#editorial | Logs for 2020-01-14
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[01:24:05] <Bytram> =cite http://n.neurology.org
[01:24:08] <systemd> <p><b>Speech production differences in English and Italian speakers with nonfluent variant PPA</b> [$], <cite>Neurology</cite> (DOI: <a href="https://doi.org/10.1212/WNL.0000000000008879">10.1212/WNL.0000000000008879</a>)</p>
[01:24:10] <exec> └─ 13Error: DOI Not Found
[01:28:07] <chromas> Needs more zero
[01:33:06] <Bytram> zero++
[01:33:06] <Bender> karma - zero: 1
[01:35:22] <Bytram> =g zero mostel
[01:35:23] <systemd> https://en.wikipedia.org - Zero Mostel - Wikipedia
[01:35:25] <exec> └─ 13Zero Mostel - Wikipedia
[02:03:56] <Bytram> =g unicode 1/2
[02:03:57] <systemd> http://unicodefractions.com - Unicode Fractions
[02:03:59] <exec> └─ 13Unicode Fractions
[02:46:52] <Bytram> .
[02:47:00] <Bytram> ~seen chromas
[02:47:01] <exec> Bytram, chromas was last seen in #editorial 1 hour, 18 minutes, 54 seconds ago with message: Needs more zero
[02:48:43] <Bytram> whereto? http://feedproxy.google.com
[02:48:45] <systemd> ^ 03At 7 billion years of age, this stardust is the oldest material ever found on Earth ( https://www.cnet.com )
[02:48:47] <exec> └─ 137-billion-year-old stardust is the oldest material ever found on Earth - CNET
[02:51:21] <Bytram> =cite https://www.pnas.org
[02:51:25] <systemd> <p><b>Lifetimes of interstellar dust from cosmic ray exposure ages of presolar silicon carbide</b> [open], <cite>Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences</cite> (DOI: <a href="https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.1904573117">10.1073/pnas.1904573117</a>)</p>
[02:51:27] <exec> └─ 13Error: DOI Not Found
[03:04:02] <Fnord666> Evening Bytram
[03:04:22] <Bytram> Fnord666: Evening!!
[03:04:34] <Bytram> How ya doin?
[03:04:49] <Fnord666> Doing well. Thanks for asking. Yourself?
[03:05:08] <Bytram> suprised I am still awake
[03:05:34] <Bytram> left work around 0245 and didn't get to bed until ~0330; woke around 8-ish
[03:05:44] <Bytram> (inventory)
[03:06:20] <Bytram> other than that, i am doing fine.
[03:06:26] <Fnord666> I saw in the back chat that you had a serious late shift
[03:06:45] <Fnord666> I wondered why you were in so late
[03:07:05] <Bytram> yep, only happens a couple times a year
[03:07:07] <Fnord666> 2nded both pending stories
[03:07:24] <Bytram> including the request for help?
[03:07:36] * Bytram is very much open to any suggestions'
[03:08:30] <Fnord666> yes
[03:08:57] <Fnord666> I've gone over it a couple of times and thought it was good the way it was
[03:09:12] <Bytram> obliged.
[03:09:33] <Bytram> felt it needed as bit more ... urgency
[03:09:35] <Fnord666> I wonder if anyone really notices the change in story cadence
[03:09:37] <Bytram> hence the rewrite
[03:10:13] <Bytram> prolly not consciously, but probably subconsciously
[03:10:21] <Fnord666> I do need to frop by the volcano lair though sometime this next month or so
[03:10:33] <Fnord666> s/frop/drop
[03:11:00] <Bytram> check with TMB for keys to the chopper
[03:11:54] <Fnord666> I wondered who had them
[03:12:17] <Bytram> went for a joyride, I think. Either that or to scope out new fishing holes
[03:12:31] <Fnord666> I did think about adding something in the "submit a story" section about publication ready being balanced and impartial
[03:12:49] <Bytram> great idea! go for it!!!
[03:12:58] <Fnord666> Probably trolling with the chopper, lines tied to the skids
[03:13:10] <Bytram> rofl
[03:14:50] <Bytram> =g lyrics we are stardust we are
[03:14:51] <systemd> https://jonimitchell.com - Woodstock - lyrics - Joni Mitchell
[03:14:56] <exec> └─ 13Joni Mitchell - Woodstock - lyrics
[03:16:22] <Fnord666> ok, updated.
[03:16:30] <Bytram> mare see
[03:16:39] <Fnord666> Ideally, a story submission would be grammatically correct, have no spelling errors, and be "publication ready".
[03:16:48] <Bytram> am almost done with a story sub
[03:16:48] <Fnord666> wait
[03:16:53] <Bytram> waiting
[03:17:12] <Fnord666> changed to
[03:17:13] <Fnord666> Ideally, a story submission would be grammatically correct, have no spelling errors, be balanced and impartial, and be "publication ready
[03:17:27] <Bytram> excellent!
[03:17:38] <Fnord666> go aheas with the sub when you're ready
[03:17:47] <Fnord666> the wait was in regards to getting the cached copy of the story
[03:18:03] <Bytram> oh. k
[03:19:50] <Fnord666> lol. We are going to see the head death of the uiniverse before I get another level in irpg! :)
[03:19:53] <Fnord666> Next level in 6986148 days
[03:20:04] <Bytram> s/head/heat/
[03:20:23] <Bytram> that's only 20K years!
[03:20:29] <Bytram> story on its way
[03:22:25] <Bytram> Fnord666: ^^^
[03:23:57] <Fnord666> yup, looking at it how
[03:24:02] <Bytram> nod nod
[03:26:15] <Fnord666> adding a citation block
[03:26:22] <Bytram> goood!
[03:27:20] * Bytram restarts his browser... had been running since 2019-12-17
[03:27:36] <Fnord666> obviously not Chrome
[03:27:49] <Bytram> LOL
[03:27:55] <Bytram> nope. PM.
[03:28:03] <Fnord666> it would have consumed all of the RAM on the planetr by now
[03:28:15] <Bytram> Also, there is a new vrsion out so might as well install it while I am at it
[03:28:42] <Fnord666> back in a sec.
[03:28:45] <Fnord666> coffee++
[03:28:45] <Bender> karma - coffee: 104
[03:29:33] <Bytram> You'll live longer with tea
[03:30:01] <Bytram> or so I've read somewhere
[03:30:09] <Fnord666> Probably true and I do enjoy a good cup of tea.
