#editorial | Logs for 2015-05-10
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[00:44:12] -!- takyon [takyon!~takyon@Soylent/Staff/Editor/takyon] has joined #editorial
[00:44:12] -!- mode/#editorial [+v takyon] by SkyNet
[01:10:16] -!- cmn32480 [cmn32480!~cmn32480@Soylent/Staff/Editor/cmn32480] has joined #editorial
[01:10:16] -!- mode/#editorial [+v cmn32480] by SkyNet
[01:29:23] <cmn32480> hmmmm... submitted by Ethanol-Fueld's Hairy Palms
[01:29:46] <cmn32480> I think I'll leave it that way as it speaks to the writer's state of mind
[01:29:53] <cmn32480> or lack thereof
[01:33:07] <takyon> I think he just drunked himself off IRC
[01:33:29] <takyon> I think I'll push the Grooveshark story now
[01:33:51] <takyon> with BBC and TorrentFreak thrown in to add the death of Grooveshark and the emergence of a fake clone
[01:35:37] <cmn32480> damn.. adn I missed it AGAIN!
[01:35:43] <cmn32480> I always miss all the good fun
[01:37:31] <cmn32480> nice job on the research takyon
[01:41:45] <takyon> research hah. TorrentFreak is one of my feeds
[01:58:46] <takyon> ok done
[02:06:10] -!- cmn32480 has quit [Quit: See You Later]
[02:11:52] <CoolHand> takyon: u here?
[02:15:03] <CoolHand> I noticed the Grooveshark u just posted at 00:01 was fairly close to the preceding story timewise, and the following story posted by martyb is really far out.. seems like we could really improve the spacing of both by pushing the grooveshark back a bit... unless you're really just set on 00:01...
[02:17:19] <takyon> i'm not married to it, no
[02:18:41] <takyon> it's only 1:30 from the other story, but I guess since it's a weekend..
[02:19:27] <takyon> changed it to 0:45
[02:26:45] <CoolHand> sounds great :)
[02:27:22] <CoolHand> we usually space farther on w/e...
[02:27:58] <CoolHand> I noticed tomorrow was basically all setup and ready.. if we get something "breaking" we can always stick it between a couple since we have wide spacing..
[02:34:21] <takyon> yup
[02:34:29] <takyon> nothing breaks on sunday
[02:34:33] <takyon> reporters too lazy
[02:44:06] <takyon> new horizons = yay
[04:59:27] -!- takyon has quit [Quit: Leaving]
[08:49:21] -!- Tachyon [Tachyon!Tachyon@hollhb.kolej.mff.cuni.cz] has joined #editorial
[10:22:17] -!- Tachyon has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds]
[10:27:27] -!- Tachyon [Tachyon!Tachyon@hollhb.kolej.mff.cuni.cz] has joined #editorial
[11:07:17] -!- Tachyon has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds]
[13:17:19] -!- Tachyon [Tachyon!Tachyon@hollhb.kolej.mff.cuni.cz] has joined #editorial
[20:35:43] -!- takyon [takyon!~takyon@Soylent/Staff/Editor/takyon] has joined #editorial
[20:35:43] -!- mode/#editorial [+v takyon] by SkyNet
[20:50:12] -!- takyon has quit [Quit: Leaving]