#editorial | Logs for 2017-04-01

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[00:48:47] -!- takyon_ [takyon_!~47b2b115@Soylent/Staff/Editor/takyon] has joined #editorial
[00:48:47] -!- mode/#editorial [+v takyon_] by Hephaestus
[00:49:07] <takyon_> was my blac chyna story 2 soon 4 lafffter
[00:50:13] <takyon_> nvm read the timestamps wrong
[00:50:24] -!- mrpg [mrpg!~m@Soylent/Staff/Editor/mrpg] has joined #editorial
[00:50:24] -!- mode/#editorial [+v mrpg] by Hephaestus
[00:50:29] <takyon_> ~blame Fnord666
[00:50:30] * exec points at Bytram
[00:50:52] <mrpg> hi good night
[00:50:58] <takyon_> hi. bye.
[00:50:59] <cmn32480> ~gday mrpg
[00:51:01] * exec slowly ships a briefcase of windows 98 with mrpg
[00:53:56] <mrpg> happy april first, good stories, nice green template.
[00:57:01] <Bytram> mrpg: g'day!!
[00:57:26] <mrpg> hi good day!
[00:58:32] <Bytram> mrpg: howz thingZ?
[00:59:51] <mrpg> fine. a little hungry, im gona make tuna.
[01:02:19] <Bytram> nod nod -- food sounds like a good idea... might do the same!
[01:02:21] <Bytram> afk
[01:04:28] <charon_> hiyo mrpg
[01:04:35] <takyon_> mayo
[01:11:56] <charon_> teamwork++
[01:11:56] <Bender> karma - teamwork: 133
[01:12:26] <Bytram> indeed!
[01:12:31] <Bytram> teamwork++
[01:12:31] <Bender> karma - teamwork: 134
[01:14:05] <mrpg> hi charon_
[01:15:57] takyon_ is now known as Pluto
[01:16:08] <Pluto> grab em in the planet
[01:16:51] <Bytram> would that be the "Daily Planet" ??
[01:17:06] * Bytram looks for a phone booth
[01:17:08] <Pluto> smoke me every day
[01:17:49] <Pluto> http://www.niemanlab.org
[01:17:51] <exec> └─ 13The only redeeming thing about fake news is that it’s ruining April Fool’s Day this year » Nieman Journalism Lab
[01:19:43] <Bytram> The only redeeming thing about April Fool's day this year is that it's ruining fake news.
[01:20:58] <Pluto> The only redeeming thing about news is that it's always fake
[01:21:36] <Bytram> The only redeeming thing about fake news is that it's always news
[01:22:05] <Pluto> The only redeeming thing about reality is that it's always holographic
[01:22:53] <Bytram> Reality is for those people who can't handle Science Fiction
[01:24:58] <Pluto> The only redeeming thing about science fiction is that it always comes true
[01:26:11] <charon_> http://factcheckingday.com
[01:26:13] <exec> └─ 13Home | FactChecking Day
[01:26:50] * Bytram Has watched rockets take off and land... vertically! Hey, you're right!
[01:30:40] <Pluto> here's a story for you
[01:30:44] <Pluto> check my latest sub
[01:32:54] <charon_> so this fact that has been known for years and is the subject of a famous XKCD cartoon is suddenly dangerous now?
[01:33:32] <Pluto> I don't think the intent is to make the battery explode
[01:33:45] <Pluto> I think the intent is to hide explosives within the clamshell
[01:38:49] <Pluto> did we ever get fjord to log in?
[01:39:59] <charon_> negative, but he did stop osting, so maybe he igured it out?
[01:40:10] <Pluto> k. i'll be back in an hour
[01:40:27] -!- Pluto has quit [Quit: Web client closed]
[01:41:26] <Bytram> Pluto: laters! (/me wonders was that supposed to be Pluto, the minor planet, or Pluto the dog?
[01:42:16] <charon_> Pluto the roman god of the afterlife?
[01:44:01] <Bytram> Right, that's the one! ;)
[01:44:06] <Bytram> http://www.utsouthwestern.edu
[01:44:12] <exec> └─ 13Blood test unlocks new frontier in treating depression: March 2017 News Releases - UT Southwestern, Dallas, TX
[01:44:50] <Bytram> http://dx.doi.org
[01:44:52] <exec> └─ 13Elsevier: Article Locator Error - Article Not Recognized
[01:48:03] <charon_> a good advance, if true
[01:49:20] <Bytram> It's only specific to a comparison of outcomes between two different medication regimens, but still bodes well for future improvements
[01:51:09] <charon_> jeez, newegg. i put a crossover cable into my cart, why would i be interested in a patch cable too?
[01:52:25] <Bytram> in case you break the crossover cable, you'd have a cable to patch it with? ;)
[01:53:01] <charon_> now you're thinking
[01:54:20] <Bytram> Hey guys! Look at the bottom of the editor window... there's *FIVE* of us working on stories at the same time!