[03:30:39] <Fnord666> I'm out of Earl Grey and that makes me a little bit sad
[03:31:14] <Fnord666> Although there have been studies lately showing benefits of coffee also
[03:31:23] <Bytram> Computer. Earl Gray. Hot.
[03:31:39] <Bytram> sposedly, it's the green tea that's better for us
[03:32:17] <Fnord666> I sometimes wonder about white tea as well
[03:32:28] <Bytram> you mean... water?
[03:34:02] <Fnord666> liquid ice
[03:34:11] <Fnord666> =g white tea
[03:34:12] <systemd> https://www.healthline.com - 10 Impressive Benefits of White Tea
[03:34:14] <exec> └─ 1310 Impressive Benefits of White Tea
[03:34:36] <Bytram> =submit https://www.sciencedaily.com +https://www.cnet.com/news/tiny-living-robots-made-from-frog-cells-could-soon-swim-inside-your-body/
[03:34:38] <exec> ├─ 13Living robots built using frog cells: Tiny 'xenobots' assembled from cells promise advances from drug delivery to toxic waste clean-up -- ScienceDaily
[03:34:38] <exec> └─ 13Tiny living robots made from frog cells could soon swim inside your body - CNET
[03:34:38] <systemd> Submitting "Living robots built using frog cells: Tiny 'xenobots' assembled from cells promise advances from drug delivery to toxic waste clean-up"...
[03:35:00] <systemd> ✓ Sub-ccess! "Living Robots Built Using Frog Cells: Tiny 'xenobots' Assembled From Cells Promise Advances From Dru" (27 paragraphs) -> https://soylentnews.org
[03:35:02] <exec> └─ 13Living Robots Built Using Frog Cells: Tiny 'xenobots' Assembled From Cells Promise Advances From Dru: SoylentNews Submission
[03:35:20] <Fnord666> That reminds me I need to remind everyone that upstart drops the first paragraph from sciencedaily submissions
[03:35:41] <Fnord666> It usually reads fine without it though
[03:35:47] <Bytram> yeah. Internally, it is formatted differently.
[03:36:20] <Fnord666> Chromas and i chatted about it. Something about how the div is tagged
[03:36:33] <Bytram> also, when a story comes from SD, I always try to see if there is a source listed under the "Materials" link
[03:36:40] <Bytram> 'zactly
[03:37:18] <Fnord666> I do too and reroute the story link if it makes sense from the copy/quoted material
[03:37:24] <Fnord666> usually it hasn't changed any
[03:37:46] <Bytram> except for having bits which had lost their italics or bolding
[03:38:01] <Bytram> also links sometimes get lost
[03:38:02] <Fnord666> sciencedaily sometimes strips out links too
[03:38:12] <Fnord666> exactly
[03:38:36] <Bytram> love your dept line for AI learning to see in 3D and more
[03:39:00] <Fnord666> can't take credit for that one., It came from the submitter
[03:39:05] <Bytram> somethng abbot, I think wrote it
[03:39:17] <Bytram> =g flatland abbot
[03:39:17] <Fnord666> I really liked it too
[03:39:18] <systemd> https://en.wikipedia.org - Flatland - Wikipedia
[03:39:20] <exec> └─ 13Flatland - Wikipedia
[03:39:32] <Bytram> I assume you've read it?
[03:39:55] <Bytram> Flatland: A Romance of Many Dimensions is a satirical novella by the English schoolmaster Edwin Abbott Abbott, first published in 1884 by Seeley & Co. of London. Written pseudonymously by "A Square",[1] the book used the fictional two-dimensional world of Flatland to comment on the hierarchy of Victorian culture, but the novella's more enduring contribution is its examination of dimensions.[2]
[03:39:57] <Fnord666> I have although it's been a while
[03:40:02] <Bytram> same herw
[03:40:06] <Bytram> *here
[03:41:35] <Fnord666> probably time to go back and read it again
[03:42:19] <Fnord666> the good news is it should be out of copyright
[03:43:40] <Bytram> nod nojd
[03:43:41] <Fnord666> For some reason I'm recalling a similar novel by a different author, but I can't recall whom or what the title was
[03:44:08] <Bytram> the wikipedia link provides an excellent synopsis
[03:44:50] <Bytram> could it be: the novel Sphereland by Dionys Burger
[03:48:19] <Fnord666> No I was thinking might have been by Douglad Coupland, but that's not it either
[03:48:19] <Bytram> whereto? http://feedproxy.google.com
[03:48:20] <systemd> ^ 03NASA's Mars 2020 rover could end up being named Dusty, Humanity or Fido ( https://www.cnet.com )
[03:48:22] <exec> └─ 13NASA narrows down Mars 2020 rover names: Hello, Fido? - CNET
[03:49:29] <Fnord666> mayber via something written by Rudy Rucker
[03:50:23] <Fnord666> Spaceland: A Novel of the Fourth Dimension by Rudy Rucker
[03:50:47] <Bytram> have not read it
[03:51:00] <Bytram> at least that I recall
[03:52:37] <Fnord666> It's typical Rudy Rucker so take any recommendation with a grain of salt
[03:53:36] <Fnord666> If you've read any of his other books or short stories
[03:53:50] <Bytram> have not
[03:54:56] <Fnord666> For example in his book "The Hacker and the Ants" the protagonist is named Jerzy Rugby.
[03:56:11] <Fnord666> Philip Jose Farmer described him as the "Scarlet Pimpernel of science fiction"
[03:56:48] <Fnord666> Think Heinlein crossed with Monty Python
[03:56:57] <Bytram> I recognize the name "Scarlet Pimpernel", but only from loony toons cartoons
[03:57:14] <Bytram> those are two things I'd never think to put together
[03:57:31] <Fnord666> exactly
[03:58:21] <Fnord666> He's a mathematician with a flair for cyberpunk and a dash of whatever he was smoking....
[03:58:31] <Bytram> o.O
[03:58:46] <Bytram> 'nother sub in the hopper for ya
[03:59:25] <Fnord666> k
[04:01:18] <Fnord666> and hopeful;ly red rover is in the list as you suggested!
[04:02:07] <Bytram> no eyed deer
[04:02:34] <Bytram> though, I must say I *am* partial to "Marvin", as well!
[04:05:54] <Bytram> whelp. That's gonna have to do it for me tonight. Eyes are not wanting to stay open!
