#governance | Logs for 2023-08-01

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[00:12:02] -!- Veyrdite has quit [Quit: Leaving]
[01:09:47] -!- Veyrdite [Veyrdite!~valentine@6474-0566-03u9--t82.ip3.aussiebb.net] has joined #governance
[02:53:25] -!- mrpg has quit [Quit: Client closed]
[02:53:36] -!- mrpg [mrpg!~mrpg@Soylent/Staff/Editor/mrpg] has joined #governance
[04:49:58] -!- mrpg has quit [Quit: Client closed]
[06:27:34] -!- ted-ious [ted-ious!tedious@ted.ious] has joined #governance
[07:32:29] -!- audioguy [audioguy!~audioguy@Soylent/Staff/Developer/audioguy] has joined #governance
[07:54:48] -!- janrinok [janrinok!~janrinok@0::1] has joined #governance
[07:56:25] <janrinok> audioguy - thanks for your suggestion. I will accept a role on this committee providing I do not see any obstructionism from the current Board, They either accept out advice/suggestion or I will simply leave this committee.
[07:56:54] <janrinok> kolie - I will accept a position on the #governance committee.
[08:02:46] <audioguy> You be certain my goal has not changed, and my tolerance for BS is till quite low.
[08:04:50] <audioguy> I just swent though all the board minutes, removing all the bs from bots to be able to figure out what just happened. :-)
[08:04:57] <janrinok> audioguy, I understand. I was disappointed (to put it mildly) at how most of the agenda was ignored and the person who is so desperate to leave just didn't stand down for health reasons. He still think that he is keeping the site afloat, rather than the opposite which is the truth
[08:06:29] <audioguy> One of the things I nituced was that all his obnjections - those that were not flat BS - would be solved by just accepting my proffer.
[08:07:01] <audioguy> It handles the stock problem cleanly.
[08:07:28] <audioguy> It defined who is an active volunteer specifically. ETC
[08:08:39] <janrinok> yeah - dictators wanting to do what dictators do I suppose. His argument (I think) is that if the existing Board is dissolved, then both his and the treasurer posts disappear. We are then not meeting the minimum for a PBC.
[08:08:48] <audioguy> Cmn did not have time to do much research - but I did. I found trhe real probnlems and devised solutions.
[08:09:10] <janrinok> I personally don't think they would care in the short term. I don't expect armed govt agents turning up to arrest anyone.
[08:09:31] <audioguy> Its nonsense.
[08:10:05] <audioguy> The problem that is real is that you cannot force someone to give up their stock
[08:10:45] <audioguy> That is why I did not ask to but out one person, I wanted a full buyout.
[08:10:49] <janrinok> He is at the end of his tether - if he is not enjoying it all he has to do is step down. We request Matt to stick around to help with the transfer - or for much longer if he wishes - and we can then move forward again.
[08:11:13] <audioguy> That way I could simply GIVE my stock to the corporatrion, and it would own itself.
[08:12:07] <audioguy> All legal
[08:12:36] <janrinok> But we would have to establish a new treasurer very quickly - otherwise we most certainly are not doing what we are supposed to do. But all of this is manageable. Businesses do it everyday
[08:13:10] <audioguy> It MAY even be possible to move the stock back into the 'potential' pool. I would need to research that more, its tricky.
[08:13:33] <janrinok> We can chat elsewhere about some other issues I have been giving thought to, but not immediately.
[08:13:55] <audioguy> Of course. Given a friendly handover, its just puttingf numbers in slots.
[08:14:24] <audioguy> We could ask the community if anyone has bookeeeeping experience and would volunteer.
[08:15:09] <audioguy> I am sure I could do it as well, but really do not want to take on every shit job by default :-)
[08:15:46] <janrinok> NCommander cannot see that, if he were to fall seriously long-term ill, or have an accident the site would carry on without him. For some reason he thinks he has a duty to cling on at all costs.
[08:17:16] <janrinok> That is one of my concerns about participating. If I edit - if ! - I will do it as a basic editor and NOT as EinC. Others are capable of doing that role and deserve the opportunity to do so.
[08:17:21] <audioguy> He has always had this kind of complex. Look at his screen name - CMDR Taco for Slashdot, NCommander for soylent :-
[08:18:53] <janrinok> If requested - if ! - I will assist in holding back the sock puppets (which would require access and an appropriate seclev) but I fear that it would just be taken for granted again and the site will do nothing off its own bat to solve the problem.
[08:19:27] <audioguy> Yes. We need our access back.
[08:20:14] <janrinok> And that will include - for me - having direct software access to the database.
[08:20:37] <audioguy> Yes. ALL access.
[08:22:52] <audioguy> We need as many people on this committee as possible.
[08:24:37] <audioguy> Who is managing IRC now? Does Deucalion have access?
