#editorial | Logs for 2023-07-11
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[01:18:01] -!- AzumaHazuki [AzumaHazuki!~hazuki@the.end.of.time] has joined #editorial
[07:13:39] <halibut> I submitted a story about legislative hacking ( https://soylentnews.org ). It is not quite on-topic for SN; I will not be offended if it is dropped. However, if it is run, I just stumbled across a link to a much older, and much more egregious, example that might be worth including in the story: https://en.wikipedia.org
[07:13:40] <systemd> ^ 03Hacking legislation using line-item vetos: SoylentNews Submission
[07:13:41] <systemd> ^ 03Frankenstein veto - Wikipedia
[07:18:13] -!- AzumaHazuki has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]
[08:36:09] -!- halibut has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[08:36:16] -!- halibut [halibut!~halibut@CanHazVHOST/halibut] has joined #editorial
[08:37:16] -!- norayr [norayr!~norayr@37.252.sq.ypj] has parted #editorial
[08:53:08] -!- norayr [norayr!~norayr@37.252.sq.ypj] has joined #editorial
[09:58:37] -!- norayr [norayr!~norayr@37.252.sq.ypj] has parted #editorial
[10:00:11] -!- norayr [norayr!~norayr@37.252.sq.ypj] has joined #editorial
[10:15:06] -!- norayr [norayr!~norayr@37.252.sq.ypj] has parted #editorial
[12:57:19] -!- norayr [norayr!~norayr@37.252.sq.ypj] has joined #editorial
[14:26:12] -!- norayr [norayr!~norayr@37.252.sq.ypj] has parted #editorial
[15:45:15] -!- halibut has quit [Quit: Timeout]
[15:49:38] -!- halibut [halibut!~halibut@CanHazVHOST/halibut] has joined #editorial
[17:35:33] <janrinok> =cite https://phys.org
[17:35:33] <systemd> <p><b>Journal Reference</b>:<br/><b>Researchers discover safe, easy, and affordable way to store and retrieve hydrogen</b>, <cite></cite> (DOI: <a href="https://doi.org/https://phys.org/news/2023-07-safe-easy-hydrogen.html">https://phys.org/news/2023-07-safe-easy-hydrogen.html</a>)</p>
[23:05:14] -!- halibut has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[23:05:22] -!- halibut [halibut!~halibut@CanHazVHOST/halibut] has joined #editorial
[23:23:28] -!- norayr [norayr!~norayr@37.252.sq.ypj] has joined #editorial
[23:31:58] -!- norayr [norayr!~norayr@37.252.sq.ypj] has parted #editorial