[04:05:58] <Fnord666> 2nded
[04:06:08] <Fnord666> as long as they don't name it AMEE
[04:06:14] <Bytram> Fnord666: great chatting (and working) with your
[04:06:19] <Fnord666> https://en.wikipedia.org(film)
[04:06:20] <Bytram> s/r$//
[04:06:20] <systemd> ^ 03Red Planet (film) - Wikipedia
[04:06:22] <exec> └─ 13Red Planet (film) - Wikipedia
[04:06:22] <exec> <Bytram> Fnord666: great chatting (and working) with you
[04:06:33] <Fnord666> Ditto!
[04:06:38] <Bytram> AMEE?
[04:06:39] <Fnord666> Good night Bytram.
[04:07:01] <Fnord666> "AMEE" (Autonomous Mapping Exploration and Evasion)
[04:07:17] <Fnord666> robot in the movie Red Planet that gets damaged and hunts down the crew
[04:09:33] <Fnord666> easant dreams Bytram. TTYL.
[04:09:48] <Fnord666> s/^ea/Plea
[04:10:20] <Fnord666> Pleasant dreams Bytram. TTYL.
[04:11:01] <Bytram> that is one... strange... movie
[04:11:53] <Bytram> (Red Planet, that is)
[04:12:02] <Fnord666> yup
[04:12:11] <Bytram> And most pleasant dreams to you, too!
[10:09:54] -!- spiraldancing [spiraldancing!~spiraldan@guox-44-64-34-18.catv.broadband.hu] has joined #editorial
[10:12:06] <spiraldancing> Point 0: I'm still (re-)figuring out IRC. Seems I use it just often enough to remain perennially rusty.
[10:14:44] <spiraldancing> That said ... yeah ... y'all are looking for editorial/moderatatorial help ... I'm volunteering, if y'all want me. I am (also) 'spiraldancing' on the main SN site.
[10:16:43] <spiraldancing> Native English speaker with above-average command of the written word, and surprisingly techie for an old fart. Those are my primary qualifications.
[10:18:57] <spiraldancing> However, until I start using IRC more regularly, and since I just now installed this IRC client app on my phone, and am still figuring it out, too ... maybe an email address would be in order, just in case.
[10:20:39] <spiraldancing> y'all can reach me at nattiegoogie@fastmail.com
[10:21:27] <spiraldancing> Y'all holla back now, y'hear?
[10:29:53] <janrinok> I've emailed an acknowledgement to spiraldancing - copied to Bytram and Fnord666 - just so he doesn't think that he is talking to empty space.
[10:46:00] <spiraldancing> janrinok, for awhile I was connected twice, via the SN webchat and also my new IRC Android client. Stuck with the client app, and the web chat timed out ...
[10:48:05] <janrinok> ok, np. I just thought that I had missed you completely
[10:48:26] * janrinok has to go prepare lunch - biab
[10:59:34] <spiraldancing> janrinok, ...and I've responded.
[11:46:07] -!- SoyCow9418 [SoyCow9418!~9356af35@kbh-msz-17-905.nat.fhnw.net] has joined #editorial
[12:03:02] -!- SoyCow9418 has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
[14:56:54] <Bytram> spiraldancing: Hi! Thanks for volunteering!
[14:57:56] <spiraldancing> Bytram, Hi, que tal, Tag, szia, etc.
[14:58:28] <Bytram> Guten Tag! Wie gehts?
[14:58:40] <Bytram> Bon jour
[14:58:44] <Bytram> Buenos Dias
[14:58:52] <Bytram> Kali Mera
[14:59:00] <Bytram> Dobre utero
[14:59:14] <Bytram> =)
[15:00:31] <Bytram> Mostly just wanted to acknowledge that you have volunteered... and how very much I appreciate it!
[15:15:02] <Bytram> whereto? http://feedproxy.google.com
[15:15:03] <systemd> ^ 03Hundreds of Millions of PCs Remain Vulnerable as Windows 7 Reaches End of Life ( https://www.securityweek.com )
[15:15:04] <exec> └─ 13Hundreds of Millions of PCs Remain Vulnerable as Windows 7 Reaches End of Life | SecurityWeek.Com
[15:15:05] <exec> └─ 13Hundreds of Millions of PCs Remain Vulnerable as Windows 7 Reaches End of Life | SecurityWeek.Com
[15:20:49] <Bytram> =submit https://www.securityweek.com Many will lose support for programs that ran on WIndows 7, too.
[15:20:50] <systemd> Submitting "Hundreds of Millions of PCs Remain Vulnerable as Windows 7 Reaches End of Life"...
[15:20:51] <exec> └─ 13Hundreds of Millions of PCs Remain Vulnerable as Windows 7 Reaches End of Life | SecurityWeek.Com
[15:21:12] <systemd> ✓ Sub-ccess! "Hundreds of Millions of PCs Remain Vulnerable as Windows 7 Reaches End of Life" (21 paragraphs) -> https://soylentnews.org
[15:21:14] <exec> └─ 13Hundreds of Millions of PCs Remain Vulnerable as Windows 7 Reaches End of Life: SoylentNews Submission
[15:48:18] -!- spiraldancing has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
[15:50:43] <chromas> =cite https://link.springer.com
[15:50:47] <exec> └─ 13Record-Setting Ocean Warmth Continued in 2019 | SpringerLink
[15:50:59] <chromas> #smake bot
[15:50:59] * MrPlow smakes bot upside the head with a one-sided die
[15:51:20] <chromas> all the values are there
[15:52:00] <chromas> Looks like the same bug that caulkblocks the auto-cite thingamajig
[15:52:23] <chromas> Plus, the spellchecker knows the word "thingamajig"
[15:52:30] <Bytram> =)
[15:52:44] <Bytram> good to know ewe speeled it write
[15:53:52] <janrinok> ~gday Bytram - just waiting for the doc to arrive for S - just a routine visit, nothing significant has changed over the last few weeks!
[15:53:53] * exec unwittingly cropdusts a purse of beverage over Bytram
[15:54:49] <Bytram> glad to hear things are holding stable, at least!! Giver her a smooch for me, eh?
[15:55:23] <janrinok> will do - having a bit of a discussion with c0lo on the Meta topic
[15:55:50] <Bytram> Yes, I saw. Thanks so much for jumping in and responding!
[16:00:05] <Bytram> =cite https://link.springer.com
[16:00:08] <exec> └─ 13Record-Setting Ocean Warmth Continued in 2019 | SpringerLink
[16:05:04] <chromas> pos
[16:05:18] <chromas> it grabs the file then just sorta stops doing anything
[16:05:30] <Bytram> not really, when it works it is a HUGE help!
