#github | Logs for 2015-10-05

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[23:32:48] -!- aqu4 [aqu4!~aqu4bot@universe2.us/ircbot/aqu4] has joined #github
[23:31:56] -!- Subsentient [Subsentient!~WhiteRat@Soylent/Staff/Editor/Subsentient] has joined #github
[23:31:16] -!- Subsentient has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[23:31:16] -!- aqu4 has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[14:33:48] -!- aqu4 [aqu4!~aqu4bot@universe2.us/ircbot/aqu4] has joined #github
[09:13:27] <exec> 08└─modified [+3,-3]: https://github.com
[09:13:26] <exec> 11 https://github.com
[09:13:26] <exec> 11 crutchy: 03whatever i changed
[09:13:25] <exec> 03refs/heads/master
[09:13:24] <exec> 13push to https://github.com @ 08:53:41 by crutchy-
[09:13:23] <exec> 08└─modified [+17,-16]: https://github.com
[09:13:22] <exec> 11 https://github.com
[09:13:21] <exec> 11 crutchy: 03whatever i changed
[09:13:20] <exec> 03refs/heads/master
[09:13:19] <exec> 13push to https://github.com @ 08:51:04 by crutchy-
[09:13:19] <exec> 08└─modified [+1,-1]: https://github.com
[09:13:19] <exec> 11 https://github.com
[09:13:18] <exec> 11 crutchy: 03whatever i changed
[09:13:18] <exec> 03refs/heads/master
[09:13:17] <exec> 13push to https://github.com @ 08:46:46 by crutchy-
[08:43:19] <exec> 08└─removed: /crutchy-/exec-irc-bot/blob/master/scripts/python/copy%20of%20yukiku.py
[08:43:18] <exec> 08├─modified [+21,-2]: https://github.com
[08:43:18] <exec> 11 https://github.com
[08:43:17] <exec> 11 crutchy: 03whatever i changed
[08:43:17] <exec> 03refs/heads/master
[08:43:16] <exec> 13push to https://github.com @ 08:43:15 by crutchy-