#comments | Logs for 2018-05-26

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[23:35:57] <exec> 08********** 03END FEED08 **********
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[23:32:43] <exec> 08└─Showing how stupid you are once again, eh? It has been mentioned here multiple times that cats and windows are orders of magnitude more significant. Chart 1 [wikipedia.org] Chart 2 [googleusercontent.com] (orig) [thinkprogress.org] just plain ugly ...and giant gold letters on buildings aren't just p...
[23:32:43] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06America, Your Offshore Wind is Coming: 1.2GW in Contracts Awarded - 353 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[23:27:34] <exec> 08└─Where did the jingoists, or anyone else, try to stop it? No one tried to have the kneeling players arrested. No one burned down the stadiums. No one kidnapped their children to force them to stand. What they did do was stop watching on TV and stop going to the games. You have the right to freely spe...
[23:27:33] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06NFL: New National Anthem Rule; NY Jets CEO: Break the Rule and I'll Pay the Fine - 362 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[23:27:32] <exec> 08└─Funny how you bitch about authoritarian snowflake college kids with blue hair but now appear to be defending a different kind of snowflake. The reality is that this 'protest' should have amounted to nothing because they didn't really do anything. Kneeling during the anthem does nothing and harms no...
[23:27:31] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06NFL: New National Anthem Rule; NY Jets CEO: Break the Rule and I'll Pay the Fine - 646 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[23:27:30] <exec> 08└─https://i.ytimg.com/vi/uyrfbQ6Tkdw/maxresdefault.jpg [ytimg.com] ...and people who wear USAian flag pins[1] just make want to barf. It's the symbol of White Imperalism and oppression from coast to coast here and colonialism and murder worldwide. [1] ...unless those are are obviously purposely turned...
[23:27:30] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06NFL: New National Anthem Rule; NY Jets CEO: Break the Rule and I'll Pay the Fine - 434 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[23:27:28] <exec> 08└─Dude, Trump has nothing to do with this and everyone already knows he's a clown; it's not a very good retort.
[23:27:28] <exec> *** new comment: 03The Mighty Buzzard [18] (Score: 2) 02 - 06NFL: New National Anthem Rule; NY Jets CEO: Break the Rule and I'll Pay the Fine - 109 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[23:26:29] <exec> 08└─We were having big problems with human trafficking on the Internet. But I moved very strongly against the websites. The folks in Congress -- both parties, very bipartisan -- worked very hard, they came up with SESTA. Also known as FOSTA, it's a twofer. Meaning it's two in one. I signed it beautifull...
[23:26:29] <exec> *** new comment: 03realDonaldTrump [6614] (Score: 2) 02 - 06Stumbleupon Closing After 16 Years, Accounts Can be Migrated to Mix - 704 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[23:25:51] <exec> 08└─can we please go back to calling it "lies" then?
[23:25:51] <exec> 08*** score 5 comment: 03requerdanos [5997] 02 - 06Scientists Hold Key to Winning Fight Against 'Fake News' - 48 chars - 04 http://soylentnews.org
[23:24:03] <exec> last cid = 684682
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[22:32:22] <exec> 08└─Especially when used as a mussel relaxant
[22:32:22] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06120 Pounds (54 kg) of Fentanyl Seized in Nebraska - 41 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[22:30:47] <exec> 08└─I upgraded from a smartphone to a Kyocera S1370 [kyoceramobile.com]. Best thing I've done in a while.
[22:30:46] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 1, Interesting) 02 - 06Why We Fail to Understand Our Smartphone Use - 101 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[22:30:18] <exec> 08└─I've been following wswswswsws' coverage of the Grenfell fire story. Give Thursday's article [wsws.org] a read-through. It's another example of how corporations can commit murder and get away with it. Maybe Uber here was vehicular manslaughter. Grenfell seems more like premeditated murder. How many...
[22:30:18] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06Uber Self-Driving Car That Struck, Killed Pedestrian Wasn't Set to Stop in an Emergency - 957 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[22:27:30] <exec> 08└─...says the empty shell of a human who has zero empathy. One doubts that you have ever once stood on principle. ...because you have no principles. ...though you are very accomplished at the slimy practice of scapegoating. -- OriginalOwner_ [soylentnews.org]
[22:27:30] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06NFL: New National Anthem Rule; NY Jets CEO: Break the Rule and I'll Pay the Fine - 257 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[22:27:28] <exec> 08└─Legendary ...in his own mind. Sports Commentator The next day, it was revealed that he had been fired. -- OriginalOwner_ [soylentnews.org]
[22:27:28] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06NFL: New National Anthem Rule; NY Jets CEO: Break the Rule and I'll Pay the Fine - 138 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[22:26:53] <exec> 08└─The players certainly have the right to take a knee, but in doing so diminish the thing which makes that right possible.
[22:26:53] <exec> 08*** score 5 comment: 03Anonymous Coward 02 - 06NFL: New National Anthem Rule; NY Jets CEO: Break the Rule and I'll Pay the Fine - 120 chars - 04 http://soylentnews.org
[22:26:31] <exec> 08└─Websites for transvestites.
[22:26:31] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06Stumbleupon Closing After 16 Years, Accounts Can be Migrated to Mix - 27 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[22:26:20] <exec> 08└─The media really do tend toward dumb,
[22:26:19] <exec> *** new comment: 03aristarchus [2645] (Score: 2) 02 - 06Scientists Hold Key to Winning Fight Against 'Fake News' - 37 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[22:26:18] <exec> 08└─Doesn't mean I want it in my news.
[22:26:17] <exec> *** new comment: 03MostCynical [2589] (Score: 2) 02 - 06Scientists Hold Key to Winning Fight Against 'Fake News' - 34 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[22:26:16] <exec> 08└─Scientists communicating poorly isn't a very common problem
[22:26:16] <exec> *** new comment: 03khallow [3766] (Score: 1) 02 - 06Scientists Hold Key to Winning Fight Against 'Fake News' - 59 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[22:26:15] <exec> 08└─I too have seen this on every story in which I knew the details because I was personally involved. The journalists got it wrong every time. What's more, many of the mistakes are trivial and pointless. They don't even add to the drama. These range from typo type stuff like getting someone's name a li...
[22:26:14] <exec> *** new comment: 03bzipitidoo [4388] (Score: 2) 02 - 06Scientists Hold Key to Winning Fight Against 'Fake News' - 616 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[22:24:03] <exec> last cid = 684664
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[21:30:01] <exec> 08└─And I want to point out that you're losing your shit over a single person's death when half a million people die from vehicle accidents each year. Uber's technology has the potential to save a lot of lives (or at least have them die of some else than traffic accidents) in the long run.
[21:30:01] <exec> *** new comment: 03khallow [3766] (Score: 1) 02 - 06Uber Self-Driving Car That Struck, Killed Pedestrian Wasn't Set to Stop in an Emergency - 286 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[21:28:40] <exec> 08└─SoylentNews has so many stories that are really ads. I love it. And just a few days ago there was one for a wiretapp app, it's called Teensafe. And it has a free trial. So nice!!!
[21:28:40] <exec> *** new comment: 03realDonaldTrump [6614] (Score: 2) 02 - 06Woman Says Amazon Alexa Recorded Private Conversation, Sent It to Random Friend - 179 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[21:28:38] <exec> 08└─That website looks very fake. Because they call it Slashdot Media. But they also call it Sourceforge Media. And they call it a Privacy Policy. But it says you have VERY LITTLE privacy!!!!
[21:28:38] <exec> *** new comment: 03realDonaldTrump [6614] (Score: 2) 02 - 06Woman Says Amazon Alexa Recorded Private Conversation, Sent It to Random Friend - 187 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[21:27:15] <exec> 08└─" The black is a better athlete to begin with because he's been bred to be that way, because of his high thighs and big thighs that goes up into his back, and they can jump higher and run faster because of their bigger thighs and he's bred to be the better athlete because this goes back all the way...
[21:27:15] <exec> *** new comment: 03Ethanol-fueled [2792] (Score: 1) 02 - 06NFL: New National Anthem Rule; NY Jets CEO: Break the Rule and I'll Pay the Fine - 451 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[21:27:13] <exec> 08└─point: what warranty do you have the "advanced regenerative medicine" is actually on the list they are going to deliver?
[21:27:12] <exec> *** new comment: 03takyon [881] (Score: 2) 02 - 06NFL: New National Anthem Rule; NY Jets CEO: Break the Rule and I'll Pay the Fine - 120 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[21:27:11] <exec> 08└─It's about a refuge where Americans can ignore vicious governmental and political bullshit and be distracted, where the only politics should be between the players and their coaches. And thanks to one kinda-talented quarterback on the chopping-block desperate to save his own ass, the NFL has allowed...
[21:27:11] <exec> *** new comment: 03Ethanol-fueled [2792] (Score: 1) 02 - 06NFL: New National Anthem Rule; NY Jets CEO: Break the Rule and I'll Pay the Fine - 650 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[21:27:10] <exec> 08└─Let me tell you, the NFL is like Amazon. It's a NO-TAX MONOPOLY. 1984, the USFL, the United States Football League, had just started playing the year before. And I bought the New Jersey Generals, the winningest team in the USFL. Unfortunately the original owners had decided the games would be in the...
[21:27:09] <exec> *** new comment: 03realDonaldTrump [6614] (Score: 2) 02 - 06NFL: New National Anthem Rule; NY Jets CEO: Break the Rule and I'll Pay the Fine - 1788 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[21:26:34] <exec> 08└─Well, to have a country we have to have unity, which the anthem is all about.
[21:26:34] <exec> 08*** score 5 comment: 03c0lo [156] 02 - 06NFL: New National Anthem Rule; NY Jets CEO: Break the Rule and I'll Pay the Fine - 77 chars - 04 http://soylentnews.org
[21:25:16] <exec> 08└─Darn.
[21:25:15] <exec> *** new comment: 03turgid [4318] (Score: 2) 02 - 06Best Way to Search for the Loch Ness Monster: Examine Environmental DNA - 5 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[21:25:13] <exec> 08└─If they're checking eDNA, not to be confused with iDNA which comes from Apple products, perhaps we'll finally find Jimmy Hoffa!
[21:25:13] <exec> *** new comment: 03black6host [3827] (Score: 2) 02 - 06Best Way to Search for the Loch Ness Monster: Examine Environmental DNA - 127 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[21:25:12] <exec> 08└─I realize the bar is really low on this site, but a plastic model does not a monster make. Seriously, this is a new low.
[21:25:12] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06Best Way to Search for the Loch Ness Monster: Examine Environmental DNA - 120 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[21:24:04] <exec> last cid = 684653
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[20:34:01] <exec> 08└─Emails != twitter Not judging emails one way or another, just a bad comparison.
[20:34:01] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06Trump Violates First Amendment by Blocking Twitter Users From Feed, Judge Says - 79 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[20:31:20] <exec> 08└─Yes, real adults who are close to 40 years look at user handles on some random website as something that defines them and is important - definitely not some random thing they just type in when prompted to create a logon. I am indeed 14. The "fake" part of "fakefuck39" is social commentary on the hyp...
[20:31:20] <exec> *** new comment: 03fakefuck39 [6620] (Score: 0) 02 - 06UK to Demand EU Repayment in Brexit Satellite Row - 752 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[20:31:19] <exec> 08└─King Arthur will emerge from a cave and save us.
[20:31:18] <exec> *** new comment: 03turgid [4318] (Score: 2) 02 - 06UK to Demand EU Repayment in Brexit Satellite Row - 48 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[20:29:42] <exec> 08└─Funny yes, but also quite true: they DID make a conscious decision to disable the system do it wouldn't make false, annoying braking. So instead of pushing the safety in the system to 11, they jacked it down to, say, 2 and ,"we'll deal with the consequences later". Someone dies, we pressure the fami...
[20:29:42] <exec> 08*** score 5 comment: 03Gaaark [41] 02 - 06Uber Self-Driving Car That Struck, Killed Pedestrian Wasn't Set to Stop in an Emergency - 459 chars - 04 http://soylentnews.org
[20:27:13] <exec> 08└─They are paid to play a particular sort of game. This anthem shit happens before the game starts. Before WWII (before all the goddamned flagwaving^W penis wagging bullshit started), the anthem shit didn't even happen. More recently, as mentioned up in the (meta)thread, it's been a paid advertising t...
[20:27:12] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06NFL: New National Anthem Rule; NY Jets CEO: Break the Rule and I'll Pay the Fine - 940 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[20:27:11] <exec> 08└─As President, I've issued an executive grant of clemency, a full pardon, posthumously, to John Arthur "Jack" Johnson -- he was known as "Jack Johnson" -- the first African American heavyweight champion of the world. A truly great fighter. Had a tough life. They say he violated the Mann Act, and he h...
[20:27:10] <exec> *** new comment: 03realDonaldTrump [6614] (Score: 2) 02 - 06NFL: New National Anthem Rule; NY Jets CEO: Break the Rule and I'll Pay the Fine - 1987 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[20:27:09] <exec> 08└─The official standard is to stand, remove your hat if applicable, and put your right hand over your heart unless you're military.
[20:27:08] <exec> *** new comment: 03ilPapa [2366] (Score: 2) 02 - 06NFL: New National Anthem Rule; NY Jets CEO: Break the Rule and I'll Pay the Fine - 129 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[20:27:07] <exec> 08└─Meh... They should just be escorted off the field into a one-way airplane ride to their home country called gofuckyourselfland.
[20:27:07] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06NFL: New National Anthem Rule; NY Jets CEO: Break the Rule and I'll Pay the Fine - 127 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[20:26:09] <exec> 08└─What's the difference between a car salesman and a computer salesman? The car salesman knows when he's lying.
[20:26:08] <exec> *** new comment: 03suburbanitemediocrity [6844] (Score: 2) 02 - 06Scientists Hold Key to Winning Fight Against 'Fake News' - 109 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[20:26:07] <exec> 08└─A journalist must have written that headline.
[20:26:06] <exec> *** new comment: 03shortscreen [2252] (Score: 2) 02 - 06Scientists Hold Key to Winning Fight Against 'Fake News' - 45 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[20:26:04] <exec> 08└─Not all lies are fake news, nor does fake news need to contain lies. A selective reporting of facts combined with opinion can do a fine job of giving everyone the wrong idea.
[20:26:03] <exec> *** new comment: 03shortscreen [2252] (Score: 2) 02 - 06Scientists Hold Key to Winning Fight Against 'Fake News' - 174 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[20:26:02] <exec> 08└─During a building evacuation following a (bogus as it later turned out) bomb threat, I got stuck in a Starbucks since my car was parked right next to the police block and it was pouring rain. It was just me, another elderly client and a couple of waitresses when one journalist after another parked t...
[20:26:01] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06Scientists Hold Key to Winning Fight Against 'Fake News' - 657 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[20:26:00] <exec> 08└─http://www.anfieldroad.com/dont-buy-the-sun/ [anfieldroad.com]
[20:26:00] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06Scientists Hold Key to Winning Fight Against 'Fake News' - 62 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[20:25:58] <exec> 08└─Do you have a specific example in mind?
[20:25:58] <exec> *** new comment: 03isostatic [365] (Score: 2) 02 - 06Scientists Hold Key to Winning Fight Against 'Fake News' - 39 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[20:25:12] <exec> 08└─I once took a photo of the Loch Ness monster. I was driving down Loch Ness side in my Mazda RX-7 and stopped at one of the visitors centres where they had a big green plastic Nessie.
[20:25:12] <exec> *** new comment: 03turgid [4318] (Score: 2) 02 - 06Best Way to Search for the Loch Ness Monster: Examine Environmental DNA - 182 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[20:24:05] <exec> last cid = 684637
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[19:28:20] <exec> 08└─> they give no assurance that any data that you hand over will not be used. They disclose the fact that it will be used in their Privacy Statement [slashdotmedia.com], which is linked from every page on their site. Finding it is as simple as searching for the word "privacy" in the page. Other than t...
[19:28:20] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06Woman Says Amazon Alexa Recorded Private Conversation, Sent It to Random Friend - 416 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[19:27:05] <exec> 08└─It is one of the huge regrets/disappointments in my life that I did not learn about machine tools until ten years after graduating with an engineering degree. Engineering college teaches almost nothing practical like what's the difference between a tantalum and electrolytic capacitors and where and...
[19:27:04] <exec> 08*** score 5 comment: 03suburbanitemediocrity [6844] 02 - 06Finland's Lappeenranta University of Technology to Open Jamie Hyneman Center in the Fall - 790 chars - 04 http://soylentnews.org
[19:26:56] <exec> 08└─Dude, if you can't understand how what appears to be disrespecting symbols of your nation could be taken in a negative light by some people, you're not bright enough to have anything useful to say.
