#editorial | Logs for 2019-08-12
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[00:20:59] <Bytram> ~arthur https://economictimes.indiatimes.com
[00:21:03] <exec> └─ 13Indian IT Companies | H-1B Visa denials at all-time high denials at all-time high
[00:21:04] <exec> 782 stories loaded
[00:21:05] <exec> attempting to submit story: "Denial of H1-B visas to India’s largest IT services exporters at all-time high"
[00:21:35] <exec> submission successful - https://soylentnews.org
[00:21:41] <exec> 782 stories loaded
[00:21:47] <exec> *** wiki: Failure
[00:21:58] <Fnord666> Evening Bytram !!
[00:22:09] <Bytram> Fnord666: evening!!
[00:22:16] <Bytram> how ya be?
[00:22:21] <Bytram> how ya be?
[00:22:27] <Fnord666> I bee good. U?
[00:22:36] <Bytram> as you can tell, I'm as tarp as a shack!
[00:23:05] <Bytram> still dragging a bit from a very busy day at work on Saturday.
[00:23:29] <Fnord666> Went to an awesome DaVinci exhibit at the Denver Museum of Nature and Science
[00:23:42] * Bytram jealous!
[00:23:57] <Fnord666> Oof. Hopefully you'll be recuperated by tomorrow
[00:24:33] <Bytram> I was in Milan 20+ years ago and stopped by to see his "Last Supper". Took about 45 hot and steamy minutes to gt there from the hotel... and found out it was closed on Monday
[00:24:59] <Fnord666> I hate restaurants like that
[00:25:08] <Fnord666> :)
[00:25:09] <Bytram> it was a business trip, so the custom was to tack an extra day on -- pay for your own hotel, car rental, etc.
[00:25:16] <Fnord666> right
[00:25:27] <Bytram> and take advantage of the tourism-y stuff
[00:25:41] <Fnord666> I would be seriously disappointed if that happened.,
[00:25:56] <Bytram> Though I took a pay cut to gt that job, the memories from that trip were *priceless*
[00:26:07] <Bytram> s/g/ge/
[00:26:09] <exec> <Bytram> Thougeh I took a pay cut to gt that job, the memories from that trip were *priceless*
[00:26:14] <Bytram> lol
[00:26:19] <Bytram> s/g/ge/2
[00:26:46] <Fnord666> #smake MrPlow
[00:26:46] * MrPlow smakes MrPlow upside the head with Jared's 6" meatball sub
[00:26:53] <Bytram> I'm glad you got to see the Da Vinci "stuff"
[00:26:56] <Fnord666> #smake exec
[00:26:56] * MrPlow smakes exec upside the head with great pleasure
[00:27:11] <Fnord666> They have built a lot of his interesting models for the exhibit
[00:27:11] <Bytram> truly a renessaince man (howver you are supposed to spell it!)
[00:27:48] <Bytram> nah, that was the exec bot, and I had the interloping "lol", so there was no match for the regexp; IOW, the bot's all right.
[00:27:53] <Bytram> kewel!
[00:27:59] <Fnord666> Honestly he is my pick for the "If you could sit down with any one person living or dead who would it be?" question
[00:28:23] <Bytram> yeah, but it would be a bit challenging 'cause he spoke Italian. ;)
[00:29:02] <Fnord666> Depends on the change in the language in the past 600 years
[00:29:08] <Bytram> ~arthur https://www.thedrive.com
[00:29:12] <exec> └─ 132019 Hyundai Kona EV Explodes When Parked, Sends Garage Door Flying Across Street - The Drive
[00:29:13] <Bytram> grazie!
[00:29:15] <exec> 782 stories loaded
[00:29:16] <exec> attempting to submit story: "2019 Hyundai Kona EV Explodes When Parked, Sends Garage Door Flying"
[00:29:40] <Bytram> well, there's that, yes and also that I do not speak any form of Italian
[00:29:46] <exec> submission successful - https://soylentnews.org
[00:29:52] <exec> 782 stories loaded
[00:29:58] <exec> *** wiki: Failure
[00:29:59] <Fnord666> prego
[00:30:08] <Bytram> then again, he was pretty smart. Maybe if someone could teach him to speak English? Or even American? =)
[00:30:26] <Bytram> And I barely even knew ya!
