#editorial | Logs for 2016-02-24
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[03:16:23] <Bytram|away> whereto? http://www.nytimes.com
[03:16:24] <NotAnymore> ^ 03( http://www.nytimes.com )
[03:16:40] <Bytram|away> well... THAT helped. :/
[03:16:50] <Bytram|away> http://www.nytimes.com
[03:16:51] <NotAnymore> ^ 03( http://www.nytimes.com )
[03:23:46] <takyon> first of all
[03:23:50] <takyon> what's with the WHERETO
[03:23:58] <takyon> second, I did some stuff as you might have seen
[03:24:06] <takyon> the Apple story in particular is a whopper
[03:29:19] Bytram|away is now known as Bytramn
[03:29:22] Bytramn is now known as Bytram
[03:31:39] <Bytram> if I just drop a url in here to see if there is a shorter one I can use, it has been mistaken in thje past that i was sugesting it as for story... the wereto preface suggests what I am actually attempting, without too much typing effort on my part.
[03:32:10] <Bytram> ~remind
[03:32:35] <takyon> I don't treat #editorial as a story-link dumping ground... that's what the new submission page is for!
[03:32:53] <takyon> if I put an interesting link in here, it's probably because I was too lazy to click on #soylent
[03:33:34] <takyon> or this is just the better #soylent. #eds forever
[03:33:38] <Bytram> well, I'm glad you see it that way... I had complaints in the past (don't recall exactly) and I figured it removed any confusion as to the intent.. not much typing on my end, so that's why I did/do it
[03:33:56] <Bytram> will look at apple story in a bit; need to make some dinner
[03:34:14] <takyon> I've left a several hour void. will work on filling it now
[03:35:07] <Bytram> nice!
[03:36:23] <Bytram> takyon: just want to take a moment to say thanks for all of contributions to the site... your submissions are numerous and rarely require any editing at all. And I've seen you push out a load of stories, too.
[03:36:50] <takyon> no problemo
[03:36:52] <takyon> go eat
[03:37:29] <Bytram> on my way!
[04:30:16] <Bytram> cmn32480: hiya! story you were working on... "Judge didn't get the memo: Rules no right to Ohotograph Police" has a typo. s/b 'Photograph'
[04:30:32] <cmn32480> sir?
[04:30:45] <cmn32480> read it
[04:30:47] <cmn32480> that was all.
[04:30:55] <cmn32480> noticed the typo in the title
[04:31:00] <cmn32480> I know typos
[04:31:02] <Bytram> k, saw you had opened it (in the list at the bottom of a page)
[04:31:04] <cmn32480> we can smell our own!
[04:31:16] <Bytram> really? How about THAT! So do *I*!!!
[04:31:20] <Bytram> lol
[04:31:28] <cmn32480> that's why we get along
[04:31:31] <Bytram> dishes brb
[04:31:32] <cmn32480> birds of a feather adn all taht
[04:31:32] <Bytram> afk
[05:34:59] Bytram is now known as Bytram|away
[12:23:46] -!- crutchy has quit [Quit: Leaving]
[17:15:00] <Bytram|away> whereto? http://go.theregister.com
[17:15:01] <NotAnymore> ^ 03Toshiba cell-shrinks enterprise SSD: Sooner than we thought • The Register ( http://www.theregister.co.uk )
[17:15:23] <Bytram|away> whereto? http://feedproxy.google.com
[17:15:24] <NotAnymore> ^ 03How Attackers Likely Bypassed Linode's Two-Factor Authentication to Hack PagerDuty | SecurityWeek.Com ( http://www.securityweek.com )
[17:32:03] Bytram|away is now known as Bytram
[18:55:46] <Bytram> I just pushed out a story about CTB-Locker, but the story uses both 'CTB-Locker' and 'CTB-Crypt' -- not sure which it should be... hope someone can figure it out and update the story accordingly.