[16:10:11] <janrinok> Bytram - did you move one of my stories, cos whoever did left a 3.5 hour spacing...?
[16:13:48] <chromas> janrinok: Looks like it was the Ocean Temperatures on
[16:14:06] <janrinok> yes I know - but the gap hasn't been filled
[16:14:29] <chromas> plus he ovewrote my journal reference with his own :)
[16:14:31] <chromas> ~blame
[16:14:32] * exec points at Bytram
[16:14:57] <janrinok> I think the lack of sleep is catching up with him ;)
[16:15:05] <Bytram> ruh roh! Yep, I think I did.
[16:15:08] <Bytram> ~blame
[16:15:09] * exec points at Bytram
[16:22:23] <Bytram> fixed.
[16:26:13] <Bytram> =g us curremcy $100
[16:26:14] <systemd> https://www.moneyfactory.gov - U.S. Bureau of Engraving and Printing - Denominations Greater ...
[16:26:16] <exec> └─ 13U.S. Bureau of Engraving and Printing - Denominations Greater Than $100
[16:26:20] <Bytram> =g us curremcy $100 wikipedia
[16:26:21] <systemd> https://en.wikipedia.org - United States one hundred-dollar bill - Wikipedia
[16:26:23] <exec> └─ 13United States one hundred-dollar bill - Wikipedia
[17:13:04] -!- spiraldancing [spiraldancing!~spiraldan@guox-44-64-34-18.catv.broadband.hu] has joined #editorial
[17:13:26] <Bytram> spiraldancing: Welcome back!
[17:15:15] <spiraldancing> Hello Bytram. Apparently, my IRC client disconnects when I switch from my home WiFi to phone data ... still figuring it all out.
[17:15:40] <Bytram> yeah. no problem.
[17:16:17] <Bytram> do you, by chance, have an account on our development server? https://dev.soylentnews.org
[17:16:19] <systemd> ^ 03Dev.SN: Dev.SN &hearts developers
[17:16:23] <exec> └─ 13Dev.SN: Dev.SN ♥ developers
[17:17:22] <Bytram> It's basically our "playground" for testing new code and seeing how things work.
[17:20:24] <spiraldancing> I don't think so. I'll peek.
[17:21:14] <Bytram> you'd have to gone out of your way to do it -- does not (normally) automatically come with making an acct on production.
[17:21:42] <spiraldancing> Bytram, but PS ... the SN homepage "Who's Who" link is broken for me, 2 diff browsers, same error, abstract method not properly declared, or fleshed out.
[17:22:02] <Bytram> Either way, you will need an acct on dev to practice.
[17:22:03] <Bytram> k
[17:22:05] <Bytram> checking
[17:22:20] <spiraldancing> Just, ya'know, FYI.
[17:23:06] <Bytram> strange... I am having no problems at all.
[17:23:27] <Bytram> (Pale Moon 28.8.1 on Win 7 Pro x64)
[17:23:43] <Bytram> linky: https://wiki.soylentnews.org
[17:23:44] <systemd> ^ 03WhosWho - SoylentNews
[17:23:47] <exec> └─ 13WhosWho - SoylentNews
[17:24:01] <Bytram> looks like our bots can access it, too.
[17:30:10] <spiraldancing> Bytram: yeah weird. Works for me now, in one browser, still get the error in the other browser. Hard refresh, and now works in the other one, too.
[17:30:42] <spiraldancing> If you care, here's the error msg verbatim...
[17:31:05] <spiraldancing> "Fatal error99,99: Class MediaWiki\Session\PHPSessionHandler contains 1 abstract method and must therefore be declared abstract or implement the remaining methods (SessionHandlerInterface::read) in /var/www/vhosts/wiki/w-new/includes/session/PHPSessionHandler.php99,99 on line 3499,99"
[17:32:48] <Bytram> strange.
[17:33:04] <spiraldancing> Bytram: I'll be AFK, maybe even offline from IRC for awhile now. Get my attention w/email, if you need me.
[17:33:27] <Bytram> I am more of an applications-level kind of guy... as in using them, not so much in configuring them.
[17:33:35] <Bytram> got it, thanks!
[17:33:42] <Bytram> have a great day@!
[17:33:56] <spiraldancing> Dit-toe.
[18:09:10] <Bytram> =)
[18:29:28] <Bytram> TheMightyBuzzard: ^^^ We have a volunteer to help with editing stories, but has run into problems accessing our Wiki... Works fine for me, so I'm at a loss as to what the problem may be. He posted the error message he gets just above here. When you get a chance, could you please look into it for us? Obliged!
[18:36:17] <janrinok> Bytram, the Wiki is good for me at the moment.
[18:37:23] <Bytram> got it. thanks.
[18:37:29] -!- carny has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[18:37:57] -!- carny [carny!~irc@eth-861.414.384.421.stwvps.net] has joined #editorial
[18:41:16] <janrinok> Bytram - have you seen the second volunteer via email to editors [at] SN?
[18:41:34] <Bytram> huh? Nope! On my way!
[18:42:32] <janrinok> His initials are DP
[18:44:19] <Bytram> I am not seeing anything. :/
[18:44:31] <janrinok> I'll forward it to you
[18:44:53] <Bytram> tx
[18:45:14] <janrinok> sent
[18:46:42] <Bytram> got it
[18:46:46] <janrinok> k
[18:47:47] <Bytram> From the background info, looks like a good fit
[18:48:46] <janrinok> that's what I thought
[18:49:33] <janrinok> I'll acknowledge anyone asking to volunteer, but I will pass them to you and Fnord666 to action. I'm available if you need me.
[18:54:21] * Bytram is wondering why he did not get the original email.
[18:54:34] <Bytram> sounds like a plan -- much obliged!!
[18:54:59] <janrinok> you asked to be on the dev list so that you could receive specific emails - I strongly suspect that you can only be on one
[18:55:54] <janrinok> ... either by design or by accident
[18:55:55] <Bytram> I think I am on several lists. For example, I know I am on admin (at) soylentnews.com
[18:56:20] <janrinok> OK, I could be completely wrong - I often am nowadays
[18:57:32] <Bytram> just sent out a test email to editors @ ... let's see what happens.
[18:58:54] <janrinok> Just received your test email
[18:59:44] <janrinok> 1m 22s - not too bad
[18:59:57] <janrinok> sry - crap maths!
