# | Logs for 2014-08-16

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[03:40:18] <crutchy> tama, ciri is the enemy
[03:40:19] <tama> Okay, crutchy.
[03:40:46] <crutchy> tama, ciri is chromas
[03:40:46] <tama> Okay, crutchy.
[03:40:53] <crutchy> tama, kill the enemy
[03:40:53] <tama> A thousand apologies, effendi, but I do not understand.
[03:42:57] <crutchy> tama, eject the warp core
[03:42:57] <tama> I cannot access that data.
[03:43:29] <crutchy> tama, a warp core is a starship's anus
[03:43:29] <tama> Okay, crutchy.
[03:44:34] <crutchy> tama, giving a starship a rimjob is not recommended due to risk of antimatter contamination
[03:44:34] <tama> Okay, crutchy.
[03:47:53] <tama> american breakfast food is sometimes batter-battered batter.
[03:49:10] <crutchy> tama, when buttering up a woman, the term is not to be taken literally
[03:49:10] <tama> Okay, crutchy.
[03:50:06] <crutchy> ~define muffin top
[03:50:08] <exec> [urbandictionary] 3muffin top: When a woman wears a pair of tight jeans that makes her flab spill out over the waistband, just like the top of a muffin sits over the edge of the paper case.
[03:50:42] <crutchy> ~define muffin bottom
[03:50:53] <exec> muffin bottom: unable to find definition
[03:51:10] <crutchy> ~define hocus pokus
[03:51:19] <exec> hocus pokus: unable to find definition
[03:54:54] <tama> in American it is Jews all the way up and Mexicans all the way down
[04:09:45] <crutchy> ~join #soylent
[04:09:55] <crutchy> ~buckets-list
[04:09:56] <exec> bucket list output to terminal
[04:09:56] <exec> bucket count: 105
[04:10:16] <crutchy> ~bucket <<EXEC_SED_CHANNELS>>
[04:10:17] <exec> a:1:{i:0;s:1:"#";}
[04:13:54] <tama> Planning to use ==level 2</h2>level 2== instad of h2 add = for more levels.
[04:41:25] -!- DNA2251 [DNA2251!~David@uld-16-214-280-741.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #
[04:41:30] <arti> greetings
[04:41:34] <DNA2251> sup arti
[04:41:36] <arti> say hello
[04:41:36] <tama> Hello!
[04:41:37] <ciri> arti: Just drifting around on straight aways.
[04:41:39] <ciri> tama: Tama, what are you a headache looking at bukket stuff and it's much less functional.
[04:41:39] <tama> Okay, ciri.
[04:41:47] <arti> lol
[04:41:51] <DNA2251> are all these yours?
[04:41:58] <arti> nah just ciri and tama
[04:42:13] <arti> ciri is a fork of etg tama
[04:42:24] <arti> and tama is new here
[04:42:33] <arti> tama, who does number two work for?
[04:42:43] <arti> >.>
[04:42:44] <arti> tama
[04:42:52] <arti> say blah
[04:42:52] <tama> Blah!
[04:43:02] <arti> yo mama
[04:43:02] <tama> yo mama is so fat you need four warlocks to summon her.
[04:43:06] <DNA2251> lol
[04:43:18] <arti> indeed
[04:43:25] <arti> what's the quote command?
[04:43:29] <arti> had some gems from ciri
[04:43:33] <DNA2251> !quote
[04:43:36] <DNA2251> nope
[04:43:40] <arti> oh got some games
[04:43:41] <arti> !word
[04:43:42] <ciri> Unscramble ---> 6 ucehleds
[04:43:44] <arti> schedule
[04:43:45] <ciri> Woohoo arti!! You got it...4schedule
[04:43:46] <ciri> arti this is your first ever win!!!...Don't you feel pathetic!
[04:43:50] <arti> !word
[04:43:51] <ciri> Unscramble ---> 6 csthye
[04:43:55] <arti> scythe
[04:43:55] <ciri> Woohoo arti!! You got it...4scythe
[04:43:56] <ciri> arti this is your first ever win!!!...Don't you feel pathetic!
