#dev | Logs for 2015-02-21
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[02:18:59] -!- TheMightyBuzzard has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[02:19:35] -!- TheMightyBuzzard [TheMightyBuzzard!bob@Soylent/Staff/Developer/TMB] has joined #dev
[02:19:35] -!- mode/#dev [+v TheMightyBuzzard] by SkyNet
[09:00:35] -!- TheMightyBuzzard has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[11:19:02] -!- TheMightyBuzzard [TheMightyBuzzard!bob@Soylent/Staff/Developer/TMB] has joined #dev
[11:19:02] -!- mode/#dev [+v TheMightyBuzzard] by SkyNet
[13:39:28] <paulej72> don't need to do db schema changes for montly subs
[13:39:48] <paulej72> :)
[13:47:15] <paulej72> going to simplify our payment sturcture to annual, semiannual and monthly numbers which will be the same for all payment types.
[13:59:01] <TheMightyBuzzard> awesome
[14:00:08] <TheMightyBuzzard> will it work with pay what you want above N though?
[14:03:22] <TheMightyBuzzard> we should just make monthly $20 and put a haggle button that halves it to 10 then to 5. ditto semiannual and annual.
[14:28:08] <paulej72> yep it will once I am done
[14:28:27] <paulej72> not the haggle part
[14:28:49] <TheMightyBuzzard> cmon, it'd be fun
[14:29:00] <TheMightyBuzzard> you could put wisecracks in there
[14:47:34] <paulej72> https://dev.soylentnews.org