[19:00:31] <janrinok> 0m 50s
[19:00:31] <Bytram> Strange... still nothing yet on my end!
[19:01:06] <Bytram> I'll give it a few more minutes before growing overly concerned
[19:01:12] <janrinok> well we know that my emails direct to you are getting through, so your account works. I must be a redirection problem
[19:01:24] <janrinok> It*
[19:01:45] * Bytram is curious how/why/when he could have been dropped from the list
[19:01:55] <Bytram> yes, tru dat
[19:02:18] <Bytram> and I got a BCC of the email I sent to the first volunteer, too.
[19:03:27] <spiraldancing> Bytram: I got the email. Bedtime for me here. Will register in the morning, y'all can soup up the account tomorrow after you wake up.
[19:03:57] <Bytram> spiraldancing: Thanks again and have a good night's sleep!
[19:04:02] * janrinok has to ask an american to translate that.....
[19:04:29] <janrinok> have a good night spiraldancing
[19:04:48] <Bytram> I think he means that after he creates the acct on dev and lets us know, then we are free to add editor privs and the like.
[19:05:18] <janrinok> oh, oh, of course, I really knew that....
[19:05:24] <janrinok> honest!?>
[19:05:38] * janrinok thinks that he got away with it that time
[19:05:42] <spiraldancing> janrinok: "soup up"? Traditionally, means to improve the power/speed/etc of a sports car.
[19:05:43] <Bytram> of coarse!
[19:06:13] <spiraldancing> Like overclocking for cars.
[19:06:20] <Bytram> ahh, I did not get the connection, but now I get it.
[19:06:30] <Bytram> nod nod
[19:06:35] <janrinok> yes, understood that connotation, but souping up an account has got both me and my grammar checker confused
[19:06:39] <Bytram> like adding a supercharger
[19:07:33] <spiraldancing> janrinok: I just meant more power ...
[19:07:34] <janrinok> perhaps I should go back to school or try to hang around with the young kids again....
[19:08:04] <Bytram> that rules me out! ;)
[19:08:08] <cmn32480> me too
[19:08:24] * janrinok is not talking to Bytram - he is a bad influence...
[19:08:44] <janrinok> ~gday cmn32480 ,better late than never
[19:08:44] * cmn32480 slides up one into bytram's slot and works to be a bad influence on janrinok
[19:08:46] * exec romantically whips up an array of goat porn for cmn32480
[19:08:59] <cmn32480> ~gday janrinok
[19:09:00] <janrinok> very appropriate
[19:09:00] * exec irresponsibly heaps an attack helicopter of Krusty Burgers on janrinok
[19:09:13] <spiraldancing> janrinok: Just the opposite, actually. I'm an old fart, and the reference dates back to the '60s & '70s when people still worked on their own cars.
[19:09:21] <Bytram> ~gday cmn32480
[19:09:22] * exec spontaneously crams a teaspoon of boots into cmn32480
[19:09:26] <cmn32480> ~gday bytram
[19:09:27] * exec illegitimately twerks a manpurse of twinkies for bytram
[19:09:28] <janrinok> bet that I am an even older fart!
[19:09:37] <Bytram> Pbbbbbbbbbt
[19:09:39] <cmn32480> spiraldancing - janrinok is an old fart as well.
[19:10:10] <Bytram> sayeth the young whippersnapper
[19:10:15] <cmn32480> nothign like popping in and all I find is stale methane floating around
[19:10:20] <janrinok> lol
[19:10:25] <spiraldancing> janrinok: I saw Armstrong walk on the Moon. Top that.
[19:10:36] <Bytram> cmn32480: let me guess, you had milk again?
[19:10:55] <janrinok> born 1952 - your move
[19:10:55] <spiraldancing> Going to bed for real now. Later y'all.
[19:11:01] * Bytram leans forward in anticipation
[19:11:24] * cmn32480 suggests that leaning inot it is NOT a good plan...
[19:11:59] <spiraldancing> janrinok: wins (?), I saw the moon walk, but I'm not old enough to remember having seen it...
[19:12:16] <janrinok> I can even remember what I drank!
[19:12:31] * cmn32480 can't even remember the 70's
[19:12:46] <janrinok> Old Peculiar - a damned fine beer
[19:12:56] <janrinok> -g Old Peculiar
[19:13:06] <cmn32480> =g Old Peculiar
[19:13:07] <systemd> https://www.theakstons.co.uk - Theakston Old Peculier cask ale - Theakston
[19:13:10] <exec> └─ 13Theakston - Theakston Old Peculier cask ale
[19:13:56] <janrinok> bollocks - my spelling is crap now that cmn32480 has turned up
[19:14:21] <Bytram> yep, I remember watching Armstrong walk on the moon but was not old enough to drink
[19:14:32] * cmn32480 saw it in reruns
[19:14:43] <janrinok> wimp!
[19:14:59] <cmn32480> dude... NOT MY FAULT!
[19:15:08] <janrinok> spose not
[19:15:52] <cmn32480> my parents didn't meet for another 7 years
[19:16:11] <janrinok> typical young uns - blame their parents for everything
[19:16:24] <cmn32480> damn boomers
[19:16:41] <janrinok> lol
[19:16:58] <Bytram> earth shattering kaboom?
[19:17:07] <cmn32480> not the way Mom tells it...
[19:17:16] <janrinok> S say's that you have to stop making me laugh - she is in bed resting now!
[19:17:35] <Bytram> ** laughter **
[19:17:41] * cmn32480 giggles
[19:17:42] <janrinok> ssshhh
[19:18:21] <Bytram> Oh, sorry... let me try again:
[19:18:22] <Bytram> ** LAUGHTER **
[19:18:25] <cmn32480> give her a big sloppy kiss and make her giggle to
[19:18:35] <Bytram> and a tickle
[19:18:46] <janrinok> a big sloppy kiss will probably do both
[19:18:53] <Bytram> lol
[19:19:19] <janrinok> she knows who you are! But fortunately, not where you live.....
[19:19:41] <janrinok> ... and she won't warn you again
[19:19:44] <cmn32480> she decides to search the chat history she cna probably figure it out
[19:19:50] * janrinok closes his bedroom door
[19:19:58] <cmn32480> oh good... I'm glad the useless warnings will stop\
[19:20:32] * cmn32480 remotely turns up janrinoks laugh track
[19:21:32] <janrinok> I'm not sure if closing the door means she can't hear me, or I can't hear her telling me off
[19:21:53] <cmn32480> second one
[19:22:00] <janrinok> prolly
[19:22:04] <Bytram> what?
