#editorial | Logs for 2014-08-24
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[00:30:56] -!- juggs [juggs!~juggs@Soylent/Staff/IRC/juggs] has joined #editorial
[05:02:18] <mrcoolbp> d
[05:02:46] <juggs> d ?
[08:06:45] -!- Tachyon has quit [Quit: De omnibus dubitandum est.]
[08:07:38] -!- Tachyon [Tachyon!~Tachyon@xuco.me] has joined #editorial
[10:39:52] -!- Azrael [Azrael!~Az@Soylent/Staff/Editor/Azrael] has joined #editorial
[10:39:52] -!- mode/#editorial [+v Azrael] by SkyNet
[11:16:20] -!- monopoly has quit [Quit: update]
[11:40:46] -!- monopoly [monopoly!~chromas@0::1] has joined #editorial
[12:17:38] -!- Bytram|away [Bytram|away!~pc@Soylent/Staff/Developer/martyb] has joined #editorial
[12:17:38] -!- mode/#editorial [+v Bytram|away] by SkyNet
[12:44:54] <Bytram|away> Anyone here?
[12:45:13] <Bytram|away> G'morning, btw! =)
[12:47:20] <Bytram|away> I have a question re: Anonymous Cowards contributing a story, when the author (to us) is pretty apparent. Do we maintain the submitter's wish to be anonymous? Or, do we look at is as a kind of self-promoting spam, and ignore it? Or, do we call out the actual user in some way.
[12:49:08] <Bytram|away> see: http://soylentnews.org
[12:49:09] <monopoly> ^ 04SN article 03 DoxBox: Open-Source Disk Encryption for Windows 04(0 comments):
[12:49:43] <Bytram|away> and: http://soylentnews.org
[12:49:43] <monopoly> ^ 04SN comment by bryan (29)
[12:50:09] <Bytram|away> Ugh. nope!
[12:50:34] <Bytram|away> try this one: http://soylentnews.org
[12:50:34] <monopoly> ^ 04SN journal 03Truecrypt is dead. Long Live DoxBox. 04(3 comments):
[12:51:05] <Bytram|away> For now, I'm leaving it anonymous; *please* update as you wish.
[12:51:10] <Bytram|away> Also, it needs a 'dept'
[12:51:31] <Bytram|away> and I need to get ready to head to work.
[12:53:07] <Bytram|away> well, the story just went 'live', but would appreciate someone letting me know what to do in the future. =)
[12:53:22] <Bytram|away> afk back in about 20-30 minutes
[13:14:43] <Bytram|away> ok, gtg. have a great day!
[13:14:55] -!- Bytram|away has quit [Quit: Leaving]
[16:29:26] -!- Tachyon has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[16:38:27] -!- n1 [n1!~nick@Soylent/Staff/Editor/n1] has joined #editorial
[16:38:27] -!- mode/#editorial [+v n1] by SkyNet
[17:35:20] -!- Azrael has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
[20:13:48] -!- Azrael [Azrael!~Az@Soylent/Staff/Editor/Azrael] has joined #editorial
[20:13:48] -!- mode/#editorial [+v Azrael] by SkyNet
[23:55:04] -!- matt_ [matt_!~4c77e8d9@Soylent/Staff/Management] has joined #editorial