#github | Logs for 2016-06-09

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[02:36:54] -!- exec has quit [Quit: dafuq]
[02:37:09] -!- exec [exec!~exec@23.24.kp.ip] has joined #github
[11:53:22] -!- cmn32480_test has quit [Quit: Web client closed]
[12:15:13] <exec> 13push to https://github.com @ 11:55:20 by crutchy-
[12:15:13] <exec> 03refs/heads/master
[12:15:14] <exec> 11 crutchy: 03whatever i changed
[12:15:14] <exec> 11 https://github.com
[12:15:15] <exec> 08├─modified [+9,-7]: https://github.com
[12:15:16] <exec> 08├─added [+23,-0]: https://github.com
[12:15:17] <exec> 08├─removed: /crutchy-/exec-irc-bot/blob/master/scripts/storybot.txt
[12:15:18] <exec> 08└─modified [+2,-0]: https://github.com
[12:15:20] <exec> 13push to https://github.com @ 12:03:59 by crutchy-
[12:15:21] <exec> 03refs/heads/master
[12:15:22] <exec> 11 crutchy: 03whatever i changed
[12:15:22] <exec> 11 https://github.com
[12:15:23] <exec> 08├─modified [+1,-1]: https://github.com
[12:15:24] <exec> 08└─modified [+1,-1]: https://github.com
[12:18:38] <cmn32480> ~exec-file-udate scripts/storybot.php
[12:18:48] <cmn32480> ~exec-file-udate scripts/storybot_submit.php
[12:19:07] <cmn32480> ~exec-file-update scripts/storybot.php
[12:19:17] <cmn32480> ~list auth
[12:20:36] <cmn32480> ~update-exec-file scripts/storybot.php
[12:20:38] <exec> attempting to download https://raw.githubusercontent.com
[12:20:38] <exec> successfully saved downloaded content to "/home/chris/Downloads/Exec/exec-irc-bot-master/scripts/storybot.php"
[12:20:54] <cmn32480> ~update-exec-file scripts/storybot_submit.php
[12:20:56] <exec> attempting to download https://raw.githubusercontent.com
[12:20:56] <exec> successfully saved downloaded content to "/home/chris/Downloads/Exec/exec-irc-bot-master/scripts/storybot_submit.php"
[12:23:03] <crutchy> you'll need to modify the path in the command in storybot.php again
[12:23:16] <crutchy> and delete storybot.txt
[12:23:45] <crutchy> actually, what is the path you use?
[12:23:50] * crutchy will change it at his end
[12:24:15] <crutchy> and also what nickserv accounts do you want to be able to run arthur on command?
[12:24:55] <cmn32480> ~/Downloads/Exec/storybot
[12:25:35] <cmn32480> the ones yyou have listed are good
[12:25:46] <cmn32480> just use bytram instead of martyb
[12:27:17] <crutchy> will need to be martyb cos that's Bytram's nickserv account
[12:27:27] <crutchy> Bytram is just his nick
[12:27:34] <crutchy> from /whois
[12:31:36] <cmn32480> ahhhh
[12:45:14] <exec> 13push to https://github.com @ 12:32:43 by crutchy-
[12:45:14] <exec> 03refs/heads/master
[12:45:15] <exec> 11 crutchy: 03whatever i changed
[12:45:16] <exec> 11 https://github.com
[12:45:16] <exec> 08└─modified [+2,-2]: https://github.com
[12:47:46] <crutchy> ~rehash
[12:47:55] <exec> successfully reloaded exec file (162 aliases)
[12:48:24] <cmn32480> awww your looks just like mine now!
[12:56:34] <crutchy> hopefully in an hour or so we should start getting message pairs in #exec
[12:56:43] <crutchy> one for arthur and one for wiki update
[19:16:24] <cmn32480> !woot!
[19:16:36] <cmn32480> you da bomb crutchy
[23:03:19] -!- aqu4 [aqu4!~aqu4bot@universe2.us/ircbot/aqu4] has joined #github
[23:05:30] -!- aqu4 has quit [Client Quit]
[23:06:28] -!- aqu4 [aqu4!~aqu4bot@universe2.us/ircbot/aqu4] has joined #github
[23:10:51] -!- Subsentient [Subsentient!~WhiteRat@Soylent/Staff/Editor/Subsentient] has joined #github