38:45] <cmn32480> Carries. Minutes approved.
[20:39:16] <cmn32480> Current agenda is : Committee Reports adn discussion.
[20:39:19] <cmn32480> Old Buisiness
[20:39:22] <cmn32480> New Business
[20:39:38] <cmn32480> Adjourn for dinner or dessert, whichever is closer to your time zone
[20:39:49] <Bytram> LOL!
[20:39:59] <cmn32480> Any reports?
[20:40:10] <janrinok> not from me
[20:40:27] <notkolie> Uhm we got more people here but - we are all aware of the boards acceptance on terms of dollar amount clarifications?
[20:40:34] <Bytram> none here
[20:40:52] <cmn32480> notkolie - please elaborate
[20:41:03] <cmn32480> just for the record, please
[20:41:50] <notkolie> Uhm well due to matts email there was speculation on price the board was expecting in return for "the deal". The deal is as was stated and the board did clarify that yes it is official position of the board that a 1$ token transaction is acceptable and that includes "everything".
[20:42:50] <cmn32480> Everything is <everything> except the actual PBC, correct?
[20:42:52] <notkolie> Theres been nothing discussed here that was outside of what was envisioned from the board in terms of IP transfer or liability waiver.
[20:43:16] <notkolie> Yea - PBC would wholesale transfer anything it has - and then shut down.
[20:43:26] <cmn32480> So just to be sure we are clear:
[20:43:57] <cmn32480> the rxfr includes EVERYTHING needed to run the site, including the bank account contents
[20:44:10] <cmn32480> we would need to provide a waiver of liability
[20:44:35] <notkolie> The final draft of this and who provides it not withstanding - it includes everything yes.
[20:44:41] <Bytram> Umm, Q?
[20:44:55] <cmn32480> Bytram - go ahead
[20:45:59] <Bytram> I wanr a clarification. What, WRT *anything* concerned with SN is omitted? ..
[20:46:16] <Bytram> is that *EVERYTHIBG*
[20:46:22] <Bytram> over
[20:47:11] <cmn32480> It sounds like no. notkolie - can we safely say that is correct?
[20:47:12] <notkolie> Whatever you want clarification on - I can be more specific - for the purposes of brevity and me not enumerating every possible contigency - nothing is being held and the PBC will terminate - so it wont have anything anyways.
[20:47:28] * Bytram does not want *ANY* "weasel words"
[20:47:46] <cmn32480> OK. I think that is as clear as we are going to get.
[20:48:04] <janrinok> understood
[20:48:31] <notkolie> Put it this way - in plain english - we are getting what we need to move forward with no friction.
[20:48:41] <notkolie> And I dont see any suprises.
[20:48:52] <cmn32480> notkolie - thank you.
[20:48:54] <notkolie> And its consistent with all the conversations ive had with the board and here.
[20:48:59] <notkolie> Thx.
[20:49:04] <Bytram> notkolie: THAT IS ACCEPTABLE; THANK YOU!
[20:49:55] <cmn32480> Any objections from the committee to the $1 buyout and taking possession of ALL the SN PBC things needed to keep the site running?
[20:50:09] * Fnord666 no objection
[20:50:14] <janrinok> no objection
[20:50:26] <cmn32480> no objections here
[20:50:27] <mechanicjay> none
[20:50:40] <cmn32480> OK. Finally GD progress.
[20:50:57] <Bytram> I am in favor of $1
[20:51:10] -!- notkolie has quit [Changing host]
[20:51:10] -!- notkolie [notkolie!~notkolie@Soylent/Staff/Management/kolie] has joined #governance
[20:51:10] -!- mode/#governance [+o notkolie] by ChanServ
[20:51:16] <cmn32480> notkolie - thank you for getting that clarification. We have that in writign from the share holder, scorrect?
[20:51:49] <janrinok> emails have been seen
[20:51:51] <notkolie> I represent the board in my official capacity and yes the board collectively has agreed to this and there is an email trail.
[20:52:34] <Bytram> notkolie: Thank You!
[20:52:35] <cmn32480> thank you. just covering bases. I've found that a lot of the email comms that I have regarding this particular issue seem to end up in my spam.
[20:52:58] <cmn32480> OK. Next Item. Old business.
