# | Logs for 2014-08-25

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[00:02:20] * chromas gives tama a ceramic Hunny jar
[00:02:20] <tama> Okay, chromas.
[00:05:55] <tama> magic noodles is eaten in australia.
[00:22:20] <arti> ROFL https://www.youtube.com
[00:22:20] <ciri> i don't think it's that funny lol
[00:22:21] <monopoly> ^ 03Things you're doing wrong every day: everything. - YouTube
[00:25:56] <tama> There is some optimization going on in my pants
[00:26:04] <arti> :D
[00:29:56] <tama> sector 17 is from half-life 2
[00:29:57] <ciri> tama, ^ Sn article 12 alternatives to use ==level 2</h2>level 2== instad of h2 add = for more levels.
[00:33:56] <tama> facebook is 4chan that doesn't forget
[01:15:01] <arti> http://store.steampowered.com
[01:15:03] <monopoly> ^ 03FaceRig on Steam
[01:17:31] <chromas> Lol. Animated sandwich
[01:20:58] <tama> 100% of all music is about sex
[04:06:50] <chromas> monopoly: s/Rig/Sitting/
[04:06:50] <_KEY> <chromas> <monopoly> ^ 03FaceSitting on Steam
[04:10:03] <tama> lesbian gas is a precious resource
[05:29:54] <chromas> tama: lesbian gas is a promiscuous resource
[05:29:54] <tama> Okay, chromas.
[05:33:06] <tama> but what are electrolytes? Do you even know?
[05:59:49] * chromas gives tama electrolytes
[05:59:49] <tama> Okay, chromas.
[06:03:07] <tama> gang members are often associated with life choices.
[07:57:34] <arti> https://www.youtube.com
[07:57:35] <monopoly> ^ 03dad makes fun of his son for looking like marilyn manson - YouTube
[08:01:10] <tama> clown car is a reference to a vajayjay.
[09:48:37] <chromas> "he's such a good looking kid"
[09:49:05] <chromas> Brian Warner is fugly without the clown makeup
[09:52:14] <tama> NCommander is a Perl robot
[10:01:01] <chromas> People are commenting like it happened within the past fifteen years but it looks older than that
[10:04:14] <tama> Windows on Windows is how Microsoft finally tamed the assholes who ignore the Windows manual and ejaculate files all over the filesystem and want full access to everything
[10:54:33] <chromas> tama: Steve Ballmer will probably add tiles to his new football team
[10:54:33] <tama> Error 42: Factoid not in database. Please contact administrator of current universe.
[10:54:54] <chromas> tama: Steve Ballmer is adding tiles to his new football team
[10:54:54] <tama> Okay, chromas.
[10:58:16] <tama> xml is like violence; it's fucking awesome
[11:36:34] <crutchy> tama, xml is like a woman; its big, fat, consumes resources and if you pay it enough attention sometimes you can get a straight answer out of it
[11:36:34] <tama> Okay, crutchy.
[11:37:48] <crutchy> oops
[11:37:52] <crutchy> tama, undo last
[11:37:52] <tama> Okay, crutchy, deleted that 'xml' is 'like a woman; its big, fat, consumes resources and if you pay it enough attention sometimes you can get a straight answer out of it'.
[11:38:07] <crutchy> tama, systemd is like a woman; its big, fat, consumes resources and if you pay it enough attention sometimes you can get a straight answer out of it
[11:38:07] <tama> Okay, crutchy.
[11:38:30] <chromas> tama: that means you can slip a finger up there
[11:38:30] <tama> Not a bloody clue, sir.
[11:40:33] <chromas> And by "can" I mean you absolutely should
[11:44:09] <crutchy> ~bot dogfart
[11:44:38] <crutchy> :(
[11:46:31] <chromas> ~say test
[11:46:31] <exec> test
[11:48:23] <crutchy> my bot bot is broked
[11:48:54] <chromas> ~proc
[11:49:01] <chromas> ~ps
[11:49:02] <exec> no child processes currently running
[11:49:25] <chromas> 😔
[11:50:10] <crutchy> https://github.com
[11:52:48] <chromas> Minions++
[11:52:48] <Bender> karma - minions: 1
[11:54:11] <crutchy> aw that's right
[11:54:16] <crutchy> ~bot new dogfart
[11:54:24] <chromas> Oh yeah
[11:54:34] -!- dogfart [dogfart!~dogfart@709-27-2-01.cust.aussiebb.net] has joined #
[11:55:07] <chromas> ~bot join #civ
[11:56:14] <crutchy> ~bot say dogfart JOIN #civ
[11:56:42] <crutchy> damn bucket thingy is still not sticking
[11:57:09] <crutchy> ~bot say dogfart PRIVMSG # :test
[11:57:19] <chromas> ~bot fetch pr0nz
[11:58:07] <crutchy> ~bot activate sticky bucket
[11:58:08] <dogfart> test
[11:58:16] <crutchy> !
