#editorial | Logs for 2020-04-21
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[00:17:35] -!- AzumaHazuki [AzumaHazuki!~hazuki@the.end.of.time] has joined #editorial
[00:42:31] <chromas> =cite http://dx.doi.org
[00:42:32] <systemd> <p><b>Journal Reference</b><br/>A. Blythe Ryerson. <b>Vital Signs: Newly Reported Acute and Chronic Hepatitis C Cases ...</b>, <cite>MMWR. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report</cite> (DOI: <a href="https://doi.org/10.15585/mmwr.mm6914a2">10.15585/mmwr.mm6914a2</a>)</p>
[00:42:33] <exec> └─ 13Vital Signs: Newly Reported Acute and Chronic Hepatitis C Cases ― United States, 2009–2018 | MMWR
[03:21:02] -!- AnonymousCoward [AnonymousCoward!~d8c4e185@925-300-434-342.ubr6.dyn.lebanon-oh.fuse.net] has joined #editorial
[03:21:16] <AnonymousCoward> ~arthur https://www.theverge.com
[03:21:22] <AnonymousCoward> =submit https://www.theverge.com
[03:21:24] <exec> └─ 13Whole Foods is reportedly using a heat map to track stores at risk of unionization - The Verge
[03:21:24] <systemd> Submitting "Whole Foods is reportedly using a heat map to track stores at risk of unionization"...
[03:21:33] <AnonymousCoward> =submit https://www.theverge.com
[03:21:35] <exec> └─ 13The New Yorker adds co-op to its online crossword puzzles - The Verge
[03:21:35] <systemd> Submitting "The New Yorker adds co-op to its online crossword puzzles"...
[03:21:46] <systemd> ✓ Sub-ccess! "03Whole Foods is Reportedly Using a Heat Map to Track Stores at Risk of Unionization" (18 paragraphs) -> https://soylentnews.org
[03:21:57] <systemd> ✓ Sub-ccess! "03the New Yorker Adds Co-Op to its Online Crossword Puzzles" (9 paragraphs) -> https://soylentnews.org
[03:23:58] <AnonymousCoward> =submit https://www.engadget.com
[03:24:00] <systemd> Submitting "Senate panel wants stricter oversight of Chinese telecoms"...
[03:24:01] <exec> └─ 13Senate panel wants stricter oversight of Chinese telecoms | Engadget
[03:24:22] <systemd> ✓ Sub-ccess! "03Senate Panel Wants Stricter Oversight of Chinese Telecoms" (4 paragraphs) -> https://soylentnews.org
[03:24:52] <AnonymousCoward> =submit https://www.engadget.com
[03:24:54] <systemd> Submitting "Fandango is buying Vudu's video service from Walmart"...
[03:24:55] <exec> └─ 13Fandango is buying Vudu's video service from Walmart | Engadget
[03:25:15] <systemd> ✓ Sub-ccess! "03Fandango is Buying Vudu's Video Service From Walmart" (5 paragraphs) -> https://soylentnews.org
[03:25:22] <AnonymousCoward> =submit https://www.engadget.com
[03:25:24] <systemd> Submitting "Many Instacart shoppers still don't have their COVID-19 safety gear"...
[03:25:25] <exec> └─ 13Many Instacart shoppers still don't have their COVID-19 safety gear | Engadget
[03:25:46] <systemd> ✓ Sub-ccess! "03Many Instacart Shoppers Still Don't Have Their COVID-19 Safety Gear" (3 paragraphs) -> https://soylentnews.org
[03:26:29] <AnonymousCoward> =submit https://www.engadget.com
[03:26:30] <systemd> Submitting "The COVID-19 shutdown is making weather prediction more difficult"...
[03:26:31] <exec> └─ 13The COVID-19 shutdown is making weather prediction more difficult | Engadget
[03:26:52] <systemd> ✓ Sub-ccess! "03the COVID-19 Shutdown is Making Weather Prediction More Difficult" (12 paragraphs) -> https://soylentnews.org
[03:26:52] <AnonymousCoward> =submit https://www.engadget.com
[03:26:54] <systemd> Submitting "An SSD can resurrect your old Sega Saturn and Dreamcast consoles"...
