#github | Logs for 2015-06-07
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[17:39:28] -!- Subsentient [Subsentient!~WhiteRat@Soylent/Staff/Editor/Subsentient] has joined #github
[17:39:33] <Subsentient> $tail
[17:39:33] <aqu4> You must provide a channel or user name.
[17:39:37] <Subsentient> $tail #github
[17:39:38] <aqu4> [2015-06-05 12:21:10 UTC] <crutchy!crutchy@709-27-2-01.cust.aussiebb.net has quit: Quit: Leaving>
[17:39:39] <aqu4> [2015-06-05 12:21:13 UTC] <exec!exec@utioner/T-800/BeVeryAfraid has quit: Remote host closed the connection>
[17:39:40] <aqu4> [2015-06-06 00:14:51 UTC] <crutchy!crutchy@709-27-2-01.cust.aussiebb.net joined #github>
[17:39:41] <aqu4> [2015-06-06 00:14:51 UTC] <ChanServ sets mode +o crutchy on #github>
[17:39:42] <aqu4> [2015-06-06 00:15:10 UTC] <exec!exec@utioner/T-800/BeVeryAfraid joined #github>
[17:39:42] <aqu4> [2015-06-06 00:15:10 UTC] <ChanServ sets mode +o exec on #github>
[17:39:43] <aqu4> [2015-06-06 00:15:11 UTC] <exec sets mode -o crutchy on #github>
[17:39:44] <aqu4> [2015-06-07 17:39:47 UTC] <Subsentient!WhiteRat@Soylent/Staff/Editor/Subsentient joined #github>
[17:39:45] <aqu4> [2015-06-07 17:39:52 UTC] (#github) <Subsentient>: $tail
[17:39:46] <aqu4> [2015-06-07 17:39:56 UTC] (#github) <Subsentient>: $tail #github
[17:39:46] <aqu4> End of tail.
[21:47:28] <Subsentient> $tell crutchy why don't we have exec parroting my glory anymore?
[21:47:28] <aqu4> I'll tell them in a PM next time I see 'em.
[23:38:57] <crutchy> ~github-list
[23:38:57] <exec> 03arachnist => dsd, repost
[23:38:58] <exec> 03chromatos => pas
[23:38:58] <exec> 03cosurgi => trunk
[23:38:58] <exec> 03crutchy- => exec-irc-bot, ircd
[23:38:58] <exec> 03devuan => devuan-baseconf, devuan-keyring, website-debianfork
[23:38:59] <exec> 03dimkr => LoginKit
[23:38:59] <exec> 03idies => pyJHTDB
[23:39:00] <exec> 03Lagg => c3-code, dotfiles, steam-swissapiknife, steam-tracker, steamodd, tinyfeeds, userscripts, weechat-scripts
[23:39:01] <exec> 03lfowles => drunken-bugfixes, jsonbot, shirokuma, tripping-robot
[23:39:02] <exec> 03mrcoolbp => slashcode
[23:39:03] <exec> 03NCommander => slashcode
[23:39:03] <exec> 03paulej72 => slashcode
[23:39:04] <exec> 03pipedot => pipecode
[23:39:05] <exec> 03SoylentNews => rehash, slashcode, slashcode_vm
[23:39:06] <exec> 03Subsentient => aqu4bot, bricktick, epoch, nexus, substrings, wzblue
[23:39:07] <exec> 03TheMightyBuzzard => api-testing, slashcode