[20:54:18] <cmn32480> Bylaws are VERY slowly progressing. The biggest issue we are seeing is that we need to formulate what type of new "group/company/coop/whatever we are going to be in order to move this forward. until such time, I'd recommentd that the gnashing of teeth on the bylaws should be put on hold
[20:55:12] <cmn32480> in my eyes, the biggest concern we have is that the bylaws need to treat staff and community equally, and give a voice to all. that is somethign that is a bit of a struggle in some of the templates that we have seen presented as options.
[20:56:13] <notkolie> cmn32480, comment on your concern?
[20:56:21] <Bytram> I motionwe start by geing an eumerated list of ALL possibilieies and winnow it down from there
[20:56:22] <cmn32480> go ahead
[20:56:56] <cmn32480> bytram - hang tight. will consider the motion as soon as notkolie has completed his thoguhts
[20:57:09] <Bytram> k
[20:58:14] <notkolie> The bylaws and the power structure is very critical. I have some back and forth with jan on this recently. Utilatemly the "shareholder" is the authority - the bylaws should define that and the procedures as such. They are equal only in that the staff should be free to operate in their actions but ultimately accountable to the former.
[20:58:34] <notkolie> IF we are in agreeance that the shareholders are the community at large
[20:58:43] <notkolie> Then I Think everyones on the same page and operating towards that end.
[20:59:00] <Fnord666> What defines a "member of the community?"
[20:59:28] <notkolie> TBD speifics, ultimately, active identified accounts with some specific sock puippet criteria codified.
[20:59:30] <mechanicjay> That is a critical question Fnord666
[20:59:32] <Fnord666> Someone who created an account yesterday from an email anonymizing service?
[20:59:36] <notkolie> Thats howI see it atleast.
[21:00:02] <notkolie> I'd be willing to discuss specific validation criteria outside of logged channels for obvious purposes.
[21:00:10] <notkolie> It would include technical means.
[21:00:12] <Fnord666> That makes sense
[21:00:30] <janrinok> sounds good to me
[21:00:32] <cmn32480> I would agree to that.
[21:00:54] <Fnord666> And something to be discussed later if we accept the position of the community (TDB) in the structure.
[21:01:24] <notkolie> The definition - not to minmize its importance - and the use of it in the bylaws are seperate.
[21:01:24] <cmn32480> notkolie - can you put together what you believe would be good criteria (outside the technical sock puppet stuff) and puit in an email to the committee, please?
[21:01:38] <notkolie> We can use "community" as a placeholder and flesh out the definition as needed.
[21:02:02] <Bytram> Fnord666: notkolie: historically, a "member" had to have an account that's over 1 month (30 daya>) old
[21:02:04] <notkolie> sure - and its not mean tot be exhaustive or anything just my stab at a starting point sure?
[21:02:05] <cmn32480> it will have to be defined, but I woudl agree that is acceptable.
[21:02:14] <cmn32480> correct.
[21:02:22] <notkolie> Yea I'm good with that as a point of reference.
[21:02:42] <notkolie> Specifically - the requirements for an account to be a voting member or something.
[21:03:02] <Fnord666> A point of contention though that we will have to address is where staff stands with regards to also being members of the community.
[21:03:08] <cmn32480> that is precisely what I'm looking for.
[21:03:53] <cmn32480> any other questions regarding this topic? If no, we will move to Bytrams question of an enumerated list of options
[21:04:02] <Bytram> yes
[21:04:05] <notkolie> I would more or less include any account, staff or otherwise in that.
[21:04:26] <Bytram> pls explain prior post
[21:05:05] <cmn32480> bytram: which one? I've typed a lot today already. :-)
[21:05:05] <Bytram> so, MartyB *and* Bytram?
[21:05:36] <Bytram> <theres a couple more I don't use)
[21:05:56] <Fnord666> I don't think we want to get into the weeds on that at this time.
[21:06:01] <notkolie> We'd need to address the possibiliy of one person using multiple accounts, but, ultimately one person / account should be the representation.
[21:06:08] <notkolie> IMO.
[21:06:11] <janrinok> there are several accounts that fill management functions such as bots etc. They do not get their own vote
[21:06:29] <notkolie> But yea that is part of the definitions.
[21:06:35] <cmn32480> I believe that we will need to flesh that out after we get notkolie's first swag at it.
