#editorial | Logs for 2023-05-29
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[07:06:09] -!- mrpg [mrpg!~Thunderbi@Soylent/Staff/Editor/mrpg] has joined #editorial
[07:06:09] -!- mode/#editorial [+v mrpg] by Hephaestus
[07:06:12] <mrpg> .
[07:11:07] -!- mrpg has quit [Quit: chao pescao]
[07:11:57] -!- mrpg [mrpg!~Thunderbi@Soylent/Staff/Editor/mrpg] has joined #editorial
[07:11:57] -!- mode/#editorial [+v mrpg] by Hephaestus
[07:12:38] <janrinok> mrpg, Hi, how are things going with you?
[07:13:05] <janrinok> I missed you a few weeks back but I think Marty managed to say hello to you.
[07:14:04] <mrpg> hmmm, like a see-saw, fortunately i live in an eternal present so the past doesnt torture me. Only the future has that pleasure.
[07:14:24] <mrpg> No, I dont think we have talked in a long time.
[07:14:39] <janrinok> lol - that was a bit deep for fairly early in my morning!
[07:15:15] <mrpg> hehe its 3 am here
[07:15:17] <janrinok> Always good to see your name pop up - even if I miss you online I still see that you are alive and kicking by back reading on here
[07:16:17] <mrpg> thanks, I often check the site to see what you are up to, and I just read it yesterday.
[07:17:09] <mrpg> So when I read it I said to myself well well well spank my butt and call me nora.
[07:17:14] <janrinok> Oh, yes, things are a bit hectic here as you can probably imagine
[07:17:34] <janrinok> I don't mind calling you nora but I must politely decline your other offer
[07:17:56] <mrpg> hehe parfait
[07:18:06] <janrinok> merciu
[07:18:18] <janrinok> merci - bloody fingers not working yet
[07:18:18] <mrpg> Je pratique francais sur bussuu.com j-aime bien
[07:18:35] <mrpg> J-ai deja reussi le b2
[07:18:42] <janrinok> tres bien
[07:18:54] <janrinok> felicitations!
[07:19:07] <mrpg> Mais si je regarde un film je comprend presque rien. Dommage.
[07:19:28] <mrpg> Les infos un peu plus.
[07:19:36] <janrinok> lol - c'est the meme situation pour tous
[07:20:02] <mrpg> Et je suis un podcast, cest trosi filles parisiennes
[07:20:10] <mrpg> c est trois
[07:20:31] <janrinok> j'ai compris, les typos sont pas un problem
[07:20:41] <mrpg> Ca va
[07:21:03] <janrinok> voila, ca va
[07:21:24] <janrinok> that got my brain ticking a little
[07:22:02] <mrpg> I havent installed other languages in my keyboard layout yet
[07:22:14] <janrinok> I am just doing my morning ritual of checking the emails, overnight posts and comments, and moderations
[07:22:40] <mrpg> it is 3 21 am here i should be sleeping.
[07:22:47] <mrpg> #weather
[07:22:54] <mrpg> =weather
[07:23:00] <janrinok> No, I have a Fr keyboard as well but as I use this computer mainly for Eng and programming I prefer what I am used to
[07:23:29] <mrpg> I was tslking to bard, googles AI, and it made mistakes about shakespeare. what a shame.
[07:23:55] <janrinok> the bots might not be working - there is quite a bit of collateral damage caused by the main story that you were just mentioning.
[07:24:17] <mrpg> it told me romeo and juliet got married because it was an arranged marriage by their parents.
[07:24:52] <janrinok> I don't suppose Shakespeare minds too much, but people tend to believe what AI tells them. Critical thinking is dying
[07:26:23] <mrpg> and that as she was young she was easily manipulated by him. and that The Bard had no kids, then said he had 3, then that he died in 1602, then in 1616, poor bard was all over the place.
[07:26:51] <janrinok> If you want to go and have your sleep I will not be offended. But I am pleased to have touched base with you. Otherwise, we can carry on intermittently while I do a bit of site work at the same time.