[00:30:44] <Fnord666> I presume the hypothetical question includes a babel fish
[00:31:00] <Bytram> and a towel, yes.
[00:31:05] <Fnord666> :)
[00:31:23] <Fnord666> Their planetarium had a 25 min program on Black Holes
[00:31:33] <Bytram> awesome!
[00:31:34] <Fnord666> Narrated by Liam Neeson of all people
[00:31:47] <Fnord666> It was pretty basic but it was decent
[00:31:48] <Bytram> was it dumbed down too much? Or did you find it technically accurate?
[00:32:07] <Bytram> Radar O'Reilly... stop doing that!
[00:32:33] <Fnord666> It was "technically" accurate as far as they went but it was built for the masses...
[00:33:12] <Bytram> gotcha
[00:33:27] <Bytram> nothin you didn't already know, right?
[00:33:34] <Bytram> ~arthur https://phys.org
[00:33:38] <exec> └─ 13India flood toll jumps to 144 as roads, highways cut off
[00:33:40] <exec> 782 stories loaded
[00:33:40] <exec> attempting to submit story: "India flood toll jumps to 144 as roads, highways cut off"
[00:34:11] <exec> submission successful - https://soylentnews.org
[00:34:17] <exec> 781 stories loaded
[00:34:22] <exec> *** wiki: Failure
[00:34:23] <Fnord666> Then again freshman year Iof college as a physics major we did a colloquium all about what happened in the first 4 seconds of the universe at a quantum theory level so....
[00:34:44] <Fnord666> 'Zactly
[00:35:51] <Bytram> urk! We were still slogging our way through newtonian mechanics. wasn't until 3rd semester that we got to relativity and only barely touched on quantum
[00:36:32] <Fnord666> One of the more memorable scifi short stories I recall was about a guy who invented a way to create mice-black holes. He commercialized them by making garbage disposers.
[00:36:34] <Bytram> semester == Fall/Winter, Winter/Spring, or Summer
[00:37:08] <Bytram> weren't there mice in the HHGTTG?
[00:37:27] <Bytram> was cough decades cough since I read the series
[00:37:41] <Fnord666> I was in an accelerated honors program based on the Oxford model so we worked at our own pace with the professors one on one rather than attending classes.
[00:38:01] <Fnord666> We covered the entirety of a BS degree in physics in the first three semesters
[00:38:25] <Fnord666> Yes, there were mice behind the whole thing in HHGTTG
[00:38:31] <Bytram> good for you!
[00:39:31] <Fnord666> I really enjoyed it as a program. I also did computer science classes though because I loved working with computers. Somewhere along the line I figured I preferred the computers and switched majors.
[00:39:37] <Fnord666> And here I am.
[00:39:59] <Bytram> to think of where I could have gone had I had that opportunity when I first got started in computing. I was a human vacuum cleaner when it came to that stuff, but nobody had a clew on how to really teach me back when I was in my early teens in the early
[00:40:05] <Bytram> *ealry 70s
[00:41:19] <Fnord666> I was a bit after you but a lot of it was self learning anyway. I basically taught the programming class in our high school because I knew more than the teacher by a long bit
[00:41:48] <Bytram> I have no regrets about the other stuff I learned, even though I have had no real occasion to use most of it since graduation. Reality is, it trained me to be able to mentally manipulate symbolic systems and semantics at a number of different levels.
[00:41:58] <Bytram> nod nod
[00:41:59] <Fnord666> Absolutely
[00:42:35] <Bytram> there were about a half dozen of us ho would hang out in the computer to take advantage of any free time that became available.
[00:42:53] <Bytram> lots and lots and lots of "I wonder what would happen if I..."
[00:43:10] <Bytram> oh, and typing in "101 Basic computer games"
[00:43:18] <Bytram> and debugging them, of course.
[00:43:21] <Fnord666> Isn't that the story about how great advances happen?
[00:43:24] <Bytram> and then hacking them to enhance them
[00:43:33] <Bytram> organic education ++
[00:43:42] <Bytram> plant seeds and watch 'em grow!
[00:43:54] <Fnord666> Not so much "Eureka!" But more of "Well that's interesting..."