[19:22:22] * cmn32480 guesses that bytram is on the outside of the door and can't hear you either
[19:22:30] <janrinok> who?
[19:22:38] <Bytram> first base?
[19:22:42] <cmn32480> what?
[19:22:50] <Bytram> second base
[19:23:01] * cmn32480 shurgs
[19:23:05] <cmn32480> I don't know!
[19:23:10] <janrinok> such a bad influence. S says I can't play with you again
[19:23:15] <Bytram> https://www.youtube.com
[19:23:16] <systemd> ^ 03Abbott & Costello Who's On First
[19:23:17] <exec> └─ 13Abbott & Costello Who's On First - YouTube
[19:23:33] <cmn32480> she is welcome to join in the fun
[19:24:25] <janrinok> she sends you all big kisses and hugs - but not for me
[19:24:35] <Bytram> demand a refund
[19:24:43] <janrinok> apparently I am laughing too loud
[19:25:06] <Bytram> are you sure you tickled her and not the other way around?
[19:25:13] * janrinok is going to let the air out of her wheelchair tyres
[19:25:51] <Bytram> something tells me that that would not stop her
[19:25:53] <janrinok> oh, that made _her_ laugh!
[19:26:17] * janrinok complains about all the loud laughing
[19:26:27] <Bytram> tit for tat
[19:26:33] <Bytram> or the other way around
[19:26:38] <janrinok> lol
[19:27:38] <cmn32480> tell her if she lets all the air out of her tires you will replace them with tank tracks
[19:28:00] <janrinok> what a frightening thought...
[19:28:16] <cmn32480> thehn she can tame your "garden" come spring
[19:28:20] <Bytram> great idea! Then she can climb hills and stairs!
[19:28:25] <cmn32480> we could equip it with a small flamethrower...
[19:28:36] <Bytram> =g not a flamethrower
[19:28:37] <systemd> https://www.boringcompany.com - Not A Flamethrower — The Boring Company
[19:28:39] <exec> └─ 13Not A Flamethrower — The Boring Company
[19:28:52] <janrinok> don't go giving her ideas!
[19:30:32] <Bytram> You don't think she is creative enough to come up with those on her own?
[19:31:04] -!- spiraldancing_ [spiraldancing_!~spiraldan@guox-44-64-34-18.catv.broadband.hu] has joined #editorial
[19:31:09] <janrinok> I know that she is - but it doesn't mean that she was actively thinking about it until you mentioned it!
[19:31:19] <Bytram> mentioned what?
[19:31:25] <janrinok> see SD couldn't stay away!
[19:31:37] <Bytram> #yt I know nothing
[19:31:37] <MrPlow> https://www.youtube.com -- I Know Nothing
[19:31:49] <Bytram> #yt I know nothing schulz
[19:31:49] <MrPlow> https://www.youtube.com -- The very best of sergeant schultz
[19:32:10] <spiraldancing_> Nothing to see here, go on about your business, this in not the volunteer you're looking for...
[19:32:29] <Bytram> spiraldancing: You are going to fit in here just fine!
[19:32:46] <janrinok> lol - just putting S down for the night, back in 5
[19:32:54] <Bytram> k
[19:32:56] <spiraldancing_> More to the point, I'm just trying to figure out how to configure and connect via laptop, instead of phone.
[19:33:25] <spiraldancing> See ... phone?
[19:33:31] <spiraldancing_> Laptop ...
[19:33:43] <spiraldancing> phone ...
[19:33:49] <spiraldancing_> Laptop ...
[19:34:01] <Bytram> so far so good
[19:34:33] <spiraldancing_> But I have a "real" NickServ registered username, "spiraldancing" w/o the _ ... how do I log in, here on the laptop, with my "real" name?
[19:34:53] <Bytram> I cAn fix that....
[19:35:02] <Bytram> .kick spiraldancing
[19:35:02] -!- spiraldancing was kicked from #editorial by Hephaestus!Hephaestus@dodekatheon.olympus.gr [(Bytram (martyb)) No reason given]
[19:35:11] <Bytram> now it is available =)
[19:35:15] <spiraldancing_> Awww ... Sad-face
[19:35:33] <spiraldancing_> So, here on the laptop, I have to re-connect?
[19:35:39] <Bytram> nah
[19:35:45] <Bytram> ummm lemme think
[19:36:08] -!- spiraldancing_ has quit [Quit: Leaving]
[19:36:10] -!- spiraldancing_ [spiraldancing_!~spiraldan@guox-44-64-34-18.catv.broadband.hu] has joined #editorial
[19:36:41] <cmn32480> bytram.... don't .kick the new guys...
[19:36:45] <cmn32480> OR THE ODL GUYS!
[19:36:49] <cmn32480> *OLD
[19:36:52] <Bytram> HODL?
[19:37:01] <cmn32480> you hush
[19:37:04] <Bytram> spiraldancing_: Try this: /msg NickServ IDENTIFY foo
[19:37:13] <Bytram> i.e. /msg NickServ IDENTIFY spiraldancing
[19:37:38] <Bytram> or, to save typing: /ns IDENTIFY foo
[19:37:43] <Bytram> or, to save typing: /ns IDENTIFY spiraldancing_
[19:37:46] <Bytram> or, to save typing: /ns IDENTIFY spiraldancing
[19:37:57] <cmn32480> #smake bytram
[19:37:57] * MrPlow smakes bytram upside the head with horse tentacle tofu
[19:37:58] * Bytram has been hanging around cmn32480 too much.
[19:38:02] <Bytram> ~blame
[19:38:04] * exec points at Bytram
[19:38:13] <cmn32480> nice to see somethign on exec stiull works
[19:38:22] <Bytram> yes!
[19:38:34] <Bytram> nice to see exec, period.
[19:39:01] * cmn32480 takes the blame for that
[19:39:18] -!- spiraldancing_ has quit [Client Quit]
[19:39:36] <Bytram> cmn32480: I assumed you were terribly busy, o/w I would have txted you.
[19:39:40] <cmn32480> when I don't log in< i forget to check on exec... since he, ya know... sucks
[19:39:44] -!- spiraldancing_ [spiraldancing_!~spiraldan@guox-44-64-34-18.catv.broadband.hu] has joined #editorial
[19:39:54] <cmn32480> a text as a reminder is easy
[19:40:01] <cmn32480> getting him back running is a quick thing
[19:40:07] <Bytram> you don't mind?