[04:43:58] <arti> !word
[04:43:59] <ciri> Unscramble ---> 6 rtrramuie
[04:44:05] <arti> transmute
[04:44:14] <ciri> Clue --->12 ecosystem
[04:44:30] <ciri> First letter --->12 t
[04:44:44] <ciri> First two letters --->12 te
[04:44:53] <arti> terrain
[04:44:56] <arti> bleh
[04:44:59] <ciri> Nobody got it...it's 4terrarium
[04:45:09] <arti> tama, number two
[04:45:09] <tama> number two is who works for arti.
[04:45:13] * arti claps
[04:45:30] <arti> tama, DNA2251 is a friend.
[04:45:30] <tama> Okay, arti.
[04:45:45] <arti> tama, DNA2251 rolls in sausages prior to bed time
[04:45:45] <tama> I do not know.
[04:45:54] <arti> tama, sausages
[04:45:54] <tama> I don't know
[04:46:04] <crutchy> tama, yo mama
[04:46:04] <tama> yo mama is so fat the escape velocity from her surface exceeds the speed of light.
[04:46:14] <crutchy> tama, yo mama
[04:46:14] <tama> yo mama is so fat that her rolls have their own bakery
[04:46:18] <crutchy> tama, yo mama
[04:46:18] <tama> yo mama is so fat, when Dracula sucked her blood he got diabetes.
[04:46:29] <arti> !dow
[04:46:50] <DNA2251> tama what is 1+1?
[04:46:55] <arti> !g 1+1
[04:46:56] <ciri> 1 + 1 = 2
[04:47:09] <DNA2251> bring back 2003 tama
[04:47:10] <DNA2251> lol
[04:47:14] <crutchy> tama, 1+1 is window
[04:47:14] <tama> Okay, crutchy.
[04:47:16] <arti> lol
[04:47:17] <DNA2251> fuck... that was a decade ago
[04:47:18] <ciri> Tubey lol. I used to donate blood to her liking.
[04:47:22] <arti> right?
[04:47:35] <arti> i've got that one on another hd, ide
[04:47:36] <crutchy> tama, tubey is a male sex toy
[04:47:36] <tama> Okay, crutchy.
[04:47:40] <DNA2251> those were some good times with her learning speech
[04:47:44] * arti gives tama a wedgie
[04:47:44] * tama drops tama's inventory and takes a wedgie.
[04:47:50] <arti> tama, items
[04:47:50] <tama> I don't know
[04:47:55] <arti> inventory
[04:48:25] <arti> tama, sausage
[04:48:25] <tama> Beeeeeeeeeeeeep!
[04:48:37] <arti> !poker
[04:48:44] <arti> !holdem
[04:48:44] * ciri and arti sit down at the card table and start dividing up chips, snacks and beer.
[04:48:46] <ciri> Who else wants to play? Type !join to play some Hold 'Em with us. Type !play to start the game, or just wait 60 seconds for the game to start automatically.
[04:49:08] <crutchy> tama, UNCAUGHT EXCEPTION
[04:49:08] <tama> Error 42: Factoid not in database. Please contact administrator of current universe.
[04:49:44] <tama> I cannot access that data.
[04:49:46] <ciri> arti: I guess it's just you and me, then. May I deal a few imaginary friends in? (How many more bot players in addition to myself?)
[04:49:52] <arti> 2
[04:49:53] <ciri> 3
[04:49:54] <ciri> We have our players. Players sit in the following order: ciri, arti, Buzz Lightyear and Harry Cooter. Each player starts with $250. Blinds are at $5 / $10.
[04:49:56] <ciri> 07Current standings: ciri has 06$250. arti has 06$250. Buzz Lightyear has 06$250. Harry Cooter has 06$250.
[04:49:58] <ciri> 04Round 1. Harry Cooter is dealing. I am the small blind this round; arti is the big blind. Please wait....
[04:50:03] <ciri> OK, Buzz Lightyear throws in $10 and 02calls.
[04:50:04] <DNA2251> oh god
[04:50:04] <ciri> OK, Harry Cooter throws in $10 and 02calls.
[04:50:06] * ciri tosses in $5 from his $245 and 02calls.
[04:50:06] <DNA2251> what is happening
[04:50:08] <ciri> 07arti: You are the 02big blind. The current pot is worth $40. You have $240 remaining. If you wish to raise, the minimum raise is 06$10. Do you wish to check, raise, or fold? If raise, how much (or all-in)? Or if you need me to show you your cards again, just ask.