[18:55:55] <Bytram> https://soylentnews.org
[18:55:56] <NotAnymore> ^ 03- SoylentNews User ( https://soylentnews.org )
[18:58:59] <takyon> i'll take a look
[18:59:05] <takyon> submitting stuff right now
[18:59:58] <takyon> https://news.google.com
[18:59:59] <NotAnymore> ^ 03CTB-Locker
[19:00:05] <takyon> should probably go with CTB-Locker
[19:00:25] <Bytram> k, will update
[19:00:58] <Bytram> oh, you are already in it. backing out
[19:02:35] <takyon> "q.kontinuum wrote in with a story that became:"
[19:02:39] <takyon> so awkward
[19:03:09] <Bytram> agreed. I made several changes and did not want it to look like it was exactly what was submitted; feel free to improve that!
[19:03:54] <takyon> changed
[19:04:08] <Bytram> much obliged!
[19:21:14] -!- qkontinuum [qkontinuum!~qkontinuu@a8q2jx2hs.dyn.telefonica.de] has joined #editorial
[19:22:39] <qkontinuum> Hi, I submitted https://soylentnews.org (CTB-locker). There are some embarrassing typos, but it's already in "accepted". Any chance to fix them? Or is this done anyway?
[19:22:40] <NotAnymore> ^ 03SN Submission by q.kontinuum: CTB-locker re-focusing attacks on Web-Servers
[19:24:47] <qkontinuum> "According to <x> this news site" seems to have a wrong break after "to". In the 2nd sentence it says "some time one something", should of course be "when something"...
[19:25:01] <Bytram> qkontinuum: HI! I took the liberty of making a few corrections before pushing it out; was hoping you wouldn't mind.
[19:25:19] <qkontinuum> Sure.
[19:25:30] <qkontinuum> Thanks
[19:25:39] <Bytram> Having some experience with German, I made some educated guesses as to the intent of the English ;)
[19:26:21] <Bytram> es ist sehr schwehr in two languages to denken und schreiben !
[19:26:25] <Bytram> ;)
[19:28:18] <Bytram> takyon: just submitted a breaking story; Microsoft to acquire Xamarin. As far as I know it hs not yet ben picked up on the other tech sites.
[19:29:39] <Bytram> qkontinuum: btw, takyon did some cleanup of my cleanup ;)
[19:29:39] <Bytram> teamwork++
[19:29:39] <Bender> karma - teamwork: 77
[19:44:04] <takyon> what's xamarin
[19:44:27] <takyon> https://news.google.com
[19:45:07] <takyon> i don't see a submission either
[19:46:01] <Bytram> sorry, forgot to click submit. :(
[19:46:04] <Bytram> should see it now.
[19:46:57] <takyon> I'm submitting a companion article that can be merged with the Tor article you are about to submit
[19:47:02] <takyon> separate story, both are about Tor
[19:47:10] <Bytram> k
[19:47:16] <Bytram> thansk!
[19:51:27] <qkontinuum> Was afk. Thanks for the editorial work :-) cu in #Soylent
[19:51:37] -!- qkontinuum [qkontinuum!~qkontinuu@a8q2jx2hs.dyn.telefonica.de] has parted #editorial
[19:53:58] <takyon> submission made
[20:02:47] <Bytram> am still working on Ars story
[20:10:36] <Bytram> ok, Ars story submitted. was starting to look like word soup.
[20:10:38] <Bytram> :/
[20:11:45] <takyon> jesus christ you went big on that submission
[20:11:50] <takyon> I don't support merging now
[20:11:59] <takyon> and I think yours is more important so I will push it first
[20:18:59] <Bytram> was hard to cut it down; deep topic and any further reduction cut out 'meat' from the story that I was reluctant to omit.
[20:19:19] <Bytram> appreciate the feedback!
[20:19:31] <Bytram> break time; need to make some lunch!
[20:19:35] <Bytram> afk
[20:33:41] -!- crutchy [crutchy!~crutchy@709-27-2-01.cust.aussiebb.net] has joined #editorial
[20:39:44] <Bytram> takyon: just saw this in the #rss-bot feed; thought you might find it interesting "VT100 Art and Animations" http://artscene.textfiles.com but you can download all of them as a single .zip file: http://artscene.textfiles.com
[20:40:20] <takyon> i don't have a VT100-compatible terminal
[20:40:24] <takyon> I just like the theme
[20:40:29] <takyon> textfiles is a great site though
[20:44:22] <Bytram> darn... was hoping you had one!
[20:44:32] * Bytram misses procomm-plus
[22:18:56] -!- nick has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
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[22:34:26] Bytram is now known as Bytram|away
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