#editorial | Logs for 2017-06-13

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[00:55:27] <Bytram> ~eds I sent an email to JR -- there was a setback for one of his relative's prognosis... looks like he'll be out for a while longer. :(
[00:55:29] <exec> editor ping for Bytram (reason: i sent an email to jr -- there was a setback for one of his relative's prognosis... looks like he'll be out for a while longer. :(): janrinok zz_janrinok n1 nick martyb Bytram cmn32480 coolhand takyon bytram|away Fnord666 charon GreatOutdoors FatPhil Snow goodie mrpg
[00:56:20] <Bytram> He said to let you all know that he deeply misses the folks here. If you'd please keep him and his family members in your thoughts, it'd be much appreciated.
[01:03:44] * n1_ hat tip for JR and family
[01:09:53] -!- SoyCow5830 [SoyCow5830!~629741af@ouv-64-127-62-027.hawaii.res.rr.com] has joined #editorial
[01:10:46] <cmn32480> wassup SoyCow5830
[01:14:35] -!- SoyCow5830 has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds]
[01:20:01] * Bytram start summing the theme to Hawaii-50
[01:27:26] <Bytram> s/su/hu/
[01:27:27] <exec> <Bytram> start humming the theme to Hawaii-50
[01:27:29] <Bytram> Doh!
[01:32:21] -!- SoyCow5830 [SoyCow5830!~629741af@ouv-64-127-62-027.hawaii.res.rr.com] has joined #editorial
[01:36:36] <Deucalion> wb SoyCow5830
[01:58:54] -!- SoyCow5830 has quit []
[02:17:29] n1_ is now known as nick
[04:18:16] <nick> ~eds the americas cup story is intended as a little nudge to try and get some subs, can be pulled if the subs pick up
[04:18:17] <exec> editor ping for nick (reason: the americas cup story is intended as a little nudge to try and get some subs, can be pulled if the subs pick up): janrinok zz_janrinok n1 nick martyb Bytram cmn32480 coolhand takyon bytram|away Fnord666 charon GreatOutdoors FatPhil Snow goodie mrpg
[07:57:35] -!- exec has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds]
[08:29:04] -!- NotSanguine|away [NotSanguine|away!~notsangui@qzg770-090-642.nyc5.dsl.speakeasy.net] has joined #editorial
[08:29:21] -!- NotSanguine|away has quit [Client Quit]
[10:04:06] -!- nick has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[10:04:30] -!- nick [nick!~nick@Soylent/Staff/Editor/n1] has joined #editorial
[10:04:30] -!- mode/#editorial [+v nick] by Hephaestus
[10:09:08] <TheMightyBuzzard> yall reckon we should run some E3 coverage since everything else is slow as hell this week?
[12:25:46] -!- NotSanguine|away [NotSanguine|away!~notsangui@qzg770-090-642.nyc5.dsl.speakeasy.net] has joined #editorial
[12:26:14] NotSanguine|away is now known as NotSanguine
[12:26:20] -!- NotSanguine has quit [Changing host]
[12:26:20] -!- NotSanguine [NotSanguine!~notsangui@Soylent/Staff/Editor/NotSanguine] has joined #editorial
[12:26:20] -!- mode/#editorial [+v NotSanguine] by Hephaestus
[12:33:47] -!- NotSanguine has quit [Quit: Nettalk6 - www.ntalk.de]
[13:03:45] <Bytram> whereto? http://go.theregister.com
[13:03:46] <upstart> ^ 03Congressman drafts COVFEFE Act to preserve Trump's Twitter tantrums • The Register ( https://www.theregister.co.uk )
[13:05:20] <Bytram> here's a prior bill that he submitted:
[13:05:21] <Bytram> https://www.congress.gov
[13:05:22] <upstart> ^ 03Text - H.R.1711 - 115th Congress (2017-2018): MAR-A-LAGO Act | Congress.gov | Library of Congress
[13:07:08] * Bytram begins 2nding stories
[15:12:26] -!- chromas_ [chromas_!~chromas@0::1] has joined #editorial
[15:12:26] -!- chromas has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds]
[15:12:26] -!- upstart has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds]
[15:33:34] -!- chromas [chromas!~chromas@0::1] has joined #editorial
[15:33:53] -!- chromas_ has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds]
[20:28:38] <nick> i guess i made an AC fan with my Americas Cup story
[20:36:14] -!- cosurgi [cosurgi!~cosurgi@qylizv7.bl.pg.gda.pl] has joined #editorial
[20:36:42] -!- cosurgi has quit [Changing host]
[20:36:42] -!- cosurgi [cosurgi!~cosurgi@Soylent/Staff/Misc/cosurgi] has joined #editorial
[21:49:40] -!- upstart [upstart!~init@97-12-043-53.dhcp.nwtn.ct.charter.com] has joined #editorial
[22:06:05] -!- nick has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[22:06:34] -!- nick [nick!~nick@Soylent/Staff/Editor/n1] has joined #editorial
[22:06:34] -!- mode/#editorial [+v nick] by Hephaestus
[22:06:34] <Bytram> pushed out a few stories to help deplete the sub queue and get us most of the way to morning on the US east coast... gtg... hope to pop back in later.