[19:26:56] <exec> *** new comment: 03The Mighty Buzzard [18] (Score: 2) 02 - 06NFL: New National Anthem Rule; NY Jets CEO: Break the Rule and I'll Pay the Fine - 197 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[19:26:54] <exec> 08└─The jingoist have the right to not like some players protesting during the anthem, but in trying to stop it, they diminish the ideals the anthem is supposed to celebrate.
[19:26:53] <exec> *** new comment: 03TheRaven [270] (Score: 2) 02 - 06NFL: New National Anthem Rule; NY Jets CEO: Break the Rule and I'll Pay the Fine - 170 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[19:26:52] <exec> 08└─I don't care about football, but I find it funny that this issue is considered a controversial one. I'd fully expect people to not give a shit about the issue and just brush it off while paying lip service if they're generous. But instead they're turning red and getting ready to faint at the mere su...
[19:26:52] <exec> *** new comment: 03shortscreen [2252] (Score: 2) 02 - 06NFL: New National Anthem Rule; NY Jets CEO: Break the Rule and I'll Pay the Fine - 833 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[19:26:50] <exec> 08└─Basketball games are typically scheduled after working hours throughout the week with 2-3 matches a week per team. Soccer games are typically restricted to the weekends and are almost entirely limited to one match a week per team. So, basketball demographics is people who work 7 days a week while so...
[19:26:50] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06NFL: New National Anthem Rule; NY Jets CEO: Break the Rule and I'll Pay the Fine - 734 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[19:25:56] <exec> 08└─There is a difference between truly reporting a lie, and lying in a report.
[19:25:55] <exec> *** new comment: 03mhajicek [51] (Score: 2) 02 - 06Scientists Hold Key to Winning Fight Against 'Fake News' - 75 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[19:25:53] <exec> 08└─There is no technical solution to a moral problem, and in this case the moral problem is lack of critical thought. Leaving aside that scientists shouldn't also be expected to be reporters and journalists themselves, and that a lot of this stuff simply does not translate into terms the average Americ...
[19:25:52] <exec> *** new comment: 03Azuma Hazuki [5086] (Score: 2) 02 - 06Scientists Hold Key to Winning Fight Against 'Fake News' - 439 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[19:25:51] <exec> 08└─It's nice to see that someone else checks
[19:25:50] <exec> *** new comment: 03suburbanitemediocrity [6844] (Score: 2) 02 - 06Scientists Hold Key to Winning Fight Against 'Fake News' - 41 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[19:25:49] <exec> 08└─Why did you leave out the source
[19:25:48] <exec> *** new comment: 03suburbanitemediocrity [6844] (Score: 2) 02 - 06Scientists Hold Key to Winning Fight Against 'Fake News' - 32 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[19:25:47] <exec> 08└─Look down, I note the error. However both do apply. The media itself suffers Dunning-Kruger in that they convince themselves they are competent. WE suffer Gell-Mann when we notice how subjects we understand get covered incompetently and then listen to the same people bloviate about the problems in t...
[19:25:46] <exec> *** new comment: 03jmorris [4844] (Score: 2) 02 - 06Scientists Hold Key to Winning Fight Against 'Fake News' - 329 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[19:25:44] <exec> 08└─Wow, now that I see what is coming from DNC advisers, their ridiculous amount of failing makes a lot more sense: http://www.newgeography.com [newgeography.com] http://static1.1.sqspcdn.com
[19:25:44] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06Scientists Hold Key to Winning Fight Against 'Fake News' - 395 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[19:25:43] <exec> 08└─Its called the Gell-man amnesia effect. Michael Chrichton (of Jurrassic Park, Westworld, etc fame) popularized it: https://soylentnews.org [soylentnews.org]
[19:25:43] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06Scientists Hold Key to Winning Fight Against 'Fake News' - 189 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[19:25:04] <exec> 08└─Nessie won't be able to wade through all the True Scotsmen attempting to rescue the virgin.
[19:25:04] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06Best Way to Search for the Loch Ness Monster: Examine Environmental DNA - 91 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[19:25:03] <exec> 08└─Don't all monsters from British history and mythology have a weakness for virgins? Just throw a nubile young virgin in the water, and Nessie will show up soon. And, a unicorn will arrive shortly thereafter to rescue the nubile young female.
[19:25:02] <exec> *** new comment: 03Runaway1956 [2926] (Score: 2) 02 - 06Best Way to Search for the Loch Ness Monster: Examine Environmental DNA - 240 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[19:24:04] <exec> last cid = 684618
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[18:28:34] <exec> 08└─I am (or was) a good chess player. Started in 1st grade, and in 2nd beat all the other young players in the school and won 1st place. And then I didn't play much chess any more until college. Couldn't find anyone to play. Computers were poor at chess in those days, and it was no problem for me to be...
[18:28:34] <exec> *** new comment: 03bzipitidoo [4388] (Score: 2) 02 - 06Judges Sentence Youth Offenders to Chess--with Promising Results - 1355 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[18:28:09] <exec> 08└─How can I blame Alexa if even I am just as gullible for false positives?
[18:28:08] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06Woman Says Amazon Alexa Recorded Private Conversation, Sent It to Random Friend - 72 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[18:28:06] <exec> 08└─Slashdot ran this story around 36 hours ago.
[18:28:06] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06Woman Says Amazon Alexa Recorded Private Conversation, Sent It to Random Friend - 44 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[18:28:05] <exec> 08└─When the collector rang me up at an all-you-can-eat sushi bar I pointed out that it was unlawful for him to call me at work then powered off my iPhone. I prayed that night: "Sweet Jesus please forgive me for telling that righteous man I was at work."
[18:28:05] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06Woman Says Amazon Alexa Recorded Private Conversation, Sent It to Random Friend - 250 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[18:27:23] <exec> 08└─MFN/NTR status for China, a non-market economy, which had been originally suspended in 1951, was restored in 1980 and was continued in effect through subsequent annual Presidential extensions. Following the massacre of pro-democracy demonstrators in Tiananmen Square in 1989, however, the annual rene...
[18:27:22] <exec> *** new comment: 03Runaway1956 [2926] (Score: 2) 02 - 06US Probe To Determine If Car Imports 'Impair The National Security' - 1206 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[18:26:43] <exec> 08└─The NFL is entirely SJW Converged so it needs to die. So let these protests go on and on, as they are the fastest way to kill it. Let ESPN breathlessly cover it and add their own pontification in place of the sports coverage their viewers wanted because they need to die too. Then build anew and hope...
[18:26:43] <exec> *** new comment: 03jmorris [4844] (Score: 2) 02 - 06NFL: New National Anthem Rule; NY Jets CEO: Break the Rule and I'll Pay the Fine - 1041 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[18:25:49] <exec> 08└─I've seen this all four times I've been quoted in the newspapers going back as far as grade school.
[18:25:48] <exec> *** new comment: 03suburbanitemediocrity [6844] (Score: 2) 02 - 06Scientists Hold Key to Winning Fight Against 'Fake News' - 99 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[18:25:47] <exec> 08└─Question everything. Something that is discouraged in the educational world today. What happens when you get presidential senior policy advisors saying things like "Given how far astray critical thinking has often taken us, maybe it’s time to embrace [a different] approach and see if it leads to e...
[18:25:46] <exec> *** new comment: 03suburbanitemediocrity [6844] (Score: 2) 02 - 06Scientists Hold Key to Winning Fight Against 'Fake News' - 368 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[18:25:45] <exec> 08└─Crap, should read all the way to the bottom before posting. Yea, that is the term I was really looking for. The media really do tend toward dumb, just the selection process hires and promotes on almost everything but smart, but yea this is the specific effect that best describes this article and the...
[18:25:44] <exec> *** new comment: 03jmorris [4844] (Score: 2) 02 - 06Scientists Hold Key to Winning Fight Against 'Fake News' - 483 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[18:25:43] <exec> 08└─Nah, that is propaganda, the Narrative, spin and blatant editorializing. Fakenews is when it is entirely bullcrap. Russia! Russia! Russia! for example qualifies because there appears to literally be nothing real there other than projection, deflection and maybe a bit of wish casting. Stormy Daniels'...
[18:25:42] <exec> *** new comment: 03jmorris [4844] (Score: 2) 02 - 06Scientists Hold Key to Winning Fight Against 'Fake News' - 491 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[18:25:40] <exec> 08└─There is a name for this. Dunning-Kruger [infogalactic.com] Look at who makes up the vast bulk of the MSM and it is clear thevery best of them are midwits. Expecting them to understand the topics they report on would be foolish. Yet billion dollar industries do exactly that, send people of barely av...
[18:25:39] <exec> *** new comment: 03jmorris [4844] (Score: 2) 02 - 06Scientists Hold Key to Winning Fight Against 'Fake News' - 1008 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[18:25:38] <exec> 08└─Correct. 7% random changes means a dead individual.
[18:25:37] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06Scientists Hold Key to Winning Fight Against 'Fake News' - 51 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[18:25:36] <exec> 08└─Fake news is also whenever you report the objective truth about people SJW don't like, incels for being a good recent example.
[18:25:35] <exec> *** new comment: 03unauthorized [3776] (Score: 2) 02 - 06Scientists Hold Key to Winning Fight Against 'Fake News' - 126 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[18:25:34] <exec> 08└─It's likely outdated, but it's also likely that the missing areas contain an extensive number of repeats of identical sequences, as (at least a few years ago) those were giving the sequencing machines a lot of trouble.
[18:25:33] <exec> *** new comment: 03HiThere [866] (Score: 2) 02 - 06Scientists Hold Key to Winning Fight Against 'Fake News' - 218 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[18:25:32] <exec> 08└─can we please go back to calling it "lies" then?
[18:25:32] <exec> *** new comment: 03requerdanos [5997] (Score: 4, Insightful) 02 - 06Scientists Hold Key to Winning Fight Against 'Fake News' - 48 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[18:25:14] <exec> 08└─Every time I have personally observed a newsworthy event, the reporters get it spectacularly wrong. Not just a little wrong. Not just a bit of "spin". No, they are so far off the mark they must have pulled the whole story out of their asses, probably with malicious intent, or if not, then at least p...
[18:25:14] <exec> 08*** score 5 comment: 03Justin Case [4239] 02 - 06Scientists Hold Key to Winning Fight Against 'Fake News' - 661 chars - 04 http://soylentnews.org
[18:24:04] <exec> last cid = 684596
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[17:30:40] <exec> 08└─> we could no longer kick convicted foreign terrorists out of the UK because the European Court decided that such action wasn't fair, and other EU laws were created that ran counter to the UK's own laws. It is like laying whack-a-mole. As has repeately been pointed out, that decision by the court of...
[17:30:40] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06UK to Demand EU Repayment in Brexit Satellite Row - 1581 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[17:29:19] <exec> 08└─I just wanted really fucking drive it home just how much I shouldn't have to painstaking explain this fucking shit to you.
[17:29:19] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06Uber Self-Driving Car That Struck, Killed Pedestrian Wasn't Set to Stop in an Emergency - 122 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[17:28:00] <exec> 08└─I am assuming this is true only as long as the phone is powered up.
[17:28:00] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06Woman Says Amazon Alexa Recorded Private Conversation, Sent It to Random Friend - 67 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[17:27:19] <exec> 08└─My wife and I have the exact same laptop: she now uses mine (Manjaro/arch) because she got a virus and now it is slow and redirects her to odd web sites (she tries to do a Google search and she ends up using "best search" or some such ass shit). She thinks I did something to mine because it is so mu...
[17:27:19] <exec> *** new comment: 03Gaaark [41] (Score: 2) 02 - 06US Probe To Determine If Car Imports 'Impair The National Security' - 432 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[17:27:17] <exec> 08└─And, that is a big part of the reason that Bill Clinton should have been convicted of treason. Not only Clinton, but all of the major players who pushed all those "trade agreements" through congress. The less active members of congress, who merely approved of the trade deals, were all useful idiots.
[17:27:17] <exec> *** new comment: 03c0lo [156] (Score: 2) 02 - 06US Probe To Determine If Car Imports 'Impair The National Security' - 300 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[17:26:41] <exec> 08└─I'm honestly looking forward to the XFL reboot. I watched them when they first tried, and was surprised that it was as good as it was. Of course, this is from someone who had season tickets for an Arena football team (before they folded, like most of them did). The Alliance league looks interesting,...
[17:26:40] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06NFL: New National Anthem Rule; NY Jets CEO: Break the Rule and I'll Pay the Fine - 706 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[17:26:39] <exec> 08└─You don't need a "reason" - giving is who and what you are. Unless, of course, you aren't.
[17:26:38] <exec> *** new comment: 03c0lo [156] (Score: 2) 02 - 06NFL: New National Anthem Rule; NY Jets CEO: Break the Rule and I'll Pay the Fine - 90 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[17:26:36] <exec> 08└─I don't believe that the players should not be legally allowed to take a knee. Let them if they want to. I do believe, as do many other handegg fans, that kneeling is a stupid-ass move considering the country they're protesting is the only one that allows them to be paid millions of dollars a year t...
[17:26:35] <exec> *** new comment: 03Ethanol-fueled [2792] (Score: 1) 02 - 06NFL: New National Anthem Rule; NY Jets CEO: Break the Rule and I'll Pay the Fine - 908 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[17:26:34] <exec> 08└─Colin Kapernick sucked and knew his time was about to be up, so his kneeling thing was a hail-Mary. He unwittingly created a monster and had to double-down on the movement he started. Where is he now? Offering to suck dick for another shot at playing ball. He's basically another Michael Sam at this...
[17:26:33] <exec> *** new comment: 03Ethanol-fueled [2792] (Score: 1) 02 - 06NFL: New National Anthem Rule; NY Jets CEO: Break the Rule and I'll Pay the Fine - 374 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[17:26:32] <exec> 08└─Yes, and boxing is still a thing as well. Funny that, people would be willing to be paid tens of millions of dollars a year to play a rough sport. But now something more informative - ten or so years ago, hanging in the locker room or otherwise doing whatever during the anthem was the norm. Then the...
[17:26:32] <exec> *** new comment: 03Ethanol-fueled [2792] (Score: 1) 02 - 06NFL: New National Anthem Rule; NY Jets CEO: Break the Rule and I'll Pay the Fine - 859 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[17:26:30] <exec> 08└─where's the reason to continue giving?
[17:26:30] <exec> *** new comment: 03Runaway1956 [2926] (Score: 2) 02 - 06NFL: New National Anthem Rule; NY Jets CEO: Break the Rule and I'll Pay the Fine - 38 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[17:25:53] <exec> 08└─That was my guess: force a migration to something that can advertise better, or track better, or both. Don't use either, so me too clueless.
[17:25:53] <exec> *** new comment: 03Gaaark [41] (Score: 2) 02 - 06Stumbleupon Closing After 16 Years, Accounts Can be Migrated to Mix - 140 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[17:25:42] <exec> 08└─And also, Scientists Hold Key to Winning Fight Against 'Fake News'
[17:25:41] <exec> *** new comment: 03requerdanos [5997] (Score: 2) 02 - 06Scientists Hold Key to Winning Fight Against 'Fake News' - 66 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[17:25:40] <exec> 08└─As a fertilizer has good value too. It's still crap, though.
[17:25:39] <exec> *** new comment: 03c0lo [156] (Score: 2) 02 - 06Scientists Hold Key to Winning Fight Against 'Fake News' - 60 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[17:25:38] <exec> 08└─can we please go back to calling it "lies" then?
[17:25:37] <exec> *** new comment: 03maxwell demon [1608] (Score: 2) 02 - 06Scientists Hold Key to Winning Fight Against 'Fake News' - 48 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[17:25:36] <exec> 08└─7% random changes doesn't mean a new species.
[17:25:35] <exec> *** new comment: 03maxwell demon [1608] (Score: 2) 02 - 06Scientists Hold Key to Winning Fight Against 'Fake News' - 45 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[17:25:33] <exec> 08└─Journalists lie about the news because their job is not reporting the truth but selling the news. Truth is often boring and may require complicated explanations to understand. Boring and complicated don't sell because people read news for entertainment not enlightenment.
[17:25:32] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06Scientists Hold Key to Winning Fight Against 'Fake News' - 271 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[17:25:31] <exec> 08└─crap remains crap for everyone.
[17:25:30] <exec> *** new comment: 03maxwell demon [1608] (Score: 2) 02 - 06Scientists Hold Key to Winning Fight Against 'Fake News' - 31 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[17:25:29] <exec> 08└─Briefly stated, the Gell-Mann Amnesia effect is as follows. You open the newspaper to an article on some subject you know well. In Murray's case, physics. In mine, show business. You read the article and see the journalist has absolutely no understanding of either the facts or the issues. Often, the...
[17:25:28] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06Scientists Hold Key to Winning Fight Against 'Fake News' - 789 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[17:25:27] <exec> 08└─can we please go back to calling it "lies" then? AFAIK the word "lies" is not contaminated and very clear. "fake news" is not real news of things that have happened: OK agreed it pretends to be real news: OK agreed ---------------- therefore "fake news" is lies? Now can we take this one step further...