[07:27:23] <chromas> Adapting Shakespeare for Modern Audiences™
[07:27:42] <janrinok> lol - there might be money to be made there
[07:28:08] <mrpg> Ill brush my teeth and go to sleep, Ill stay a few minutes. it is cold here, 13C not that cold but it is beginning to get me
[07:30:00] -!- audioguy [audioguy!~audioguy@Soylent/Staff/Developer/audioguy] has joined #editorial
[07:31:41] <janrinok> yeah, when I am tired I feel the cold more too. It is usually a hint that I shouldn't still be doing whatever it is I am doing....
[07:32:00] <mrpg> I did English C1 in busuu. But it is a 15 minutes test, while in real life it must be 3 hours.
[07:32:44] <mrpg> I did A1 and A2 in the alliance francaise, those took maybe 2 hours each.
[07:33:14] <mrpg> Have you taken any of those tests?
[07:35:15] <janrinok> Yes. I did a French course in a language school for A1 and A2 as part of my retirement package - all paid for by the government. I am currently at B1 (top end) but I have elected to stay where I am because I feel that I haven't achieved the fluency that I should have done to progress. I will give it a few more months.
[07:36:33] <Ellenor> e
[07:37:05] <Ellenor> Should someone have different computers for different languages
[07:37:30] <mrpg> You can install different kweyboard layouts
[07:38:29] <janrinok> the problem is muscle memory. The keyboard layout is quite different between the two languages. And one (En) I have been using since the 1970s.
[07:38:50] <mrpg> in the same computer I had Spanish and English for example. Then you press a combination of keys and it changes.
[07:39:33] <janrinok> different computers is unnecessary, but being able to access all the characters that each language requires is better with different keyboards IMO
[07:40:37] <mrpg> In my case I only change it to use the accent marks and thats not often.
[07:41:48] * janrinok wonders if Ellenor is a bot....
[07:42:00] <Ellenor> Am I?
[07:42:08] <mrpg> whats 2 plus 2,4
[07:42:28] <Ellenor> Is that supposed to be a decimal marker, mrpg ?
[07:42:32] <mrpg> yes
[07:42:48] <Ellenor> if so, your answer is 4 and 4/10
[07:43:37] <mrpg> too smart, she is a bot allright
[07:43:50] <janrinok> I don't care. It wasn't the most intelligent question that you posed regarding computers and languages, and then you didn't respond until challenged.
[07:44:26] <Ellenor> I have over 400 windows open in my IRC client
[07:44:51] <mrpg> talking to bard i found out that a woodkchuck is a groundhog and that they dont eat or work with wood in any way.
[07:45:03] <Ellenor> bard is a lying liar from liarton
[07:45:29] <mrpg> of course i never stopped to think, what the frag is a woodchuck?
[07:47:52] <Ellenor> huh
[07:47:54] <mrpg> janrinok: Français avec Pierre ca va?
[07:47:57] <Ellenor> wikipedia redirects woodchuck to groundhog
[07:48:09] <mrpg> right
[07:48:32] <Ellenor> > The etymology of the name woodchuck is unrelated to wood or chucking. It stems from an Algonquian (possibly Narragansett) name for the animal, wuchak.[27]
[07:49:42] <janrinok> mrpg, oui, ca va bien.
[07:52:19] <janrinok> Ellenor, why didn't you recognise that initial mathematical question as a decimal. You do know that various languages use different forms for writing numbers, don't you
[07:53:19] <janrinok> oui, je pense un bot
[07:53:38] <mrpg> eleonor rigby
[07:54:06] <janrinok> Beatles - 1960s?
[07:54:10] <mrpg> yes
[07:54:19] <janrinok> wasn't sure of the year
[07:54:41] <janrinok> I was there but my memory isn't that good with exact years for music
[07:55:42] <mrpg> I heard it circa 2007
[07:56:07] <janrinok> And that explains why Ellenor needs 400 tabs for 'her' IRC app
[07:56:24] <Ellenor> janrinok: English is the only language I speak with any measure of fluency
[07:56:37] <Ellenor> oh wow, pronouns in quotes now eh?