[21:06:38] <notkolie> And a good point of concern.
[21:06:41] <Fnord666> Let's assume a "community", membership criteria TDB, and move forward with it.
[21:06:47] <notkolie> Thx.
[21:07:25] <cmn32480> OK. moving on.
[21:07:46] <cmn32480> To bytram's question on the list of possibilities for the new organization.
[21:08:20] <janrinok> well there has been mention of a cooperative and some kind of 501 so far
[21:08:41] <janrinok> I think we need legal advice at this point
[21:08:43] <cmn32480> My opinion, the one that seems to fit us best looks to be a co-op, but there are legal things that we need to cover to make sure that we are able to collect thigns like $$ for subscriptions, etc.
[21:08:48] <Bytram> I saw a list some time back of umm 401 somethings
[21:08:54] <cmn32480> the 501c3 charitable organization.
[21:08:55] <requerdanos> I was just going to say, I think a lawyer would be able to answer this
[21:09:13] <notkolie> Uhm so lets do this.
[21:09:21] <Fnord666> Some form of 501c organization
[21:09:33] <Bytram> requerdanos: Yes
[21:09:37] <notkolie> Volunteers to draft questions for a lawyer, get approval from existing board for an expenditure to use said lawyer for a couple hours.
[21:09:46] <notkolie> SOunds like a plan?
[21:10:10] <janrinok> it is certainly the start of one
[21:10:27] <notkolie> We can discuss those questions and aggregate them in this meeting or the next, get them fleshed out and then when we are ready as a group execute on that.
[21:10:29] <Fnord666> Yes. Commentary on the case of MA volunteering his own lawyers?
[21:10:31] <Bytram> sounds good.
[21:10:39] <janrinok> I don't know enough about either to ask the right questions
[21:11:09] <cmn32480> I agree w/ Jan on this. I can spell coop and 501c3... but that's about it
[21:11:14] <notkolie> I might be able to wing some free advice and would help to know collectively the outstaniding questions. I know my own concerns and thoughts of course.
[21:11:34] <Bytram> oops
[21:11:56] <Fnord666> notkolie: you follow the basic business model right with subscritpions
[21:12:00] <Bytram> My comment came 1 comment late
[21:12:06] <Fnord666> notkolie: you follow the basic business model right with subscriptions, donations, etc.
[21:12:15] <cmn32480> OK. Let's start an email thread that pulls the questions together. We don't wanna talk to a lawyer to see if they will talk to us, and get a giant bill before we have an idea of what we need to ask
[21:12:40] <notkolie> Fnord666, yea and I think 501c addresses all that - my only shutdown of coops is - i dont see any benefit from 501s, representation is the same, and the issue with outside money coming in may make it a non starter.
[21:13:09] <Fnord666> Time is seriously money. Hopefully it's something a less expensive para-legal can tackle.
[21:13:17] <notkolie> If we get some free questions we can give them the carrot on the stick of - they will address our bylaws once completed.
[21:13:51] <requerdanos> what and for whom is the action item(s) here
[21:13:53] <Fnord666> notkolie: I think the concern is that the 501c structure may not capture the community nature of SN the way a co-op might.
[21:14:26] <Bytram> cmn32480: agreed
[21:14:41] <janrinok> that's the sort of question we need answering
[21:14:43] <notkolie> Fnord666, 501c is just a list of requirements to receive legal status, the word coop is nice and 501 conveys tax/legal and not so much community nature or intent - outside of its legal requirements.
[21:14:49] <Fnord666> agreed. An email thread should be a good starting point.
[21:14:50] <notkolie> The bylaws can address the community nature.
[21:15:15] <notkolie> So I agree the spirit of law and reasoning of coops matches the community aspect of what SN is.
[21:15:27] <notkolie> I don't know if the practical aspects of it line up so the lawyer can clarify.
[21:16:43] <cmn32480> Can we see if MA has any of his corporate lawyers that might give a few min of free advice on this?
[21:17:21] <cmn32480> I think for the most part we are all in agreement with notkolie, we don't quite know the legal aspects of things in a p[ractical sense to get the right choice made.
[21:17:28] <notkolie> Ok.
[21:17:46] <cmn32480> we don't wanna end up in the same spot we currently are.
