#civ | Logs for 2015-08-21
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[01:17:09] -!- Allahu_Akbot [Allahu_Akbot!~confirms@0::1] has joined #civ
[01:17:15] -!- mode/#civ [+o Allahu_Akbot] by chromas
[01:17:18] -!- mode/#civ [-o chromas] by chromas
[02:30:05] Allahu_Akbot is now known as juggs
[02:30:06] juggs is now known as SoyGuest84096
[02:30:31] SoyGuest84096 is now known as mrjuggsteehee
[06:40:15] -!- crutchy [crutchy!~crutchy@709-27-2-01.cust.aussiebb.net] has joined #civ
[06:40:16] -!- mode/#civ [+v crutchy] by mrjuggsteehee
[06:59:04] -!- exec [exec!~exec@utioner/T-800/BeVeryAfraid] has joined #civ
[08:28:40] <crutchy> ~civ status
[08:28:42] <exec> #civ crutchy => ERROR: UNABLE TO READ EXEC KEY FILE
[08:28:43] <exec> #civ crutchy => 0/2, settler, +100, (126,28)
[08:28:55] <crutchy> hmm gotta copy that out of the old vm
[08:44:27] <crutchy> ~civ status
[08:44:29] <exec> #civ crutchy => http://irciv.bot.nu
[08:44:29] <exec> #civ crutchy => 0/2, settler, +100, (126,28)
[08:44:47] <crutchy> ~civ init
[08:44:49] <exec> #civ crutchy => http://irciv.bot.nu
[08:44:49] <exec> #civ crutchy => 0/2, settler, +100, (40,21)
[08:44:49] <exec> player "crutchy" has been initialized
[08:45:03] <crutchy> yay it works again!
[22:53:38] <crutchy> ~civ status
[22:53:40] <exec> #civ crutchy => http://irciv.bot.nu
[22:53:40] <exec> #civ crutchy => 0/2, settler, +100, (40,21)
[22:54:10] <crutchy> hmm. methinks i need to make some ai players