[07:56:41] <janrinok> yeah, that is a problem with bots
[07:56:58] <mrpg> So well formed sentence, kudos.
[07:57:06] <mrpg> well-formed
[07:57:27] <mrpg> Me failed English? thats unpossible.
[07:57:50] <mrpg> that little joke always cracks me up
[07:58:14] <janrinok> lol - if I spoke English in the local dialect that I was raised with in Manchester you wouldn't understand it. Most other Brits don't understand it either
[07:59:18] <mrpg> I flunked left and right in school but not in English, thanks dad
[07:59:38] <Ellenor> neither would I
[08:00:12] <janrinok> ee lass, that'd be reet gradely
[08:00:19] <mrpg> I saw a video of two guys talking at the parliament maybe, and one doesnt understands the other, irish maybe.
[08:00:29] <Ellenor> being a hampshire lass originally but being entirely steeped in the upper class London dialect, regional englishes warp my noggin
[08:01:12] <janrinok> that is not uncommon. But the most famous impenetrable dialect is Geordie - originating from Newcastle in the NE of England
[08:01:39] <janrinok> Ellenor, not bad
[08:02:21] <mrpg> Ellenor do you have a favorite computer?
[08:08:22] <Ellenor> no, I don't.
[08:08:41] <Ellenor> the most fun I have with computers is if they have touchscreens.
[08:10:35] <janrinok> can you explain that please? I might just be being a bit dumb but it conjures up nothing specific.
[08:12:48] <Ellenor> it's not meant to.
[08:13:00] <Ellenor> and, huh, TIL I sound like a bot when I'm sleep deprived and glutened up.
[08:14:06] <janrinok> get some sleep then, we will still be here in the future
[08:14:15] <Ellenor> lel.
[08:14:29] <janrinok> .... well, that is the current hope
[08:17:17] <mrpg> :-)
[08:20:00] <Ellenor> This conversation will be reported.
[08:20:58] <janrinok> to whom? I suggest admin@soylentnews..... then I can read what I wrote again
[08:20:59] <Ellenor> (that's to say: I will post it to a file under https://umbrellix.net for the purpose of sharing with friends to help get a second opinion.)
[08:21:00] <systemd> ^ 03Umbrellix » Page not found
[08:22:05] <janrinok> ah, are you a furry too?
[08:22:09] <mrpg> aja, a link
[08:22:24] <mrpg> an innocent looking link
[08:22:30] <Ellenor> a link which leads nowhere
[08:23:09] <janrinok> yeah, I think we have noticed that
[08:44:48] <mrpg> well gotta go, it is late, bye, i ll be back
[08:44:57] -!- mrpg has quit [Quit: chao pescao]
[09:07:19] <janrinok> mrpg take care - I look forward to next time.
[13:24:23] <Bytram> Drat! I mislaid my cell phone for a bit over a day and end up missing mrpg?! You have been a chatty bunch over that time, too! Did I miss much (IOW, should I ask for a summary or was nothing of value lost?)
[14:12:19] -!- AzumaHazuki has quit [Quit: Leaving]
[14:12:37] -!- AzumaHazuki [AzumaHazuki!~hazuki@the.end.of.time] has joined #editorial
[14:12:54] -!- Xyem has quit [Quit: ZNC - http://znc.in]
[14:18:42] -!- Xyem [Xyem!~xyem@yu801-49.members.linode.com] has joined #editorial
[14:18:44] -!- Xyem has quit [Changing host]
[14:18:44] -!- Xyem [Xyem!~xyem@Soylent/Staff/Developer/Xyem] has joined #editorial
[14:24:43] <janrinok> Bytram, most of it was what you can see. We had a bit of private chat but he is fine.
[14:25:29] <janrinok> You now have a new email address on audioguy's own server. Just in case anything happens to the site that we are not expecting.