[21:17:59] <janrinok> we can only ask MA - as long as we don't wait too long for an answer
[21:18:13] <notkolie> I don't think the coproration structure is going to have any impact on governance feasibility and addressing our issues.
[21:18:22] <notkolie> It is going to dictate what we cant and cant do under that status though
[21:18:25] <notkolie> And how we are seen by the law.
[21:18:29] <Fnord666> Once we have our questions and concerns detailed we will be in a better position to get useful advice.
[21:18:45] <notkolie> So that being said yea a lawyer and hitting up MA and other avenues is proably next step.
[21:19:04] <notkolie> So let's collectively get that list and see where we need to go with it.
[21:19:53] * Bytram raises hand
[21:19:54] <cmn32480> IMO - the idea is that we are owned by the shareholders (the "community") with a board comprised of both the community and the staff
[21:19:54] <notkolie> I'm personally going to hit a up a few connections to see if they'd offer some unpaid insights.
[21:20:06] <cmn32480> Bytram has the floor
[21:20:18] <cmn32480> <and the walls if he wants them>
[21:20:48] <Bytram> I suggest we have spomeone we can *talk* to; faster thand email
[21:21:48] <Fnord666> With lawyers you pay by the minute and if your talking directly to them you pay their rates rather than the rate of a paralegal that they can hand it off to possibly.
[21:22:04] <Fnord666> If submitted in writing.
[21:22:37] <Fnord666> You'll pay a minimum billable rate anyway if we are paying for the advice.
[21:23:12] <cmn32480> ideally, we can work some of the connections we all have to get some direction (hopefully for free or minimal $$) and then use that person to do the incorporation (the real $$)
[21:23:12] <Fnord666> These are the things I learned setting my father's estate.
[21:24:00] <notkolie> Using a lawyer to incorporate is a huge unnecessary expense imo if we want to focus our funds effectively.
[21:24:06] <Fnord666> cmn32480: agreed.
[21:24:14] <notkolie> Signing off on the bylaws is probably necessary and useful.
[21:24:27] <notkolie> And general strategic decisions like corporation type.
[21:24:27] <Bytram> s/lawyer/law-acquainted-person/
[21:24:33] <cmn32480> OK. let's take the steps as follows:
[21:25:11] <cmn32480> 1) Ask MA if he has a corporate lawyer that can give us a few min for answers.
[21:25:27] <cmn32480> 2) Build the list of questions around the 501c3 and the co-op options.
[21:25:56] <cmn32480> 3) Call in to any of our own connections that might be willing to drop us some free advice
[21:26:11] <cmn32480> Any additional steps that I am missing?
[21:26:31] <Fnord666> 4) reconcile all of the conflicting advice that we receive?
[21:27:00] <janrinok> what if there is a better option that we haven;t thought of ?
[21:27:24] <requerdanos> great question for a lawyer "is there a better option, not listed here"
[21:28:01] <cmn32480> that goes on the list
[21:28:59] <notkolie> 1) has been completed.
[21:29:05] <Fnord666> I guess another question would how hard would it be to switch once we incorporate, should we find out a different structure would be better?
[21:29:30] <cmn32480> my guess is painful.
[21:29:44] <cmn32480> likely means a new organization, again.
[21:29:57] <Fnord666> I was afraid of that.
[21:30:06] <janrinok> lets get it right the first time then, eh?
[21:30:41] <Bytram> Incorporate... WHERE? What state?
[21:31:14] <janrinok> the best one for whatever org we choose. We are not stuck with Delaware
[21:31:20] <Fnord666> Typically Delaware but maybe elsewhere for a CO-OP
[21:31:23] <cmn32480> also a question for the lawyer
[21:31:42] <Bytram> Delaware?
[21:31:50] <Bytram> yes
[21:31:50] <notkolie> A corporation can change statuses in the general case.
[21:32:10] <notkolie> It's a lengthy process and done for specific needs, usually easier to register a new shell and transfer.
[21:32:23] <notkolie> Cost to file new corp + paperwork to move evertyhing.
[21:32:30] <cmn32480> let's pick right adn not have to f with that
[21:32:33] <notkolie> VS - lots of legal rangling to refile and change.
[21:32:38] <notkolie> YEa.