[17:25:26] <exec> *** new comment: 03fritsd [4586] (Score: 2) 02 - 06Scientists Hold Key to Winning Fight Against 'Fake News' - 1763 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[17:25:25] <exec> 08└─They want to get attention, which leads to hype. They seem to think it's ok to exxagerate or oversimplify results for the popular press. They need funding and tenure, which may be at odds with objectivity.
[17:25:24] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06Scientists Hold Key to Winning Fight Against 'Fake News' - 205 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[17:25:23] <exec> 08└─Fake news is something reporting itself as news, which is fake. For example a news report saying that 15 people were killed by a suicide bomber in Berlin yesterday would be fake news, it is demonstrably false. Saying that Mike Alig-Juzfahrted has been appointed superintendent of Atlanta Public Schoo...
[17:25:23] <exec> *** new comment: 03isostatic [365] (Score: 2) 02 - 06Scientists Hold Key to Winning Fight Against 'Fake News' - 615 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[17:24:04] <exec> last cid = 684574
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[16:35:01] <exec> 08└─Hope you didn't own stock in Cisco or a zillion other suppliers back in 2000. Those hardware invoices aren't getting paid after bankruptcy...
[16:35:01] <exec> *** new comment: 03VLM [445] (Score: 2) 02 - 06Silicon Valley Tech Bubble is Larger Than It Was in 2000, and the End is Coming - 141 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[16:33:41] <exec> 08└─Hydrostatic equilibrium (mostly round)
[16:33:41] <exec> *** new comment: 03VLM [445] (Score: 2) 02 - 06Pluto May be Made of a Billion Comets - 38 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[16:33:40] <exec> 08└─We haven't found many objects "on the border" of gravitational speherical-ness but there's a lot of objects right on the border of gravitationally clearing their lane, which leads to a lot of foolishness about this asteroid is almost a planet but this planet is now merely an asteroid and WTF. I kind...
[16:33:39] <exec> *** new comment: 03VLM [445] (Score: 2) 02 - 06Pluto May be Made of a Billion Comets - 588 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[16:32:51] <exec> 08└─Do not let your hatred settle in too far for your own sake. It is difficult to work it back out and it really does hurt you more than the people you are angry at.
[16:32:50] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06Trump Violates First Amendment by Blocking Twitter Users From Feed, Judge Says - 162 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[16:32:49] <exec> 08└─Go drink some vodka Ivan, you're kissing the wrong booty again.
[16:32:49] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06Trump Violates First Amendment by Blocking Twitter Users From Feed, Judge Says - 63 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[16:27:57] <exec> 08└─DnD does a better job across the board, IF the GM isn't a shithead. If the GM is an idiot or a troublemaker himself, then not so good. Strange idea... if Paizo were not Fing up the whole world with Pathfinder 2.0 I'd be interested in the concept of sourcebooks designed for therapeutic purposes, not...
[16:27:57] <exec> *** new comment: 03VLM [445] (Score: 2) 02 - 06Judges Sentence Youth Offenders to Chess--with Promising Results - 570 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[16:26:52] <exec> 08└─Think about the quality of US made cars before and after the Honda showed up.
[16:26:52] <exec> *** new comment: 03VLM [445] (Score: 2) 02 - 06US Probe To Determine If Car Imports 'Impair The National Security' - 77 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[16:26:51] <exec> 08└─Unfortunately, none of the halfwits who pushed for globalization had so much as a clue. We have become dependent on foreign suppliers, more so with computers and communications than the auto industry. Dependency is NOT a "good thing". At any time, China can shut us down - or S. Korea, or maybe even...
[16:26:51] <exec> *** new comment: 03Runaway1956 [2926] (Score: 2) 02 - 06US Probe To Determine If Car Imports 'Impair The National Security' - 963 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[16:26:29] <exec> 08└─Engineering college teaches almost nothing practical like what's the difference between a tantalum and electrolytic capacitors and where and why would you use each
[16:26:29] <exec> *** new comment: 03DrkShadow [1404] (Score: 2) 02 - 06Finland's Lappeenranta University of Technology to Open Jamie Hyneman Center in the Fall - 163 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[16:26:16] <exec> 08└─Nah, baseball, basketball, football, it's all just a bunch of guys playing with their balls. :P
[16:26:15] <exec> *** new comment: 03SomeGuy [5632] (Score: 2) 02 - 06NFL: New National Anthem Rule; NY Jets CEO: Break the Rule and I'll Pay the Fine - 95 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[16:26:13] <exec> 08└─they diminish the ideals the anthem is supposed to celebrate
[16:26:13] <exec> *** new comment: 03VLM [445] (Score: 3, Insightful) 02 - 06NFL: New National Anthem Rule; NY Jets CEO: Break the Rule and I'll Pay the Fine - 60 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[16:26:11] <exec> 08└─IMO, anyone who has nothing to give, deserves to take nothing.
[16:26:10] <exec> *** new comment: 03c0lo [156] (Score: 2) 02 - 06NFL: New National Anthem Rule; NY Jets CEO: Break the Rule and I'll Pay the Fine - 62 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[16:26:09] <exec> 08└─I'd rather have my plumber lecture me on how his beliefs about neurosurgery are holier than thou, than listen to a adult who plays a kids game as a day job lecture me on morals ethics and political philosophy.
[16:26:08] <exec> *** new comment: 03VLM [445] (Score: 3, Insightful) 02 - 06NFL: New National Anthem Rule; NY Jets CEO: Break the Rule and I'll Pay the Fine - 209 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[16:26:07] <exec> 08└─this isn't about the anthem, it's about keep the minds of people/consumers off the thoughts of NFL teams making huge profits out of black people bashing their heads at each other and dying because of that, with a media circus fitted to their numb brains
[16:26:06] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06NFL: New National Anthem Rule; NY Jets CEO: Break the Rule and I'll Pay the Fine - 253 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[16:26:05] <exec> 08└─Nah the brainwashing patriotism is a more recent phenomenon and it is harmfully stupid. It speaks to how far we have sunk as a country that a football player taking a knee for a good cause is a massive scandal drawing calls for blood.
[16:26:04] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06NFL: New National Anthem Rule; NY Jets CEO: Break the Rule and I'll Pay the Fine - 234 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[16:26:03] <exec> 08└─Isn't the "ask not what your country can do for you—ask what you can do for your country" a bit worn out
[16:26:03] <exec> *** new comment: 03Runaway1956 [2926] (Score: 2) 02 - 06NFL: New National Anthem Rule; NY Jets CEO: Break the Rule and I'll Pay the Fine - 106 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[16:25:23] <exec> 08└─Follow the money, who made more money and got more attention, the null-result true story or the clickbait? If your wallet depended on the general public not knowing the truth about something that frankly doesn't matter to them anyway...
[16:25:22] <exec> *** new comment: 03VLM [445] (Score: 2) 02 - 06Scientists Hold Key to Winning Fight Against 'Fake News' - 236 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[16:25:21] <exec> 08└─I don't know what that number is for chimps but its probably higher.
[16:25:20] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06Scientists Hold Key to Winning Fight Against 'Fake News' - 68 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[16:25:19] <exec> 08└─Chimps have a different number of chromosomes. It depends on the exact difference, 7% random changes doesn't mean a new species. Also, only 90% of the human genome has been sequenced: We can say that only 90% of the human genome has been sequenced and the remaining 10% falls into 357 gaps scattered...
[16:25:18] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06Scientists Hold Key to Winning Fight Against 'Fake News' - 322 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[16:25:17] <exec> 08└─Fake news is a meme created to let you dismiss things you disagree with. It is a tool given to you to help you keep your cognitive dissonance going. Unfortunately for CNN it backfired on them.
[16:25:16] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06Scientists Hold Key to Winning Fight Against 'Fake News' - 192 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[16:25:14] <exec> 08└─Then, I realize that everything is probably trash.
[16:25:14] <exec> *** new comment: 03c0lo [156] (Score: 2) 02 - 06Scientists Hold Key to Winning Fight Against 'Fake News' - 50 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[16:25:12] <exec> 08└─I was going to write almost literally the same! I realized this about 10 years ago, and I've stopped trusting (or even ingesting information from) journalists. Whenever I see something interesting somewhere, I go to the actual data source, and base my opinion on that, and ignore the content of the '...
[16:25:11] <exec> *** new comment: 03bart [2844] (Score: 2) 02 - 06Scientists Hold Key to Winning Fight Against 'Fake News' - 368 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[16:25:10] <exec> 08└─7% difference is greater than the genetic difference between humans and chimpanzees. Since humans and chimpanzees are different species, a 7% difference is more than enough to be a different species.
[16:25:10] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06Scientists Hold Key to Winning Fight Against 'Fake News' - 199 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[16:25:09] <exec> 08└─Every time I have personally observed a newsworthy event, the reporters get it spectacularly wrong. Not just a little wrong. Not just a bit of "spin". No, they are so far off the mark they must have pulled the whole story out of their asses, probably with malicious intent, or if not, then at least p...
[16:25:08] <exec> *** new comment: 03Justin Case [4239] (Score: 4, Informative) 02 - 06Scientists Hold Key to Winning Fight Against 'Fake News' - 661 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
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[15:34:33] <exec> 08└─Of course, of course. I'm certain I can acquire the additional VC needed for the buyout. They don't call it a bubble for nothing!
[15:34:33] <exec> *** new comment: 03JeanCroix [573] (Score: 2) 02 - 06Silicon Valley Tech Bubble is Larger Than It Was in 2000, and the End is Coming - 129 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[15:33:57] <exec> 08└─More importantly, how do you correctly program it to force its way into the next lane, inches before the fourth cone that closes its own lane, after passing a couple hundred yards of crawling properly-merging traffic ?
[15:33:57] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06Making Driverless Cars Change Lanes More Like Human Drivers Do - 218 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[15:29:50] <exec> 08└─The very first item on this list of the EEC's aims from the government's own leaflet in 1975 is "to bring together the people of Europe": https://digital.library.lse.ac.uk [lse.ac.uk] You can't say you weren't told.
[15:29:50] <exec> *** new comment: 03UncleSlacky [2859] (Score: 2) 02 - 06UK to Demand EU Repayment in Brexit Satellite Row - 252 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[15:28:57] <exec> 08└─The researchers analysed usage over 13 days using a simple smartphone app which time stamped when usage began and ended. From this data, they were able to calculate the number of total hours usage and the number of checks for each day
[15:28:57] <exec> *** new comment: 03requerdanos [5997] (Score: 2) 02 - 06Why We Fail to Understand Our Smartphone Use - 234 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[15:27:54] <exec> 08└─Last I heard, Google's RedTube is not available in Canada. I wouldn't mind paying so as to be a customer instead of a product.
[15:27:54] <exec> *** new comment: 03hendrikboom [1125] (Score: 2) 02 - 06US Takes Aim At Russian Hackers Who Infected Over 500,000 Routers - 126 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[15:27:53] <exec> 08└─"hackers can use the malware to monitor web activity, including password use" uhh, that's what tls is for.
[15:27:53] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06US Takes Aim At Russian Hackers Who Infected Over 500,000 Routers - 106 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[15:27:12] <exec> 08└─I wouldn't assume any such thing. Remember when someone found a way to activate your laptop camera, without activating the blinken light at the same time? I suspect that there might be some secret way to do that with firmware. Activate the microphone and/or the camera, as well as the radio, but prev...
[15:27:11] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06Woman Says Amazon Alexa Recorded Private Conversation, Sent It to Random Friend - 533 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[15:27:10] <exec> 08└─My thoughts too -- much blame is placed on Amazon and I have no love for Amazon, but the mistake was installing their shit in the first place and that is this couple's fault.
[15:27:09] <exec> *** new comment: 03hemocyanin [186] (Score: 2) 02 - 06Woman Says Amazon Alexa Recorded Private Conversation, Sent It to Random Friend - 174 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[15:27:07] <exec> 08└─The green site still exists? Who woulda thunk it?
[15:27:07] <exec> *** new comment: 03hemocyanin [186] (Score: 2) 02 - 06Woman Says Amazon Alexa Recorded Private Conversation, Sent It to Random Friend - 49 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[15:27:05] <exec> 08└─. . . they were constantly giving us ideas on how to catch unfaithful spouses?
[15:27:05] <exec> *** new comment: 03DannyB [5839] (Score: 2) 02 - 06Woman Says Amazon Alexa Recorded Private Conversation, Sent It to Random Friend - 78 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[15:27:04] <exec> 08└─A comma can make all the difference . . . Let him who stole, steal no more, let him labor with his hands working for food . . . Let him who stole, steal, no more let him labor with his hands working for food . . .
[15:27:04] <exec> *** new comment: 03DannyB [5839] (Score: 2) 02 - 06Woman Says Amazon Alexa Recorded Private Conversation, Sent It to Random Friend - 213 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[15:26:49] <exec> 08└─The other site also pays editors to work there, and fund their site with advertising and other promotional information. Additionally, they give no assurance that any data that you hand over will not be used. We are manned entirely by volunteers, we do not show any advertising or other promotional ma...
[15:26:49] <exec> 08*** score 5 comment: 03janrinok [52] 02 - 06Woman Says Amazon Alexa Recorded Private Conversation, Sent It to Random Friend - 739 chars - 04 http://soylentnews.org
[15:26:35] <exec> 08└─If we're going to be unable to resist having devices in our private spaces which can record our private conversations, then Amazon needs to step up and seriously upgrade the security and privacy to the level we've come to expect from IoT devices.
[15:26:35] <exec> 08*** score 5 comment: 03Anonymous Coward 02 - 06Woman Says Amazon Alexa Recorded Private Conversation, Sent It to Random Friend - 246 chars - 04 http://soylentnews.org
[15:26:28] <exec> 08└─This makes the industrial base supporting the arsenal of democracy kind of hollow.
[15:26:28] <exec> *** new comment: 03c0lo [156] (Score: 2) 02 - 06US Probe To Determine If Car Imports 'Impair The National Security' - 82 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[15:25:56] <exec> 08└─I'd argue the time commitment for soccer is equal to or even less than the one for basketball.
[15:25:55] <exec> *** new comment: 03bobthecimmerian [6834] (Score: 2) 02 - 06NFL: New National Anthem Rule; NY Jets CEO: Break the Rule and I'll Pay the Fine - 94 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[15:25:54] <exec> 08└─Because the equal opportunity is meant to be only for the footballs players, right? They aren't suppose to say a word about the others who don't have even the remote opportunity to be heard? Maybe even "social activism and community support initiatives" are offensive for the National Football League...
[15:25:53] <exec> *** new comment: 03c0lo [156] (Score: 2) 02 - 06NFL: New National Anthem Rule; NY Jets CEO: Break the Rule and I'll Pay the Fine - 322 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[15:25:51] <exec> 08└─This is like how in north korea there are huge passive aggressive struggles over every dimension of every flag pole... Who cares.
[15:25:51] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06NFL: New National Anthem Rule; NY Jets CEO: Break the Rule and I'll Pay the Fine - 129 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[15:25:49] <exec> 08└─Select a day and designate it as National Fentanyl Day (eg, NFL). Maybe they could make it easier to tell which game is being played when flipping channels on a TV. Basketball is easy to distinguish because it is played indoors on a wooden floor. But football and baseball are more difficult to tell...
[15:25:48] <exec> *** new comment: 03DannyB [5839] (Score: 2) 02 - 06NFL: New National Anthem Rule; NY Jets CEO: Break the Rule and I'll Pay the Fine - 365 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[15:25:47] <exec> 08└─"But here's a crazy idea: how about actually offering the promised equality of opportunity, maybe the players won't need to beg for it?" Football players make MILLIONS of dollars a year doing something they were recruited for starting at a young age. If they complain about "equality of opportunity",...
[15:25:46] <exec> *** new comment: 03EEMac [6423] (Score: 1) 02 - 06NFL: New National Anthem Rule; NY Jets CEO: Break the Rule and I'll Pay the Fine - 334 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[15:25:45] <exec> 08└─I don't know. I'm still waiting for my flying car I was promised as a kid. Meanwhile, they got busy working in quantum teleportation. point: what warranty do you have the "advanced regenerative medicine" is actually on the list they are going to deliver? The referenced xkcd translates "it could take...
[15:25:44] <exec> *** new comment: 03c0lo [156] (Score: 2) 02 - 06NFL: New National Anthem Rule; NY Jets CEO: Break the Rule and I'll Pay the Fine - 355 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[15:25:43] <exec> 08└─I'd love to see them do this: https://upload.wikimedia.org [wikimedia.org] - the bigots would really flip their shit!
[15:25:42] <exec> *** new comment: 03UncleSlacky [2859] (Score: 2) 02 - 06NFL: New National Anthem Rule; NY Jets CEO: Break the Rule and I'll Pay the Fine - 254 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[15:25:40] <exec> 08└─Are scientists and engineers done producing new advancements and technologies?
