#editorial | Logs for 2019-07-05
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[00:03:04] <Bytram> Carny: thanks for bringing those to our attention. You will notice that if you load the main page, https://soylentnews.org and look for the slashbox on the RHS (Right Hand Side) titled "Most Recent Journal Entries", that they will not appear there until they have earned enough Karma through either having stories accepted and/or comments modded up. ISTR that it requires something like a karma of at least 7 but am not certain (more
[00:03:04] <Bytram> than 0 and less than 10 ismy recollection)
[00:03:07] <upstart> ^ 03SoylentNews: SoylentNews is people
[00:03:09] <exec> └─ 13SoylentNews: SoylentNews is people
[00:03:13] <Bytram> lol!
[00:09:09] <Carny> ok but i still want to throw spammers into the spam frying pan ;]
[00:11:39] <Bytram> you are singing to the choir
[00:12:26] <Bytram> thanks to you, there is a discussion that is ongoing, don't be surprised if you see a story in the next few days that mentions it. =)
[00:53:34] <Bytram> chromas: just subbed a breaking story about a large earthquake that hit southern california this morning. Not sure if you want to keep it as breaking or not, but if you *do*, should go out as next-in-line.
[00:54:51] <chromas> hehe
[00:54:54] <chromas> breaking news
[00:55:10] <chromas> earthquakes. there's gotta a be a pun in there somewhere
[00:56:16] * chromas sets the dept to good-riddance
[00:57:39] <chromas> I swapped it with Pine64's slot. Feel free to do whatever, I'm done
[00:57:55] <Bytram> ROFL!!! I did not even notice that!
[00:59:01] <Bytram> muchos merci!
[00:59:40] <Bytram> chromas++
[00:59:40] <Bender> karma - chromas: 74
[01:01:34] <Bytram> 2nded
[01:26:39] <Bytram> =g A tale of two cities
[01:26:41] <upstart> https://en.wikipedia.org - A Tale of Two Cities - Wikipedia
[02:27:06] <Bytram> https://stackoverflow.com
[02:27:07] <upstart> ^ 03RegEx match open tags except XHTML self-contained tags
[02:27:08] <exec> └─ 13html - RegEx match open tags except XHTML self-contained tags - Stack Overflow
[02:27:31] <Bytram> That has to be some of the funniest prose I have read in a long time!
[02:28:49] <chromas> He's not accounting for quotation marks
[02:38:56] <Bytram> or much else, but as a screed against the unknowing masses, it is a brilliant treatise on passing on the message that was intended to be conveyed -- certainly memorable! (Well, maybe not the exact wording, but an awareness of its general message and tone.)
[02:40:09] <chromas> I hadn't read the good part yet
[02:57:31] <Bytram> time for me to get ready for bed...
[02:57:44] <Bytram> chromas++ thanks for your help today!
[02:57:44] <Bender> karma - chromas: 75
[02:57:57] <Bytram> have a great night everybody!
[11:17:33] <Bytram> https://www.scientificamerican.com
[11:17:34] <upstart> ^ 03Our Brain Uses a Not-So-Instant Replay to Make Decisions
[11:17:35] <exec> └─ 13Our Brain Uses a Not-So-Instant Replay to Make Decisions - Scientific American
[13:58:10] <Bytram> .
[14:16:00] <Bytram> ~eds I finished the site's 5-year anniversary story and would appreciate it if someone could please review it? Is starting to look like "word soup", if you know what I mean?
[14:16:01] <exec> editor ping for Bytram (reason: i finished the site's 5-year anniversary story and would appreciate it if someone could please review it? is starting to look like "word soup", if you know what i mean?): janrinok n1 nick Bytram cmn32480 coolhand takyon bytram|away Fnord666 FatPhil mrpg chromas fyngyrz
[14:16:09] <Bytram> view it here: https://soylentnews.org
[14:16:10] <upstart> ^ 03Error ( https://soylentnews.org )
[14:16:11] <exec> └─ 13Error
[14:16:14] <Bytram> lol
[14:16:20] <Bytram> thank you!!!!