[11:58:16] <dogfart> test
[11:58:24] <crutchy> ke?
[11:58:46] <crutchy> IT'S ALIVE!!!!!
[11:59:22] <crutchy> its just a little retarded
[12:00:49] <crutchy> ~bot say dogfart PRIVMSG # :i like trains
[12:00:50] <exec> http://www.youtube.com
[12:01:41] <crutchy> ~bot activate sticky bucket
[12:01:41] <dogfart> i like trains
[12:01:41] <exec> http://www.youtube.com
[12:01:42] <ciri> ~Header x-fry http://www.theregister.co.uk
[12:01:42] <dogfart> i like trains
[12:01:42] <exec> http://www.youtube.com
[12:02:45] <crutchy> ~ps
[12:02:46] <exec> [25104] php scripts/bot.php 'new dogfart' '#' 'crutchy'
[12:03:18] <crutchy> ~bot say dogfart QUIT
[12:03:22] <crutchy> ~bot activate sticky bucket
[12:03:33] <crutchy> ~bot activate sticky bucket again
[12:03:33] -!- dogfart has quit [Quit: dogfart]
[12:04:26] <crutchy> seems to be needing a little push. maybe the socket is a little tight
[12:07:01] <crutchy> ~bot new dogfart
[12:07:01] <tama> "Bot New Dogfart" would make a good name for a rock band.
[12:07:13] <crutchy> it certainly would
[12:07:19] -!- dogfart [dogfart!~dogfart@709-27-2-01.cust.aussiebb.net] has joined #
[12:07:51] <crutchy> ~bot say dogfart privmsg # :hi chromas. i smell bad
[12:07:52] <dogfart> hi chromas. i smell bad
[12:07:52] <ciri> hi there dogfart
[12:07:52] <dogfart> hi chromas. i smell bad
[12:07:52] <dogfart> hi chromas. i smell bad
[12:07:52] <dogfart> hi chromas. i smell bad
[12:07:52] <dogfart> hi chromas. i smell bad
[12:07:52] <dogfart> hi chromas. i smell bad
[12:07:53] <dogfart> hi chromas. i smell bad
[12:07:53] <dogfart> hi chromas. i smell bad
[12:07:53] <ciri> hi there dogfart
[12:07:54] <dogfart> hi chromas. i smell bad
[12:07:54] <dogfart> hi chromas. i smell bad
[12:07:54] <ciri> hey whats up dogfart
[12:07:55] <dogfart> hi chromas. i smell bad
[12:07:55] <dogfart> hi chromas. i smell bad
[12:07:56] <dogfart> hi chromas. i smell bad
[12:07:56] <dogfart> hi chromas. i smell bad
[12:07:56] <ciri> hello, whats up dogfart
[12:07:57] <dogfart> hi chromas. i smell bad
[12:07:58] <ciri> hi dogfart
[12:07:59] <crutchy> ~killall
[12:08:00] <ciri> hi dogfart
[12:08:00] -!- dogfart has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[12:08:00] <exec> terminated pid 25104: php scripts/bot.php 'new dogfart' '#' 'crutchy'
[12:08:00] <exec> terminated pid 25656: php scripts/bot.php 'new dogfart' '#' 'crutchy'
[12:08:02] <ciri> hi i'm happy today! :D dogfart
[12:08:06] <crutchy> oops
[12:08:29] <crutchy> forgot to unset the bucket after outputting
[12:08:39] <crutchy> !grab ciri
[12:08:39] <Bender> Added quote 38
[12:12:03] <crutchy> ~time chromas
[12:12:04] <exec> Monday, 25 August 2014 @ 5:12 am PDT - Walla Walla, WA, USA
[12:14:32] <crutchy> ~bot new dogfart
[12:14:46] <crutchy> ~killall
[12:14:47] <exec> terminated pid 26090: php scripts/bot.php 'new dogfart' '#' 'crutchy'
