#github | Logs for 2015-12-10
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[01:42:34] cmn32480|away is now known as cmn32480
[04:01:22] cmn32480 is now known as cmn32480|away
[10:33:23] -!- crutchy [crutchy!~crutchy@709-27-2-01.cust.aussiebb.net] has joined #github
[10:33:23] -!- mode/#github [+o crutchy] by ChanServ
[10:35:01] Bytram|away is now known as Bytram
[11:23:29] Bytram is now known as Bytram|away
[11:38:39] <crutchy> test for your bot coming up cmn32480|away :p
[11:43:46] <exec> 13push to https://github.com @ 11:38:04 by crutchy-
[11:43:46] <exec> 03refs/heads/master
[11:43:46] <exec> 11 crutchy: 03whatever i changed
[11:43:47] <exec> 11 https://github.com
[11:43:48] <exec> 08├─modified [+1,-1]: https://github.com
[11:43:49] <exec> 08├─modified [+14,-8]: https://github.com
[11:43:49] <exec> 08├─modified [+43,-19]: https://github.com
[11:43:50] <exec> 08├─modified [+4,-4]: https://github.com
[11:43:51] <exec> 08├─modified [+2,-2]: https://github.com
[11:43:52] <exec> 08└─(24 files skipped)
[11:44:20] <crutchy> woohoo it works :D
[11:44:32] <crutchy> cmn32480++
[11:56:57] <crutchy> cmn32480, most of those changes are to enable on-the-fly nick changes
[11:57:03] <crutchy> so nothing critical
[12:13:46] <exec> 13push to https://github.com @ 11:59:41 by crutchy-
[12:13:46] <exec> 03refs/heads/master
[12:13:46] <exec> 11 crutchy: 03whatever i changed
[12:13:46] <exec> 11 https://github.com
[12:13:46] <exec> 08└─modified [+0,-1]: https://github.com
[13:00:33] <cmn32480|away> hmmmm..... it occurs to me that if I update the files, particularly the irc.php, any changes that I have made will be overwritten. this is only particular to the usernames, etc. though, I suppose.
[13:00:45] cmn32480|away is now known as cmn32480
[13:00:53] <cmn32480> time to install git, I suppose
[15:26:23] Bytram|away is now known as Bytram
[17:44:10] <exec> 13push to https://github.com @ 17:35:24 by TheMightyBuzzard
[17:44:10] <exec> 03refs/heads/redis
[17:44:10] <exec> 11 TheMightyBuzzard: 03Pausing here as it seems to give no benefit to cache data in memory anymore
[17:44:10] <exec> 11 https://github.com
[17:44:10] <exec> 08├─added [+659,-0]: https://github.com
[17:44:11] <exec> 08└─added [+650,-0]: https://github.com
[17:44:12] <exec> 13push to https://github.com @ 17:37:26 by TheMightyBuzzard
[17:44:12] <exec> 03refs/heads/redis
[17:44:13] <exec> 11 TheMightyBuzzard: 03Forgot to commit these changes
[17:44:14] <exec> 11 https://github.com
[17:44:15] <exec> 08├─modified [+11,-6]: https://github.com
[17:44:16] <exec> 08├─modified [+63,-6]: https://github.com
[17:44:17] <exec> 08└─modified [+13,-8]: https://github.com
[20:10:13] Bytram is now known as Bytram|away
[21:08:59] <crutchy> cmn32480, irc.php doesn't change very often. maybe just copy the block of code with the settings and paste over on the odd occasion the file changes (or stick them in an ini file similarly to what i do for a freenode connection)
[21:09:24] <cmn32480> you are up early!
[21:09:36] <cmn32480> ~time crutchy
[21:09:37] <exec> Friday, 11 December 2015 @ 8:09 am GMT+11 - Traralgon VIC
[21:09:44] <cmn32480> well.. maybe not
[21:09:54] <crutchy> gunna have a coffee before i goto work
[21:10:04] <crutchy> relax for a bit before the madness
[21:10:07] <cmn32480> for some reason I was trhinking 12 hour time difference
[21:10:13] <crutchy> ah
[21:10:23] <crutchy> hmm. that would make it 10am here :p
[21:10:35] <cmn32480> no
[21:10:38] <cmn32480> it woudl be 4am there
[21:10:42] <cmn32480> ~time
[21:10:43] <exec> Thursday, 10 December 2015 @ 4:10 pm EST - Baltimore, MD, USA
[21:11:20] <cmn32480> I think I shall go the .ini file route
[21:11:28] <cmn32480> shoudl make it easier
[21:12:04] <crutchy> oh
[21:12:06] <crutchy> heh
[21:12:14] <crutchy> stupid timezoney shit
[21:12:34] <crutchy> <<--- stupid timezoney got nfi guy
[21:12:38] <cmn32480> not so bad when you know what the delta is
[21:12:56] <cmn32480> and haveing someone tell you where the other guy is helps too
[21:13:37] <crutchy> the ini file things works pretty well. you can also chuck the who command into a little bash script to make it start with a single word
[21:13:43] <crutchy> (as per usual)
[21:13:52] <crutchy> bash++
[21:14:10] <cmn32480> yeah
[21:14:21] <crutchy> i usually just scroll up a couple of entries from my bash history
[21:14:29] <cmn32480> that is one thing that I thought of.
[21:14:48] <cmn32480> create the script to run him I mean
[21:15:37] <crutchy> i use little bash scripts for add/commit/push stuff, cos i'm super lazy
[21:15:58] <cmn32480> I run Windows, cos I'm super lazy
[21:16:03] <cmn32480> and it pays the bills
[21:16:07] <crutchy> with a git alias 'git up' does the whole lot :D
[21:16:22] <crutchy> ah yeah i gotta play on windows at work too
[21:16:34] <crutchy> as a luser though
[21:17:07] <crutchy> thankfully i dont gotta admin any windows shat
[21:18:28] <cmn32480> my whole network
[21:18:33] <cmn32480> and it pays the bills
[21:18:53] <crutchy> ergh. we only use windows for workstations
[21:19:14] <cmn32480> for a heartbeat, I read that as Windows for Workgroups...
[21:19:19] <crutchy> lol
[21:19:30] <cmn32480> all our ERP stuff is Windows based.
[21:19:48] <crutchy> ooh been a while since i dabbled in that kinda stuff
[21:19:53] <crutchy> well, not full ERP
[21:20:12] <crutchy> company i used to work for was looking at SAP *shudders*
[21:20:58] <crutchy> had a need for mainly CRM, but they wanted to blow it waaaaaaay outta proportion
[21:21:49] <cmn32480> SAP? yick
[21:22:04] <crutchy> heard they bailed on it cos SAP couldn't come up with something that fit the business (civil aviation so not the easiest industry to work for)
[21:22:48] <crutchy> plus they would have had CASA embedding themselves up their ass
[21:22:51] <crutchy> nobody wants that
[21:23:09] <crutchy> CASA = aussie FAA
[21:23:29] <cmn32480> ahhhh
[21:23:40] <cmn32480> but everybody LOVES govenrment involvement
[21:24:56] <crutchy> company that manufactures entire aircraft from scratch sans engines is high risk for CASA to take the can for, so they tend to embed themselves up the asses of anyone involved
[21:25:19] <crutchy> sorta don't blame them, but still fkin pita
[21:26:26] <cmn32480> definetly
[21:36:11] -!- crutchy has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds]
[21:47:25] Bytram|away is now known as Bytram
[21:49:15] cmn32480 is now known as cmn32480|away