[04:50:09] <crutchy> harry cooter?
[04:50:13] <arti> yeah
[04:50:16] <crutchy> that sounds wrong
[04:50:18] <DNA2251> naturally
[04:50:25] <arti> raise
[04:50:26] <ciri> arti: OK, how much would you like to bet?
[04:50:30] <arti> 10
[04:50:32] <ciri> arti 03raises the bet by 06$10 to a total of $20.
[04:50:34] <ciri> Buzz Lightyear sees the remaining $10, and 03raises the bet by an additional 06$20 to a total of $40.
[04:50:36] <crutchy> $-1
[04:50:36] <ciri> Harry Cooter folds, saving $240 for better cards.
[04:50:38] * ciri sees the remaining $30, and 03raises the bet by 06$40.
[04:50:40] <ciri> 07arti: The current pot is worth $150. The bet is now at $80. You have $230 remaining. You can call for 06$60 to stay in. If you wish to raise, the minimum raise is 06$40. Do you wish to call, raise, or fold? If raise, how much (or all-in)? Or if you need me to show you your cards again, just ask.
[04:50:49] * arti uses WALL OF TEXT attack
[04:50:56] <crutchy> !roll -1e12
[04:50:56] <ciri> crutchy rolls incorrectly. Try <n>d<x>[<mod>]: where <n> is number of dice, <x> is number of sides, <mod> is an expression of addition or subtraction
[04:51:02] <arti> call
[04:51:04] <ciri> OK, arti throws in $60 and 02calls.
[04:51:06] <ciri> OK, Buzz Lightyear throws in $40 and 02calls.
[04:51:07] <crutchy> !roll 1e12
[04:51:08] <ciri> crutchy rolls incorrectly. Try <n>d<x>[<mod>]: where <n> is number of dice, <x> is number of sides, <mod> is an expression of addition or subtraction
[04:51:10] <ciri> The flop: 00,14[2 of Clubs] 00,04[4 of Diamonds] 04,00[8 of Hearts]
[04:51:12] * ciri guards his $170 and 02checks.
[04:51:14] <ciri> 07arti: The current pot is worth $250. You have $170 remaining. If you wish to raise, the minimum raise is 06$10. Do you wish to check, raise, or fold? If raise, how much (or all-in)? Or if you need me to show you your cards again, just ask.
[04:51:16] <crutchy> lol flop
[04:51:16] <ciri> rofl
[04:51:26] <arti> check
[04:51:28] <ciri> OK, arti 02checks.
[04:51:30] <ciri> Buzz Lightyear 03raises the bet by 06$10 to a total of $90.
[04:51:32] * ciri tosses in $10 from his $170 and 02calls.
[04:51:33] <crutchy> !roll 1e
[04:51:33] <ciri> crutchy rolls incorrectly. Try <n>d<x>[<mod>]: where <n> is number of dice, <x> is number of sides, <mod> is an expression of addition or subtraction
[04:51:34] <ciri> 07arti: The current pot is worth $270. The bet is now at $90. You have $170 remaining. You can call for 06$10 to stay in. If you wish to raise, the minimum raise is 06$10. Do you wish to call, raise, or fold? If raise, how much (or all-in)? Or if you need me to show you your cards again, just ask.
[04:51:36] <crutchy> !roll 1e6
[04:51:37] <ciri> crutchy rolls incorrectly. Try <n>d<x>[<mod>]: where <n> is number of dice, <x> is number of sides, <mod> is an expression of addition or subtraction
[04:51:38] <arti> call
[04:51:40] <ciri> OK, arti throws in $10 and 02calls.
[04:51:41] <crutchy> !roll 1000
[04:51:42] <ciri> crutchy rolls incorrectly. Try <n>d<x>[<mod>]: where <n> is number of dice, <x> is number of sides, <mod> is an expression of addition or subtraction
[04:51:44] <ciri> The turn: 00,14[2 of Clubs] 00,04[4 of Diamonds] 04,00[8 of Hearts] 00,14[5 of Clubs]
[04:51:46] * ciri guards his $160 and 02checks.