[22:06:40] <Bytram> nick: hat tip
[22:07:19] <Bytram> nick: wish I could stay to chat, but was just about to head out to visit with some friends
[22:07:25] <Bytram> laters
[22:07:34] <nick> have a great evening Bytram
[22:07:45] <Bytram> thanks!
[22:08:14] <Bytram> btw, I've noticed you've gotten back in the swing of posting stories... glad to see ya back in 'fighting shape', so to speak/write. =)
[22:08:28] <Bytram> really gtg... ciao for now!
[22:33:51] -!- rru [rru!~mvvnczfc@syeqhzk.nmte.ch] has joined #editorial
[22:33:51] <rru> #CHARYBDIS ON FREENODE (amdj)
[22:33:51] <rru> | | | | ____| | | __ \
[22:33:51] <rru> | |__| | |__ | | | |__) |
[22:33:51] <rru> | __ | __| | | | ___/
[22:33:51] <rru> | | | | |____| |____| |
[22:33:52] <rru> |_| |_|______|______|_|
[22:33:54] <rru> ITS NOT OUR SPAM *GIGGLES*
[22:33:59] <rru> nick upstart cosurgi chromas MrPlow Azrael Talos sigh Hephaestus Xyem Deucalion CoolHand NCommander TheMightyBuzzard cmn32480 Bender Fnord666 charon Bytram SoyGuest77134 takyon paulej72 SoyGuest85927 SirFinkus mngrif Loggie
[22:33:59] -!- rru [rru!~mvvnczfc@syeqhzk.nmte.ch] has parted #editorial
[22:35:37] -!- charon_ [charon_!~0c0959f3@Soylent/Staff/Editor/charon] has joined #editorial
[22:35:37] -!- mode/#editorial [+v charon_] by Hephaestus
[22:35:51] <charon_> hiyo anyone
[22:37:00] <nick> hi charon_
[22:37:37] <charon_> hello nick, how are you?
[22:38:33] <nick> im alright, how is charon_
[22:40:24] <charon_> busy. last week someone in my department got fired. and of course, the management gets bigger bonuses if they lower payroll costs, so the rest of us are "doing more with less"
[22:40:36] -!- rxp [rxp!~jtnlu@tvr-yesva.danwin3350.me] has joined #editorial
[22:40:36] -!- rxp has quit [Read error: error:1408F10B:SSL routines:SSL3_GET_RECORD:wrong version number]
[22:41:12] <nick> that sucks
[22:42:47] <nick> so much for the 'job creators' eh?
[22:44:21] <charon_> yeah. my store won't hire anyone for a desireable wage. there are plenty of people who need a job, but at $9/hr, they'll get the desperate and the unemployable
[22:45:17] <nick> if only minimum wage was $0 then they're hire 100 more people!
[22:46:07] <charon_> look at all the unpaid interns we support
[22:46:43] <nick> it was the problem i had, when i was still running the business in the UK... i wanted to hire people and expand, but i can do the math myself, at a 'starting wage' what kind of standard of living is available
[22:47:09] <nick> and that's not something i wanted to ask of people, i wanted to provide a living wage, but with the margins available and the business environment, i couldn't do it
[22:48:03] <charon_> i can see that for small business. that's got to be very hard
[22:48:13] <nick> if someone is going to work for me, i don't want them worrying if they're going to be able to pay all the bills each month because their wage isn't suitable for the location
[22:48:44] <nick> im sure i could have got people on a lower wage, but as you say, desperate and unemployable
[22:49:21] <nick> i'd rather pay someone well, who is willing to learn and has an incentive to stay, than fight for the bottom of the barrel
[22:49:52] <nick> it's possible in plenty of places, just not London
[22:49:52] <charon_> yep, that is plain sense
[22:50:45] <nick> are they even advertising for someone to fill the position?