[19:40:33] -!- spiraldancing_ has quit [Client Quit]
[19:40:57] <cmn32480> nah
[19:41:02] <cmn32480> it sin't a problem.
[19:41:06] <Bytram> k
[19:41:22] <cmn32480> I cna't promise immediate TMB style response time, but I'll get to him eventually
[19:41:33] <Bytram> good 'nuf
[19:42:09] <cmn32480> I can probably do NCommander style response time. 3-4 weeks at minimum
[19:42:22] -!- fred [fred!~spiraldan@guox-44-64-34-18.catv.broadband.hu] has joined #editorial
[19:42:22] <Bytram> that should work
[19:42:28] <janrinok> and I'm back - and I really DO have to be quiet now
[19:42:30] <Bytram> hi fred!
[19:42:40] <Bytram> Shhhhhhhh!
[19:42:46] <fred> Crap ... now I'm fred (still spiraldancing here) ...
[19:42:47] * cmn32480 thinks up extra jokes for janrinok
[19:42:51] <janrinok> don't start me off again!
[19:42:59] <Bytram> Be vewwy vewwy quiet... we're hunting wabbits.
[19:43:02] <cmn32480> I dind't start tis in the first place
[19:43:06] <cmn32480> that was Bytram's fault
[19:43:10] <cmn32480> ~balme
[19:43:11] <Bytram> ~blame
[19:43:12] * exec points at Bytram
[19:43:14] <cmn32480> damnit
[19:43:20] <cmn32480> stupid fingers
[19:43:20] <fred> HexChat client seems dead set on only connecting me with my #2 choice for username.
[19:43:43] <cmn32480> we'll still talk to you.
[19:43:51] <janrinok> #smake laptop
[19:43:51] * MrPlow smakes laptop upside the head with an erect participle
[19:44:02] <fred> (shrugs) I give up for tonight. Try again tomorrow.
[19:44:04] <Bytram> fred... so how did you connect as "fred"?
[19:44:28] <cmn32480> or change the #2 nick to the same as the #1 nick
[19:44:38] <fred> Have user login settings, asks my "actual" username, plus 3 alternate nicknames ...
[19:44:42] * janrinok notes that Bytram always asks the difficult questions
[19:44:44] <Bytram> I guess you get an error when you try to connect as spiraldancing?
[19:44:48] <Bytram> HUh?
[19:45:15] <fred> Actual username and #1 nick are both set to "spiraldancing" ... every time I reconnect, it keeps using my #2 nick.
[19:45:24] <fred> No error ... just no joy.
[19:45:40] <Bytram> strange...
[19:45:49] <fred> But sorry. Seriously, gotta go. Girlfriend is giving me dirty looks.
[19:45:51] <janrinok> doesn't that suggest that his first choice is still remembered somewhere
[19:46:03] <Bytram> maybe it's just a matter of waiting for things to time out... try again in the morning
[19:46:11] -!- fred has quit [Client Quit]
[19:46:21] <janrinok> yep, he fits in
[19:46:29] <Bytram> fer shore
[19:46:59] <cmn32480> new staff?
[19:47:07] <janrinok> hope so
[19:47:08] <cmn32480> or jsut here?
[19:47:11] <cmn32480> gotcha
[19:47:15] <Bytram> new volunteer
[19:47:18] <janrinok> we have 2 new vols
[19:47:25] <Bytram> ^^^ wjhat he said
[19:47:59] <cmn32480> good!@
[19:48:29] <Bytram> yes!
[19:48:32] <janrinok> don't worry - I still be hanging around here
[19:49:02] <cmn32480> oh joy!
[19:49:08] <cmn32480> I will still pop in periodically
[19:49:16] <Bytram> joy joy joy
[19:49:27] <janrinok> my sarcasm meter needle has just gone to 11
[19:50:22] <cmn32480> you don't say....
[19:50:26] <janrinok> 12
[19:50:43] <Bytram> that was in base 3, right?
[19:50:52] <Bytram> or was that in hexadecimal?
[19:50:54] <janrinok> very base. yes
[19:51:08] <Bytram> better base than blase'
[19:51:13] <cmn32480> bytram, we shoudl humor him
[19:51:34] <janrinok> I'm still not leaving
[19:51:46] <cmn32480> until bedtime at least
[19:52:05] * janrinok points out that bribery might work
[19:52:16] * cmn32480 suggests we bribe him with a nap
[19:52:20] <janrinok> hey, I've got 8 minutes until bedtime
[19:52:40] <cmn32480> wow... early sleeper... it's only 3pm
[19:52:50] <cmn32480> but I guess that happens when you get old
[19:52:52] <Bytram> it's 5 o'clock somewhere
[19:53:04] <cmn32480> noplace over land!
[19:53:06] <janrinok> just let me dribble and drool in peace
[19:53:14] <Bytram> =cite https://journals.sagepub.com
[19:53:16] <systemd> <p><b>Children Delay Gratification for Cooperative Ends:</b>, <cite>Psychological Science</cite> (DOI: <a href="https://doi.org/10.1177/0956797619894205">10.1177/0956797619894205</a>)</p>
[19:53:20] <exec> └─ 13Children Delay Gratification for Cooperative Ends - Rebecca Koomen, Sebastian Grueneisen, Esther Herrmann,
[19:53:20] <exec> └─ 13Error: DOI Not Found
[19:53:46] * cmn32480 passes janrinok the SN bib
[19:53:54] <janrinok> well, that was a spoiler - bringing work back into this channel
[19:54:06] <cmn32480> how rude?
[19:54:21] * cmn32480 looks in the mirror and wonders when the last time he actualyl worked was
[19:54:41] <janrinok> 2014 - then you joined SN
[19:55:24] <cmn32480> Touche'
[19:55:39] <Bytram> Shhh, this is SilentNews!
[19:55:52] <cmn32480> only in janrinok's house
[19:56:25] <Bytram> I imagine in space it would be called CylonNews?
[19:56:28] <janrinok> it's blowing a fair storm outside - I'm quite happy tucked up nice and quiet here thanks
[19:56:51] <cmn32480> the fair storms are ok.. it si the vioolent ones you need to worry about
[19:57:19] <Bytram> nod nod
[19:57:35] <Bytram> so, you mean the unfair storms, right?
[19:57:42] <cmn32480> correct
[19:58:06] <Bytram> over here, it's partly cloudy, light winds, and just above freezing.