[01:54:46] <charon_> must be an april fool's joke
[01:55:55] * Bytram adds italics and a missing <p> to the Fast and furious story
[01:56:16] <Bytram> 2nding five second rule
[01:57:25] <charon_> for ridiculous headlines, this one is my fave https://soylentnews.org
[01:57:27] <exec> └─ 13Error
[01:57:42] <charon_> inflatable beer bottle
[01:57:52] * Bytram has seen THAT headline before
[01:59:48] <charon_> alright. time to lock up and go home. see you all later. going to see if i can remember how to get into my bouncer account tonight
[02:00:49] -!- charon_ has quit [Quit: AFD is a qualified success]
[02:11:26] <mrpg> im going to watch tv. bye good night :)
[02:11:26] <Fnord666> howdy #editorial
[02:11:36] <mrpg> hi.
[02:11:54] <Fnord666> hey there
[02:13:09] <Bytram> howdy!
[02:13:41] <Fnord666> hey Bytram
[02:13:46] <Bytram> how ya doin?
[02:13:55] <Fnord666> good. Yourself?
[02:14:16] <Bytram> winding down, as I wind up two days off
[02:15:06] <Fnord666> Sounds pleasant. Do anything fun?
[02:15:36] <Bytram> nothing spectacular
[02:15:59] <Bytram> mostly hung around here, and wrote a couple programs for personal use.
[02:17:24] <Fnord666> I thought it was amusing that many of the stories today could easily be April Fool's day stories
[02:17:51] <cmn32480> ~gday Fnord666
[02:17:52] * exec abnormally internalizes a plate of prison food in Fnord666
[02:17:53] <Bytram> because it's already april fools day
[02:18:01] <Fnord666> ~gday cmn32480
[02:18:03] * exec ironically farts a beaker of dag at cmn32480
[02:18:04] <Bytram> ~time UTC
[02:18:04] <cmn32480> I assume you got my notes in the sub queue?
[02:18:06] <exec> Saturday, 1 April 2017 @ 2:18 am UTC - Coordinated Universal Time
[02:18:32] * Bytram just pushed out two stories and finished fleshing out stories for April 1
[02:18:43] * Fnord666 goes to check the suj queue
[02:18:50] <cmn32480> ~facepalm
[02:19:31] <Fnord666> yeah, i got your message....
[02:19:40] <cmn32480> excellent
[02:19:55] <Fnord666> what's up?
[02:24:40] <Bytram> http://unews.utah.edu
[02:24:44] <exec> └─ 13A badger can bury a cow by itself | UNews
[02:26:50] <Bytram> https://www.youtube.com
[02:26:52] <exec> └─ 13Badger burying a cow - YouTube
[02:40:57] <Fnord666> so how is cmn32480 today?
[02:41:09] <cmn32480> sleepy ish
[02:41:20] <cmn32480> kinda happy the boy's lacrosse game is cancelled for tomorrow
[02:41:35] <cmn32480> and I've got a phone interview with a guy scheduled for tomorrow afternoon
[02:41:59] <Fnord666> that sounds like fun. does he know wireless?
[02:42:06] <cmn32480> fuck he better
[02:42:28] -!- takyon_ [takyon_!~47b2b115@Soylent/Staff/Editor/takyon] has joined #editorial
[02:42:28] -!- mode/#editorial [+v takyon_] by Hephaestus
[02:42:31] <cmn32480> his resume talks a decent game, and the voicemail he left me following up on his application claims he does...
[02:42:34] <cmn32480> we'll see
[02:42:43] <takyon_> hire me
[02:42:52] <cmn32480> you know enterprise wifi?
[02:42:56] <Fnord666> I hope he works out for you
[02:43:02] <cmn32480> me too
[02:43:13] <takyon_> I know that unplugging the router usually fixes it
[02:43:27] * Bytram is gonna call it a night
[02:43:27] <Fnord666> hire that man! he knows the secret!
[02:43:30] <Bytram> ~gnight takyon_
[02:43:31] * exec abrasively allocates two fingers of teenage angst for takyon_
[02:43:34] <takyon_> night
[02:43:34] <Bytram> ~gnight Fnord666
[02:43:36] * exec half-heartedly steals a buzz saw of reverb from Fnord666
[02:43:36] <Bytram> ~gnight cmn32480
[02:43:36] <cmn32480> ~gnight bytram
[02:43:38] * exec cautiously crams an F cup of naval lint into bytram
[02:43:38] <Fnord666> ~gnight Bytram
[02:43:40] * exec transphobically coalesces an exabyte of nails with Bytram
[02:43:49] <takyon_> ow
[02:44:07] <takyon_> oh I see we got fnord in here
[02:44:11] <takyon_> our pleas were not in vain
[02:44:13] <cmn32480> at least the lint will padd from the nails penetrating too far
[02:44:22] <Fnord666> hi takyon_!
[02:44:28] <Bytram> lol
[02:44:41] * Bytram heads to his bed of nails ;)
[02:44:41] <Bytram> laters!