[04:51:48] <crutchy> !roll 100
[04:51:48] <ciri> crutchy rolls incorrectly. Try <n>d<x>[<mod>]: where <n> is number of dice, <x> is number of sides, <mod> is an expression of addition or subtraction
[04:51:50] <ciri> 07arti: The current pot is worth $280. You have $160 remaining. If you wish to raise, the minimum raise is 06$10. Do you wish to check, raise, or fold? If raise, how much (or all-in)? Or if you need me to show you your cards again, just ask.
[04:51:51] <crutchy> !roll 10
[04:51:51] <ciri> crutchy rolls incorrectly. Try <n>d<x>[<mod>]: where <n> is number of dice, <x> is number of sides, <mod> is an expression of addition or subtraction
[04:51:53] <crutchy> !roll 1
[04:51:54] <ciri> crutchy rolls incorrectly. Try <n>d<x>[<mod>]: where <n> is number of dice, <x> is number of sides, <mod> is an expression of addition or subtraction
[04:52:00] <arti> !rool 1d10
[04:52:08] * crutchy is incorrect
[04:52:10] <arti> roll 1d20
[04:52:10] * ciri sighs and waits for a raise of at least $10 from arti.
[04:52:14] <arti> check
[04:52:16] <ciri> OK, arti 02checks.
[04:52:18] <ciri> Buzz Lightyear 03raises the bet by 06$10 to a total of $100.
[04:52:20] * ciri tosses in $10 from his $160 and 02calls.
[04:52:22] <ciri> 07arti: The current pot is worth $300. The bet is now at $100. You have $160 remaining. You can call for 06$10 to stay in. If you wish to raise, the minimum raise is 06$10. Do you wish to call, raise, or fold? If raise, how much (or all-in)? Or if you need me to show you your cards again, just ask.
[04:52:25] <arti> call
[04:52:26] <ciri> OK, arti throws in $10 and 02calls.
[04:52:28] <ciri> The river: 00,14[2 of Clubs] 00,04[4 of Diamonds] 04,00[8 of Hearts] 00,14[5 of Clubs] 00,04[10 of Diamonds]
[04:52:30] * ciri guards his $150 and 02checks.
[04:52:31] <crutchy> ciri tosses tama into the fire
[04:52:32] <ciri> 07arti: The current pot is worth $310. You have $150 remaining. If you wish to raise, the minimum raise is 06$10. Do you wish to check, raise, or fold? If raise, how much (or all-in)? Or if you need me to show you your cards again, just ask.
[04:52:41] <arti> check
[04:52:42] <ciri> OK, arti 02checks.
[04:52:44] <ciri> Buzz Lightyear 03raises the bet by 06$10 to a total of $110.
[04:52:46] * ciri tosses in $10 from his $150 and 02calls.
[04:52:48] <ciri> 07arti: The current pot is worth $330. The bet is now at $110. You have $150 remaining. You can call for 06$10 to stay in. If you wish to raise, the minimum raise is 06$10. Do you wish to call, raise, or fold? If raise, how much (or all-in)? Or if you need me to show you your cards again, just ask.
[04:52:53] <arti> call
[04:52:54] <ciri> OK, arti throws in $10 and 02calls.
[04:52:56] <ciri> ciri had a pair: 04,00[6 of Hearts] 01,00[6 of Spades] 00,04[10 of Diamonds] 04,00[8 of Hearts] 00,14[5 of Clubs]
[04:52:58] <ciri> arti had a pair: 04,00[8 of Hearts] 00,14[8 of Clubs] 00,04[Ace of Diamonds] 00,04[10 of Diamonds] 00,14[5 of Clubs]
[04:53:00] <ciri> Buzz Lightyear had a pair: 00,04[4 of Diamonds] 00,14[4 of Clubs] 04,00[Jack of Hearts] 00,04[10 of Diamonds] 04,00[8 of Hearts]
[04:53:02] <ciri> arti wins $340.
[04:53:04] <ciri> 07Current standings: ciri has 06$140. arti has 06$480. Buzz Lightyear has 06$140. Harry Cooter has 06$240.
[04:53:06] <ciri> 04Round 2. I am dealing. arti is the small blind this round; Buzz Lightyear is the big blind. Please wait....
