#civ | Logs for 2015-08-25
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[06:57:17] -!- crutchy [crutchy!~crutchy@709-27-2-01.cust.aussiebb.net] has joined #civ
[06:57:17] -!- mode/#civ [+v crutchy] by spankr
[07:06:40] -!- exec [exec!~exec@utioner/T-800/BeVeryAfraid] has joined #civ
[10:46:53] <crutchy> ~civ players
[10:48:15] <crutchy> !civ
[10:48:22] <crutchy> derp
[10:48:24] <crutchy> ~civ
[10:48:25] <exec> http://sylnt.us
[10:48:33] <crutchy> ~civ player-list
[10:48:34] <exec> no players registered
[10:49:56] <crutchy> ~bucket IRCIV_GAME_#civ
[10:49:58] <exec> a:2:{s:7:"players";a:5:{s:11:"AI_Player_1";a:12:{s:9:"init_time";i:1440331363;s:9:"player_id";i:1;s:5:"color";s:10:"183,239,12";s:5:"units";a:2:{i:0;a:7:{s:4:"type";s:7:"settler";s:6:"health";i:100;s:11:"sight_range";i:100;s:1:"x";i:113;s:1:"y";i:37;s:8:"strength";s:11:"2,0,0,0,0,0";s:5:"index";i:0;}i:1;a:7:{s:4:"type";s:7:"warrior";s:6:"health";i:100;s:11:"sight_range";i:100;s:1:"x";i:113;s:1:"y";i:38;s:8:"strength";s:11:"1,0,0,1,0,0";s:5:"index";i:1;}
[10:50:19] <crutchy> ~buckets-dump
[10:54:05] <crutchy> ~civ player-list
[10:54:07] <exec> no players registered
[10:56:02] <crutchy> ~civ player-list
[10:56:03] <exec> no players registered
[10:57:18] <crutchy> ~civ player-list
[10:57:20] <exec> no players registered
[11:00:44] <crutchy> ~part #soylent
[11:00:57] <crutchy> ~civ player-list
[11:00:58] <exec> no players registered
[11:02:03] <crutchy> ~civ player-list
[11:02:05] <exec> no players registered
[11:03:15] <crutchy> ~civ save-data
[11:03:17] <exec> channel data file "../data/irciv/#civ" saved successfully
[11:03:17] <exec> irciv channel list file "../data/irciv/irciv_chan_list" saved successfully
[11:06:49] <crutchy> ~civ flush-channel
[11:07:32] <crutchy> ~civ flush-channel
[11:07:34] <exec> game data for channel "#civ" deleted
[11:07:44] <crutchy> ~civ flush-channel
[11:07:45] <exec> game data for channel "#civ" deleted
[11:08:07] <crutchy> ~civ-game-list
[11:08:14] <crutchy> ~civ game-list
[11:08:15] <exec> no irciv games registered
[11:08:25] <crutchy> ~civ register-channel
[11:08:26] <exec> error: channel not found
[11:08:33] <crutchy> :<
[11:10:00] <crutchy> ~bucket <<EXEC_USERS>>
[11:10:02] <exec> a:55:{s:4:"exec";a:6:{s:8:"channels";a:15:{s:5:"#exec";s:0:"";s:6:"#debug";s:0:"";s:7:"#github";s:0:"";s:6:"#feeds";s:0:"";s:4:"#civ";s:0:"";s:9:"#freenode";s:0:"";s:9:"#journals";s:0:"";s:9:"#comments";s:0:"";s:1:"#";s:0:"";s:6:"#belle";s:0:"";s:8:"#crutchy";s:0:"";s:8:"#nethack";s:0:"";s:5:"#test";s:0:"";s:6:"#crawl";s:0:"";s:5:"#wiki";s:0:"";}s:5:"nicks";a:1:{s:4:"exec";d:1440486440.323133;}s:6:"prefix";s:4:"exec";s:4:"user";s:0:"";s:8:"hostname";s:0
[11:10:45] <crutchy> ~civ register-channel
[11:10:46] <exec> map generated for channel #civ
[11:10:56] <crutchy> ~civ flush-channel
[11:10:57] <exec> game data for channel "#civ" deleted
[11:11:00] <crutchy> ~civ register-channel
[11:11:02] <exec> map generated for channel #civ
[11:13:13] <crutchy> ~lock ~civ