[15:25:40] <exec> *** new comment: 03takyon [881] (Score: 2) 02 - 06NFL: New National Anthem Rule; NY Jets CEO: Break the Rule and I'll Pay the Fine - 78 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[15:25:39] <exec> 08└─The players certainly have the right to take a knee, but in doing so diminish the thing which makes that right possible.
[15:25:39] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 2, Insightful) 02 - 06NFL: New National Anthem Rule; NY Jets CEO: Break the Rule and I'll Pay the Fine - 120 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[15:25:18] <exec> 08└─If you still use StumbleUpon, you’ve got until the end of next month to migrate your account over to Mix.
[15:25:18] <exec> *** new comment: 03requerdanos [5997] (Score: 2) 02 - 06Stumbleupon Closing After 16 Years, Accounts Can be Migrated to Mix - 107 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[15:25:08] <exec> 08└─Every time I come across a mainstream article on a topic in which I'm expert, I find that the journalist is a moron who'd do better to keep quiet. Then, I realize that experts of other fields must feel similarly. Then, I realize that everything is probably trash. Smart people don't aspire to be jour...
[15:25:07] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06Scientists Hold Key to Winning Fight Against 'Fake News' - 308 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[15:25:05] <exec> 08└─What NASA meant by genetic code was, in fact, gene expression This is still unclear. The overall expression wasn't 7% different; 7% of genes had significant differences in their expression (between Scott and Mark) which didn't return to normal directly after Scott returned to Earth.
[15:25:05] <exec> *** new comment: 03gringer [962] (Score: 2) 02 - 06Scientists Hold Key to Winning Fight Against 'Fake News' - 283 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[15:25:04] <exec> 08└─This is an interesting take on "fake news". Do you think that scientists don't do enough to convey news accurately? Or, is the media to blame for bad/sensational reporting?
[15:25:04] <exec> *** new comment: 03requerdanos [5997] (Score: 2) 02 - 06Scientists Hold Key to Winning Fight Against 'Fake News' - 172 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[15:24:04] <exec> last cid = 684520
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[14:26:38] <exec> 08└─Is why you do not install a spy device in your home. The alexia, the google whatever it is, all of them, are nothing but spy devices designed to advertise to you and get you to buy crap. Just say no.
[14:26:38] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06Woman Says Amazon Alexa Recorded Private Conversation, Sent It to Random Friend - 201 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[14:26:37] <exec> 08└─IoT is the suffix for ID.
[14:26:37] <exec> *** new comment: 03DannyB [5839] (Score: 2) 02 - 06Woman Says Amazon Alexa Recorded Private Conversation, Sent It to Random Friend - 25 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[14:26:03] <exec> 08└─The argument for no is as follows: Think about the quality of US made cars before and after the Honda showed up. Things are much better now. International competition prevents stagnation. The argument for yes is as follows: Since Nixon and Sam Walton opened China, we we have had two things. First, y...
[14:26:03] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06US Probe To Determine If Car Imports 'Impair The National Security' - 1438 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[14:25:32] <exec> 08└─The whole matter could be solved with the introduction of advanced regenerative medicine that can repair any brain damage sustained before it accumulates or becomes permanent. But it could take decades before that hits the scene
[14:25:31] <exec> *** new comment: 03c0lo [156] (Score: 2) 02 - 06NFL: New National Anthem Rule; NY Jets CEO: Break the Rule and I'll Pay the Fine - 228 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[14:25:29] <exec> 08└─Well, yeah, some people just enjoy bitching. The official standard is to stand, remove your hat if applicable, and put your right hand over your heart unless you're military. They cover those bases and anyone bitching can go piss up a flagpole as far as most of the nation will be concerned. As for b...
[14:25:28] <exec> *** new comment: 03The Mighty Buzzard [18] (Score: 2) 02 - 06NFL: New National Anthem Rule; NY Jets CEO: Break the Rule and I'll Pay the Fine - 557 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[14:25:27] <exec> 08└─It's plausible that rule and equipment changes in these new leagues could reduce the risk of traumatic brain injury. Basically, players are hitting each other much harder today than they did decades ago simply because they can. The whole matter could be solved with the introduction of advanced regen...
[14:25:26] <exec> *** new comment: 03takyon [881] (Score: 2) 02 - 06NFL: New National Anthem Rule; NY Jets CEO: Break the Rule and I'll Pay the Fine - 675 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[14:25:25] <exec> 08└─Well, to have a country we have to have unity, which the anthem is all about.
[14:25:24] <exec> *** new comment: 03c0lo [156] (Score: 2) 02 - 06NFL: New National Anthem Rule; NY Jets CEO: Break the Rule and I'll Pay the Fine - 77 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[14:25:23] <exec> 08└─It shouldn't, but it probably will. The difference between paying respect while on a knee or standing is pretty arbitrary as well. I am from a country were 'patriotism' is not brainwashed in at an early age, and to me the obsession Americans have for their flag and anthem just looks silly. It is all...
[14:25:22] <exec> *** new comment: 03pe1rxq [844] (Score: 2) 02 - 06NFL: New National Anthem Rule; NY Jets CEO: Break the Rule and I'll Pay the Fine - 312 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[14:25:21] <exec> 08└─The connection between American football, traumatic brain injuries and suicides is pretty well known and the sport just keeps on going, without many rule changes (that would make it more boring).
[14:25:20] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06NFL: New National Anthem Rule; NY Jets CEO: Break the Rule and I'll Pay the Fine - 195 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[14:25:18] <exec> 08└─Not enough Americans have their brain damaged, eh? I hear lobotomy is cheaper and faster.
[14:25:18] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06NFL: New National Anthem Rule; NY Jets CEO: Break the Rule and I'll Pay the Fine - 89 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[14:25:17] <exec> 08└─The thing has been diminishing itself. They are just putting that diminishment on display. The only reason it has so many up in arms about it is that it makes them uncomfortable.
[14:25:17] <exec> *** new comment: 03sjames [2882] (Score: 3, Insightful) 02 - 06NFL: New National Anthem Rule; NY Jets CEO: Break the Rule and I'll Pay the Fine - 178 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[14:25:04] <exec> 08└─Stumbleupon finds content on the web that meet a list of your specified interests. By clicking on the SU icon in my browser I might be presented with an article on computing in general, Python 3, photography, folk music or languages, all of which I have specified as my interests. I find it useful wh...
[14:25:04] <exec> *** new comment: 03janrinok [52] (Score: 2) 02 - 06Stumbleupon Closing After 16 Years, Accounts Can be Migrated to Mix - 1063 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[14:25:02] <exec> 08└─Collect information on users to sell to advertisers I guess, like most other internet (dis)services.
[14:25:02] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06Stumbleupon Closing After 16 Years, Accounts Can be Migrated to Mix - 100 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[14:24:04] <exec> last cid = 684505
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[13:29:30] <exec> 08└─Opiate tolerance shoots up remarkably fast. A 2+ gram/day heroin habit (way past deadly for non-users) can be achieved in less than month of use. This guy was probably wholesaling over a large region, but several kilos a day wouldn't be extraordinary in a decent sized metropolis.
[13:29:30] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06120 Pounds (54 kg) of Fentanyl Seized in Nebraska - 280 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[13:28:53] <exec> 08└─Russia first, America first, Britain first, Italy first, Turkey first! Patriotism first! Who will win? Do we have to have some sort of contest to find out?
[13:28:52] <exec> *** new comment: 03fritsd [4586] (Score: 2) 02 - 06UK to Demand EU Repayment in Brexit Satellite Row - 155 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[13:28:50] <exec> 08└─In fact, they've got a Tory minister of Health, Jeremy Hunt, who wrote a book about "how to dismantle the NHS". (1) underfund in the NHS for many years (2) "oh dear what is this? our NHS has declined so much we might as well put the critter out of its misery and organize something new alongside neol...
[13:28:49] <exec> *** new comment: 03fritsd [4586] (Score: 2) 02 - 06UK to Demand EU Repayment in Brexit Satellite Row - 334 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[13:28:48] <exec> 08└─True patriots know the ley lines of the old oak trees and that all village cricket greens are on a secret hexagonal grid designed to confuse foreigners, especially Frogs and Krauts. And anyway, everything is second left past the post office and two hundred yards on near the pub.
[13:28:48] <exec> *** new comment: 03fritsd [4586] (Score: 2) 02 - 06UK to Demand EU Repayment in Brexit Satellite Row - 279 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[13:28:47] <exec> 08└─If you were unhappy with terms for the previous 39 years, why did you continue to pay in? Every year you paid in was implicit acceptance of the terms of the prior year.
[13:28:47] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06UK to Demand EU Repayment in Brexit Satellite Row - 168 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[13:26:41] <exec> 08└─Chess for life would be hell for me. So would music lessons - especially if I got stuck playing cello for Pachebel's Canon at all night chapels in Las Vegas. But some people love it. Other people seem to enjoy watching televised sports. I remember my Uncle loved listening to fights and ball games o...
[13:26:40] <exec> *** new comment: 03anubi [2828] (Score: 1) 02 - 06Judges Sentence Youth Offenders to Chess--with Promising Results - 857 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[13:26:39] <exec> 08└─These are the people who took seriously that incredibly whacked argument that 9/11 was God's punishment of America for being too tolerant of homosexuality.
[13:26:39] <exec> *** new comment: 03c0lo [156] (Score: 2) 02 - 06Judges Sentence Youth Offenders to Chess--with Promising Results - 155 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[13:26:38] <exec> 08└─Or, ya know, Google "free chess tutoring" -- plenty of hits, wide variety of delivery methods.
[13:26:37] <exec> *** new comment: 03c0lo [156] (Score: 2) 02 - 06Judges Sentence Youth Offenders to Chess--with Promising Results - 94 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[13:25:43] <exec> 08└─The rest of the world needs to embargo US made products: AND START WITH WINDOWS!!! DUMP THE SHITE! All of a sudden, you'd see the US cave under pressure from people like Gates, etc. GET A BRAIN! DO IT!
[13:25:43] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06US Probe To Determine If Car Imports 'Impair The National Security' - 201 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[13:25:26] <exec> 08└─This is why I got sick of mythbombers. Just blowing up stuff anymore. Initially I thought this could be a fun show combining science and engineering in small scale DIY projects but then it all went to hell.
[13:25:26] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06Finland's Lappeenranta University of Technology to Open Jamie Hyneman Center in the Fall - 206 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[13:25:13] <exec> 08└─The country is all about free speech and equal opportunity. Taking a knee celebrates the first and begs for the second. This from a group of folks who have used the opportunity to do quite well. What could be wrong with this? Well, to have a country we have to have unity, which the anthem is all abo...
[13:25:13] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06NFL: New National Anthem Rule; NY Jets CEO: Break the Rule and I'll Pay the Fine - 626 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[13:25:01] <exec> 08└─what do these services do?
[13:25:01] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06Stumbleupon Closing After 16 Years, Accounts Can be Migrated to Mix - 26 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[13:24:04] <exec> last cid = 684490
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[12:32:14] <exec> 08└─YouTube is a horrible abomination. Educational material should be delivered in textual form, not buring behind 10 minutes of hemming and hawing and taking gross amounts of bandwidth for the information presented. I hate video for all purposes except porn and funny shit. Fuck your YouTube links, give...
[12:32:14] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06Pluto May be Made of a Billion Comets - 320 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[12:28:52] <exec> 08└─Surely you're not this ignorant? What happened in 1914 and 1939?
[12:28:51] <exec> *** new comment: 03turgid [4318] (Score: 2) 02 - 06UK to Demand EU Repayment in Brexit Satellite Row - 64 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[12:28:50] <exec> 08└─but Iran violates the rule that the US bombs countries with less than 35M people
[12:28:49] <exec> *** new comment: 03khallow [3766] (Score: 1) 02 - 06UK to Demand EU Repayment in Brexit Satellite Row - 80 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[12:28:47] <exec> 08└─I really hope that the UK can start working to reverse some of the damage that the EU did to their country. A full house cleaning is certainly in order.
[12:28:47] <exec> *** new comment: 03crafoo [6639] (Score: 2) 02 - 06UK to Demand EU Repayment in Brexit Satellite Row - 152 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[12:28:45] <exec> 08└─Sorry, tired. Let's try that again without the inserted copy/paste spam. The Brexiteers claim the EU is bullying the UK by excludng the UK from the core Galileo functons only available to EU members.
[12:28:44] <exec> *** new comment: 03khallow [3766] (Score: 1) 02 - 06UK to Demand EU Repayment in Brexit Satellite Row - 199 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[12:28:43] <exec> 08└─Galileo's explicitly an EU project[*] funded by the EU
[12:28:42] <exec> *** new comment: 03khallow [3766] (Score: 1) 02 - 06UK to Demand EU Repayment in Brexit Satellite Row - 54 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[12:28:41] <exec> 08└─Good work on either not understanding the concept or wilfully lying and misrepresenting it to further your own dogmatic political views. Citizens of each country putting the well-being of their country and their countrymen first, particularly in terms of domestic policy and law, doesn't mean immedia...
[12:28:40] <exec> *** new comment: 03crafoo [6639] (Score: 1, Flamebait) 02 - 06UK to Demand EU Repayment in Brexit Satellite Row - 354 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[12:28:39] <exec> 08└─The Brexiteers claim the EU is bullying the UK by excludng the UK from the core Galileo functons only available to EU members.
[12:28:38] <exec> *** new comment: 03khallow [3766] (Score: 1) 02 - 06UK to Demand EU Repayment in Brexit Satellite Row - 126 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[12:28:37] <exec> 08└─Ah! Found the frog.
[12:28:37] <exec> *** new comment: 03Gaaark [41] (Score: 2) 02 - 06UK to Demand EU Repayment in Brexit Satellite Row - 19 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[12:27:56] <exec> 08└─For me, seems like its always a telemarketer. I do my best to block them by whitelisting them against my contact list.
[12:27:56] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06Why We Fail to Understand Our Smartphone Use - 118 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[12:27:54] <exec> 08└─So how does the initial page load get slower?
[12:27:54] <exec> *** new comment: 03anubi [2828] (Score: 1) 02 - 06Why We Fail to Understand Our Smartphone Use - 45 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[12:27:29] <exec> 08└─So what part of this is a self driving car?
[12:27:29] <exec> *** new comment: 03inertnet [4071] (Score: 2) 02 - 06Uber Self-Driving Car That Struck, Killed Pedestrian Wasn't Set to Stop in an Emergency - 43 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[12:27:28] <exec> 08└─And...Volvo let them defeat the self-braking system. They are partners -- see https://www.theguardian.com [theguardian.com] While I do not know details, safety systems like self-braking are normally pretty har...
[12:27:28] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06Uber Self-Driving Car That Struck, Killed Pedestrian Wasn't Set to Stop in an Emergency - 659 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[12:26:53] <exec> 08└─Clone your hard drive... ( I used CloneZilla ) just in case those bastards sneak one in on you. That way you can google how they did it, and head them off at the pass when you go back. My guess is it ain't gonna be long before using your computer is gonna be like watching TV. A string of ads every...
[12:26:53] <exec> *** new comment: 03anubi [2828] (Score: 1) 02 - 06US Takes Aim At Russian Hackers Who Infected Over 500,000 Routers - 563 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[12:26:38] <exec> 08└─Betcha music lessons would work too. Being in society with a very limited repertoire of skills is not good news.
[12:26:37] <exec> *** new comment: 03c0lo [156] (Score: 2) 02 - 06Judges Sentence Youth Offenders to Chess--with Promising Results - 112 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[12:26:36] <exec> 08└─I can't love it. Too cramped. I like Go [wikipedia.org] better.
[12:26:35] <exec> *** new comment: 03c0lo [156] (Score: 2) 02 - 06Judges Sentence Youth Offenders to Chess--with Promising Results - 63 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[12:26:33] <exec> 08└─One of the most infuriating and humiliating things to experience is being punished for something that is not or should not be a crime, or for which one is innocent. In such cases, all the moralizing comes across as just so much hypocrisy, and callous bureaucratic indifference and bungling seems sini...
[12:26:32] <exec> *** new comment: 03bzipitidoo [4388] (Score: 2) 02 - 06Judges Sentence Youth Offenders to Chess--with Promising Results - 3076 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[12:26:31] <exec> 08└─Like the ones that got water-boarded in Guantanamo?
[12:26:31] <exec> *** new comment: 03Gaaark [41] (Score: 2) 02 - 06Judges Sentence Youth Offenders to Chess--with Promising Results - 51 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[12:26:30] <exec> 08└─But have we tried this chess experiment on real humans yet?