[02:44:53] <takyon_> time to clean these submission notes
[02:45:16] <Fnord666> :)
[02:45:39] <takyon_> dun
[02:46:00] <Fnord666> very effective
[02:49:24] <cmn32480> I'm done
[02:49:29] <cmn32480> bed time for bonzo
[02:49:37] <cmn32480> y'all knuckleheads get some rest
[02:49:41] <Fnord666> ~gnight cmn32480
[02:49:43] * exec arrogantly inserts a snapshot of bass hole into cmn32480
[02:49:46] <cmn32480> ~gnight #editorial]
[02:49:48] * exec cantankerously liberates a shoeful of dank memes from #editorial]
[02:50:33] <Fnord666> BTW the plural form of y'all is "all y'all"
[02:53:17] <takyon_> yup
[02:53:25] <takyon_> i've said it non-ironically before
[02:54:33] -!- mrpg has quit [Quit: Leaving.]
[03:28:43] <takyon_> has my " Blac Chyna Slams Tyga, Rob Kardashian in Fear " been deemed too toxic for april idiot's?
[03:30:03] <charon> three celebutantes is three too many for my taste
[03:30:37] <takyon_> tempted to just post it myself. i spent the most time on that one
[03:30:53] <takyon_> namely because it's hard to understand something you don't care about with every fiber of your being
[03:38:48] -!- takyon_ has quit [Quit: Web client closed]
[04:03:42] -!- EFknockr [EFknockr!~fzyjd@u2.91.39a1.ip7.static.sl-reverse.com] has joined #editorial
[04:03:47] <EFknockr> 1,0 ███▓▓▒▒▒▒▒▒▒░░░ ░░░░▒▒▒▓▓▓▓
[04:03:48] <EFknockr> 1,0 ▓█▓▓▓▒▒▒▒▒▒▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▄░ ░▄▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓█▓▓▓ IRC.WORMSEC.US | #SUPERBOWL
[04:03:49] <EFknockr> 1,0 ▒▓▓▓▓▒▒░░▒█▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓█░▒░░▒▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓█▓▓ THE HOTTEST MOST EXCLUSIVE SEC ON THE NET
[04:03:50] <EFknockr> 1,0░▒▓▓▒▒▒▒░░▒▒█▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓█░▒░░░▒▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓█▒▓░ 0 DAY BANANA BOMBS "OK"
[04:03:51] <EFknockr> 1,0▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒░░▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ ░▒░░ ░▒▒▒▀▀▀▀▀▀▒▓▓▓▒
[04:03:52] <EFknockr> nick cosurgi SoyGuest67616 Deucalion Azrael sigh cmn32480 exec chromas Bender MrPlow sedctl Fnord666 CoolHand charon Bytram TheMightyBuzzard SoyGuest77134 takyon paulej72 SoyGuest85927 SirFinkus mngrif Hephaestus Loggie
[04:03:52] -!- EFknockr [EFknockr!~fzyjd@u2.91.39a1.ip7.static.sl-reverse.com] has parted #editorial
[04:04:29] <charon> he's right, this network IS blowjobs
[04:07:42] <Fnord666> lol
[04:13:09] -!- EFknockr [EFknockr!~caujye@u2.91.39a1.ip7.static.sl-reverse.com] has joined #editorial
[04:13:11] <EFknockr> 1,0 ███▓▓▒▒▒▒▒▒▒░░░ ░░░░▒▒▒▓▓▓▓
[04:13:11] <EFknockr> 1,0 ▓█▓▓▓▒▒▒▒▒▒▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▄░ ░▄▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓█▓▓▓ IRC.WORMSEC.US | #SUPERBOWL
[04:13:12] <EFknockr> 1,0 ▒▓▓▓▓▒▒░░▒█▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓█░▒░░▒▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓█▓▓ THE HOTTEST MOST EXCLUSIVE SEC ON THE NET
[04:13:12] <EFknockr> 1,0░▒▓▓▒▒▒▒░░▒▒█▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓█░▒░░░▒▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓█▒▓░ 0 DAY BANANA BOMBS "OK"
[04:13:12] <EFknockr> 1,0▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒░░▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ ░▒░░ ░▒▒▒▀▀▀▀▀▀▒▓▓▓▒
[04:13:13] <EFknockr> nick cosurgi SoyGuest67616 Deucalion Azrael sigh cmn32480 exec chromas Bender MrPlow sedctl Fnord666 CoolHand charon Bytram TheMightyBuzzard SoyGuest77134 takyon paulej72 SoyGuest85927 SirFinkus mngrif Hephaestus Loggie
[04:13:13] -!- EFknockr [EFknockr!~caujye@u2.91.39a1.ip7.static.sl-reverse.com] has parted #editorial
[04:19:19] <Fnord666> .ban *@*.sl-reverse.com
[04:19:19] -!- mode/#editorial [+b *!*@*.sl-reverse.com] by Hephaestus
[04:23:02] -!- n1 [n1!~nick@Soylent/Staff/Editor/n1] has joined #editorial
[04:23:02] -!- mode/#editorial [+v n1] by Hephaestus
[04:27:19] <Fnord666> ~gnight #editorial
[04:27:20] * exec insensitively steals a DD cup of TopKek from #editorial
[04:27:41] -!- nick has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds]
[04:29:11] <charon> gnight Fnord666
[04:37:31] <n1> http://www.bbc.com
[04:37:33] <exec> └─ 13Paraguay congress set on fire amid presidential controversy - BBC News
[04:45:54] -!- EFknockr [EFknockr!~eqcckexg@91.108.zhh.sq] has joined #editorial
[04:46:03] <EFknockr> 1,12 1,0 4 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12