[22:51:45] <charon_> not specifically, i don't think. they always accept applications, but someone to fill this position needs to be a bit more than a warm body
[22:52:35] <charon_> all the people in different departments who might work out are not interested in switching. plus of course, that just shifts the burden around
[22:57:32] <nick> well i hope they figure something out soon, or i'll have to complain that they're getting in the way of your editorial obligations ;)
[23:00:38] <charon_> hah, i'll go where the money is
[23:00:59] <charon_> especially if i get that 30% raise cmn promised
[23:01:57] <nick> make sure he doesnt stiff you on the inflation adjustment
[23:02:16] <charon_> speaking of cmn, where's exec?
[23:02:47] <nick> it was around yesterday, but i think it wasn't working
[23:07:13] <charon_> so much for stuffing the queue with arthur
[23:09:25] <charon_> i'll have to do it the old fashioned way
[23:13:22] <nick> my troll story earlier earned me an AC fan, sadly not so much in the way of subs
[23:13:50] <cmn32480> yeah
[23:17:49] <charon_> attention whore!
[23:21:48] <nick> i almost replied, to say thanks for the attention i so desperately crave
[23:22:00] <charon_> heh
[23:30:16] -!- exec [exec!~exec@23.24.kp.ip] has joined #editorial
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[23:30:17] -!- exec [exec!~exec@crutchys.brothel] has joined #editorial
[23:36:44] -!- Azrael_ [Azrael_!~Az@dncu52-102-632-785.range02-652.btcentralplus.com] has joined #editorial
[23:37:29] -!- Azrael has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds]
[23:40:58] <charon_> hm, i'm not altogether opposed to the ivanka trump clothes story. but it seems like it wouldn't be a story without her name attached
[23:42:08] <nick> that's kind of the point though
[23:43:11] <nick> when you advocate certain things, and are in a position of power, but also unaccountable, to show your commitment to your business and political ideology, you should lead by example
[23:46:21] <charon_> but she's not in the business of selling clothes. she sells image and style; the clothes are incidental. why should she care who works to make them? they are not her audience
[23:47:45] <nick> but she's not just a business person, she is in government which is advocating manufacturing domestically which would benefit local businesses, while her own business interests are running opposite to that
[23:48:00] <charon_> i think you and i are in accord on this, but i don't see it as hypocracy because when ivanka talks about working women she is 100% certainly talking about white american suburban executive women
[23:49:00] <nick> sure, but it's important to highlight that distinction, especially when such a person is in the position to shape legislation and policy
[23:49:28] <nick> as i said in my note, my first reaction to the story was it's not for us
[23:50:05] <nick> but i'm more favourable now... maybe i'm still a bit pissed about one of my stories being rejected before the election
[23:50:47] <nick> about trump's modelling agency bringing models in on tourist visas, coaching them on how to get through immigration etc
[23:51:37] <charon_> can't find enough american models?
[23:51:54] <nick> american models probably have friends and family to stay with
[23:52:10] <nick> bring in some eastern european models, on tourist visas, and then deduct their rent from their pay
[23:52:14] <nick> you have a captive employee
[23:52:16] <nick> it's just good business
[23:52:58] <nick> http://www.motherjones.com
[23:52:59] <upstart> ^ 03Former Models for Donald Trump’s Agency Say They Violated Immigration Rules and Worked Illegally – Mother Jones
[23:53:18] <cmn32480> somebody subbed that at the time
[23:53:23] <nick> that was me
[23:53:27] <nick> and it got rejected
[23:54:09] * cmn32480 shrugs...
[23:54:27] -!- mrpg [mrpg!~m@Soylent/Staff/Editor/mrpg] has joined #editorial
[23:54:27] -!- mode/#editorial [+v mrpg] by Hephaestus
[23:54:34] <cmn32480> I jsut remember it got submitted... I don't remember if it was published or not
[23:54:42] <nick> that was the reason for the rejection too, it sat around too long
[23:57:16] <nick> it was part of why i wasn't here for a while, i had two interesting and timely stories that got rejected because 'meh' ... but anyway, it really depends on how we plan to approach any stories involving the current WH, are we going to avoid the controversial stories and just focus on policy, or are we going to draw in the winder contexts and narratives?
[23:57:55] * cmn32480 has opted to stay away from the politics nexus
[23:58:43] <nick> not a bad idea, in general.