[21:32:45] <janrinok> I think that we are looking for problems before we need to. I suggest that we just start with what we have.
[21:32:47] <notkolie> Let's do good the first time lol.
[21:32:56] <notkolie> janrinok, yea 10/4 on that buddy.
[21:33:18] <cmn32480> OK. I'll start an email thread on the lawyer questions.
[21:33:29] <cmn32480> Any other final comments on this?
[21:33:35] <janrinok> they are all valid points but not for now
[21:33:49] * Fnord666 has nothing further
[21:33:55] <janrinok> sounds good to me
[21:34:29] <cmn32480> Alright. Moving to New Business. Any objections?
[21:34:47] <janrinok> nope
[21:35:01] * cmn32480 wants to get this moved along.. there is pizza and beer waiting
[21:35:14] * Bytram is fighting to stay awake
[21:35:14] <cmn32480> Any new business?
[21:35:40] <Bytram> not me
[21:35:49] * janrinok no
[21:36:25] <cmn32480> Going once
[21:36:35] <cmn32480> Going Twice...
[21:36:39] <cmn32480> Moving on
[21:36:44] <janrinok> I've just remembered that I should have sent an email about mtg times - and I haven't done it. For next week?
[21:37:06] <cmn32480> almost made it..
[21:37:14] <cmn32480> Friday night sucks for me.
[21:37:38] <cmn32480> I'd prefer Tuesday or wednesday
[21:37:50] <janrinok> I'll try to get an email out over the weekend and hopefully have the replies by the next mtg
[21:37:52] <Bytram> cmn32480: weekend?
[21:38:06] <cmn32480> Janrinok - please send out the email and we'll see what comes of ti.
[21:38:15] <cmn32480> I will remind you tomorrow.
[21:38:19] <requerdanos> until then, is the next meeting next friday?
[21:38:25] <janrinok> OK, I'll take the action on that (again)
[21:38:53] <cmn32480> yes.
[21:39:00] <cmn32480> requerdanos - Yes
[21:39:02] <Fnord666> Look for a post in this channel (and title) if the agreed upon date changes?
[21:39:10] <cmn32480> correct.
[21:39:14] <notkolie> I will accept and approve any proposed time inside the hours of 5am - 12pm Pacific any days.
[21:39:42] <janrinok> nothing more from me
[21:40:28] <cmn32480> notkolie - That's all morning hours...
[21:40:42] <janrinok> cmn32480, you can start your countdown again....
[21:40:44] <cmn32480> did you mean 12midnight pacific
[21:41:13] <janrinok> I don't think he did :)
[21:41:24] <cmn32480> Anythgin else for the good fo the order?
[21:41:26] <notkolie> yea midnight
[21:41:30] <Bytram> I have something each weekday that ends ~4 houts ago
[21:41:38] <notkolie> 11:59 pm
[21:41:44] <cmn32480> we'll handle the scheduling by email.
[21:42:00] <cmn32480> Anythgin else for the good fo the order?
[21:42:14] * Fnord666 has nothing to add
[21:42:16] * janrinok nothing
[21:42:20] <cmn32480> Motion to adjourn.
[21:42:28] <Fnord666> seconded
[21:42:40] <Bytram> o/w I am pretty clear
[21:42:50] <cmn32480> Meeting adjourned.
[21:42:53] * janrinok aye
[21:42:56] <Bytram> 2nd
[21:42:59] <Fnord666> aye
[21:43:00] <cmn32480> Go in peace to love and serve humanity.
[21:43:01] <notkolie> aye adjourning.
[21:43:06] <mechanicjay> aye
[21:43:11] <Fnord666> Serve humanity to whom?
[21:43:16] <Bytram> aye
[21:43:21] <cmn32480> whomever will eat it.
[21:43:26] <Fnord666> Wasn't that a Twilight Zone episode?
[21:43:29] <janrinok> zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz laters guys
[21:43:33] <Fnord666> To Serve Man?
[21:43:37] <requerdanos> Thanks all.
[21:43:46] <Fnord666> Good night and pleasant dreams janrinok
[21:43:55] <Bytram> janrinok: Good Night!
[21:47:35] <notkolie> So if its not 0700 - 1200 UTC I'm automatic ok with it.
[22:01:11] -!- aristarchus has quit [Quit: Client closed]