[04:46:04] <EFknockr> 1,12 4 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12
[04:46:04] <EFknockr> 1,12 4 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12
[04:46:05] <EFknockr> 4,12 1 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 12,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12
[04:46:05] <EFknockr> 4,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12
[04:46:06] <EFknockr> 4,12 IRC.SUPERNETS.ORG | PORT 6667/6697 (SSL) | #SUPERBOWL | IPV6 READY
[04:46:06] <EFknockr> n1 cosurgi SoyGuest67616 Deucalion Azrael sigh cmn32480 exec chromas Bender MrPlow sedctl Fnord666 CoolHand charon Bytram TheMightyBuzzard SoyGuest77134 takyon paulej72 SoyGuest85927 SirFinkus mngrif Hephaestus Loggie
[04:46:07] -!- EFknockr [EFknockr!~eqcckexg@91.108.zhh.sq] has parted #editorial
[04:47:18] -!- EFknockr [EFknockr!~hxxzwt@91.108.zhh.sq] has joined #editorial
[04:47:24] <EFknockr> 1,12 1,0 4 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12
[04:47:24] <EFknockr> 1,12 4 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12
[04:47:25] <EFknockr> 1,12 4 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12
[04:47:25] <EFknockr> 4,12 1 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 12,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12
[04:47:26] <EFknockr> 4,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12
[04:47:27] <EFknockr> 4,12 IRC.SUPERNETS.ORG | PORT 6667/6697 (SSL) | #SUPERBOWL | IPV6 READY
[04:47:28] <EFknockr> n1 cosurgi SoyGuest67616 Deucalion Azrael sigh cmn32480 exec chromas Bender MrPlow sedctl Fnord666 CoolHand charon Bytram TheMightyBuzzard SoyGuest77134 takyon paulej72 SoyGuest85927 SirFinkus mngrif Hephaestus Loggie
[04:47:28] -!- EFknockr [EFknockr!~hxxzwt@91.108.zhh.sq] has parted #editorial
[04:55:46] -!- EFknockr [EFknockr!~aohlyoi@91.108.zhh.sq] has joined #editorial
[04:55:51] <EFknockr> 1,12 1,0 4 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12
[04:55:51] <EFknockr> 1,12 4 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12
[04:55:52] <EFknockr> 1,12 4 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12
[04:55:52] <EFknockr> 4,12 1 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 12,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12
[04:55:53] <EFknockr> 4,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12
[04:55:54] <EFknockr> 4,12 IRC.SUPERNETS.ORG | PORT 6667/6697 (SSL) | #SUPERBOWL | IPV6 READY
[04:55:54] <EFknockr> n1 cosurgi SoyGuest67616 Deucalion Azrael sigh cmn32480 exec chromas Bender MrPlow sedctl Fnord666 CoolHand charon Bytram TheMightyBuzzard SoyGuest77134 takyon paulej72 SoyGuest85927 SirFinkus mngrif Hephaestus Loggie
[04:55:55] -!- EFknockr [EFknockr!~aohlyoi@91.108.zhh.sq] has parted #editorial
[04:57:38] -!- EFknockr [EFknockr!~oacqzif@91.108.zhh.sq] has joined #editorial
[04:57:42] <EFknockr> 1,12 1,0 4 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12
[04:57:42] <EFknockr> 1,12 4 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12
[04:57:43] <EFknockr> 1,12 4 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12
[04:57:43] <EFknockr> 4,12 1 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 12,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12
[04:57:44] <EFknockr> 4,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12
[04:57:44] <EFknockr> 4,12 IRC.SUPERNETS.ORG | PORT 6667/6697 (SSL) | #SUPERBOWL | IPV6 READY
[04:57:45] <EFknockr> n1 cosurgi SoyGuest67616 Deucalion Azrael sigh cmn32480 exec chromas Bender MrPlow sedctl Fnord666 CoolHand charon Bytram TheMightyBuzzard SoyGuest77134 takyon paulej72 SoyGuest85927 SirFinkus mngrif Hephaestus Loggie
[04:57:46] -!- EFknockr [EFknockr!~oacqzif@91.108.zhh.sq] has parted #editorial
[04:58:07] <n1> .quiet efknockr
[04:58:08] -!- mode/#editorial [+q *!*@91.108.zhh.sq] by Hephaestus
[06:21:25] -!- EFknockr_ [EFknockr_!~mzmtdnhr@67.204.mnk.og] has joined #editorial
[06:21:28] <EFknockr_> 1,12 1,0 4 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12
[06:21:29] <EFknockr_> 1,12 4 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12
[06:21:30] <EFknockr_> 1,12 4 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12
[06:21:30] <EFknockr_> 4,12 1 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 12,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12
[06:21:31] <EFknockr_> 4,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12
[06:21:31] <EFknockr_> 4,12 IRC.SUPERNETS.ORG | PORT 6667/6697 (SSL) | #SUPERBOWL | IPV6 READY