[11:13:13] <exec> alias "~civ" locked for nick "crutchy" in "#civ"
[11:13:20] <crutchy> init-ai
[11:13:23] <exec> #civ AI_Player_1 => http://irciv.bot.nu
[11:13:23] <exec> #civ AI_Player_1 => 0/2, settler, +100, (19,25)
[11:13:24] <exec> #civ AI_Player_2 => http://irciv.bot.nu
[11:13:25] <exec> #civ AI_Player_2 => 0/2, settler, +100, (94,55)
[11:13:27] <exec> #civ AI_Player_3 => http://irciv.bot.nu
[11:13:28] <exec> #civ AI_Player_3 => 0/2, settler, +100, (63,10)
[11:13:30] <exec> #civ AI_Player_4 => http://irciv.bot.nu
[11:13:32] <exec> #civ AI_Player_4 => 0/2, settler, +100, (30,28)
[11:13:32] <exec> #civ AI_Player_5 => http://irciv.bot.nu
[11:13:33] <exec> #civ AI_Player_5 => 0/2, settler, +100, (8,32)
[11:17:13] <crutchy> game-list
[11:17:15] <exec> registered games:
[11:17:15] <exec> └─ #civ
[11:17:21] <crutchy> player-list
[11:17:23] <exec> ├─ [1] AI_Player_1
[11:17:24] <exec> ├─ [2] AI_Player_2
[11:17:24] <exec> ├─ [3] AI_Player_3
[11:17:25] <exec> ├─ [4] AI_Player_4
[11:17:26] <exec> └─ [5] AI_Player_5
[11:18:10] <crutchy> test-ai
[11:18:11] <exec> error: location_index >= count(locations)
[11:18:12] <exec> no path exists between AI_Player_1 and AI_Player_2
[11:18:12] <exec> error: location_index >= count(locations)
[11:18:12] <exec> no path exists between AI_Player_1 and AI_Player_3
[11:18:14] <exec> error: location_index >= count(locations)
[11:18:14] <exec> no path exists between AI_Player_2 and AI_Player_1
[11:18:15] <exec> error: location_index >= count(locations)
[11:18:16] <exec> no path exists between AI_Player_2 and AI_Player_3
[11:18:17] <exec> error: location_index >= count(locations)
[11:18:18] <exec> no path exists between AI_Player_2 and AI_Player_4
[11:18:19] <exec> error: location_index >= count(locations)
[11:18:20] <exec> no path exists between AI_Player_2 and AI_Player_5
[11:18:20] <exec> error: location_index >= count(locations)
[11:18:21] <exec> no path exists between AI_Player_3 and AI_Player_1
[11:18:22] <exec> error: location_index >= count(locations)
[11:18:23] <exec> no path exists between AI_Player_3 and AI_Player_2
[11:18:24] <exec> error: location_index >= count(locations)
[11:18:25] <exec> no path exists between AI_Player_3 and AI_Player_4
[11:18:26] <exec> error: location_index >= count(locations)
[11:18:26] <exec> no path exists between AI_Player_3 and AI_Player_5
[11:18:27] <exec> error: location_index >= count(locations)
[11:18:28] <exec> no path exists between AI_Player_4 and AI_Player_2
[11:18:29] <exec> error: location_index >= count(locations)
[11:18:30] <exec> no path exists between AI_Player_4 and AI_Player_3
[11:18:31] <exec> error: location_index >= count(locations)
[11:18:32] <exec> no path exists between AI_Player_5 and AI_Player_2
[11:18:32] <exec> error: location_index >= count(locations)
[11:18:33] <exec> no path exists between AI_Player_5 and AI_Player_3
[11:23:27] <crutchy> test-ai
[11:24:04] <crutchy> test-ai
[11:24:09] <exec> ai player moves complete
[11:26:17] <crutchy> test-ai
[11:26:22] <exec> ai player moves complete
