#github | Logs for 2016-01-20
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[02:34:18] -!- Subsentient has quit [Ping timeout: 268 seconds]
[02:34:18] -!- aqu4 has quit [Ping timeout: 268 seconds]
[02:56:54] <exec> 13push to https://github.com @ 02:38:53 by TheMightyBuzzard
[02:56:54] <exec> 03refs/heads/adminmsgs
[02:56:54] <exec> 11 TheMightyBuzzard: 03Delivery working, redirection not.
[02:56:54] <exec> 11 https://github.com
[02:56:55] <exec> 08└─modified [+4,-5]: https://github.com
[04:03:42] Bytram|away is now known as Bytram
[04:30:08] Bytram is now known as Bytram|away
[10:17:13] <crutchy> ~deop
[10:17:14] -!- mode/#github [-o crutchy] by exec
[10:26:35] <exec> 13push to https://github.com @ 10:08:37 by crutchy-
[10:26:35] <exec> 03refs/heads/master
[10:26:36] <exec> 11 crutchy: 03whatever i changed
[10:26:36] <exec> 11 https://github.com
[10:26:36] <exec> 08├─modified [+2,-0]: https://github.com
[10:26:37] <exec> 08├─modified [+3,-3]: https://github.com
[10:26:38] <exec> 08└─modified [+1,-1]: https://github.com
[10:56:35] <exec> 13push to https://github.com @ 10:30:51 by crutchy-
[10:56:36] <exec> 03refs/heads/master
[10:56:37] <exec> 11 crutchy: 03whatever i changed
[10:56:38] <exec> 11 https://github.com
[10:56:39] <exec> 08└─modified [+0,-1]: https://github.com
[11:56:55] <exec> 13push to https://github.com @ 11:31:26 by TheMightyBuzzard
[11:56:55] <exec> 03refs/heads/adminmsgs
[11:56:55] <exec> 11 TheMightyBuzzard: 03Testing a fix for faulty redirecting
[11:56:55] <exec> 11 https://github.com
[11:56:55] <exec> 08└─modified [+2,-1]: https://github.com
[11:56:56] <exec> 13push to https://github.com @ 11:47:35 by TheMightyBuzzard
[11:56:57] <exec> 03refs/heads/adminmsgs
[11:56:58] <exec> 11 TheMightyBuzzard: 03Think this should fix redirecting
[11:56:59] <exec> 11 https://github.com
[11:57:00] <exec> 08└─modified [+17,-9]: https://github.com
[11:57:00] <exec> 13push to https://github.com @ 11:55:29 by TheMightyBuzzard
[11:57:01] <exec> 03refs/heads/adminmsgs
[11:57:02] <exec> 11 TheMightyBuzzard: 03Added a seclev test in the source not just the template
[11:57:03] <exec> 11 https://github.com
[11:57:04] <exec> 08└─modified [+7,-5]: https://github.com
[12:26:52] <exec> 13pull request by TheMightyBuzzard @ 11:59:16 - https://github.com
[12:26:52] <exec> 08└─This one allows anyone seclev >= 100 to message users from their user page. ie https://dev.soylentnews.org Mighty Buzzard. There is as yet no means to reply directly so it's of limited usefulness except to tell them to get in touch with you via email but there is that at least.
[12:56:56] <exec> 13push to https://github.com @ 12:42:13 by TheMightyBuzzard
[12:56:56] <exec> 03refs/heads/adminmsgs
[12:56:56] <exec> 11 TheMightyBuzzard: 03Quick fix test for message utf8-ness
[12:56:56] <exec> 11 https://github.com
[12:56:56] <exec> 08└─modified [+3,-0]: https://github.com
[13:26:55] <exec> 13push to https://github.com @ 13:24:36 by TheMightyBuzzard
[13:26:56] <exec> 03refs/heads/adminmsgs
[13:26:56] <exec> 11 TheMightyBuzzard: 03Working unicode in messages. Tested for both email and web.
[13:26:56] <exec> 11 https://github.com
[13:26:56] <exec> 08├─modified [+7,-10]: https://github.com
[13:26:57] <exec> 08└─modified [+3,-0]: https://github.com
[13:56:36] <exec> 13push to https://github.com @ 13:39:58 by crutchy-
[13:56:36] <exec> 03refs/heads/master
[13:56:36] <exec> 11 crutchy: 03whatever i changed
[13:56:36] <exec> 11 https://github.com
[13:56:36] <exec> 08├─modified [+25,-0]: https://github.com
[13:56:37] <exec> 08└─added [+38,-0]: https://github.com
[22:58:23] -!- exec has quit [Ping timeout: 268 seconds]