[14:25:39] <janrinok> DM me when you want the details
[14:36:49] <janrinok> =submit https://phys.org
[14:36:54] <systemd> ✓ Sub-ccess! "03Sympatric Sloths Adapt to Their Surroundings in the Face of Environmental Fluctuations" (20p) -> https://soylentnews.org
[14:37:53] <janrinok> =submit https://phys.org
[14:37:57] <systemd> ✓* Sub-ccess! "08Significant Presence of Cesium-rich Microparticles in an Abandoned School Close to the Fukushima Nuc" (30p) -> https://soylentnews.org
[14:50:56] <Bytram> FYI: I was able to second 3 stories earlier today.
[14:51:33] <Bytram> tx for the earlier info, too
[14:51:43] <janrinok> I noticed - many thanks as Hubie is away on business
[14:52:21] <janrinok> =submit https://www.theregister.com
[14:52:23] <systemd> ✓ Sub-ccess! "03Intel to Add AI Engine to All 14th-gen Meteor Lake SoCs" (15p) -> https://soylentnews.org
[14:53:51] <janrinok> =submit https://phys.org
[14:53:56] <systemd> ✓ Sub-ccess! "03Researchers Shed Further Light Onto Zinc Homeostasis in Cells" (23p) -> https://soylentnews.org
[14:54:30] <janrinok> =submit https://www.tomshardware.com
[14:54:32] <systemd> ✓ Sub-ccess! "03Intel Demos Meteor Lake's AI Acceleration for PCs, Details VPU Unit" (16p) -> https://soylentnews.org
[14:55:26] <Bytram> janrinok: Ohhh! You do know today is Memorial Day; an official holiday in the states.
[14:56:24] <janrinok> Yes but I discovered it too late
[14:56:25] <Bytram> will talk later.
[14:58:10] <janrinok> =submit https://www.techspot.com
[14:58:13] <systemd> ✓ Sub-ccess! "03Mozilla Apologizes for Unskippable VPN Ads Shown in Firefox" (8p) -> https://soylentnews.org
[15:08:19] <janrinok> =submit https://www.androidauthority.com
[15:08:21] <systemd> ✓ Sub-ccess! "03MediaTek Says its Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 Rival Will be a Beast" (1p) -> https://soylentnews.org
[15:09:27] <janrinok> =submit https://www.sciencenews.org
[15:09:30] <systemd> ✓ Sub-ccess! "03A Hunt for Fungi Might Bring This Orchid Back From the Brink" (13p) -> https://soylentnews.org
[15:10:33] <janrinok> =submit https://www.computerworld.com
[15:10:35] <systemd> ✓ Sub-ccess! "03China Appeals to Japan to Halt Export Restrictions as Chip War Escalates" (11p) -> https://soylentnews.org
[15:14:41] <janrinok> =submit https://jweasytech.com
[15:14:43] <systemd> ✓ Sub-ccess! "03Japan Will Try to Beam Solar Power From Space by 2025 – JWEasyTech" (6p) -> https://soylentnews.org
[15:40:03] <janrinok> =submit https://phys.org
[15:40:05] <systemd> ✓* Sub-ccess! "03China Plans to Land Astronauts on Moon Before 2030, Expand Space Station, Bring on Foreign Partners" (36p) -> https://soylentnews.org
[16:40:45] -!- RunningWithWind [RunningWithWind!~RunningWi@103.sub-026-609-069.myvzw.com] has joined #editorial
[16:45:08] -!- RunningWithWind has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[17:17:42] -!- RunningWithWind [RunningWithWind!~RunningWi@103.sub-026-609-069.myvzw.com] has joined #editorial
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[19:12:05] -!- norayr [norayr!~norayr@37.252.sq.ypj] has parted #editorial
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[19:36:42] -!- norayr [norayr!~norayr@37.252.sq.ypj] has parted #editorial
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[23:41:59] -!- RunningWithWind [RunningWithWind!~RunningWi@46-82-83-20.lightspeed.okcbok.sbcglobal.net] has joined #editorial
[23:42:00] -!- RunningWithWind has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]