[06:21:32] <EFknockr_> n1 cosurgi SoyGuest67616 Deucalion Azrael sigh cmn32480 exec chromas Bender MrPlow sedctl Fnord666 CoolHand charon Bytram TheMightyBuzzard SoyGuest77134 takyon paulej72 SoyGuest85927 SirFinkus mngrif Hephaestus Loggie
[06:21:32] -!- EFknockr_ [EFknockr_!~mzmtdnhr@67.204.mnk.og] has parted #editorial
[06:31:53] -!- EFknockr [EFknockr!~snyms@07-937-499-903.dhcp.gwnt.ga.charter.com] has joined #editorial
[06:31:56] <EFknockr> 1,0 ███▓▓▒▒▒▒▒▒▒░░░ ░░░░▒▒▒▓▓▓▓
[06:31:57] <EFknockr> 1,0 ▓█▓▓▓▒▒▒▒▒▒▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▄░ ░▄▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓█▓▓▓ IRC.WORMSEC.US | #SUPERBOWL
[06:31:57] <EFknockr> 1,0 ▒▓▓▓▓▒▒░░▒█▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓█░▒░░▒▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓█▓▓ THE HOTTEST MOST EXCLUSIVE SEC ON THE NET
[06:31:58] <EFknockr> 1,0░▒▓▓▒▒▒▒░░▒▒█▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓█░▒░░░▒▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓█▒▓░ 0 DAY BANANA BOMBS "OK"
[06:31:58] <EFknockr> 1,0▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒░░▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ ░▒░░ ░▒▒▒▀▀▀▀▀▀▒▓▓▓▒
[06:31:59] <EFknockr> n1 cosurgi SoyGuest67616 Deucalion Azrael sigh cmn32480 exec chromas Bender MrPlow sedctl Fnord666 CoolHand charon Bytram TheMightyBuzzard SoyGuest77134 takyon paulej72 SoyGuest85927 SirFinkus mngrif Hephaestus Loggie
[06:32:00] -!- EFknockr [EFknockr!~snyms@07-937-499-903.dhcp.gwnt.ga.charter.com] has parted #editorial
[06:32:35] -!- EFknockr [EFknockr!~mhjhr@67.204.mnk.og] has joined #editorial
[06:32:38] <EFknockr> 1,12 1,0 4 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12
[06:32:39] <EFknockr> 1,12 4 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12
[06:32:39] <EFknockr> 1,12 4 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12
[06:32:40] <EFknockr> 4,12 1 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 12,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12
[06:32:40] <EFknockr> 4,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12
[06:32:41] <EFknockr> 4,12 IRC.SUPERNETS.ORG | PORT 6667/6697 (SSL) | #SUPERBOWL | IPV6 READY
[06:32:42] <EFknockr> n1 cosurgi SoyGuest67616 Deucalion Azrael sigh cmn32480 exec chromas Bender MrPlow sedctl Fnord666 CoolHand charon Bytram TheMightyBuzzard SoyGuest77134 takyon paulej72 SoyGuest85927 SirFinkus mngrif Hephaestus Loggie
[06:32:43] -!- EFknockr [EFknockr!~mhjhr@67.204.mnk.og] has parted #editorial
[06:34:09] -!- EFknockr [EFknockr!~eolfqd@07-937-499-903.dhcp.gwnt.ga.charter.com] has joined #editorial
[06:34:10] <EFknockr> 1,0 ███▓▓▒▒▒▒▒▒▒░░░ ░░░░▒▒▒▓▓▓▓
[06:34:10] <EFknockr> 1,0 ▓█▓▓▓▒▒▒▒▒▒▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▄░ ░▄▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓█▓▓▓ IRC.WORMSEC.US | #SUPERBOWL
[06:34:11] <EFknockr> 1,0 ▒▓▓▓▓▒▒░░▒█▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓█░▒░░▒▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓█▓▓ THE HOTTEST MOST EXCLUSIVE SEC ON THE NET
[06:34:11] <EFknockr> 1,0░▒▓▓▒▒▒▒░░▒▒█▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓█░▒░░░▒▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓█▒▓░ 0 DAY BANANA BOMBS "OK"
[06:34:12] <EFknockr> 1,0▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒░░▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ ░▒░░ ░▒▒▒▀▀▀▀▀▀▒▓▓▓▒
[06:34:12] <EFknockr> n1 cosurgi SoyGuest67616 Deucalion Azrael sigh cmn32480 exec chromas Bender MrPlow sedctl Fnord666 CoolHand charon Bytram TheMightyBuzzard SoyGuest77134 takyon paulej72 SoyGuest85927 SirFinkus mngrif Hephaestus Loggie
[06:34:12] -!- EFknockr [EFknockr!~eolfqd@07-937-499-903.dhcp.gwnt.ga.charter.com] has parted #editorial
[06:35:42] -!- EFknockr [EFknockr!~tgoxsodg@104.200.rxx.y] has joined #editorial
[06:35:44] <EFknockr> 1,12 1,0 4 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12
[06:35:45] <EFknockr> 1,12 4 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12
[06:35:45] <EFknockr> 1,12 4 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12
[06:35:46] <EFknockr> 4,12 1 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 12,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12
[06:35:47] <EFknockr> 4,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12
[06:35:47] <EFknockr> 4,12 IRC.SUPERNETS.ORG | PORT 6667/6697 (SSL) | #SUPERBOWL | IPV6 READY