[00:44:11] <Fnord666> Oh absolutely!
[00:44:14] <Bytram> yeah, problem is I did not drop out of Harvard so I am not worth seven gazillion dollars
[00:44:21] <Bytram> ;)
[00:44:23] <Fnord666> Yeah me neither
[00:44:50] <Fnord666> Spent a few weeks one summer "camp" learning APL of all languages.
[00:45:10] <Fnord666> Keyboard was basically replaced with greek symbols!
[00:45:11] <Bytram> ouch
[00:45:17] * Bytram has seen 'em
[00:45:32] <Fnord666> Great if you had some matrices laying about you needed to manipulate...
[00:45:40] <Bytram> from what I heard, it was wonderful for linear algebra
[00:45:47] <Bytram> ninja'd!
[00:45:48] <Fnord666> exactly
[00:45:51] <Bytram> ~arthur https://aeon.co
[00:45:56] <exec> 781 stories loaded
[00:45:56] <exec> attempting to submit story: "Speaking to yourself in the third person makes you wiser"
[00:46:06] * Fnord666 agrees
[00:46:27] <exec> submission successful - https://soylentnews.org
[00:46:33] <exec> 781 stories loaded
[00:46:34] <Fnord666> As you might guess I've not used it since
[00:46:38] <exec> *** wiki: Failure
[00:47:03] <Fnord666> I wonder what's up with the wiki failure
[00:47:22] <Bytram> well, I'venot had much opportunity to use SNOBOL4, either.
[00:47:49] <Fnord666> Or RPG?
[00:48:09] <Bytram> I did have places where I used: Assembler (IBM/360/370), Lisp, PL/1, and COBOL!
[00:48:16] <Bytram> nope, never touched it
[00:48:35] <Bytram> but from what little I saw, it seemed to be a glorified macro processor
[00:48:35] <Fnord666> Interesting though that after a few ALGOL based languages you begin to see the underlying structure and after that they're all just syntax issues
[00:48:49] <Bytram> Fnord666++ syntactic sugar
[00:48:49] <Bender> karma - fnord666: 95
[00:48:53] <Fnord666> Sad part?
[00:49:09] <Bytram> what part sad?
[00:49:11] <Fnord666> My current job involves programming in IBM Assembler
[00:49:20] <Bytram> =laughter=
[00:49:22] <Fnord666> Been doing it for 25 years
[00:49:32] <Fnord666> As my core job
[00:49:55] <Fnord666> Everything else is for system admin on non-mainframes, utilities for the shop, etc.
[00:50:24] <Bytram> how'd that go? Calling a subroutine was a Branch on reg 12 to something something after storing the registers.
[00:50:27] <Fnord666> It was a system created in the late 70's and is still running today
[00:50:34] <Bytram> big iron
[00:50:56] <Fnord666> Normally the BASR 14,15
[00:50:57] <Bytram> they don't make 'em like they used to!
[00:51:05] <Bytram> yeah! that's the one!
[00:51:13] <Fnord666> Which is a branch to the address in R15 and save the return in R14
[00:51:26] <Bytram> wait... BASR or BALR?
[00:51:32] <Fnord666> R13 has your ave area where the routine you call saves the registers on entry
[00:51:38] <Bytram> nod nod
[00:51:53] <Bytram> mind, we're going back to the early 80s here!
[00:52:00] <Fnord666> BALR was the oldest one, then BASR, not we use BASSM
[00:52:09] <Fnord666> S/not/now/
[00:52:13] <Bytram> not now?
[00:52:15] <Bytram> ;)
[00:52:25] <Fnord666> Now we use BASSM
[00:52:35] <Fnord666> Branch And Save and Set Mode
[00:52:42] <Bytram> yeah, like I said, had not been keeping up with BAL for like, 4 decades...
[00:52:52] <Bytram> I suspected they mau have come up with a few things since then.