[11:29:31] <crutchy> test-ai
[11:29:35] <exec> ai player moves complete
[11:29:41] <crutchy> test-ai 3
[11:29:53] <exec> ai player moves complete
[11:30:43] <crutchy> test-ai 6
[11:30:46] <exec> error: map not ready
[11:30:47] <exec> player AI_Player_1 not ready
[11:30:48] <exec> error: map not ready
[11:30:49] <exec> player AI_Player_2 not ready
[11:30:49] <exec> error: map not ready
[11:30:50] <exec> player AI_Player_3 not ready
[11:30:51] <exec> error: map not ready
[11:30:52] <exec> player AI_Player_4 not ready
[11:30:53] <exec> error: map not ready
[11:30:54] <exec> player AI_Player_5 not ready
[11:30:54] <exec> error: map not ready
[11:30:55] <exec> player AI_Player_1 not ready
[11:30:56] <exec> error: map not ready
[11:30:57] <exec> player AI_Player_2 not ready
[11:30:58] <exec> error: map not ready
[11:30:59] <exec> player AI_Player_3 not ready
[11:31:00] <exec> error: map not ready
[11:31:00] <exec> player AI_Player_4 not ready
[11:31:01] <exec> error: map not ready
[11:31:02] <exec> player AI_Player_5 not ready
[11:31:03] <exec> error: map not ready
[11:31:04] <exec> player AI_Player_1 not ready
[11:31:05] <exec> error: map not ready
[11:31:06] <exec> player AI_Player_2 not ready
[11:31:06] <exec> error: map not ready
[11:31:07] <exec> player AI_Player_3 not ready
[11:31:08] <exec> error: map not ready
[11:31:09] <exec> player AI_Player_4 not ready
[11:31:10] <exec> error: map not ready
[11:31:11] <exec> player AI_Player_5 not ready
[11:31:12] <exec> error: map not ready
[11:31:12] <crutchy> :<
[11:31:12] <exec> player AI_Player_1 not ready
[11:31:13] <exec> error: map not ready
[11:31:14] <exec> player AI_Player_2 not ready
[11:31:15] <exec> error: map not ready
[11:31:16] <exec> player AI_Player_3 not ready
[11:31:17] <exec> error: map not ready
[11:31:19] <exec> player AI_Player_4 not ready
[11:31:20] <crutchy> ~killall
[11:31:23] <exec> error: map not ready
[11:31:24] <exec> player AI_Player_5 not ready
[11:31:25] <exec> error: map not ready
[11:31:28] <exec> player AI_Player_1 not ready
[11:31:28] <exec> error: map not ready
[11:31:29] <exec> player AI_Player_2 not ready
[11:31:31] <exec> terminated pid 23150: php scripts/irciv/irciv.php 'crutchy' 'test-ai 6' '#civ' '1440486386.0608' '~civ' 'PRIVMSG'
[11:31:31] <exec> terminated pid 23510: php scripts/activity.php 'exec' 'event-privmsg crutchy #civ :<' '' '1440486386.0608' '~activity' 'INTERNAL'
[11:31:32] <exec> terminated pid 23548: php scripts/irciv/irciv.php 'crutchy' '~sed-internal PRIVMSG :<' '#civ' '1440486386.0608' '~civ' 'INTERNAL'
[11:31:33] <exec> terminated pid 23623: php scripts/sed.php 'PRIVMSG player AI_Player_5 not ready' 'exec' '#civ' '~sed-internal' 'INTERNAL'
[11:31:34] <exec> terminated pid 23640: php scripts/sed.php 'PRIVMSG error: map not ready' 'exec' '#civ' '~sed-internal' 'INTERNAL'
[11:31:35] <exec> terminated pid 23652: php scripts/sed.php 'PRIVMSG player AI_Player_1 not ready' 'exec' '#civ' '~sed-internal' 'INTERNAL'