[03:26:55] <exec> └─ 13An SSD can resurrect your old Sega Saturn and Dreamcast consoles | Engadget
[03:27:15] <systemd> ✓ Sub-ccess! "03an SSD Can Resurrect Your Old Sega Saturn and Dreamcast Consoles" (3 paragraphs) -> https://soylentnews.org
[03:28:27] <AnonymousCoward> =submit https://www.bleepingcomputer.com
[03:28:28] <systemd> Submitting "Windows 10 SMBGhost RCE exploit demoed by researchers"...
[03:28:29] <exec> └─ 13Windows 10 SMBGhost RCE exploit demoed by researchers
[03:28:37] <AnonymousCoward> =submit https://www.bleepingcomputer.com
[03:28:38] <systemd> Submitting "US govt: Hacker used stolen AD credentials to ransom hospitals"...
[03:28:39] <exec> └─ 13US govt: Hacker used stolen AD credentials to ransom hospitals
[03:28:50] <systemd> ✓ Sub-ccess! "03Windows 10 SMBGhost RCE Exploit Demoed by Researchers" (17 paragraphs) -> https://soylentnews.org
[03:29:00] <systemd> ✓ Sub-ccess! "03US Govt: Hacker Used Stolen AD Credentials to Ransom Hospitals" (20 paragraphs) -> https://soylentnews.org
[03:31:55] -!- AnonymousCoward has quit []
[05:04:54] -!- AzumaHazuki has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[08:47:29] -!- fyngyrz_ has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
[08:48:00] -!- fungus has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
[08:51:37] -!- cosurgi has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
[09:03:09] -!- cosurgi [cosurgi!~cosurgi@pskvpf01.bl.pg.gda.pl] has joined #editorial
[09:04:08] cosurgi is now known as SoyGuest39937
[12:07:18] -!- fyngyrz [fyngyrz!~fyngyrz@Soylent/Staff/Editor/fyngyrz] has joined #editorial
[12:07:18] -!- mode/#editorial [+v fyngyrz] by Hephaestus
[12:07:57] -!- fungus [fungus!~ben@66.171.jo.vll] has joined #editorial
[12:39:11] -!- AzumaHazuki [AzumaHazuki!~hazuki@the.end.of.time] has joined #editorial
[12:45:06] <janrinok> CoolHand, the story spacing is now 130mins +- 5
[12:47:23] <janrinok> I've adjusted your stories
[13:45:13] -!- AzumaHazuki has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[17:02:12] SoyGuest39937 is now known as identify
[17:02:22] identify is now known as cosurgi
[17:02:27] -!- cosurgi has quit [Changing host]
[17:02:27] -!- cosurgi [cosurgi!~cosurgi@Soylent/Staff/Misc/cosurgi] has joined #editorial
[20:41:38] -!- Bytram_ [Bytram_!~a6b6fc62@02-466-346-820.mobile.uscc.com] has joined #editorial
[20:41:48] <Bytram_> Hi guys!
[20:55:27] <Bytram_> Slept 14 hours last night. Much needed! Still dragging but doing better. Thanks so much for taking care of things! It was SO nice to glance at the story queue and see you'd stuffed it ahead for well into the day!!! Just popped in for amoment to lt you know I'm okay. Couldn't stay entirely away, so just finished pushing out a half dozen stories to give you guys a breather. Thanks again!
[20:55:51] <Bytram_> naps++
[20:55:51] <Bender> karma - naps: 10
[20:55:57] <Bytram_> teamwork++
[20:55:57] <Bender> karma - teamwork: 232
[20:56:37] <Bytram_> Couldn't ask for a nicer bunch of guys to work with! I really appreciate your support!
[20:56:39] <Bytram_> laters
[20:56:45] -!- Bytram_ has quit []
[23:00:05] <chromas> Wow. Bytram posted an oann story
[23:00:07] * chromas = shocked