#folding-rank | Logs for 2022-10-18
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[00:15:27] -!- Runaway1956 [Runaway1956!~some@the.abyss.stares.back] has joined #folding-rank
[00:15:37] <Runaway1956> 00:01:46:WU00:FS00:Server responded WORK_QUIT (404)
[00:15:38] <Runaway1956> 00:01:46:WARNING:WU00:FS00:Server did not like results, dumping
[00:15:38] <Runaway1956> 00:01:46:WU00:FS00:Cleaning up
[00:16:08] <Runaway1956> That, and two "Bad work unit" today, and I have hours with no points.
[02:25:49] <systemd> Rank: 10388 | WUs: 10184,670 | Score: 103,866,234,822 (10Tue Oct 18 02:21:12 GMT 2022)
[04:15:52] <chromas> fpos
[04:16:08] <chromas> And you don't get those kwh back either
[05:25:49] <systemd> Rank: 10388 | WUs: 10184,671 | Score: 103,866,299,502 (10Tue Oct 18 05:21:31 GMT 2022)
[08:25:49] <systemd> Rank: 10388 | WUs: 10184,673 | Score: 103,866,689,899 (10Tue Oct 18 08:21:41 GMT 2022)
[11:25:50] <systemd> Rank: 10388 | WUs: 10184,677 | Score: 103,867,164,802 (10Tue Oct 18 11:22:09 GMT 2022)
[12:56:05] <Runaway1956> weird - after whining, the 21:00 update gives me 800,000 points - seems they accepted work units after all.
[14:25:49] <systemd> Rank: 10388 | WUs: 10184,681 | Score: 103,867,844,077 (10Tue Oct 18 14:22:32 GMT 2022)
[17:25:49] <systemd> Rank: 10388 | WUs: 10184,684 | Score: 103,867,888,023 (10Tue Oct 18 17:23:00 GMT 2022)
[20:25:49] <systemd> Rank: 10388 | WUs: 10184,687 | Score: 103,868,291,402 (10Tue Oct 18 20:23:28 GMT 2022)
[22:58:57] -!- Runaway1956__ [Runaway1956__!~some@172.83.jx.tjk] has joined #folding-rank
[23:02:19] -!- Runaway1956 has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds]
[23:25:49] <systemd> Rank: 10388 | WUs: 10184,690 | Score: 103,868,695,092 (10Tue Oct 18 23:23:54 GMT 2022)