[12:26:30] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06Judges Sentence Youth Offenders to Chess--with Promising Results - 59 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[12:26:12] <exec> 08└─> For analysis later with new, developing techniques. For analysis later with new, developing marketing techniques. ftfy
[12:26:12] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06Woman Says Amazon Alexa Recorded Private Conversation, Sent It to Random Friend - 120 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[12:25:52] <exec> 08└─Do you want drama and gossip, or do you want news? The Slashdot story was only gossip. Now that we've waited a day, there's more information to the story: Amazon's explanation. So our article has more and higher quality information. If you want fast stories that fuel your emotions for no point excep...
[12:25:52] <exec> 08*** score 5 comment: 03Anonymous Coward 02 - 06Woman Says Amazon Alexa Recorded Private Conversation, Sent It to Random Friend - 407 chars - 04 http://soylentnews.org
[12:25:40] <exec> 08└─The rest of the world needs to embargo US made products: AND START WITH WINDOWS!!! DUMP THE SHITE! All of a sudden, you'd see the US cave under pressure from people like Gates, etc. GET A BRAIN! DO IT!
[12:25:39] <exec> *** new comment: 03Gaaark [41] (Score: 2) 02 - 06US Probe To Determine If Car Imports 'Impair The National Security' - 201 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[12:25:12] <exec> 08└─It'd have the side effect of pissing pretty much nobody off as well.
[12:25:12] <exec> *** new comment: 03The Mighty Buzzard [18] (Score: 2) 02 - 06NFL: New National Anthem Rule; NY Jets CEO: Break the Rule and I'll Pay the Fine - 68 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[12:25:10] <exec> 08└─XFL https://www.xfl.com [xfl.com] https://en.wikipedia.org [wikipedia.org] https://deadspin.com [deadspin.com] http://www.orlandosentinel.com
[12:25:10] <exec> *** new comment: 03takyon [881] (Score: 2) 02 - 06NFL: New National Anthem Rule; NY Jets CEO: Break the Rule and I'll Pay the Fine - 667 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[12:25:09] <exec> 08└─The connection between American football, traumatic brain injuries and suicides is pretty well known and the sport just keeps on going, without many rule changes (that would make it more boring). You know what we should do? Officially replace the national anthem with Lee Greenwood's God Bless the U....
[12:25:09] <exec> *** new comment: 03takyon [881] (Score: 2) 02 - 06NFL: New National Anthem Rule; NY Jets CEO: Break the Rule and I'll Pay the Fine - 383 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
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[11:32:26] <exec> 08└─The scots do that on purpose. When they get drunk they talk like normal people.
[11:32:26] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06Making Driverless Cars Change Lanes More Like Human Drivers Do - 79 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[11:32:25] <exec> 08└─Another tactic is to just change lanes very slowly. No gap? No problem. Just kinda slowly drift over to where you want to be and most of the time it works out.
[11:32:25] <exec> *** new comment: 03deimtee [3272] (Score: 2) 02 - 06Making Driverless Cars Change Lanes More Like Human Drivers Do - 159 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[11:30:57] <exec> 08└─Please. Just because the law hasn't caught up with giving private forums protections from defamation doesn't mean we should be treating Twitter and other social networking like public forums and press like some mindless legal drones. We both know it doesn't make a lick of sense not to let officials...
[11:30:57] <exec> *** new comment: 03RamiK [1813] (Score: 2) 02 - 06Trump Violates First Amendment by Blocking Twitter Users From Feed, Judge Says - 2013 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[11:27:41] <exec> 08└─It's text and thumbnails. Same basic collapsible sections as before. It will load a seemingly infinite amount of stories, but only if you scroll down on a search or World/Tech/Science/etc. subsection. All the big stuff happens on the back end. So how does the initial page load get slower? I also lef...
[11:27:41] <exec> *** new comment: 03takyon [881] (Score: 2) 02 - 06Why We Fail to Understand Our Smartphone Use - 481 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[11:27:16] <exec> 08└─Particularly damning is the part where they disabled the Volvo's factory emergency braking system which could have saved this life. It was on public roads. Much like engineers that design bridges, we must hold the engineers of this "self driving" vehicle system accountable. I know, I know. It would...
[11:27:16] <exec> *** new comment: 03crafoo [6639] (Score: 2) 02 - 06Uber Self-Driving Car That Struck, Killed Pedestrian Wasn't Set to Stop in an Emergency - 423 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[11:27:15] <exec> 08└─The software people most likely did it with the understanding that the vehicle would have a full time driver watching the road while a tech monitored the system. If that understanding had been correct, there might not have been an accident, as the driver could have avoided the collision had she not...
[11:27:15] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06Uber Self-Driving Car That Struck, Killed Pedestrian Wasn't Set to Stop in an Emergency - 418 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[11:26:43] <exec> 08└─I'm the former Netgear owner AC. Maybe it would have been better to say that I've learned to google any update before installing. If we'd done that before downloading and running that particular Netgear "update", that router would still be in service. And we wouldn't have wasted a couple of hours on...
[11:26:42] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06US Takes Aim At Russian Hackers Who Infected Over 500,000 Routers - 493 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[11:26:41] <exec> 08└─Well they couldn't just say, "reset your routers to the default NSA-backdoored state", could they? At least they are still trying to hide it under the guise of protecting our best interests. For now.
[11:26:40] <exec> *** new comment: 03crafoo [6639] (Score: 2) 02 - 06US Takes Aim At Russian Hackers Who Infected Over 500,000 Routers - 199 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[11:26:39] <exec> 08└─Oh yes... and the stuff I make, its based on the Arduino... and mine require a jumper in place on the physical board if you want to overwrite its program. You are pretty safe until you install that jumper. Then you have every privilege I have as far as having the machine do what you tell it to do....
[11:26:38] <exec> *** new comment: 03anubi [2828] (Score: 1) 02 - 06US Takes Aim At Russian Hackers Who Infected Over 500,000 Routers - 1033 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[11:26:37] <exec> 08└─The alternative is they do it behind your back... and you suddenly come in one day and your stuff doesn't work. Just like all those WIN7 users that got surprise updates to WIN10. ( I am not one of them... still on WIN7 ). ( A thank-you goes out to Steve Gibson of Gibson Research that gave me a lot...
[11:26:37] <exec> *** new comment: 03anubi [2828] (Score: 1) 02 - 06US Takes Aim At Russian Hackers Who Infected Over 500,000 Routers - 528 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[11:26:25] <exec> 08└─4-5 paragraphs into the summary before I figure out this is about Canadians. OK fine. Good results with Canadian subjects. But have we tried this chess experiment on real humans yet?
[11:26:25] <exec> *** new comment: 03crafoo [6639] (Score: 2) 02 - 06Judges Sentence Youth Offenders to Chess--with Promising Results - 182 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[11:26:09] <exec> 08└─+1 Infunnyful
[11:26:09] <exec> *** new comment: 03c0lo [156] (Score: 2) 02 - 06Woman Says Amazon Alexa Recorded Private Conversation, Sent It to Random Friend - 13 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[11:26:08] <exec> 08└─Given the voracious need for data to train NN's, and the fabulously small storage requirements of compressed sound data .. I assume it is recording all sound at all times. For analysis later with new, developing techniques. Also, keyword searchable databases of what you say in your home is valuable...
[11:26:08] <exec> *** new comment: 03crafoo [6639] (Score: 2) 02 - 06Woman Says Amazon Alexa Recorded Private Conversation, Sent It to Random Friend - 316 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[11:25:38] <exec> 08└─Modern marketing departments and Harvard Business School have ruined American auto manufacturers URL:https://www.nytimes.com/2017/04/24/books/review/golden-passport-duff-mcdonald.html I usually wouldn't link to a yellow journalism rag like the NY Times, but it's just a book review. Pretty hard for t...
[11:25:37] <exec> *** new comment: 03crafoo [6639] (Score: 2) 02 - 06US Probe To Determine If Car Imports 'Impair The National Security' - 321 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[11:25:36] <exec> 08└─Yes,but... It also pointed out that US-owned manufacturers only account for 20 percent of global research and development in the auto industry.
[11:25:36] <exec> *** new comment: 03c0lo [156] (Score: 2) 02 - 06US Probe To Determine If Car Imports 'Impair The National Security' - 143 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[11:25:34] <exec> 08└─Employment (within the USA automotive industry) has also dropped due to masses of outsourcing. Components traditionally made by captive suppliers within or controlled by the car companies, now come from all over the world (mostly Asia) where they may be made with low cost labor. Only very recently h...
[11:25:34] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06US Probe To Determine If Car Imports 'Impair The National Security' - 376 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[11:25:22] <exec> 08└─Nope, that would be in Adam Savage Centre.
[11:25:21] <exec> *** new comment: 03c0lo [156] (Score: 2) 02 - 06Finland's Lappeenranta University of Technology to Open Jamie Hyneman Center in the Fall - 42 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[11:25:19] <exec> 08└─So endless amount of free C4 and ANFO then? That place is going to be da bomb!
[11:25:19] <exec> *** new comment: 03looorg [578] (Score: 2) 02 - 06Finland's Lappeenranta University of Technology to Open Jamie Hyneman Center in the Fall - 78 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[11:25:17] <exec> 08└─hah! Yeah, I see that all the time too. Also an engineer or two I've heard say unjokingly, "righty-tighty lefty-loosey" under their breath. It really does help to know how to build things before you go tell other people how to build things for a living. Even just a tiny bit of experience helps.
[11:25:16] <exec> *** new comment: 03crafoo [6639] (Score: 2) 02 - 06Finland's Lappeenranta University of Technology to Open Jamie Hyneman Center in the Fall - 295 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[11:25:15] <exec> 08└─In high school (class of '71) my honor student (AP) peers were surprised that I took metal shop, and a few of them questioned my decision. But I would not say that it was enough to warrant the term "stigma". As well as being fun and useful, the shop class also turned out to be an easy A and I learne...
[11:25:14] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06Finland's Lappeenranta University of Technology to Open Jamie Hyneman Center in the Fall - 865 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[11:25:05] <exec> 08└─The players can just find another way to protest while standing up. They could stand at the edge of the field instead of the middle, they could make a peace sign with the hand on their chest, or something similar, while still standing upright and thus confirming to this rule.
[11:25:05] <exec> *** new comment: 03SparkyGSX [4041] (Score: 3, Informative) 02 - 06NFL: New National Anthem Rule; NY Jets CEO: Break the Rule and I'll Pay the Fine - 276 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[11:25:04] <exec> 08└─Playing the anthem at football games is strange. I get it with baseball. Our American Football is a bit of an embarrassment in my opinion and I'd rather not have it associated with our country and our flag. Given what I've heard about the history of the inclusion of the anthem with the sport, it mak...
[11:25:04] <exec> *** new comment: 03crafoo [6639] (Score: 2) 02 - 06NFL: New National Anthem Rule; NY Jets CEO: Break the Rule and I'll Pay the Fine - 492 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[11:24:04] <exec> last cid = 684439
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[10:34:15] <exec> 08└─s/running/stoping
[10:34:14] <exec> *** new comment: 03c0lo [156] (Score: 2) 02 - 06UK Government Plans New Legislation to Tame Internet's 'Wild West' - 17 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[10:34:13] <exec> 08└─By attempting to stop all Swiss citizens - whether they agree with the censorship or not - from visiting the website.
[10:34:13] <exec> *** new comment: 03c0lo [156] (Score: 2) 02 - 06UK Government Plans New Legislation to Tame Internet's 'Wild West' - 117 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[10:34:12] <exec> 08└─I'm going to stay with the people which's choices, even if I don't agree, can respect. When I cannot, I'm not going to poop in their wishes, I have my life to live so I'll leave.
[10:34:11] <exec> *** new comment: 03c0lo [156] (Score: 2) 02 - 06UK Government Plans New Legislation to Tame Internet's 'Wild West' - 178 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[10:32:25] <exec> 08└─It's not quite so clear cut. A lot of those private investors are likely to be leveraged: they're either borrowing money to invest in unicorns or they're using the shares in the unicorns as collateral for other loans. When the bubble bursts, they'll take a big hit directly but the second-order effec...
[10:32:25] <exec> *** new comment: 03TheRaven [270] (Score: 2) 02 - 06Silicon Valley Tech Bubble is Larger Than It Was in 2000, and the End is Coming - 391 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[10:30:24] <exec> 08└─I don't know if it is one of Scavino or his minions, but if he isn't then they should hire him. I was starting to wonder if it was actually The Donald.
[10:30:24] <exec> *** new comment: 03deimtee [3272] (Score: 2) 02 - 06Trump Violates First Amendment by Blocking Twitter Users From Feed, Judge Says - 151 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[10:30:22] <exec> 08└─Nixon did it, flying on United as some sort of endorsement for commercial aviation.
[10:30:22] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06Trump Violates First Amendment by Blocking Twitter Users From Feed, Judge Says - 83 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[10:28:25] <exec> 08└─They are trying to create fear. Imagine chemtrails depositing fentanyl all over population centers. For all I know, they never found any fentanyl. They are only scaring people. Today it is fentanyl. Tomorrow it will be something else after the scare of fentanyl reduces.
[10:28:25] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06120 Pounds (54 kg) of Fentanyl Seized in Nebraska - 270 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[10:26:46] <exec> 08└─> they DID make a conscious decision to disable the system ... Not "they". Someone (or someones) had to make that decision. What kind of software professional would continue to work for a company where that decision was possible? I'd like to think that I would have quit long before (but of course hi...
[10:26:45] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06Uber Self-Driving Car That Struck, Killed Pedestrian Wasn't Set to Stop in an Emergency - 318 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[10:26:32] <exec> 08└─It's worse. It wasn't fit for purpose. Every person driving has to be able to emergency stop, swerve if possible (to avoid directly hitting a human being), and keep enough distance to stop. At the very least, every moment braking is taking away speed that might otherwise kill. It would take some pre...
[10:26:32] <exec> 08*** score 5 comment: 03edIII [791] 02 - 06Uber Self-Driving Car That Struck, Killed Pedestrian Wasn't Set to Stop in an Emergency - 803 chars - 04 http://soylentnews.org
[10:26:04] <exec> 08└─Or, ya know, Google "free chess tutoring" -- plenty of hits, wide variety of delivery methods.
[10:26:04] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06Judges Sentence Youth Offenders to Chess--with Promising Results - 94 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[10:25:50] <exec> 08└─Oh it's been with us _much_ _much_ longer than that, the fatal consequences of interpreting words in conversation as commands, without confirmation: https://en.wikipedia.org [wikipedia.org] There are probably earlier documented examples too, I just...
[10:25:49] <exec> *** new comment: 03choose another one [515] (Score: 2) 02 - 06Woman Says Amazon Alexa Recorded Private Conversation, Sent It to Random Friend - 331 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[10:25:48] <exec> 08└─Flexispy [flexispy.com]
[10:25:47] <exec> *** new comment: 03anubi [2828] (Score: 1) 02 - 06Woman Says Amazon Alexa Recorded Private Conversation, Sent It to Random Friend - 23 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[10:25:46] <exec> 08└─> We investigated what happened and determined this was an extremely rare occurrence. We are taking steps to avoid this from happening in the future." > > [...] Here's what happened, according to Amazon: None of these seem like "rare occurrences" to me. In fact, the device is probably working throug...
[10:25:45] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06Woman Says Amazon Alexa Recorded Private Conversation, Sent It to Random Friend - 562 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[10:25:44] <exec> 08└─Remember the TV show "Cheaters", where they were constantly giving us ideas on how to catch unfaithful spouses? Through their Phones! [cheatersapps.com] People just cannot stay off the Phone!
[10:25:44] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06Woman Says Amazon Alexa Recorded Private Conversation, Sent It to Random Friend - 191 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[10:25:18] <exec> 08└─Take ZTE for example...
[10:25:18] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06US Probe To Determine If Car Imports 'Impair The National Security' - 23 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[10:25:06] <exec> 08└─It is one of the huge regrets/disappointments in my life that I did not learn about machine tools until ten years after graduating with an engineering degree. Engineering college teaches almost nothing practical like what's the difference between a tantalum and electrolytic capacitors and where and...
[10:25:06] <exec> *** new comment: 03suburbanitemediocrity [6844] (Score: 3, Interesting) 02 - 06Finland's Lappeenranta University of Technology to Open Jamie Hyneman Center in the Fall - 790 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[10:24:03] <exec> last cid = 684422
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[09:27:36] <exec> 08└─The EU also funds ESA, as well as the member states and non-European countries. Galileo's explicitly an EU project[*] funded by the EU - take a peek at the logo and see if you can spot the clue! (Explanation for the observers of this sub-thread - the Galileo logo's almost entirely a tilted version o...
[09:27:36] <exec> *** new comment: 03FatPhil [863] (Score: 2) 02 - 06UK to Demand EU Repayment in Brexit Satellite Row - 421 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[09:27:34] <exec> 08└─Contest, eh? We could call it... oh i don't know... WWIII
[09:27:34] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06UK to Demand EU Repayment in Brexit Satellite Row - 57 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[09:25:39] <exec> 08└─Yeah, I know I ought not have been porking your husband, even though I am only your step-mom, and not a real mom, but damn the dude has some fine white jeans, and a rocking beard grooming regime! https://thinkprogress.org [thinkprogress.org] But now...
