#editorial | Logs for 2025-01-15

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[14:46:01] <Bytram> Hmm, is there a way to send a message to *all* users on #editorial?
[14:47:32] <janrinok> yes editorial@soylentnews.org should work. If it doesn't work let me know. I can set the mail up for you.
[14:48:58] <janrinok> Bytram, ^
[14:52:23] <Bytram> Hmm, could you please give me an example?
[14:52:26] <janrinok> CORRECTION: editors@soylentnews.org
[14:55:32] <Bytram> janrinok: Could you please give me an example sending the message here?
[14:56:49] <janrinok> ? In the TO field put editors@soylentnews.org. Are you using Thunderbird?
[14:57:12] <janrinok> let me try from here in case something has changed.
[14:59:21] <janrinok> Did you get an email?
[15:00:15] <janrinok> Bytram, PING Did you get my email?
[15:01:56] <Bytram> janrinok: Sorry; had to pee!
[15:05:42] <janrinok> DID YOU GET MY EMAIL?
[15:06:07] <janrinok> I'm in the middle of a job - I need to get on with it...
[15:06:31] <Bytram> I was looking for a way to "broadcast" a message to: janrinok Loggie chromas etc
[15:06:48] <janrinok> I KNOW - DID YOU GET MY EMAIL!!!
[15:07:19] <janrinok> It works for me, I want to know did you get my email
[15:08:01] <Bytram> I do not think so; pls try again?
[15:08:20] <janrinok> It is probably a permissions thing. I will have to come back to it later.
[15:08:51] <janrinok> I've got people here waiting for me so that we can continue with what we were doing...
[15:09:58] <Bytram> Sorry to interrupt; laters!
[15:16:00] <janrinok> Check your email box again
[15:18:00] <Bytram> janrinok: this is not what I was looking for. :( I will discuss it in a few ( ~4 ) hours.
[15:18:47] <janrinok> The email address that I used to send the email to you is the one to use to send it to every editor. That is the correct address.
[15:20:48] <janrinok> Send your email to editors@soylentnews.org That is all that you have to do.
[15:21:06] <janrinok> It will go to ALL editors
[15:25:57] <Bytram> I do NOT want an email. I want to do something like I am doing RIGHT NOW, have it go out to everyone that is in this channel as it I typed: halibut Bytram chromas Fnord666 janrinok cosurgi Deucalion halibut kolie Loggie SSLbits systemd Xyem
[15:26:56] <janrinok> do you mean on IRC?
[15:26:58] <Bytram> You would all receive what I typed IMmEdiaTELY
[15:27:15] <Bytram> YES!
[15:28:29] <janrinok> No. I've not heard of that. Either type it here where the whole world can see it or you have to PM each person individually. But chromas is the guy to ask.
[15:28:33] <janrinok> chromas, ^
[15:29:58] <janrinok> everybody can read what you are typing now. But that doesn't mean that they are online or even looking at IRC. You can PM them but they will not see it until they log in again.
[15:34:46] <Bytram> I knew we'd get it straightened out eventually! Ohh... I mean so that it comes out as if I PINGed everyone; just as it I started my message with:
[15:35:15] <Bytram> halibut Bytram chromas Fnord666 janrinok cosurgi Deucalion halibut kolie Loggie SSLbits systemd Xyem Here is the message.
[15:44:30] <Bytram> halibut: Bytram: chromas: Fnord666: janrinok: cosurgi: Deucalion: halibut: kolie: Loggie: SSLbits: systemd: Xyem: <<< Even better!
[15:45:23] <Bytram> Time to get going about my day; laters!
[16:44:52] <chromas> fart
[16:45:02] <chromas> there, I just sent a message to everyone in #editorial
[19:12:19] <kolie> We could have an email to irc.
[19:12:30] <kolie> or a !ping command or something.
[19:12:53] <kolie> discord does it. not that anyone uses discord.
[19:15:50] <janrinok> It was really about find how to make a group address on IRC. I can't think of a use case for the moment but if you think it might be useful go for it. Watch out for abuse though, IRC could get swamped by spam.
[19:18:21] <chromas> =eds
[19:18:21] <systemd> ^ Editor ping for Bytram, chromas, FatPhil, Fnord666, fyngyrz, janrinok, mrpg, requerdanos, takyon
[19:19:08] <janrinok> thx chromas
[19:19:30] <janrinok> Bytram, ^^
[19:25:46] <Bytram> =eds
[19:25:46] <systemd> ^ Editor ping for Bytram, chromas, FatPhil, Fnord666, fyngyrz, janrinok, mrpg, requerdanos, takyon
[19:28:12] <Bytram> Woo Hoo! It worked! And, it only lists names that are explicitly mentioned?! Nice!!!
[19:29:02] <Bytram> chromas: Thank you!
[19:30:35] <chromas> it lists names in an outdated editors list
[19:30:50] <chromas> best thing would probably be to make it ping anyone with voice in the channel
[19:38:30] <Bytram> chromas: I'm a little bit unsure of what you mean with "voice"; so at the moment that would be(?): Hephaestus Bytram chromas Fnord666 janrinok nok
[19:38:41] <chromas> right
[19:38:49] <Bytram> do I have that right?
[19:39:45] <chromas> everyone here whose an editor should be voiced, so it should cover all the eds present
[19:40:00] <chromas> if they're not voiced then I get docked a days wage :)
[19:44:12] <Bytram> Okaaay... does it only work in #editors, or could it he used in any channel, so (for example) in #dev it would only ping these three: hera Bytram Xyem
[19:44:58] <chromas> it works in any channel, but it's for eds, so it only pings eds
[19:46:08] <Bytram> gnawed gnawed :)
[19:46:52] <Bytram> Thanks!