#dev | Logs for 2021-01-14
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[03:39:18] -!- MrPlow has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[03:40:02] -!- MrPlow [MrPlow!MrPlow@Soylent/BotArmy] has joined #dev
[03:40:02] -!- MrPlow has quit [Changing host]
[03:40:02] -!- MrPlow [MrPlow!MrPlow@nsa.gov] has joined #dev
[12:03:06] <FatPhil> https://wiki.soylentnews.org gives:
[12:03:15] <FatPhil> Fatal error: Class MediaWiki\Session\PHPSessionHandler contains 3 abstract methods and must therefore be declared abstract or implement the remaining methods (SessionHandlerInterface::open, SessionHandlerInterface::close, SessionHandlerInterface::read) in /var/www/vhosts/wiki/w-new/includes/session/PHPSessionHandler.php on line 34
[13:16:59] <Bytram> FatPhil: clicky
[13:16:59] <Bytram> fwiw, worked okay for me
[13:39:08] <FatPhil> still fails
[13:55:20] <Bytram> clicky
[13:55:52] <Bytram> Fatal error: Class MediaWiki\Session\PHPSessionHandler contains 3 abstract methods and must therefore be declared abstract or implement the remaining methods (SessionHandlerInterface::open, SessionHandlerInterface::close, SessionHandlerInterface::read) in /var/www/vhosts/wiki/w-new/includes/session/PHPSessionHandler.php on line 34
[14:02:55] <Bytram> that was... not fun. Seems the wiki is on beryllium
[14:05:41] * Bytram is having connection issues today. Gonna reboot my phone and see if that helps (up time: 716:54:50)
[14:05:46] <Bytram> biab
[14:05:51] -!- Bytram [Bytram!~Bytram@Soylent/Staff/Developer/martyb] has parted #dev
[15:02:57] <FatPhil> Oi! it's me who does uptime boasts! 17:04:24 up 1107 days, 6:18, 7 users, load average: 0.55, 0.74, 0.72
[16:42:47] -!- Xyem has quit [Quit: ZNC - http://znc.in]
[16:44:15] -!- Xyem [Xyem!~xyem@2a01:7e00::znpv:pygj:pvjy:kivh] has joined #dev
[16:44:16] -!- Xyem has quit [Changing host]
[16:44:16] -!- Xyem [Xyem!~xyem@Soylent/Staff/Developer/Xyem] has joined #dev
[16:44:16] -!- mode/#dev [+v Xyem] by Hera
[22:49:43] -!- Bytram [Bytram!~Bytram@Soylent/Staff/Developer/martyb] has joined #dev
[22:49:43] -!- mode/#dev [+v Bytram] by Hera
[22:50:50] <Bytram> TheMightyBuzzard: Don't know if you've been made aware, but there have been reports of trouble with our Wiki... and I *just* reproduced it. Try loading: https://wiki.soylentnews.org
[22:51:13] <Bytram> Sometimes it loads fine, other times I get this error:
[22:51:22] <Bytram> Fatal error: Class MediaWiki\Session\PHPSessionHandler contains 3 abstract methods and must therefore be declared abstract or implement the remaining methods (SessionHandlerInterface::open, SessionHandlerInterface::close, SessionHandlerInterface::read) in /var/www/vhosts/wiki/w-new/includes/session/PHPSessionHandler.php on line 34
[22:52:53] <Bytram> I'd happily restart the Wiki server, but not sure how... and that is on beryllium, if I am not mistaken, so I'm doubly unfamiliar. :/
[22:53:52] <chromas> sounds like maybe it's not wiki but something else
[22:54:10] <chromas> soon everything will broke and we'll all have to go home
[22:54:35] <Bytram> =yt take the long way home supertramp
[23:02:48] <Bytram> .op
[23:02:48] -!- mode/#dev [+o Bytram] by Hera
[23:03:06] -!- systemd [systemd!~systemd@pid1] has joined #dev