[08:39:47] <janrinok> well he is in this channel and I think that he joining us, but I left as soon as the important things happened yesterday evening. It was late for me.
[12:46:22] -!- Veyrdite has quit [Quit: WeeChat 4.0.2]
[13:51:57] <audioguy> Proposal 1: We are on different different schedules. I would like to get a 'best time to meet' from everyone, and see where the overlaps are. Then pick that overlap for our meeting times.
[13:53:15] -!- mode/#governance [+o audioguy] by requerdanos
[13:53:19] -!- mode/#governance [+o janrinok] by requerdanos
[13:58:04] <janrinok> audioguy, I can make most times if given warning. I am on CET (UTC+2). Last night's Board meeting was the latest I can do without having to cancel appts the following day. But it seems like I get on each morning before the West Coast USA have finished their day, although that misses the East Coast by a few hours.
[14:00:19] <requerdanos> perhaps the overlap between, say, janrinok in CET and kolie in PDT begins in about an hour, morning for kolie, evening for jr. In EDT I fall somewhere in the middle of that.
[14:01:16] <audioguy> The board meeting was veryearly for me :-)
[14:01:44] <requerdanos> what time is it now for you?
[14:01:59] <requerdanos> 10am here
[14:02:12] <audioguy> 7 am but I am on a weird schedule this is my bedtime.
[14:02:24] <audioguy> I normally get up around 2pm
[14:02:31] <audioguy> pdt
[14:02:57] <requerdanos> that's right, oregon, dug
[14:02:59] <requerdanos> duh
[14:03:14] <audioguy> WORST time for me is 6am to 2pm
[14:03:40] <audioguy> Musicians schedule :-)
[14:05:35] <audioguy> which is 04:00:00 - 11:00:00 UTC
[14:07:36] <audioguy> Its hard to get me and Janrinok together
[14:09:28] <audioguy> How many in europe?
[14:10:23] <audioguy> On est coast? On west coast?
[14:11:00] <audioguy> Like 4am would be good for me but such for everyone else.
[14:15:04] <audioguy> 9 pm here would be 12 pm east coast...9 pm east coast would be 6 pm here. what is that, w pm for janrinok?
[14:16:38] <audioguy> 2 pm for Jan? or2 am?
[14:16:52] <audioguy> 2 pm
[14:19:28] <audioguy> 1pm
[14:20:03] <requerdanos> I kind of picture jr being 6 hours later than here, making him 9 hours later than there if my math is right, which it may or may not be
[14:20:31] <audioguy> Yeah this shit always confuses me. :-)
[14:24:01] <audioguy> On, so lets say 6 pm here 18:00. East coast is 3 hours later, 21:00 9pm .
[14:24:43] <requerdanos> my guess would be 3am for janrinok in that case.
[14:24:59] <audioguy> So utc is from me 18:00- 7 = 11:00
[14:25:56] <requerdanos> I am pretty sure utc from you is 18:00 plus 7 = 1am ?
[14:26:44] <requerdanos> https://duckduckgo.com
[14:26:45] <audioguy> Oh yeah.
[14:26:57] <audioguy> WEnt wrong way
[14:28:52] <janrinok> Last nights meeting started at 22:30 for me - does that help? I got to bed around 00:30 but I get up at 06:00.
[14:31:30] <audioguy> 0600 is what UTC?
[14:32:14] <audioguy> 04:00?
[14:39:25] <audioguy> So you sleep about 22:00 - 04:00
[14:40:44] <audioguy> I sleep about 01:00 - 08:00
[14:40:52] <audioguy> utc
[14:45:24] <audioguy> Jan awake 04:00 - 22:00 ag awake 08:00 - 01:00
[14:45:34] <janrinok> something like that yes (the nice thing about being old and retired is that the actual time has little importance to me within my home :) )
[14:46:50] <audioguy> And I in a recording schedule with musiians and as sysop,bothof which are more 'swing' type schedules
[14:47:55] <audioguy> overlap 08:00 - 22:00 UTC
[14:50:31] <janrinok> looks good
[14:50:34] <audioguy> but there is a day change. That can't be right? Should be
[14:51:08] <janrinok> give me a date, time and tz and I can work it out :)
[14:51:44] <audioguy> yes, I canfigure out mine too. But I needs trios paper or something :-)
[14:52:33] <janrinok> Sort everyone else out for meetings and then let me know the details. If I have to get up during the night so be it.
[14:53:37] <janrinok> At my age getting up in the middle of the night isn't a new experience
[14:54:18] <audioguy> ok, so 08:00 UTC is 01:00am here to 15:00 = 3pm here on west coast.
[14:55:35] <audioguy> on east coast add three hours so 6 pm.
[14:55:58] <audioguy> Best compromise would be about 2 pm.
[14:56:14] <audioguy> here PDT
[14:58:24] <audioguy> but that is late for you.