[09:25:39] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06Woman Says Amazon Alexa Recorded Private Conversation, Sent It to Random Friend - 598 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[09:25:38] <exec> 08└─The woman knows about this only because the recording was sent to an employee of her husband that told them. Seriously, you need to realize that anything you say can be recorded by these privacy stealing devices. These devices have a single purpose... that purpose has nothing to do with making your...
[09:25:37] <exec> *** new comment: 03stretch611 [6199] (Score: 2) 02 - 06Woman Says Amazon Alexa Recorded Private Conversation, Sent It to Random Friend - 832 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[09:25:13] <exec> 08└─that's because of industrial robots and other kinds of automation. All the foreign car companies have factories in the US.
[09:25:13] <exec> *** new comment: 03MichaelDavidCrawford [2339] (Score: 2) 02 - 06US Probe To Determine If Car Imports 'Impair The National Security' - 122 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[09:25:12] <exec> 08└─Only if they are *not* smarter than your regular drivers.
[09:25:12] <exec> *** new comment: 03MostCynical [2589] (Score: 2) 02 - 06US Probe To Determine If Car Imports 'Impair The National Security' - 57 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[09:25:02] <exec> 08└─-ore. When my father studied for his BSEE from '58 to '62, _every_ engineering student learned to use lathes and milling machines. While it is uncommon for today's engineers to use machine tools on the job, it is quite common for engineers to design metal parts that cannot be fabricated. It really d...
[09:25:01] <exec> *** new comment: 03MichaelDavidCrawford [2339] (Score: 2) 02 - 06Finland's Lappeenranta University of Technology to Open Jamie Hyneman Center in the Fall - 332 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
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[08:29:30] <exec> 08└─*slow clap* Bra-vo, sir. That was a Carlinesque rant for the ages, and more correct than most people want to admit. It's just a shame all the local pearl-clutching RWNJ snowflakes are going to ignore it because, horror of horrors, you said a swear or ninety.
[08:29:30] <exec> 08*** score 5 comment: 03Azuma Hazuki [5086] 02 - 06Trump Violates First Amendment by Blocking Twitter Users From Feed, Judge Says - 258 chars - 04 http://soylentnews.org
[08:27:29] <exec> 08└─Maybe if they don't agree with this they should vote with their feet and leave the Fourth Reich? Cause Germany definitely shouldn't be in position to make such decisions unilaterally if it's European Union.
[08:27:29] <exec> *** new comment: 03loonycyborg [6905] (Score: 1) 02 - 06UK to Demand EU Repayment in Brexit Satellite Row - 206 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[08:26:30] <exec> 08└─Sir, I do not want that shit in the midwest. I understand that the people out here are of little value. Believe me, I would sacrifice any number of them were I to have my way. That alone would reduce the number of five car pileups the moment a single raindrop falls from the sky from roughly seven a...
[08:26:29] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06Uber Self-Driving Car That Struck, Killed Pedestrian Wasn't Set to Stop in an Emergency - 807 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[08:26:28] <exec> 08└─Fuck yourself, kay? Here we are existing in a world where people lose their collective fucking brains because shitbags elected a shitbag to office who said icky things about women and minorities. They visit violence upon their neighbors and anyone else nearby, and that's supposed to be okay, but the...
[08:26:27] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06Uber Self-Driving Car That Struck, Killed Pedestrian Wasn't Set to Stop in an Emergency - 492 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[08:26:25] <exec> 08└─Same AC here, still. I just wanted really fucking drive it home just how much I shouldn't have to painstaking explain this fucking shit to you. Don't be that fucking stupid. I know you can do better.
[08:26:25] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06Uber Self-Driving Car That Struck, Killed Pedestrian Wasn't Set to Stop in an Emergency - 199 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[08:26:23] <exec> 08└─Two people, earning $x per hour, means far smaller bonus for the manager than just one.
[08:26:22] <exec> *** new comment: 03MostCynical [2589] (Score: 2) 02 - 06Uber Self-Driving Car That Struck, Killed Pedestrian Wasn't Set to Stop in an Emergency - 87 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[08:26:21] <exec> 08└─Yes. Yes it was. However, Uber Headquarters is not in Arizona. Uber Headquarters is in San Francisco. If you were to march upon Uber Headquarters in Arizona, I would imagine that you would get a lot of confused looks, and suggestions that you should try San Francisco. I suppose you cannot understan...
[08:26:21] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06Uber Self-Driving Car That Struck, Killed Pedestrian Wasn't Set to Stop in an Emergency - 918 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[08:26:19] <exec> 08└─There you go again, spoiling a good rant by introducing facts....
[08:26:19] <exec> *** new comment: 03janrinok [52] (Score: 2) 02 - 06Uber Self-Driving Car That Struck, Killed Pedestrian Wasn't Set to Stop in an Emergency - 65 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[08:25:07] <exec> 08└─I don't know with all the coming "smart" cars, are they a national security threat?
[08:25:07] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06US Probe To Determine If Car Imports 'Impair The National Security' - 83 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[08:25:06] <exec> 08└─So they are going to build a wall; an administrative wall where no goods can go through. And, they(*) are going to pay for it. Well, good luck with that. History can show you what happens when you do so and it does not look pretty. (*) With "they" referring to the country imposing the construction o...
[08:25:06] <exec> *** new comment: 03BsAtHome [889] (Score: 2) 02 - 06US Probe To Determine If Car Imports 'Impair The National Security' - 311 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
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[07:33:41] <exec> 08└─Yet, the posters here seem to think that there isn't a problem with having a major part of society be an open cesspool where the worst activities, behaviors, and most toxic opinions thrive.
[07:33:40] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06UK Government Plans New Legislation to Tame Internet's 'Wild West' - 189 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[07:33:39] <exec> 08└─Nice cop-out. If you argue that we should respect the wishes of the majority simply because they are the wishes of the majority, then that logic should apply to any conceivable scenario, no matter how horrible.
[07:33:38] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06UK Government Plans New Legislation to Tame Internet's 'Wild West' - 210 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[07:33:37] <exec> 08└─And how will they punish the websites that don't pay the tax? By attempting to stop all Swiss citizens - whether they agree with the censorship or not - from visiting the website. Therein lies the issue. The only saving grace here is that there will be countless ways to bypass any censorship.
[07:33:36] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06UK Government Plans New Legislation to Tame Internet's 'Wild West' - 293 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[07:33:35] <exec> 08└─A new code of practice to tackle bullying, intimidating or humiliating online content and a regular internet safety transparency report to keep tabs on online abuse could be included in new legislation.
[07:33:35] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06UK Government Plans New Legislation to Tame Internet's 'Wild West' - 202 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[07:27:20] <exec> 08└─I'm afraid it is your lack of understanding that is showing. There was no EEC (European Economic Community) at the time the UK joined. It was called the "United Kingdom European Communities membership referendum, 1975" [wikipedia.org]. The expansion into federalism occurred later and was never put...
[07:27:19] <exec> *** new comment: 03janrinok [52] (Score: 2) 02 - 06UK to Demand EU Repayment in Brexit Satellite Row - 1216 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[07:27:17] <exec> 08└─Excuse me! THAT is exactly what the EEC was, a trade block and nothing else
[07:27:17] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06UK to Demand EU Repayment in Brexit Satellite Row - 75 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[07:27:15] <exec> 08└─The frogs just want to know where the cricket fields are so they have a nice open area in which to wave the white flag :)
[07:27:14] <exec> *** new comment: 03snmygos [6274] (Score: 1) 02 - 06UK to Demand EU Repayment in Brexit Satellite Row - 121 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[07:27:13] <exec> 08└─> I don't know and don't care who really is at fault here. But the narrative that the EU has to completely cut off the UK from a lot of stuff (including a number of things that they don't cut off other non-EU countries from) because of Brexit is just a rather transparent rationalization for bullying...
[07:27:13] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 1, Insightful) 02 - 06UK to Demand EU Repayment in Brexit Satellite Row - 906 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[07:27:12] <exec> 08└─I understand your point, but there has already been an agreement that the UK could continue to take part in the project. It is a German-led initiative that is now trying to renege on that agreement, in order to improve opportunities for their own tech industry. France, Spain and several others have...
[07:27:12] <exec> *** new comment: 03janrinok [52] (Score: 2) 02 - 06UK to Demand EU Repayment in Brexit Satellite Row - 408 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[07:25:39] <exec> 08└─Betcha music lessons would work too. Being in society with a very limited repertoire of skills is not good news.
[07:25:38] <exec> 08*** score 5 comment: 03anubi [2828] 02 - 06Judges Sentence Youth Offenders to Chess--with Promising Results - 112 chars - 04 http://soylentnews.org
[07:25:30] <exec> 08└─Exhibit A: https://en.wikipedia.org [wikipedia.org] -- with us since Windows 95
[07:25:29] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06Woman Says Amazon Alexa Recorded Private Conversation, Sent It to Random Friend - 92 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[07:25:27] <exec> 08└─Bezos is CIA. Washington Post has always been CIA. They're not even trying to hide it anymore.
[07:25:27] <exec> *** new comment: 03Ethanol-fueled [2792] (Score: 1) 02 - 06Woman Says Amazon Alexa Recorded Private Conversation, Sent It to Random Friend - 94 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[07:25:25] <exec> 08└─The other site also pays editors to work there, and fund their site with advertising and other promotional information. Additionally, they give no assurance that any data that you hand over will not be used. We are manned entirely by volunteers, we do not show any advertising or other promotional ma...
[07:25:25] <exec> *** new comment: 03janrinok [52] (Score: 2) 02 - 06Woman Says Amazon Alexa Recorded Private Conversation, Sent It to Random Friend - 739 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[07:25:24] <exec> 08└─I am assuming this is true only as long as the phone is powered up. My basis for this assumption is idle power consumption. Powered up, my phone lasts about two weeks before it will drain the battery, and one of the apps on my phone will chart battery drain over time. I note the power draw is nil o...
[07:25:24] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06Woman Says Amazon Alexa Recorded Private Conversation, Sent It to Random Friend - 822 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[07:25:04] <exec> 08└─Juche, Kim Il-sung's idea of self-reliance, actually matters. One can overdo it of course, as North Korea did in spades. Those who are not self-reliant get screwed. Take ZTE for example, depending on parts from the USA. Consider that on a country level, potentially crashing a whole economy. Consider...
[07:25:04] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06US Probe To Determine If Car Imports 'Impair The National Security' - 657 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[07:24:03] <exec> last cid = 684387
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[06:32:25] <exec> 08└─No, it took the university 12 years to find. Best guess is that the hackers had gotten in 3 years before that.
[06:32:25] <exec> *** new comment: 03kazzie [5309] (Score: 2) 02 - 06Server? What Server? Site Forgotten for 12 Years Attracts Hacks, Fines - 110 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[06:29:39] <exec> 08└─Again you dumbfucks, you try to make it partisan. It has nothing to do with winning or losing, Republicans or Democrats, loose constructionists versus strict constructionists, etc. It has everything to do with what constitutes official speech from our leaders, what laws govern said official speech,...
[06:29:39] <exec> 08*** score 5 comment: 03edIII [791] 02 - 06Trump Violates First Amendment by Blocking Twitter Users From Feed, Judge Says - 832 chars - 04 http://soylentnews.org
[06:29:10] <exec> 08└─I think we can look the other way when Dan Scavino ($180k) goes through his tweets a couple of times a day. No, I don't think we can look the other way when government employees violate people's constitutional rights. That's kind of a big deal, actually.
[06:29:09] <exec> 08*** score 5 comment: 03DeathMonkey [1380] 02 - 06Trump Violates First Amendment by Blocking Twitter Users From Feed, Judge Says - 254 chars - 04 http://soylentnews.org
[06:28:59] <exec> 08└─ESPECIALLY when it is being used by Trump in his capacity as president? And, also, ESPECIALLY when government funds are being used to operate the account. FTA: In her ruling, Judge Buchwald said Mr. Trump and Dan Scavino, the White House social media director, “exert governmental control over cert...
[06:28:59] <exec> 08*** score 5 comment: 03DeathMonkey [1380] 02 - 06Trump Violates First Amendment by Blocking Twitter Users From Feed, Judge Says - 385 chars - 04 http://soylentnews.org
[06:28:11] <exec> 08└─Thank you, I've been saying that for years. People don't listen, unfortunately they don't listen, it's very sad. We're losing so many birds. So many. Wind farms going up everywhere, as the birds fall to the ground. Solar farms, by the way, that's another horrible bird killer. Because they focus the...
[06:28:11] <exec> *** new comment: 03realDonaldTrump [6614] (Score: 2) 02 - 06America, Your Offshore Wind is Coming: 1.2GW in Contracts Awarded - 638 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[06:27:14] <exec> 08└─> If you don't know this, you are 14 and belong on Reddit. This is a site for adults. Yes. Only a *real* adult would have a handle like "fakefuck39". That doesn't sound like a 14 year old at all.
[06:27:14] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 1, Touché) 02 - 06UK to Demand EU Repayment in Brexit Satellite Row - 195 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[06:27:12] <exec> 08└─Shouldn't be a too complex concept.
[06:27:12] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06UK to Demand EU Repayment in Brexit Satellite Row - 35 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[06:25:45] <exec> 08└─Hmmm? ...or maybe someone can explain how that was +1 Insightful. -- OriginalOwner_ [soylentnews.org]
[06:25:45] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 1, Insightful) 02 - 06Judges Sentence Youth Offenders to Chess--with Promising Results - 101 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[06:25:32] <exec> 08└─I consider myself reasonably intelligent, average, or somewhere around that. If I leave my TV or radio on, some ad-men will invariably put the sound of a doorbell or phone in the audio. Guess who runs off on a fool's errand to the door? Or answer the phone? How can I blame Alexa if even I am just as...
[06:25:31] <exec> *** new comment: 03anubi [2828] (Score: 1) 02 - 06Woman Says Amazon Alexa Recorded Private Conversation, Sent It to Random Friend - 659 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[06:25:30] <exec> 08└─Ah, I remember that site. I used to read it.
[06:25:29] <exec> *** new comment: 03unauthorized [3776] (Score: 2) 02 - 06Woman Says Amazon Alexa Recorded Private Conversation, Sent It to Random Friend - 44 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[06:25:27] <exec> 08└─Our customer service personnel will respond to your request in the order that it was received.
[06:25:27] <exec> *** new comment: 03MichaelDavidCrawford [2339] (Score: 2) 02 - 06Woman Says Amazon Alexa Recorded Private Conversation, Sent It to Random Friend - 94 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[06:25:25] <exec> 08└─I learned this from a USAF Cyber Command Recruiting video that depicted two officers locking their phones in a padlocked box just outside the door of a secure area. The narrator explained that cell phones have a maintenance mode that enables the carriers to remotely and silently activate every cell...
[06:25:24] <exec> *** new comment: 03MichaelDavidCrawford [2339] (Score: 2) 02 - 06Woman Says Amazon Alexa Recorded Private Conversation, Sent It to Random Friend - 319 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[06:25:23] <exec> 08└─Although douches are a necessary item, douches should sit on a shelf silently until they are needed. Don't worry, you'll be needed soon enough, be patient!
[06:25:22] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06Woman Says Amazon Alexa Recorded Private Conversation, Sent It to Random Friend - 155 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[06:25:21] <exec> 08└─No, keep it off the internet. Pollution is a bad thing, especially when its author admits to a federal crime. It's like a 10 year old saying "I'm not sure how to use a credit card, I'm only 10" when he tries to buy porn. Plus he fucks lying mothers. We may have articles about porn, but this one isn'...
[06:25:20] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06Woman Says Amazon Alexa Recorded Private Conversation, Sent It to Random Friend - 351 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[06:25:19] <exec> 08└─As our own Azuma Hazuki once said, "the S in IoT stands for security and the P is for privacy."
[06:25:18] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06Woman Says Amazon Alexa Recorded Private Conversation, Sent It to Random Friend - 95 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[06:25:16] <exec> 08└─Do you want drama and gossip, or do you want news? The Slashdot story was only gossip. Now that we've waited a day, there's more information to the story: Amazon's explanation. So our article has more and higher quality information. If you want fast stories that fuel your emotions for no point excep...
[06:25:16] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 2, Insightful) 02 - 06Woman Says Amazon Alexa Recorded Private Conversation, Sent It to Random Friend - 407 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[06:25:14] <exec> 08└─Put this shit into your blog, please.
[06:25:13] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06Woman Says Amazon Alexa Recorded Private Conversation, Sent It to Random Friend - 37 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[06:25:12] <exec> 08└─Who cares when Slashdot ran the story?