[06:35:48] <EFknockr> n1 cosurgi SoyGuest67616 Deucalion Azrael sigh cmn32480 exec chromas Bender MrPlow sedctl Fnord666 CoolHand charon Bytram TheMightyBuzzard SoyGuest77134 takyon paulej72 SoyGuest85927 SirFinkus mngrif Hephaestus Loggie
[06:35:48] -!- EFknockr [EFknockr!~tgoxsodg@104.200.rxx.y] has parted #editorial
[06:36:44] -!- EFknockr_ [EFknockr_!~dggpvhs@b-54-493-90-595.hsd9.fl.comcast.net] has joined #editorial
[06:36:51] <EFknockr_> 1,12 1,0 4 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12
[06:36:52] <EFknockr_> 1,12 4 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12
[06:36:53] <EFknockr_> 1,12 4 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12
[06:36:53] <EFknockr_> 4,12 1 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 12,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12
[06:36:54] <EFknockr_> 4,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12
[06:36:54] <EFknockr_> 4,12 IRC.SUPERNETS.ORG | PORT 6667/6697 (SSL) | #SUPERBOWL | IPV6 READY
[06:36:55] <EFknockr_> n1 cosurgi SoyGuest67616 Deucalion Azrael sigh cmn32480 exec chromas Bender MrPlow sedctl Fnord666 CoolHand charon Bytram TheMightyBuzzard SoyGuest77134 takyon paulej72 SoyGuest85927 SirFinkus mngrif Hephaestus Loggie
[06:36:56] -!- EFknockr_ [EFknockr_!~dggpvhs@b-54-493-90-595.hsd9.fl.comcast.net] has parted #editorial
[06:43:24] -!- EFknockr_ [EFknockr_!~jplkqvb@67.204.mnk.og] has joined #editorial
[06:43:25] <EFknockr_> 1,12 1,0 4 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12
[06:43:26] <EFknockr_> 1,12 4 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12
[06:43:26] <EFknockr_> 1,12 4 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12
[06:43:27] <EFknockr_> 4,12 1 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 12,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12
[06:43:27] <EFknockr_> 4,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12
[06:43:28] <EFknockr_> 4,12 IRC.SUPERNETS.ORG | PORT 6667/6697 (SSL) | #SUPERBOWL | IPV6 READY
[06:43:28] <EFknockr_> n1 cosurgi SoyGuest67616 Deucalion Azrael sigh cmn32480 exec chromas Bender MrPlow sedctl Fnord666 CoolHand charon Bytram TheMightyBuzzard SoyGuest77134 takyon paulej72 SoyGuest85927 SirFinkus mngrif Hephaestus Loggie
[06:43:28] -!- EFknockr_ [EFknockr_!~jplkqvb@67.204.mnk.og] has parted #editorial
[06:43:40] -!- EFknockr [EFknockr!~kidch@104.200.rxx.y] has joined #editorial
[06:43:41] <EFknockr> 1,12 1,0 4 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12
[06:43:41] <EFknockr> 1,12 4 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12
[06:43:42] <EFknockr> 1,12 4 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12
[06:43:42] <EFknockr> 4,12 1 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 12,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12
[06:43:43] <EFknockr> 4,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12
[06:43:43] <EFknockr> 4,12 IRC.SUPERNETS.ORG | PORT 6667/6697 (SSL) | #SUPERBOWL | IPV6 READY
[06:43:44] <EFknockr> n1 cosurgi SoyGuest67616 Deucalion Azrael sigh cmn32480 exec chromas Bender MrPlow sedctl Fnord666 CoolHand charon Bytram TheMightyBuzzard SoyGuest77134 takyon paulej72 SoyGuest85927 SirFinkus mngrif Hephaestus Loggie
[06:43:44] -!- EFknockr [EFknockr!~kidch@104.200.rxx.y] has parted #editorial
[06:47:35] -!- audioguy [audioguy!~audioguy@Soylent/Staff/Developer/audioguy] has joined #editorial
[07:36:08] SoyGuest67616 is now known as NCoimmander
[07:36:24] NCoimmander is now known as NCommander
[07:36:27] -!- NCommander has quit [Changing host]
[07:36:27] -!- NCommander [NCommander!~mcasadeva@Soylent/Staff/Sysop/mcasadevall] has joined #editorial
[08:36:31] -!- EFknockr [EFknockr!~hdmqpmjn@14.47.ppr.sxw] has joined #editorial
[08:36:33] <EFknockr> 1,12 1,0 4 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12
[08:36:33] <EFknockr> 1,12 4 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12
[08:36:34] <EFknockr> 1,12 4 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12
[08:36:34] <EFknockr> 4,12 1 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 12,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12
[08:36:35] <EFknockr> 4,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12
[08:36:35] <EFknockr> 4,12 IRC.SUPERNETS.ORG | PORT 6667/6697 (SSL) | #SUPERBOWL | IPV6 READY
[08:36:36] <EFknockr> audioguy n1 cosurgi NCommander Deucalion Azrael sigh cmn32480 exec chromas Bender MrPlow sedctl Fnord666 CoolHand charon Bytram TheMightyBuzzard SoyGuest77134 takyon paulej72 SoyGuest85927 SirFinkus mngrif Hephaestus Loggie
