#editorial | Logs for 2019-03-11
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[01:55:25] <Bytram> #g Citrix
[01:55:26] <MrPlow> https://www.citrix.com - "Citrix delivers people-centric solutions that power a better way to work by offering secure apps and data on any device, network or digital workspace."
[01:55:37] <Bytram> #g Citrix Wikipedia
[01:55:37] <MrPlow> https://en.wikipedia.org - "Citrix Systems, Inc. is an American multinational software company that provides server, application and desktop virtualization, networking, software as a service ..."
[02:50:15] * Bytram notices his eyes are starting to fail to stay open.. decides it is time to head to bed.
[10:00:49] <Bytram> #g devil's kimchi
[10:00:49] <MrPlow> http://blogs.sciencemag.org - "May 8, 2013 ... ... a series of sudden explosive jerks, with crackling sounds”, and you could not ask for a clearer picture of the devil finding work for idle hands."
[10:01:02] <Bytram> #g devil's kimchi FOOF
[10:01:03] <MrPlow> http://blogs.sciencemag.org - "May 8, 2013 ... ... not ask for a clearer picture of the devil finding work for idle hands. ..... and using FOOF as oxidizer (rocket fuel can never be too energetic or ..."
[10:01:40] <chromas> no dept for Flickr
[10:02:19] * chromas considered something like sudden-breakout-of-creative-commons but nothing clever
[10:04:19] <Bytram> here's the thing. Say you add a Creative Commons licensed photo per day... what happens after about 3 years? You have no more space for non-CC pics!
[10:05:02] <chromas> Do they count against the limit?
[10:05:41] <chromas> Also, maybe I then choose to publish all my photos as CC. Win for the pubic
[10:06:58] <Bytram> chromas: s/bi/bli/
[10:07:00] <exec> <Bytram> <chromas> Also, maybe I then choose to publish all my photos as CC. Win for the public
[10:07:10] <Bytram> or was that a freudian slip?
[10:08:47] <chromas> https://pbs.twimg.com
[10:09:19] <Bytram> heads up on rDT subs, (1) he quotes stuff without using <blockquote> (2) he omits links from quoted stuff (3) oftentimes the stories he links to (foxnews) are summaries from other sources; check those out and possibly use them, instead.
[10:10:28] <Bytram> actually, (2) is a common thing for P666, too and (3) is a good practice all around.
[10:11:26] <chromas> Sometimes I don't bother adding in extra links, especially tag searches. It's a summary, after all
[10:11:50] * chromas will start condensing all subs down to the word "the"
[10:12:10] <Bytram> tags I can go along with leaving out, but in general, if it's a blockquote it is supposed to be an exact quote of the source...
[10:12:37] <Bytram> one other thing I will do is remove ad tracking / redirections from provided links
[10:12:59] <Bytram> in the interests of protecting the privacy of the community
[10:13:34] * Bytram glares at at &utm_feed and family
[11:20:17] <Bytram> =submit https://www.bcs.org
[11:20:19] <upstart> Submit failed: No title.
[11:20:20] <exec> └─ 13The Morris worm at 30
[11:20:26] <Bytram> lol
[11:21:20] * Bytram was on the net back when it happened... man was that ever exciting to watch things unfold in real time with people trying to figure out what was happening!
[19:49:42] * cmn32480 blames coolhand.
[19:49:44] <cmn32480> cmn32480 reaches next level in 267713 days, 19:47:46
[21:47:46] <Bytram> so... on the order of 750 years? (Okay, 733 years, give or take)