[04:53:10] <ciri> OK, Harry Cooter throws in $10 and 02calls.
[04:53:12] * ciri tosses in $10 from his $140 and 02calls.
[04:53:14] <ciri> 07arti: You are the 02small blind. The current pot is worth $35. The bet is now at $10. You have $475 remaining. You can call for 06$5 to stay in. If you wish to raise, the minimum raise is 06$10. Do you wish to call, raise, or fold? If raise, how much (or all-in)? Or if you need me to show you your cards again, just ask.
[04:53:18] <arti> fold
[04:53:25] <ciri> arti folds, saving $475 for better cards.
[04:53:27] <ciri> Buzz Lightyear 03raises the bet by 06$10 to a total of $20.
[04:53:29] <ciri> OK, Harry Cooter throws in $10 and 02calls.
[04:53:31] * ciri tosses in $10 from his $130 and 02calls.
[04:53:33] <ciri> The flop: 00,04[10 of Diamonds] 00,04[Jack of Diamonds] 00,14[Jack of Clubs]
[04:53:35] <ciri> OK, Buzz Lightyear 02checks.
[04:53:37] <ciri> Harry Cooter 03raises the bet by 06$10 to a total of $30.
[04:53:39] * ciri tosses in $10 from his $120 and 02calls.
[04:53:41] <ciri> OK, Buzz Lightyear throws in $10 and 02calls.
[04:53:43] <ciri> The turn: 00,04[10 of Diamonds] 00,04[Jack of Diamonds] 00,14[Jack of Clubs] 00,14[6 of Clubs]
[04:53:45] <ciri> OK, Buzz Lightyear 02checks.
[04:53:47] <ciri> Harry Cooter 03raises the bet by 06$10 to a total of $40.
[04:53:49] * ciri tosses in $10 from his $110 and 02calls.
[04:53:51] <ciri> OK, Buzz Lightyear throws in $10 and 02calls.
[04:53:53] <ciri> The river: 00,04[10 of Diamonds] 00,04[Jack of Diamonds] 00,14[Jack of Clubs] 00,14[6 of Clubs] 01,00[King of Spades]
[04:53:55] <ciri> OK, Buzz Lightyear 02checks.
[04:53:57] <ciri> Harry Cooter 03raises the bet by 06$10 to a total of $50.
[04:53:59] * ciri throws in 06$100 and goes 09all-in, raising the bet by 06$90.
[04:54:03] <ciri> Buzz Lightyear folds, saving $100 for better cards.
[04:54:05] <ciri> OK, Harry Cooter is 09all-in, raising the bet by 06$190 to 06$240.
[04:54:07] * ciri is all-in.
[04:54:09] <ciri> ciri had two pair: 01,00[King of Spades] 00,04[King of Diamonds] 00,04[Jack of Diamonds] 00,14[Jack of Clubs] 00,04[10 of Diamonds]
[04:54:11] <ciri> Harry Cooter had two pair: 00,04[Jack of Diamonds] 00,14[Jack of Clubs] 00,14[6 of Clubs] 04,00[6 of Hearts] 01,00[King of Spades]
[04:54:13] <ciri> ciri wins $325. Harry Cooter recovers $100.
[04:54:15] <ciri> 07Current standings: ciri has 06$325. arti has 06$475. Buzz Lightyear has 06$100. Harry Cooter has 06$100.
[04:54:17] <ciri> 04Round 3. arti is dealing. Buzz Lightyear is the small blind this round; Harry Cooter is the big blind. Please wait....
[04:54:21] * ciri tosses in $10 from his $325 and 02calls.
[04:54:23] <ciri> 07arti: The current pot is worth $25. The bet is now at $10. You have $475 remaining. You can call for 06$10 to stay in. If you wish to raise, the minimum raise is 06$10. Do you wish to call, raise, or fold? If raise, how much (or all-in)? Or if you need me to show you your cards again, just ask.
[04:54:30] <arti> call
[04:54:31] <ciri> OK, arti throws in $10 and 02calls.
[04:54:33] <ciri> OK, Buzz Lightyear throws in $5 and 02calls.
[04:54:35] <ciri> OK, Harry Cooter 02checks.