[11:31:35] <exec> terminated pid 23656: php scripts/sed.php 'PRIVMSG error: map not ready' 'exec' '#civ' '~sed-internal' 'INTERNAL'
[11:31:36] <exec> terminated pid 23660: php scripts/irciv/irciv.php 'crutchy' '~soon ~killall' '#civ' '1440486386.0608' '~civ' 'INTERNAL'
[11:31:37] <exec> terminated pid 23662: php scripts/irciv/irciv.php 'crutchy' '~wiki-privmsg ~killall' '#civ' '1440486386.0608' '~civ' 'INTERNAL'
[11:31:38] <exec> terminated pid 23667: php scripts/irciv/irciv.php 'crutchy' '~title-internal event-privmsg crutchy #civ ~killall' '#civ' '1440486386.0608' '~civ' 'INTERNAL'
[11:31:38] <exec> terminated pid 23675: php scripts/irciv/irciv.php 'crutchy' '~privmsg-internal ~killall' '#civ' '1440486386.0608' '~civ' 'INTERNAL'
[11:31:39] <exec> terminated pid 23679: php scripts/scripting.php 'event-privmsg crutchy #civ ~killall' '' 'exec' '1440486386.0608' '~x' 'INTERNAL' ':exec INTERNAL :~x event-privmsg crutchy #civ ~killall' '' '1440502288.3794'
[11:31:40] <exec> terminated pid 23685: php scripts/forward.php 'event-privmsg crutchy #civ ~killall' '' 'exec' '~forward' 'INTERNAL'
[11:31:41] <exec> terminated pid 23690: php scripts/activity.php 'exec' 'event-privmsg crutchy #civ ~killall' '' '1440486386.0608' '~activity' 'INTERNAL'
[11:32:04] <crutchy> game-list
[11:32:11] <exec> registered games:
[11:32:13] <exec> └─ #civ
[11:32:18] <crutchy> player-list
[11:32:25] <exec> no players registered
[11:32:35] <crutchy> wtf?
[11:33:26] <crutchy> ~buckets-dump
[11:34:26] <crutchy> definitely some kinda bug in the bucket system
[11:35:05] <crutchy> civ game data is probably the biggest bucket i guess
[11:35:14] <crutchy> purge-channel
[11:35:35] <crutchy> derp
[11:35:39] <crutchy> flush-channel
[11:35:47] <exec> game data for channel "#civ" deleted
[11:36:04] <crutchy> register-channel
[11:36:06] <exec> error: channel "#civ" not found
[11:36:52] <crutchy> register-channel
[11:36:54] <exec> map generated for channel "#civ"
[11:37:30] <crutchy> init-ai
[11:37:33] <exec> #civ AI_Player_1 => http://irciv.bot.nu
[11:37:33] <exec> #civ AI_Player_1 => 0/2, settler, +100, (67,12)
[11:37:34] <exec> #civ AI_Player_2 => http://irciv.bot.nu
[11:37:35] <exec> #civ AI_Player_2 => 0/2, settler, +100, (13,63)
[11:37:36] <exec> #civ AI_Player_3 => http://irciv.bot.nu
[11:37:37] <exec> #civ AI_Player_3 => 0/2, settler, +100, (79,0)
[11:37:38] <exec> #civ AI_Player_4 => http://irciv.bot.nu
[11:37:39] <exec> #civ AI_Player_4 => 0/2, settler, +100, (12,1)
[11:37:40] <exec> #civ AI_Player_5 => http://irciv.bot.nu
[11:37:40] <exec> #civ AI_Player_5 => 0/2, settler, +100, (71,63)
[11:39:05] <crutchy> test-ai 5
[11:39:29] <exec> ai player moves complete
[14:10:36] -!- crutchy has quit [Quit: Leaving]
[20:14:19] <chromas> =o exec
[20:14:19] -!- mode/#civ [+o exec] by spankr
[22:18:58] -!- crutchy [crutchy!~crutchy@709-27-2-01.cust.aussiebb.net] has joined #civ
[22:18:58] -!- mode/#civ [+v crutchy] by spankr
[22:18:59] <exec> http://sylnt.us
[22:32:46] -!- crutchy has quit [Quit: Leaving]
[22:33:02] -!- exec has quit [Quit: exec]