[12:16:09] <crutchy> ~bucket MINION_CMD_dogfart
[12:16:10] <exec> bucket not found
[12:16:18] <crutchy> ~bot new dogfart
[12:19:19] <tama> your mom is so clingy Jesus killed himself on the cross just to get some peace from all her nagging
[12:19:52] <crutchy> ~bot say dogfart quit
[12:20:27] <crutchy> ~killall
[12:20:28] <exec> terminated pid 26198: php scripts/bot.php 'new dogfart' '#' 'crutchy'
[12:20:53] <chromas> If the socket is tight, try a little spit
[12:24:19] <tama> dogfart is a property of chromas' living quarters
[12:25:15] <crutchy> i did. then it got *very* loose
[12:26:42] <crutchy> ~bot new dogfart
[12:27:11] <crutchy> ~bot new dogfart
[12:27:29] -!- dogfart [dogfart!~dogfart@709-27-2-01.cust.aussiebb.net] has joined #
[12:27:43] <crutchy> ~bot say dogfart quit
[12:27:54] <chromas> As long as you're the first to enjoy the new looseness
[12:28:24] <crutchy> you can have slops :p
[12:29:52] <crutchy> need to disable a bucket message in exec
[12:30:46] <crutchy> ~restart
[12:30:47] <exec> successfully saved buckets file
[12:30:55] -!- dogfart has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[12:30:55] -!- exec has quit [Quit: dafuq]
[12:31:06] -!- exec [exec!~exec@709-27-2-01.cust.aussiebb.net] has joined #
[12:31:26] <crutchy> ~join #soylent
[12:32:36] <crutchy> ~bot new dogfart
[12:32:54] -!- dogfart [dogfart!~dogfart@709-27-2-01.cust.aussiebb.net] has joined #
[12:33:30] <crutchy> ~bot say dogfart privmsg # :i like trains
[12:33:31] <exec> http://www.youtube.com
[12:33:47] <crutchy> ~bot say dogfart privmsg # :i like trains
[12:33:48] <exec> http://www.youtube.com
[12:34:10] <chromas> dogfart.free;
[12:37:10] -!- dogfart has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
[12:37:19] <tama> corn flakes are the best serial
[12:39:35] <crutchy> ~killall
[12:39:35] <exec> terminated pid 26803: php scripts/bot.php 'new dogfart' '#' 'crutchy'
[12:43:19] <tama> exec is all regexy now :-d
[12:45:17] * chromas gives tama a scrotum seam
[12:45:17] * tama now contains a scrotum seam.
[12:46:15] <chromas> s/um/al/
[12:46:15] <_KEY> <chromas> gives tama a scrotal seam
[12:48:53] chromas is now known as [
[12:49:09] <[> Neat
[12:49:23] [ is now known as chromas
[12:49:48] <crutchy> aren't you in irpg?
[12:50:20] <chromas> Forgot to login
[12:50:34] crutchy is now known as [
[12:50:40] <[> bugger
[12:50:47] [ is now known as crutchy
[12:51:04] <crutchy> tried [~]
[12:51:37] <chromas> Need to allow more chars
[12:51:57] <chromas> /nick 💩
[12:52:35] <crutchy> ~bot new dogfart
[12:52:55] -!- dogfart [dogfart!~dogfart@709-27-2-01.cust.aussiebb.net] has joined #
[12:53:30] <chromas> /nick ☕
[12:53:45] <crutchy> ~bot say dogfart PRIVMSG # :i smell
[12:53:46] <ciri> Ar, if (strpos($valid_chars,$value[$i])!==false.
[12:54:43] <crutchy> blah
[12:54:48] <crutchy> ?
