#editorial | Logs for 2018-01-27
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[02:37:27] <Bytram> http://threatpost.com
[02:37:28] <upstart> ^ 03Lenovo Fixes Hardcoded Password Flaw Impacting ThinkPad Fingerprint Scanners | Threatpost | The first stop for security news ( https://threatpost.com )
[03:02:38] <Bytram> https://www.bloomberg.com
[03:02:39] <upstart> ^ 03Coincheck Says It Lost Crypto Coins Valued at About $400 Million - Bloomberg
[03:55:50] <Bytram> just pushed out enough stories to get us to sunday
[03:56:02] <Bytram> time for me to go to bed -- laters!
[03:56:46] <Bytram> https://www.techrepublic.com
[03:56:46] <upstart> ^ 0310 new VM escape vulnerabilities discovered in VirtualBox - TechRepublic
[03:56:47] <exec> └─ 1310 new VM escape vulnerabilities discovered in VirtualBox - TechRepublic
[05:32:48] -!- SirFinkus has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[20:59:37] -!- cortex [cortex!~cortex@189.172.tkm.sw] has joined #editorial
[21:04:51] -!- cortex has quit [Quit: Textual IRC Client: www.textualapp.com]
[21:05:34] -!- cortex [cortex!~cortex@189.172.tkm.sw] has joined #editorial
[23:28:41] -!- cortex has quit [Quit: My MacBook has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…]
[23:45:14] -!- cortex [cortex!~cortex@189.172.tkm.sw] has joined #editorial