[14:58:30] <requerdanos> That's pretty late over in CET by that time of day, 11pm if my math works
[14:59:27] <audioguy> No matter how you cut it someom is going to be on the edge. I must be on Chinese time or something.
[15:01:45] <audioguy> Its pretty early for me and pretty late for Janrinok
[15:02:45] <audioguy> WE are the extremes. Maybe you are in the came time zone as Jan?
[15:03:29] <requerdanos> Here in eastern time, i predict that no matter what compromise is reached it will be convenient for me
[15:03:58] <audioguy> Yes. If only I were on the east coast :-)
[15:04:34] <audioguy> I just don't want to schedule a frequent meeting right in the middle of my sleep cycle.
[15:06:08] <audioguy> If jan is earliest, nomral west coast is about 8 hours later, ME is eight hours later than that. 24 hour day, just about 3 8 hour difference.
[15:06:37] <audioguy> Someone, or two people, will always be on the edges.
[15:07:25] <audioguy> Its worst case possible :-)
[15:08:41] <audioguy> Maybe we should just treat this channel like email, post a proposal, other answer in 24 hour cycle as they can.
[15:08:46] <janrinok> Last night's board meeting was doable. Earlier than that is better, but not much later if it can be avoided.
[15:11:52] <audioguy> I had to force my schedule up for the 1:30pm here to be coherent. I can try to just keep it that way for a while.
[15:13:07] <janrinok> Pick what works for everyone else. I have very few obligations, and I am certainly not running a business or trying to keep customers happy. Make it easy on yourselves
[15:13:08] <audioguy> At the other end it puts the east coast WAY early.
[15:13:40] <janrinok> I can stay in bed anytime I want.
[15:14:53] <audioguy> If I went for say 3 am here is would be minight east coast.
[15:24:25] <audioguy> if we picked 06:00 utc it would be 13:00 1 am here, 4 am east coast.
[15:25:14] <audioguy> I still keep comin up with around 1-2 pm here - close to the staff meeting time. As best
[15:27:30] <audioguy> But now I am well past my bedtime..
[15:27:38] <audioguy> signing off
[15:27:43] <requerdanos> peace.
[15:27:56] <audioguy> no, 'sleep!' :-)
[15:48:37] -!- cmn32480 [cmn32480!~cmn32480@Soylent/Staff/Editor/cmn32480] has joined #governance
[16:15:41] -!- Ingar [Ingar!~ingar@2001:bc8:rjmp:zgsn::m] has joined #governance
[16:33:29] -!- Runaway1956 [Runaway1956!~Yet@199.36.qqw.nm] has joined #governance
[16:55:17] <MrPressGang-kolie> I don't think that was his objection. The proposal could've filled board positions with new positions and he knew that.
[16:55:51] <MrPressGang-kolie> But regardless - he doesn't want to be around anymore then anyone wants him so just need to replace PBC with whatevers next at this point.
[16:56:39] <MrPressGang-kolie> And NCommander isn't the treasurer - I believe that falls to matt.
[16:57:20] <MrPressGang-kolie> BTW I asked for access for you guys before you requested it in here.
[16:57:28] <MrPressGang-kolie> It was right after the meeting actually.
[16:58:00] <MrPressGang-kolie> https://pasteboard.co
[17:00:39] <MrPressGang-kolie> I'm Available 1AM-1PM UTC basically. I can push a bit past 1PM if necessary.
[17:05:29] <janrinok> I am not sure who you are replying to - but I know that NCommander is not the treasurer.
[17:06:14] <MrPressGang-kolie> Just the backscroll.
[17:06:20] <MrPressGang-kolie> But all good - focused on the future.
[17:07:50] <janrinok> when you said you had given the access back, does that include my access to the site? Or haven't you read that far back yet?
[17:12:22] <MrPressGang-kolie> On a phone call with my day job give me 15.
[17:13:33] <cmn32480> MrPressGang-kolie - I accept, by the way. I'm in to see if we can pull some peanuts out of this turd
[17:17:12] <MrPressGang-kolie> Yea I got you and jan - thanks jan for being there.
[17:25:15] <MrPressGang-kolie> Chromas is a ? mark still. Hubie, takyon, and bytram I haven't heard from.
[17:30:31] <MrPressGang-kolie> I emailed hub and tak, bytram I know we can catch here.
[18:19:37] -!- Bytram [Bytram!~Bytram@Soylent/Staff/Developer/martyb] has joined #governance
[19:43:51] <Bytram> kolie: Please add whatever is necessary to my privs so I can survive a reboot, etc. in this channel.
[20:35:37] <kolie> Bytram, hi
[20:37:52] <Bytram> hi!
[20:38:07] <Bytram> kolie: hi!
[20:40:16] <Bytram> Yay! I'm still here!