[12:55:00] <crutchy> ~bot say dogfart QUIT
[12:56:06] <crutchy> ~bot say dogfart QUIT
[12:56:32] <chromas> ~bot spank dogfart
[12:56:56] <crutchy> ~killall
[12:56:57] -!- dogfart has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[12:56:57] <exec> terminated pid 27139: php scripts/bot.php 'new dogfart' '#' 'crutchy'
[12:57:05] <crutchy> ~bot new dogfart
[12:57:26] -!- dogfart [dogfart!~dogfart@709-27-2-01.cust.aussiebb.net] has joined #
[12:57:35] <crutchy> ~bot say dogfart QUIT
[12:57:51] <crutchy> ~killall
[12:57:51] -!- dogfart has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[12:57:51] <exec> terminated pid 27380: php scripts/bot.php 'new dogfart' '#' 'crutchy'
[12:58:32] <crutchy> ~bot new dogfart
[12:58:48] -!- dogfart [dogfart!~dogfart@709-27-2-01.cust.aussiebb.net] has joined #
[12:59:04] <crutchy> hmm
[12:59:07] <crutchy> ~killall
[12:59:08] <exec> terminated pid 27488: php scripts/bot.php 'new dogfart' '#' 'crutchy'
[12:59:08] -!- dogfart has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[13:02:20] <tama> the Jews are responsible for beta
[13:03:03] <crutchy> ~bot new dogfart
[13:03:18] -!- dogfart [dogfart!~dogfart@709-27-2-01.cust.aussiebb.net] has joined #
[13:03:41] <crutchy> ~bot say dogfart :dogfart PRIVMSG # :test
[13:03:42] <exec> crutchy: invalid command ":dogfart PRIVMSG # :test" for dogfart
[13:04:12] <crutchy> invalid my anus
[13:04:16] _KEY is now known as SexBot
[13:04:36] <chromas> or maybe Se[dx]Bot
[13:05:01] <crutchy> s/ed/ex/
[13:05:22] <crutchy> /nick [s/ed/ex/]
[13:05:35] <crutchy> that prolly wont work though :(
[13:05:46] <chromas> the slashies
[13:05:56] <chromas> backslashes probably do though
[13:06:09] <crutchy> cos its a backdoor sed
[13:06:25] crutchy is now known as \
[13:06:38] <\> wholly turd burger!
[13:06:47] \ is now known as crutchy
[13:10:20] <tama> Yo mama is so mean, her standard deviation's zero!
[20:01:41] <chromas> I wonder if there is other pearl jewelry—a pearl earring maybe, if you miss. Or perhaps a pearl tramp stamp
[20:02:09] <arti> "simba"
[20:04:22] <chromas> was he a white lion?
[20:05:14] <chromas> oh wait a minute
[20:05:23] * chromas thinks he partially gets it
[20:08:28] <arti> hahahaha
[20:10:41] <chromas> aha
[20:10:49] <chromas> finally turned on sound and there was music playing
[20:10:57] <chromas> still had the Dominion tab open
[20:14:33] <tama> exec is all regexy now :-d
[21:09:09] <arti> oh
[21:09:19] <arti> that's funny, yeah i nixed the music on that site
[21:09:32] <arti> i've played several games against bots, kept getting my ass handed to me
[21:09:44] <arti> i'm still not as good with my strat varieties
[21:13:34] <tama> a butt is something that should be sniffed repeatedly
[21:19:34] * chromas gives tama buttsauce
[21:19:34] * tama now contains buttsauce.
[21:22:35] <tama> windows is shit
[21:23:40] <chromas> tama, linux is the shit
[21:23:40] <tama> chromas: I already had it that way
[21:23:44] <chromas> damn right you did
[21:24:37] <chromas> ~g'day exec, crutchy,arti, SexBot, tama, ciri, aqu4, juggler, Bender, dogfart, Loggie
[21:24:37] <exec> * chromas slides a cheap plastic cup of red cordial to exec, crutchy,arti, SexBot, tama, ciri, aqu4, juggler, Bender, dogfart, Loggie
[21:24:51] <chromas> haha, y'all have ta share
[21:25:07] <chromas> ~define red cordial
[21:25:07] <tama> http://defineredcordial.tumblr.com
[21:25:20] <exec> [stoacademy] 3red cordial: red matter - A substance that can form a black hole when it is ignited.
[21:25:47] <chromas> tama, I think you mean http://ultraporn.tumblr.com
[21:25:47] <tama> A thousand apologies, effendi, but I do not understand.
[21:29:35] <tama> a pie is a vajayjay
[22:27:51] <crutchy> ~bot say dogfart :dogfart QUIT
[22:27:52] <exec> crutchy: invalid command ":dogfart QUIT" for dogfart
[22:28:02] <crutchy> invalid my butthole
[22:28:18] <crutchy> ~killall
[22:28:18] -!- dogfart has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[22:28:18] <exec> terminated pid 27586: php scripts/bot.php 'new dogfart' '#' 'crutchy'
[22:31:37] <tama> Yo mama is so fat she fell down and rocked herself to sleep trying to get ready to meet a friend.
[22:33:17] <chromas> tama, Yo mama is so fat she ate her friend
[22:33:17] <tama> Okay, chromas.
[22:36:37] <tama> NCommander is ethereal