[00:52:54] <Bytram> that said,
[00:52:54] <Fnord666> We've gone from 24 bit addressing to 31 bit addressing to 64 bit addressing
[00:53:37] <Fnord666> Yeah my original "cheat sheet" folding card that had the instructions on it was 3 small pages. It's currently a 40 page book
[00:53:57] <Bytram> the assembler for the Vax was so sweet -- symmetric *everything*... consistent naming conventions, like it was architected to be self-consistent. An absolute joy to use by comparison
[00:54:54] <Bytram> yeah, I got to IBM when they had not that long ago provide greather-than-16-meg-support for main memory
[00:55:12] <Bytram> s/provide/provided/
[00:55:13] <Fnord666> Storage "above the line"
[00:55:15] <exec> <Bytram> yeah, I got to IBM when they had not that long ago provided greather-than-16-meg-support for main memory
[00:55:18] <Bytram> bingo
[00:55:50] <Fnord666> Now there's storage "above the bar" which is the region between 31 bit addressability and 64 bit addressability
[00:56:17] <Fnord666> Ever heard of or used CICS?
[00:56:27] <Bytram> so, you might appreciate my trying to test a 3rd level VM, single stepping one of two prototype mainframes in the world, and hand-translating PTLB on the fly as well as reading instructions in hex from main memory
[00:56:55] <Bytram> Head of, yes. Used? nope.
[00:56:59] <Fnord666> I can definitely appreciate
[00:57:19] <Bytram> Last I heard, CICS are for Trids!
[00:57:32] <Fnord666> Bytram++
[00:57:32] <Bender> karma - bytram: 77
[00:57:40] <Bytram> (Silly rabbit, Trix are for kids!)
[00:57:56] <Fnord666> Silly Rabbi, Kicks are for tries!
[00:57:59] <Bytram> wasn't sure if you'd get that one.
[00:58:10] <Fnord666> S/tries/trids/
[00:58:24] * Bytram ignore the Rabbi
[00:58:32] <Fnord666> One of my worse shaggy dog stories
[00:59:43] <Bytram> would love to hear it, but I need to be back at work in 12 hours... and I'm still dragging from yesterday. Can I take a raincheck? Think I'm gonna try and get my butt in the sack early and get me a chance to catch up on my sleep.
[01:00:08] <Carny> sleep++
[01:00:08] <Bender> karma - sleep: 15
[01:00:16] <Bytram> perchance to dream?
[01:00:16] <Fnord666> Absolutely. My hands are too tired to type that much anyway...
[01:00:29] <Fnord666> Howdy Carny!
[01:00:56] <Bytram> Carny: Hi!
[01:01:01] <Fnord666> Ay, there's the rub
[01:01:19] <Bytram> is that where the rub meats the robe?
[01:01:59] <Bytram> or,in Blues Brothers mode, that would be a Rubber Biscuit. Amirite?
[01:02:04] <Fnord666> No it's where the rub meats the steak
[01:02:39] <Bytram> <voice style="Homer Simpson">Hmm, steak!</voice>
[01:02:55] <Fnord666> https://www.youtube.com
[01:02:58] <exec> └─ 13Blues Brothers - Rubber Biscuit - YouTube
[01:03:22] <Fnord666> Bow bow bow
[01:03:45] <Bytram> meow?
[01:03:59] <Bytram> see upcoming lion king story on SN
[01:04:10] <Bytram> and, with that, my friend I'm gonna call it a night.
[01:04:16] <Bytram> enjoy the rest of your visit!
[01:04:20] <Fnord666> The real Men in Black!
[01:04:24] <Fnord666> Thanks!
[01:04:35] <Bytram> ciao for now
[01:04:41] <Fnord666> You have a good evening, get some sleep, and perchance to dream pleasant dreams
[01:04:51] <Fnord666> chow
[01:44:33] <Carny> hi Bytram ;]
[02:05:19] -!- chromas [chromas!~chromas@Soylent/Staff/Editor/chromas] has joined #editorial
[02:05:19] -!- mode/#editorial [+v chromas] by Hephaestus
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[12:25:36] <Bytram> Was able to push out a story this AM but now I need to head out for work.
[12:25:54] <Bytram> have a great day everyone!
[17:16:39] -!- RandomFactor [RandomFactor!~yaaic@ro-89-398-36-438.pools.cgn.spcsdns.net] has joined #editorial
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[18:23:29] <janrinok> @gday RandomFactor
[18:23:43] <janrinok> ~gday RandomFactor
[18:23:45] * exec deviously formulates promises of buffer overflows for RandomFactor
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