[06:25:11] <exec> 08*** new score 5 comment: 03maxwell demon [1608] 02 - 06Woman Says Amazon Alexa Recorded Private Conversation, Sent It to Random Friend - 38 chars - 04 http://soylentnews.org
[06:25:10] <exec> 08└─Slashdot ran this story around 36 hours ago. [slashdot.org] How long do your editors sleep for?
[06:25:10] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: -1, Flamebait) 02 - 06Woman Says Amazon Alexa Recorded Private Conversation, Sent It to Random Friend - 95 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[06:25:08] <exec> 08└─I was in the ER a few months ago for Hyponatremia: low blood sodium They didn't bill my insurance. They kept sending me bills but I already knew that Molina is slow to pay When the collector rang me up at an all-you-can-eat sushi bar I pointed out that it was unlawful for him to call me at work then...
[06:25:08] <exec> *** new comment: 03MichaelDavidCrawford [2339] (Score: 0, Offtopic) 02 - 06Woman Says Amazon Alexa Recorded Private Conversation, Sent It to Random Friend - 762 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[06:24:04] <exec> last cid = 684369
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[05:31:15] <exec> 08└─Seriously doubt nukes. My guess is that the next war will be financial, as I am going to posit that by now, certain people, not politicians or leaders, now own the world, and they will not want to destroy it. However the careers of politicians and other formerly powerful people will likely be cons...
[05:31:15] <exec> *** new comment: 03anubi [2828] (Score: 1) 02 - 06Silicon Valley Tech Bubble is Larger Than It Was in 2000, and the End is Coming - 727 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[05:30:02] <exec> 08└─You do know that a Guinea is a unit of money, previously in gold, so a guinea pig is a golden pig. Don't see how that is political incorrect or anything to do with Italians.
[05:30:01] <exec> *** new comment: 03dry [223] (Score: 1) 02 - 06Pluto May be Made of a Billion Comets - 173 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[05:30:00] <exec> 08└─I'm no fan of political correctness. As everyone knows. But that's a VERY disrespectful choice of words. And it's BAD JUDGEMENT. I'm from New York. And we've had some very fine and brave Italian officers on the NYPD. Joe Petrosino, killed by the Black Hand. Because the Sun blew his cover!!
[05:30:00] <exec> *** new comment: 03realDonaldTrump [6614] (Score: 2) 02 - 06Pluto May be Made of a Billion Comets - 290 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[05:29:58] <exec> 08└─Yes, and a Guinea Pig is a pig.
[05:29:58] <exec> *** new comment: 03dry [223] (Score: 2) 02 - 06Pluto May be Made of a Billion Comets - 31 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[05:26:42] <exec> 08└─Britain that is. You walk away from something you committed to, you lose out.
[05:26:42] <exec> *** new comment: 03khallow [3766] (Score: 1) 02 - 06UK to Demand EU Repayment in Brexit Satellite Row - 77 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[05:25:50] <exec> 08└─Ahhh.... the magic of "hold harmless" clauses.
[05:25:50] <exec> *** new comment: 03anubi [2828] (Score: 1) 02 - 06Uber Self-Driving Car That Struck, Killed Pedestrian Wasn't Set to Stop in an Emergency - 46 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[05:25:26] <exec> 08└─The reason they want you to reset it to factory defaults is because the malware survives a reboot. If you don't reset it to factory defaults, the malware is still there waiting to be activated once again.
[05:25:26] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06US Takes Aim At Russian Hackers Who Infected Over 500,000 Routers - 204 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[05:25:16] <exec> 08└─New York, we have a big, beautiful park in Manhattan, it's called Central Park. Which is famous for my fabulous ice rink, I call it Wollman Rink. Big money maker for me. But unfortunately it's also famous for a terrible crime. Let me tell you, there was a banker. Trisha Meili. And she thought she'd...
[05:25:16] <exec> *** new comment: 03realDonaldTrump [6614] (Score: 2) 02 - 06Judges Sentence Youth Offenders to Chess--with Promising Results - 1970 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[05:25:04] <exec> 08└─If we're going to be unable to resist having devices in our private spaces which can record our private conversations, then Amazon needs to step up and seriously upgrade the security and privacy to the level we've come to expect from IoT devices.
[05:25:03] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06Woman Says Amazon Alexa Recorded Private Conversation, Sent It to Random Friend - 246 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[05:24:04] <exec> last cid = 684358
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[04:32:55] <exec> 08└─And enforced the same way as they enforce.... oh, say, their handling of gadflies like Tommy Robinson. You too could be jailed for reposting wrongthink. [If you haven't heard, Tommy was arrested and imprisoned today for merely repeating the wrong published news story.]
[04:32:55] <exec> *** new comment: 03Reziac [2489] (Score: 2) 02 - 06UK Government Plans New Legislation to Tame Internet's 'Wild West' - 269 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[04:30:40] <exec> 08└─Wow. Incredible idea. Let me tell you, I wouldn't mind that one. Although it might be a little bit dangerous. And possibly very awkward. Because the wrong person might follow you. If you weren't careful about what you showed on your "explicit" screen. They think it's you in the screen, you tell them...
[04:30:40] <exec> *** new comment: 03realDonaldTrump [6614] (Score: 2) 02 - 06Making Driverless Cars Change Lanes More Like Human Drivers Do - 1638 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[04:29:17] <exec> 08└─Now I'm wondering if the guy who posts here as The Real Donald Trump is actually Scavino or his minions?
[04:29:17] <exec> *** new comment: 03captain normal [2205] (Score: 2) 02 - 06Trump Violates First Amendment by Blocking Twitter Users From Feed, Judge Says - 104 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[04:27:40] <exec> 08└─Won't someone think of the BIRDS!?! That's why we need to burn coal, for the BIRDS you see?
[04:27:40] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06America, Your Offshore Wind is Coming: 1.2GW in Contracts Awarded - 91 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[04:27:21] <exec> 08└─BOO! Isn't it surprising how we can upset the whole apple cart with some flour?
[04:27:21] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06120 Pounds (54 kg) of Fentanyl Seized in Nebraska - 80 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[04:27:19] <exec> 08└─I have several gallons of oxidane [dictionary.com] at my house... At least five gallons of it are even reagent grade purity! I carry some in my van just in case I find myself in some intractable situation where its the best thing to "get the job done". Its enough to kill several dozen people! Guess...
[04:27:19] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06120 Pounds (54 kg) of Fentanyl Seized in Nebraska - 363 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[04:26:45] <exec> 08└─Also, someone should cold-call 1000 Brexit voters and see if any of them spontaneously utter the words "EC" or "trading block". Versus the number who mention "NHS" and "jobs". Britain is going to get a net gain of jobs back in the form of seasonal strawberry picking at the expense of its professiona...
[04:26:44] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06UK to Demand EU Repayment in Brexit Satellite Row - 466 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[04:26:43] <exec> 08└─If you were unhappy with terms for the previous 39 years, why did you continue to pay in? Every year you paid in was implicit acceptance of the terms of the prior year. Case dismissed.
[04:26:42] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06UK to Demand EU Repayment in Brexit Satellite Row - 184 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[04:26:40] <exec> 08└─"Read the contract"
[04:26:39] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06UK to Demand EU Repayment in Brexit Satellite Row - 19 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[04:26:38] <exec> 08└─YES! We can call the contest Who's the World Wide Winner (WW3) and televise it on all the major news networks 24/7. Guaranteed eyeballs! Finally once and for all we can establish which country is the greatest and right all wrongs.
[04:26:38] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06UK to Demand EU Repayment in Brexit Satellite Row - 230 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[04:26:37] <exec> 08└─A full refund of cash that has been paid to other EU countries by the UK. The EU has things shared by every member. The EU also takes billions of dollars from countries that have it, such as France/Germany/UK and gives them to shitholes like Greece and Romania and Poland - free money. If you don't k...
[04:26:37] <exec> *** new comment: 03fakefuck39 [6620] (Score: 1, Informative) 02 - 06UK to Demand EU Repayment in Brexit Satellite Row - 369 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[04:26:20] <exec> 08└─We don't need navigation satellites in the UK. True patriots know the ley lines of the old oak trees and that all village cricket greens are on a secret hexagonal grid designed to confuse foreigners, especially Frogs and Krauts. And anyway, everything is second left past the post office and two hund...
[04:26:19] <exec> 08*** score 5 comment: 03turgid [4318] 02 - 06UK to Demand EU Repayment in Brexit Satellite Row - 326 chars - 04 http://soylentnews.org
[04:26:12] <exec> 08└─Either that or your stereo is too loud, or you are giving something away for free.
[04:26:11] <exec> *** new comment: 03anubi [2828] (Score: 1) 02 - 06Why We Fail to Understand Our Smartphone Use - 82 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[04:26:10] <exec> 08└─Sometimes it degrades even further into asshocial media.
[04:26:10] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06Why We Fail to Understand Our Smartphone Use - 56 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[04:26:09] <exec> 08└─Thanks, tachyon: Google News (last week's redesign is much slower, thanks Google)
[04:26:09] <exec> *** new comment: 03anubi [2828] (Score: 1) 02 - 06Why We Fail to Understand Our Smartphone Use - 81 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[04:25:48] <exec> 08└─Or, they could, you know, have more than one person in the car. One person monitoring the actual driving and somebody else managing the logging and other things. If you've seen the video from inside the car, you'll see that the driver was spending as much time looking at the read outs as looking for...
[04:25:47] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06Uber Self-Driving Car That Struck, Killed Pedestrian Wasn't Set to Stop in an Emergency - 321 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[04:25:46] <exec> 08└─Funny yes, but also quite true: they DID make a conscious decision to disable the system do it wouldn't make false, annoying braking. So instead of pushing the safety in the system to 11, they jacked it down to, say, 2 and ,"we'll deal with the consequences later". Someone dies, we pressure the fami...
[04:25:46] <exec> *** new comment: 03Gaaark [41] (Score: 2) 02 - 06Uber Self-Driving Car That Struck, Killed Pedestrian Wasn't Set to Stop in an Emergency - 459 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[04:25:44] <exec> 08└─The thing would probably beep every few seconds. Can't distract the "driver" from working the data logger.
[04:25:44] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06Uber Self-Driving Car That Struck, Killed Pedestrian Wasn't Set to Stop in an Emergency - 106 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[04:25:24] <exec> 08└─the FBI called routers a "tremendous weapon in the hands of an adversary."
[04:25:23] <exec> *** new comment: 03anubi [2828] (Score: 1) 02 - 06US Takes Aim At Russian Hackers Who Infected Over 500,000 Routers - 74 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[04:25:21] <exec> 08└─So one of our three letter agencies is now up in arms over hacking and electronic surveillance. Those guys practically invented it. Witness the leaks from US govt agencies showing hacking skills beyond the dreams of low paid Russian clerks. Hell, the FBI probably hires the cream of the crop of Russi...
[04:25:21] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 1, Insightful) 02 - 06US Takes Aim At Russian Hackers Who Infected Over 500,000 Routers - 444 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[04:25:13] <exec> 08└─I lose 30 years I find out what crime I need to commit to learn chess Commit the crime Plead guilty And have 25 hours of free chess tutoring Damn, If I'd known that a whiles back... On a serious note: Anything we can do to bring back those who can be brought back, I applaud. Shoot the rest.
[04:25:12] <exec> *** new comment: 03black6host [3827] (Score: 2) 02 - 06Judges Sentence Youth Offenders to Chess--with Promising Results - 291 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[04:25:10] <exec> 08└─and fucking high grade whores.
[04:25:09] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06Judges Sentence Youth Offenders to Chess--with Promising Results - 30 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[04:25:08] <exec> 08└─And yet Somalia makes it work.
[04:25:07] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06Judges Sentence Youth Offenders to Chess--with Promising Results - 30 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[04:25:06] <exec> 08└─Betcha music lessons would work too. Being in society with a very limited repertoire of skills is not good news.
[04:25:05] <exec> *** new comment: 03anubi [2828] (Score: 2, Interesting) 02 - 06Judges Sentence Youth Offenders to Chess--with Promising Results - 112 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[04:25:04] <exec> 08└─I love chess. It cuts across cultural, social, economic, ethnic, national, political boundaries and more. I've been in the top five in my school in high school, yet been beaten by a middle school student. I've been beaten by my old landlord in his 70's. Winning is fun, but losing is usually more inf...
[04:25:03] <exec> *** new comment: 03Booga1 [6333] (Score: 2) 02 - 06Judges Sentence Youth Offenders to Chess--with Promising Results - 489 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[04:25:02] <exec> 08└─Sentencing practices for youth who engage in non-violent crimes have traditionally adopted a punitive approach--for example, ordering time in a juvenile detention centre. However, research suggests that punitive models [sciencedirect.com] have little impact on reducing the chances of reoffending. In...
[04:25:02] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06Judges Sentence Youth Offenders to Chess--with Promising Results - 437 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[04:24:03] <exec> last cid = 684329
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[03:28:35] <exec> 08└─So apparently if you're president now you legally have no private life. I mean, pragmatically maybe you didn't already because paparazzi, but yeah.
[03:28:35] <exec> *** new comment: 03Thexalon [636] (Score: 2) 02 - 06Trump Violates First Amendment by Blocking Twitter Users From Feed, Judge Says - 147 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[03:26:43] <exec> 08└─It is odd. I believe that works out to between 7.5 and 30 million patches. If you were buying to use it and not die, you probably would never buy more than 150 patches per year. Whoever this was could meet supply for probably the entirety of the US population needing it, for at least a year or two....
[03:26:42] <exec> *** new comment: 03edIII [791] (Score: 2) 02 - 06120 Pounds (54 kg) of Fentanyl Seized in Nebraska - 366 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[03:26:09] <exec> 08└─Russia first, America first, Britain first, Italy first, Turkey first!
[03:26:08] <exec> *** new comment: 03driverless [4770] (Score: 2) 02 - 06UK to Demand EU Repayment in Brexit Satellite Row - 70 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[03:26:07] <exec> 08└─You keep claiming this despite being unable to produce a single TV report, politcal speech or newspaper report from the 1970s supportng the claim. why? It doesn't become true by constant repetition.
[03:26:06] <exec> *** new comment: 03deimtee [3272] (Score: 2) 02 - 06UK to Demand EU Repayment in Brexit Satellite Row - 198 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[03:26:05] <exec> 08└─Your lack of understandng of wrtten engilsh indicates a poor level of educaton. The vote was on EEC membershp. Nowhere was a trade block mentioned. that fantasy only turned up much later. As you struggle so much with basic english (sorry if you normaly speak something else) I'll make it easy for you...
[03:26:05] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06UK to Demand EU Repayment in Brexit Satellite Row - 556 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[03:25:44] <exec> 08└─Your hammer doesn't have a web browser, GPS, camera, music, etc.
[03:25:44] <exec> *** new comment: 03frojack [1554] (Score: 2) 02 - 06Why We Fail to Understand Our Smartphone Use - 64 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[03:25:24] <exec> 08└─From the CNN/Money link: A settlement this soon after a fatal crash is unusual. Court cases can often drag on for years. But companies also can try to settle high profile cases quickly to avoid further public attention to a case.
[03:25:24] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06Uber Self-Driving Car That Struck, Killed Pedestrian Wasn't Set to Stop in an Emergency - 230 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[03:25:22] <exec> 08└─Not sure who'd want to reward the murderers.
[03:25:22] <exec> *** new comment: 03tftp [806] (Score: 1) 02 - 06Uber Self-Driving Car That Struck, Killed Pedestrian Wasn't Set to Stop in an Emergency - 44 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[03:24:03] <exec> last cid = 684319
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[02:32:21] <exec> 08└─That's blatantly discriminatory against cream of wheat and malt-o-meal.
[02:32:21] <exec> *** new comment: 03The Mighty Buzzard [18] (Score: 2) 02 - 06UK Government Plans New Legislation to Tame Internet's 'Wild West' - 71 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[02:30:40] <exec> 08└─foodblockchain.com
[02:30:40] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06Silicon Valley Tech Bubble is Larger Than It Was in 2000, and the End is Coming - 18 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[02:30:07] <exec> 08└─No problem for my randomness algorithm!
[02:30:07] <exec> *** new comment: 03RS3 [6367] (Score: 2) 02 - 06Making Driverless Cars Change Lanes More Like Human Drivers Do - 39 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[02:28:44] <exec> 08└─The ruling is retarded because it is basically saying any heckler can go for it and can't be ejected if they are heckling a public official. You can subscribe to Trumps tweets all ya want and there is 0% chance of being blocked. Start heckling him and he will "get him out of here" on your ass. And y...
[02:28:44] <exec> *** new comment: 03DeathMonkey [1380] (Score: 2) 02 - 06Trump Violates First Amendment by Blocking Twitter Users From Feed, Judge Says - 470 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[02:28:43] <exec> 08└─So who is on the list? And how can I get on it? I'm getting real tired of reading about everything that Trump says on the internet.