[19:58:09] * cmn32480 starts thinking of al the water running...
[19:58:14] <cmn32480> and driping off the eves...
[19:58:14] <janrinok> wait until SD gets scrollback and ZNC - he will realist how unfulfilled his life has been all this time!
[19:58:29] * Bytram is glad he is snug and warm indoors, too.
[19:58:34] <cmn32480> or he will realize that we are all cracked up nuts
[19:58:45] <Bytram> when should we tell him about Loggie?
[19:58:54] <cmn32480> quarter past next October
[19:58:56] <janrinok> I think most people have realised that, haven't they?
[19:59:13] <Bytram> prolly.
[19:59:26] <Bytram> but let's break it to him gently
[19:59:37] <janrinok> Anyway, I'm about to make you both happy and go to bed
[19:59:40] <cmn32480> HA!
[19:59:49] <Bytram> sleep well!
[19:59:53] <cmn32480> if you were gonna break it to him gently, you shoudl have told me.
[19:59:57] <cmn32480> I woud'nt ahve logged in today
[20:00:05] <cmn32480> sweet dreams janrinok
[20:00:06] <Bytram> too late!
[20:00:08] <janrinok> not sleeping well - still have a bad back!
[20:00:21] <janrinok> cheers guys - back on tomorrow!
[20:00:28] <Bytram> oh, sorry to hear that.
[20:00:31] <cmn32480> will it still be bad?
[20:00:34] <Bytram> ciao for now!
[20:00:47] <cmn32480> ~gnight janrinok
[20:00:49] * exec unwillingly offers a printout of beans & rice to janrinok
[20:00:57] <janrinok> ~gnight cmn32480
[20:00:59] * exec cohesively flings a moldy tome of cheesy pineapple at cmn32480
[20:01:02] <Bytram> ~gnight janrinok
[20:01:02] <janrinok> ~gnight Bytram
[20:01:04] * exec sardonically twerks a cache of go juice for janrinok
[20:01:05] * exec genuinely coalesces a cylinder of dancing baby with Bytram
[20:01:07] <janrinok> ~gnight billbob
[20:01:10] * exec proverbially writes a fanfic featuring a cat box of celerons about billbob
[20:01:18] <cmn32480> ~gnight john boy
[20:01:20] * exec transcendentally [deleted] a rar archive of cheddar in john
[20:01:26] <Bytram> s/billbob/jimbob/
[20:01:44] <Bytram> time for me to get a move on, too.
[20:01:47] <janrinok> bloody foreigners - can't even use decent names
[20:01:55] <janrinok> bye!
[20:01:57] <Bytram> have a great day/'night/whatever everyone!
[20:02:02] -!- mode/#editorial [+o chromas] by Hephaestus
[20:02:04] <Bytram> our renoir!
[20:02:20] -!- mode/#editorial [-o chromas] by chromas
[20:05:21] <chromas> I didn't get any of those emails either
[20:05:46] <chromas> I invited spiraldancing back in. /kick doesn't boot him and/or her from the server so the nick is sitll unavailable
[20:07:07] <Bytram> chromas++ thank you!
[20:07:07] <Bender> karma - chromas: 114
[20:08:57] <Bytram> chromas: How'd you do that? Like this: /invite spiraldancing #editorial
[20:09:03] <Bytram> ???
[20:09:21] <chromas> Yeah. Need to be a channel op though, or maybe use the service bot
[20:09:28] <Bytram> nod nod
[20:09:35] <Bytram> appreciate the tip!
[20:09:46] <chromas> Looks like the service bot is for inviting yourself
[20:09:57] <chromas> .invite #zecret channel
[20:11:00] <Bytram> doncha mean secrete?
[20:11:03] <Bytram> ;))
[20:11:13] <chromas> Well I didn't wanna give it away
[20:11:25] <Bytram> it just... leaked out, amirite?
[20:11:59] <chromas> Yes, please exsqueeze me; it's just there was too much pressure
[20:12:31] <Bytram> don't squeeze the charmin
[20:14:28] <chromas> I had no choice! Someone rolled underhanded and it was up against a wall.
[20:15:20] <chromas> Oh good, some old subs cleaned up. I'd better spam the bin with more bot subs :)
[20:15:43] * cmn32480 looks at chormas with delight
[20:16:00] * cmn32480 thinks it woudl be hard to look at chromas in dedark
[20:16:30] <chromas> Sounds like opposites to me
[20:16:37] <chromas> Delight should be removal of light
[20:17:24] <cmn32480> and you are saying that even wiht hose definitions my statements are incorrect?
[20:18:31] <chromas> Nah. Chromas are a separate channel from lights
[20:18:33] * chromas hues
[20:18:57] <chromas> Are we still weekend spacing or does the topic need updating?
[20:20:52] <Bytram> whhops!
[20:21:14] Bytram changed topic of #editorial to: *WEEKDAY STORY SPACING ~1h51m* #editorial is where the cool kids hang out to have meta discussions about stories on SoylentNews | This channel IS logged at: http://logs.sylnt.us
[20:22:50] <chromas> Just checking. It's not normally in the topic, so I thought it was a special occasion
[20:24:39] <Bytram> yeah, come to think of it, it was a special case over the holiday period... can prolly remove it, now.
[20:24:47] Bytram changed topic of #editorial to: #editorial is where the cool kids hang out to have meta discussions about stories on SoylentNews | This channel IS logged at: http://logs.sylnt.us
[20:24:50] <Bytram> done.
[20:28:26] <Bytram> =g unicode notes
[20:28:27] <systemd> https://www.compart.com - “ ” U+266B Beamed Eighth Notes Unicode Character
[20:28:30] <exec> └─ 13“♫” U+266B Beamed Eighth Notes Unicode Character
[20:28:53] <chromas> =notes
[20:28:53] * systemd ♩♪♫♬🎜🎝🎵🎶
[20:29:03] <Bytram> oh, nice!
[20:34:02] <Bytram> =g Mount Pinatubo
[20:34:03] <systemd> https://en.wikipedia.org - Mount Pinatubo - Wikipedia
[20:34:05] <exec> └─ 13Mount Pinatubo - Wikipedia
[20:43:26] <Bytram> =g mount saint hellens
[20:43:27] <systemd> https://en.wikipedia.org - Mount St. Helens - Wikipedia
[20:43:29] <exec> └─ 13Mount St. Helens - Wikipedia