[08:36:36] -!- EFknockr [EFknockr!~hdmqpmjn@14.47.ppr.sxw] has parted #editorial
[08:50:15] -!- EFknockr [EFknockr!~iezchp@14.47.ppr.sxw] has joined #editorial
[08:50:18] <EFknockr> 1,12 1,0 4 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12
[08:50:18] <EFknockr> 1,12 4 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12
[08:50:19] <EFknockr> 1,12 4 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12
[08:50:19] <EFknockr> 4,12 1 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 12,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12
[08:50:20] -!- EFknockr_ [EFknockr_!~tggzy@14.47.ppr.sxw] has joined #editorial
[08:50:20] <EFknockr> 4,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12
[08:50:20] <EFknockr> 4,12 IRC.SUPERNETS.ORG | PORT 6667/6697 (SSL) | #SUPERBOWL | IPV6 READY
[08:50:21] <EFknockr> audioguy n1 cosurgi NCommander Deucalion Azrael sigh cmn32480 exec chromas Bender MrPlow sedctl Fnord666 CoolHand charon Bytram TheMightyBuzzard SoyGuest77134 takyon paulej72 SoyGuest85927 SirFinkus mngrif Hephaestus Loggie
[08:50:21] -!- EFknockr [EFknockr!~iezchp@14.47.ppr.sxw] has parted #editorial
[08:50:23] <EFknockr_> 1,12 1,0 4 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12
[08:50:24] <EFknockr_> 1,12 4 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12
[08:50:24] <EFknockr_> 1,12 4 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12
[08:50:25] <EFknockr_> 4,12 1 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 12,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12
[08:50:26] <EFknockr_> 4,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12
[08:50:28] <EFknockr_> 4,12 IRC.SUPERNETS.ORG | PORT 6667/6697 (SSL) | #SUPERBOWL | IPV6 READY
[08:50:29] <EFknockr_> EFknockr audioguy n1 cosurgi NCommander Deucalion Azrael sigh cmn32480 exec chromas Bender MrPlow sedctl Fnord666 CoolHand charon Bytram TheMightyBuzzard SoyGuest77134 takyon paulej72 SoyGuest85927 SirFinkus mngrif Hephaestus Loggie
[08:50:29] -!- EFknockr_ [EFknockr_!~tggzy@14.47.ppr.sxw] has parted #editorial
[08:51:02] -!- EFknockr [EFknockr!~jcqcnyzp@14.47.ppr.sxw] has joined #editorial
[08:51:03] <EFknockr> 1,12 1,0 4 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12
[08:51:04] <EFknockr> 1,12 4 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12
[08:51:04] <EFknockr> 1,12 4 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12
[08:51:05] <EFknockr> 4,12 1 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 12,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12
[08:51:05] <EFknockr> 4,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12
[08:51:06] <EFknockr> 4,12 IRC.SUPERNETS.ORG | PORT 6667/6697 (SSL) | #SUPERBOWL | IPV6 READY
[08:51:07] <EFknockr> audioguy n1 cosurgi NCommander Deucalion Azrael sigh cmn32480 exec chromas Bender MrPlow sedctl Fnord666 CoolHand charon Bytram TheMightyBuzzard SoyGuest77134 takyon paulej72 SoyGuest85927 SirFinkus mngrif Hephaestus Loggie
[08:51:08] -!- EFknockr [EFknockr!~jcqcnyzp@14.47.ppr.sxw] has parted #editorial
[09:00:45] -!- MonsterHesh [MonsterHesh!~bvbnl@allmuyqx081997204401.bbtec.net] has joined #editorial
[09:00:50] <MonsterHesh> 1,12 1,0 4 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12
[09:00:51] <MonsterHesh> 1,12 4 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12
[09:00:52] <MonsterHesh> 1,12 4 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12
[09:00:52] <MonsterHesh> 4,12 1 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 12,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12
[09:00:53] <MonsterHesh> 4,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12
[09:00:53] <MonsterHesh> 4,12 IRC.SUPERNETS.ORG | PORT 6667/6697 (SSL) | #SUPERBOWL | IPV6 READY
[09:00:54] <MonsterHesh> audioguy n1 cosurgi NCommander Deucalion Azrael sigh cmn32480 exec chromas Bender MrPlow sedctl Fnord666 CoolHand charon Bytram TheMightyBuzzard SoyGuest77134 takyon paulej72 SoyGuest85927 SirFinkus mngrif Hephaestus Loggie
[09:00:55] -!- MonsterHesh [MonsterHesh!~bvbnl@allmuyqx081997204401.bbtec.net] has parted #editorial
[11:58:37] -!- takyon_ [takyon_!~47b2b115@Soylent/Staff/Editor/takyon] has joined #editorial
[11:58:37] -!- mode/#editorial [+v takyon_] by Hephaestus
[12:07:52] <takyon_> jjjj
[12:12:57] <paulej72> .quiet MonsterHesh!*@*
[12:12:57] -!- mode/#editorial [+q MonsterHesh!*@*] by Hephaestus
[12:13:22] <paulej72> .quiet EFk*!*@*
[12:13:22] -!- mode/#editorial [+q EFk*!*@*] by Hephaestus
[14:30:06] <cmn32480> fucking shithead editors...