[02:28:43] <exec> *** new comment: 03looorg [578] (Score: 2) 02 - 06Trump Violates First Amendment by Blocking Twitter Users From Feed, Judge Says - 131 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[02:27:28] <exec> 08└─To put it in perspective for you, how would you feel about surgery? I ask, because if and only if you were among the strong responders you would be just at the threshold of BP meds being recommended anyway.
[02:27:28] <exec> *** new comment: 03sjames [2882] (Score: 2) 02 - 06Surgery Involving Ultrasound Energy Found to Treat High Blood Pressure - 206 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[02:27:09] <exec> 08└─America, Your Offshore Wind is Coming
[02:27:09] <exec> *** new comment: 03driverless [4770] (Score: 2) 02 - 06America, Your Offshore Wind is Coming: 1.2GW in Contracts Awarded - 37 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[02:27:08] <exec> 08└─Yup. The lesson was learned 4 decades ago at Altamont Pass. Some people have that ancient bit of lore stuck in their tiny little brains and keep repeating it as if it was a current event. -- OriginalOwner_ [soylentnews.org]
[02:27:08] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06America, Your Offshore Wind is Coming: 1.2GW in Contracts Awarded - 223 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[02:26:50] <exec> 08└─From the DEA's more carefully-worded FAQ: two milligrams of fentanyl (equivalent to a few grains of table salt)
[02:26:50] <exec> *** new comment: 03requerdanos [5997] (Score: 2) 02 - 06120 Pounds (54 kg) of Fentanyl Seized in Nebraska - 111 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[02:26:17] <exec> 08└─You keep claiming this despite being unable to produce a single TV report, politcal speech or newspaper report from the 1970s supportng the claim.
[02:26:17] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06UK to Demand EU Repayment in Brexit Satellite Row - 146 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[02:26:15] <exec> 08└─> Also the UK populace never signed up to surrender their sovereignty to a federal superstate, they voted for a trade block. You keep claiming this despite being unable to produce a single TV report, politcal speech or newspaper report from the 1970s supportng the claim. why? It doesn't become true...
[02:26:15] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06UK to Demand EU Repayment in Brexit Satellite Row - 373 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[02:25:57] <exec> 08└─http://lasvegas.cbslocal.com/2012/12/08/snoop-dogg-tells-reddit-he-smokes-81-blunts-a-day/ [cbslocal.com]
[02:25:56] <exec> *** new comment: 03takyon [881] (Score: 2) 02 - 06Why We Fail to Understand Our Smartphone Use - 105 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[02:25:55] <exec> 08└─Never. So enjoy seeing a rehash of TFA over and over again. :-/
[02:25:54] <exec> *** new comment: 03takyon [881] (Score: 2) 02 - 06Why We Fail to Understand Our Smartphone Use - 63 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[02:25:52] <exec> 08└─" Or, people can just exercise self-control. " When the hell will that ever happen?
[02:25:51] <exec> *** new comment: 03Ethanol-fueled [2792] (Score: 1) 02 - 06Why We Fail to Understand Our Smartphone Use - 83 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[02:25:49] <exec> 08└─OK I know for some people that is probably a normal amount ... but seriously .. 80 times per day. So about 5 times per hour that you are awake or once every 12 minutes (assume sleeping 8h per day, so 80/16 remaining) ... I don't even touch my cock that often and I like it a lot more then my phone.
[02:25:49] <exec> *** new comment: 03looorg [578] (Score: 2) 02 - 06Why We Fail to Understand Our Smartphone Use - 298 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[02:25:47] <exec> 08└─O no, don't spark another asocial [soylentnews.org] vs. antisocial [soylentnews.org] flame war!
[02:25:47] <exec> *** new comment: 03takyon [881] (Score: 2) 02 - 06Why We Fail to Understand Our Smartphone Use - 95 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[02:25:46] <exec> 08└─Samsung makes that stupidly high-end flip phone: https://www.theverge.com [theverge.com] It can be used like a normal smartphone, or a flip phone. The specs are similar to $800-1,000 phones. Making it closer to your suggestion...
[02:25:46] <exec> *** new comment: 03takyon [881] (Score: 2) 02 - 06Why We Fail to Understand Our Smartphone Use - 467 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[02:25:32] <exec> 08└─It's worse. It wasn't fit for purpose. Every person driving has to be able to emergency stop, swerve if possible (to avoid directly hitting a human being), and keep enough distance to stop. At the very least, every moment braking is taking away speed that might otherwise kill. It would take some pre...
[02:25:31] <exec> *** new comment: 03edIII [791] (Score: 2) 02 - 06Uber Self-Driving Car That Struck, Killed Pedestrian Wasn't Set to Stop in an Emergency - 803 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[02:25:30] <exec> 08└─Did you read the full preliminary report by NTSB? It's even worse than the excerpt, although written in very bland, non-committal language.
[02:25:29] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06Uber Self-Driving Car That Struck, Killed Pedestrian Wasn't Set to Stop in an Emergency - 139 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[02:25:28] <exec> 08└─Nice rant, but the accident was in Arizona.
[02:25:27] <exec> *** new comment: 03frojack [1554] (Score: 2) 02 - 06Uber Self-Driving Car That Struck, Killed Pedestrian Wasn't Set to Stop in an Emergency - 43 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[02:25:25] <exec> 08└─Maybe some of the more responsible players will buy Uber's technology, to bury it. Otherwise, all the self driving car companies are going to be painted black with the same bad brush. I don't think Google/Waymo would have to stretch very far to buy the whole division and have it all scrapped (or kee...
[02:25:24] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06Uber Self-Driving Car That Struck, Killed Pedestrian Wasn't Set to Stop in an Emergency - 352 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[02:25:23] <exec> 08└─Okay, so that covers the civil side of things, but who got arrested for the criminal negligance and manslaughter? Oh, no one? Everyone gets away with it because they threw money at the poor woman's family? And everyone is okay with this? Where are the pitchforks and torches in California? Why hasn't...
[02:25:22] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06Uber Self-Driving Car That Struck, Killed Pedestrian Wasn't Set to Stop in an Emergency - 955 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[02:25:21] <exec> 08└─To put it more simply, entities such as Uber can rent racetracks or other proving grounds to test their self-driving cars. There are plenty of stunt-drivers who work for Car and Driver or Consumer Reports who would love to handle that racetrack alongside them and see how they handle "lane-changing"...
[02:25:20] <exec> *** new comment: 03Ethanol-fueled [2792] (Score: 1) 02 - 06Uber Self-Driving Car That Struck, Killed Pedestrian Wasn't Set to Stop in an Emergency - 1011 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[02:25:19] <exec> 08└─This level of incompetence should be illegal! why not alert the fucking driver at very least!
[02:25:18] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06Uber Self-Driving Car That Struck, Killed Pedestrian Wasn't Set to Stop in an Emergency - 93 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[02:25:16] <exec> 08└─So it has already learned to drive like a human, that other piece of new a bit further down the page, and is taking lessons -- dead men tell no tales, better to run the fucker over and get away as fast as you can! Yiha! OK sure I get it, we have all run code that we where a bit to lazy to do in our...
[02:25:16] <exec> *** new comment: 03looorg [578] (Score: 2) 02 - 06Uber Self-Driving Car That Struck, Killed Pedestrian Wasn't Set to Stop in an Emergency - 920 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[02:25:15] <exec> 08└─Re: Sue the b*s*a*ds Actually Uber already settled with the dead woman's family. http://money.cnn.com [cnn.com] https://www.theverge.com [theverge.com]
[02:25:15] <exec> *** new comment: 03takyon [881] (Score: 2) 02 - 06Uber Self-Driving Car That Struck, Killed Pedestrian Wasn't Set to Stop in an Emergency - 270 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[02:25:05] <exec> 08└─Talos is recommending that people reset their routers to factory defaults to remove the potentially destructive malware and update their devices as soon as possible.
[02:25:04] <exec> *** new comment: 03black6host [3827] (Score: 2) 02 - 06US Takes Aim At Russian Hackers Who Infected Over 500,000 Routers - 165 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[02:24:03] <exec> last cid = 684291
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[01:33:16] <exec> 08└─Pretty much no History classes bother to mention that the Boston Tea Party came about because of Crony Capitalism. In 1698, UK.gov had granted the British East India Company a monopoly on the importation of tea. The Tea Act of 1773 further allowed the East India company to sell tea from China in the...
[01:33:15] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06Senators: FCC, Why Didn't You Stop My Name from Being Fraudulently Used for Net Neutrality Repeal? - 528 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[01:28:02] <exec> 08└─Two years of "Muh Russia" conspiracies and this is the best you got? He blocks people on Twitter... wow. Best oart of this 4d masterpiece is now and Dem who blocks people on Twitter will look like a hypocrate. I cant wait till they start getting clubbered on their own platform.
[01:28:01] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06Trump Violates First Amendment by Blocking Twitter Users From Feed, Judge Says - 278 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[01:28:00] <exec> 08└─Hey sanctimunous twat, your life is so rich. I hope your Trump Derangement Syndrome doesnt flare up and cause an anurism. I'm loving life right now. Thank you POTUS.
[01:27:59] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06Trump Violates First Amendment by Blocking Twitter Users From Feed, Judge Says - 165 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[01:27:57] <exec> 08└─The ruling is retarded because it is basically saying any heckler can go for it and can't be ejected if they are heckling a public official. You can subscribe to Trumps tweets all ya want and there is 0% chance of being blocked. Start heckling him and he will "get him out of here" on your ass. And y...
[01:27:57] <exec> *** new comment: 03jmorris [4844] (Score: 2) 02 - 06Trump Violates First Amendment by Blocking Twitter Users From Feed, Judge Says - 966 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[01:27:55] <exec> 08└─Well fuck, I owe Trump an apology. He used the Konami code, correctly.
[01:27:54] <exec> *** new comment: 03edIII [791] (Score: 3, Funny) 02 - 06Trump Violates First Amendment by Blocking Twitter Users From Feed, Judge Says - 70 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[01:27:53] <exec> 08└─No. They don't and you probably don't either. But you think you do? Fucking amazing. Give yourself a gold star and then start screaming it from the fucking rooftops. Be the ugly truth people don't want to look at. Tear little holes in the modern world's madness. For every clash of Jim Bob Married-Hi...
[01:27:53] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06Trump Violates First Amendment by Blocking Twitter Users From Feed, Judge Says - 638 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[01:25:39] <exec> 08└─A full refund of exactly what?
[01:25:38] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06UK to Demand EU Repayment in Brexit Satellite Row - 30 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[01:25:37] <exec> 08└─So for the length of time the EU has been dictating any UK law other than trade, we'll have a full refund.
[01:25:37] <exec> *** new comment: 03c0lo [156] (Score: 2) 02 - 06UK to Demand EU Repayment in Brexit Satellite Row - 106 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[01:25:36] <exec> 08└─Britain that is. You walk away from something you committed to, you lose out.
[01:25:35] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06UK to Demand EU Repayment in Brexit Satellite Row - 77 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[01:25:19] <exec> 08└─More like an asocial media.
[01:25:19] <exec> *** new comment: 03c0lo [156] (Score: 2) 02 - 06Why We Fail to Understand Our Smartphone Use - 27 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[01:25:18] <exec> 08└─What we need is a dumbphone, revisited. A dumbphone with bluetooth, GPS, and reasonably powerful and modern cameras but with a smaller screen and only the numeric keypad with that nice mechanical haptic feedback to write text messages. You can do GPS directions with speaker or voice instructions and...
[01:25:18] <exec> *** new comment: 03Ethanol-fueled [2792] (Score: 1) 02 - 06Why We Fail to Understand Our Smartphone Use - 1231 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[01:25:07] <exec> 08└─Uber has judged you, pedestrian, and you are not worthy. let this be a lesson to you- stay out of the way.
[01:25:06] <exec> *** new comment: 03MostCynical [2589] (Score: 2) 02 - 06Uber Self-Driving Car That Struck, Killed Pedestrian Wasn't Set to Stop in an Emergency - 106 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[01:25:05] <exec> 08└─The damned thing was high on weed. Nasty stuff, that weed. Get a car high on weed and the damn thing is so laid back that they hit the pedestrian then go: "whoah, dude, what was that puff of red stuff." Seriously though, this technology is not ready for prime time, IMO. Promising, yes. Close, yes. B...
[01:25:04] <exec> *** new comment: 03black6host [3827] (Score: 2) 02 - 06Uber Self-Driving Car That Struck, Killed Pedestrian Wasn't Set to Stop in an Emergency - 492 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[01:25:03] <exec> 08└─According to Uber, emergency braking maneuvers are not enabled while the vehicle is under computer control, to reduce the potential for erratic vehicle behavior. The vehicle operator is relied on to intervene and take action. The system is not designed to alert the operator.
[01:25:03] <exec> *** new comment: 03frojack [1554] (Score: 2) 02 - 06Uber Self-Driving Car That Struck, Killed Pedestrian Wasn't Set to Stop in an Emergency - 275 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[01:24:03] <exec> last cid = 684277
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[00:31:08] <exec> 08└─It's not the advertising for online gambling the Swiss intend to tax, it's the online gambling itself.
[00:31:08] <exec> *** new comment: 03c0lo [156] (Score: 2) 02 - 06UK Government Plans New Legislation to Tame Internet's 'Wild West' - 102 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[00:27:37] <exec> 08└─Again you dumbfucks, you try to make it partisan. It has nothing to do with winning or losing, Republicans or Democrats, loose constructionists versus strict constructionists, etc. It has everything to do with what constitutes official speech from our leaders, what laws govern said official speech,...
[00:27:36] <exec> *** new comment: 03edIII [791] (Score: 2) 02 - 06Trump Violates First Amendment by Blocking Twitter Users From Feed, Judge Says - 832 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[00:27:34] <exec> 08└─Ah all good points. Is the Obama administration going to turn over those 30,000 emails any time soon?
[00:27:33] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06Trump Violates First Amendment by Blocking Twitter Users From Feed, Judge Says - 101 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[00:27:32] <exec> 08└─In what way is he disgusting? I am not seeing it. So please explain to the class.
[00:27:32] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06Trump Violates First Amendment by Blocking Twitter Users From Feed, Judge Says - 81 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[00:27:31] <exec> 08└─Orange Anus does not get to decide who can, and who cannot, listen to OFFICIAL COMMUNICATIONS. Pay attention children this is how you continue to act butt hurt over a loss to this https://www.youtube.com [youtube.com]
[00:27:31] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06Trump Violates First Amendment by Blocking Twitter Users From Feed, Judge Says - 237 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[00:26:26] <exec> 08└─I know whereof I speak; right now my numbers are mid-to-high 130s (systolic) over mid-to-high 80s (diastolic) and my doctor is urging me to try BP medication
[00:26:25] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06Surgery Involving Ultrasound Energy Found to Treat High Blood Pressure - 157 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[00:26:24] <exec> 08└─While an 8.5mmHg reduction is rather modest, it is still significant nonetheless. Also, I would point out that this appears to be the first of clinical trials. Hopefully, as they improve their technique the reductions in BP will be more significant. Also, where are you getting this idea of 40 to 80...
[00:26:24] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06Surgery Involving Ultrasound Energy Found to Treat High Blood Pressure - 1289 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[00:26:07] <exec> 08└─You could have pointed out that his second setence was also incorrect, since a 5MW turbine is going to feed the next town and not much else. A park of 800MW capacity may feed from itself to the next metropolis, like a coal plant or a nuke does, but without the ugly.
[00:26:07] <exec> *** new comment: 03bob_super [1357] (Score: 2) 02 - 06America, Your Offshore Wind is Coming: 1.2GW in Contracts Awarded - 266 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[00:25:51] <exec> 08└─Some people here seem to think it's not much, or worth talking about... Let them have their 3mg.
[00:25:51] <exec> *** new comment: 03bob_super [1357] (Score: 2) 02 - 06120 Pounds (54 kg) of Fentanyl Seized in Nebraska - 96 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[00:25:04] <exec> 08└─You do realise SN #is# social media right?
[00:25:04] <exec> *** new comment: 03Anonymous Coward (Score: 0) 02 - 06Why We Fail to Understand Our Smartphone Use - 42 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[00:25:02] <exec> 08└─But I'm not :) If it rings, someone's calling. If I want to, I'll talk to them. And sometimes check my weather but only because it shows me cool things like earthquakes around the world. And that's about it. Gotta get me a Jitterbug! Except it probably won't show me the earthquakes...
[00:25:02] <exec> *** new comment: 03black6host [3827] (Score: 2) 02 - 06Why We Fail to Understand Our Smartphone Use - 285 chars -04 http://soylentnews.org
[00:24:03] <exec> last cid = 684262
[00:24:02] <exec> 08********** 03SOYLENTNEWS COMMENT FEED08 **********