#dev | Logs for 2024-12-10

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[18:51:09] <robc207> Now that you're ready to built a highly available k3s cluster, you will need to choose whether to use an external database or to use the embedded option. If you opt for an external database, you will need to protect that resource separately. I prefer the embedded etcd datastore which will peridically write to each etcd node's local disk. Then, as long as you protect one of these node-local disks you will be able to recreate the
[18:51:09] <robc207> cluster configuration in the event of a catastrophe.
[18:51:31] <robc207> You should never download a script from the Internet and su sh - exec as root. (without at least first reading every line of the script?)
[18:51:36] <kolie> yea usually go embded for smaller stuff.
[18:51:55] <robc207> On the first node, do curl -fsL https://get.k3s.io | INSTALL_K3S_EXEC="server --write-kubeconfig-mode 644 --token myCryt0graphiclyStrongSecret23 --cluster-init" sh -
[18:52:11] <robc207> On the nodes 2 and 3 do curl -fsL https://get.k3s.io | INSTALL_K3S_EXEC="server --write-kubeconfig-mode 644 --token myCryt0graphiclyStrongSecret23 --server" sh -
[18:52:21] <robc207> (use the actual private IP :)
[18:52:37] <robc207> After this, you should be able to pull up a list of nodes and see they are all control plane nodes and they are ready
[18:55:05] <kolie> let me vpn over to the dc clustes.
[19:04:11] <kolie> alright I need to look at how im handling the vlans.
[20:36:19] <Bytram> robc207: Hi ron. I just noticed your activity on this channel and thought I would say hello.
[20:36:25] <Bytram> "Hello!"
[20:36:35] <Bytram> :^)
[22:06:23] <kolie> alright expenses in, gifts situated, moms not responding to planning, I think I can play around with the dc gear now
[22:07:25] <kolie> got the switch pulled up here checking how it gets into the spine router
[23:12:29] -!- systemd has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds]
[23:14:16] -!- NekkidChromas [NekkidChromas!~chromas@Soylent/Staph/Infector/chromas] has joined #dev
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[23:59:56] NekkidChromas is now known as chromass