[14:30:09] <cmn32480> We're sorry, your submission "Fnord666 - Please log inot IRC. We need to talk.... " was declined for the following reason:
[14:30:09] <cmn32480> The editors felt it inappropriate for them to correct the issue themselves. Please feel free to correct the issue yourself and resubmit.
[14:30:23] <cmn32480> I don't even get a REASON???
[14:30:30] <cmn32480> you lazy fuckers!
[16:04:10] -!- takyon_ has quit [Quit: Web client closed]
[16:25:21] -!- n1_ [n1_!~nick@Soylent/Staff/Editor/n1] has joined #editorial
[16:25:21] -!- mode/#editorial [+v n1_] by Hephaestus
[16:29:11] -!- n1 has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds]
[17:22:47] <paulej72> cmn32480: are you gonna ragequit
[17:23:07] <cmn32480> I might after I calm down
[17:23:28] <paulej72> no that is not how its done
[17:23:36] <cmn32480> you telling me I'm fired?
[17:23:46] * cmn32480 crosses his fingers in desperate hope
[17:24:16] <paulej72> XD
[17:24:37] <cmn32480> rats....
[17:25:44] <cmn32480> you are just a tease
[18:08:48] <n1_> hah
[19:41:41] -!- Wikileaks [Wikileaks!~rufea@74-109-173-39q6.kns6.eonet.ne.jp] has joined #editorial
[19:41:46] <Wikileaks> 1,12 1,0 4 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12
[19:41:48] <Wikileaks> 1,12 4 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12
[19:41:48] <Wikileaks> 1,12 4 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12
[19:41:49] <Wikileaks> 4,12 1 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 12,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12
[19:41:49] <Wikileaks> 4,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12
[19:41:50] <Wikileaks> 4,12 IRC.SUPERNETS.ORG | PORT 6667/6697 (SSL) | #SUPERBOWL | IPV6 READY
[19:41:51] <Wikileaks> n1_ audioguy cosurgi NCommander Deucalion Azrael sigh cmn32480 exec chromas Bender MrPlow sedctl Fnord666 CoolHand charon Bytram TheMightyBuzzard SoyGuest77134 takyon paulej72 SoyGuest85927 SirFinkus mngrif Hephaestus Loggie
[19:41:51] -!- Wikileaks [Wikileaks!~rufea@74-109-173-39q6.kns6.eonet.ne.jp] has parted #editorial
[19:44:11] -!- Wikileaks [Wikileaks!~axmpxnnl@74-109-173-39q6.kns6.eonet.ne.jp] has joined #editorial
[19:44:16] <Wikileaks> 1,12 1,0 4 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12
[19:44:18] <Wikileaks> 1,12 4 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12
[19:44:18] <Wikileaks> 1,12 4 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12
[19:44:19] <Wikileaks> 4,12 1 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 12,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12
[19:44:19] <Wikileaks> 4,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12
[19:44:20] <Wikileaks> 4,12 IRC.SUPERNETS.ORG | PORT 6667/6697 (SSL) | #SUPERBOWL | IPV6 READY
[19:44:21] <Wikileaks> n1_ audioguy cosurgi NCommander Deucalion Azrael sigh cmn32480 exec chromas Bender MrPlow sedctl Fnord666 CoolHand charon Bytram TheMightyBuzzard SoyGuest77134 takyon paulej72 SoyGuest85927 SirFinkus mngrif Hephaestus Loggie
[19:44:21] -!- Wikileaks [Wikileaks!~axmpxnnl@74-109-173-39q6.kns6.eonet.ne.jp] has parted #editorial
[19:47:42] <cmn32480> .ban EFknockr
[19:47:42] -!- mode/#editorial [+b *!*@EFknockr] by Hephaestus
[20:05:38] -!- audioguy has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds]
[20:18:06] -!- audioguy [audioguy!~audioguy@Soylent/Staff/Developer/audioguy] has joined #editorial
[20:23:21] -!- grovenet [grovenet!~skhceg@we85v3741u.knge052.ap.nuro.jp] has joined #editorial
[20:23:28] <grovenet> 1,12 1,0 4 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12
[20:23:29] <grovenet> 1,12 4 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12
[20:23:29] <grovenet> 1,12 4 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12
[20:23:30] <grovenet> 4,12 1 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 12,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12
[20:23:30] <grovenet> 4,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12 1,0 1,12
[20:23:31] <grovenet> 4,12 IRC.SUPERNETS.ORG | PORT 6667/6697 (SSL) | #SUPERBOWL | IPV6 READY
[20:23:31] <grovenet> audioguy n1_ cosurgi NCommander Deucalion Azrael sigh cmn32480 exec chromas Bender MrPlow sedctl Fnord666 CoolHand charon Bytram TheMightyBuzzard SoyGuest77134 takyon paulej72 SoyGuest85927 SirFinkus mngrif Hephaestus Loggie
[20:23:32] -!- grovenet [grovenet!~skhceg@we85v3741u.knge052.ap.nuro.jp] has parted #editorial