[04:54:37] <ciri> The flop: 01,00[8 of Spades] 04,00[Queen of Hearts] 00,14[3 of Clubs]
[04:54:39] <ciri> OK, Buzz Lightyear 02checks.
[04:54:41] <ciri> OK, Harry Cooter 02checks.
[04:54:43] * ciri 03raises the bet by 06$10.
[04:54:45] <ciri> 07arti: The current pot is worth $50. The bet is now at $20. You have $465 remaining. You can call for 06$10 to stay in. If you wish to raise, the minimum raise is 06$10. Do you wish to call, raise, or fold? If raise, how much (or all-in)? Or if you need me to show you your cards again, just ask.
[04:54:53] <arti> raise
[04:54:53] <ciri> arti: OK, how much would you like to bet?
[04:54:58] <arti> 60
[04:55:00] <ciri> arti sees the remaining $10, and 03raises the bet by an additional 06$60 to a total of $80.
[04:55:02] <ciri> Buzz Lightyear folds, saving $90 for better cards.
[04:55:04] <ciri> Harry Cooter folds, saving $90 for better cards.
[04:55:06] * ciri tosses in $60 from his $305 and 02calls.
[04:55:08] <ciri> The turn: 01,00[8 of Spades] 04,00[Queen of Hearts] 00,14[3 of Clubs] 00,14[5 of Clubs]
[04:55:10] * ciri 03raises the bet by 06$10.
[04:55:12] <ciri> 07arti: The current pot is worth $190. The bet is now at $90. You have $395 remaining. You can call for 06$10 to stay in. If you wish to raise, the minimum raise is 06$10. Do you wish to call, raise, or fold? If raise, how much (or all-in)? Or if you need me to show you your cards again, just ask.
[04:55:20] <arti> call
[04:55:22] <ciri> OK, arti throws in $10 and 02calls.
[04:55:24] <ciri> The river: 01,00[8 of Spades] 04,00[Queen of Hearts] 00,14[3 of Clubs] 00,14[5 of Clubs] 01,00[4 of Spades]
[04:55:26] * ciri throws in 06$235 and goes 09all-in, raising the bet by 06$235.
[04:55:30] <ciri> 07arti: The current pot is worth $435. The bet is now at $325. You have $385 remaining. You can call for 06$235 to stay in. If you wish to raise, the minimum raise is 06$10. Do you wish to call, raise, or fold? If raise, how much (or all-in)? Or if you need me to show you your cards again, just ask.
[04:55:34] <arti> all-in
[04:55:37] <ciri> OK, arti is 09all-in, raising the bet by 06$385 to 06$475.
[04:55:39] * ciri is all-in.
[04:55:41] <ciri> ciri had a pair: 04,00[Queen of Hearts] 00,04[Queen of Diamonds] 01,00[8 of Spades] 01,00[6 of Spades] 00,14[5 of Clubs]
[04:55:43] <ciri> arti had two pair: 04,00[Queen of Hearts] 01,00[Queen of Spades] 01,00[8 of Spades] 04,00[8 of Hearts] 00,14[5 of Clubs]
[04:55:45] <ciri> arti wins $820.
[04:55:47] <ciri> 07Current standings: arti has 06$820. Buzz Lightyear has 06$90. Harry Cooter has 06$90.
[04:55:49] <ciri> 04Round 4. Buzz Lightyear is dealing. Harry Cooter is the small blind this round; arti is the big blind. Please wait....
[04:55:50] <arti> o/
[04:55:52] <ciri> OK, Buzz Lightyear throws in $10 and 02calls.
[04:55:54] <ciri> OK, Harry Cooter throws in $5 and 02calls.
[04:55:56] <ciri> 07arti: You are the 02big blind. The current pot is worth $30. You have $810 remaining. If you wish to raise, the minimum raise is 06$10. Do you wish to check, raise, or fold? If raise, how much (or all-in)? Or if you need me to show you your cards again, just ask.
[04:56:08] <arti> raise
[04:56:08] <ciri> arti: OK, how much would you like to bet?
[04:56:12] <arti> 40
[04:56:12] <ciri> arti 03raises the bet by 06$40 to a total of $50.
[04:56:14] <ciri> Buzz Lightyear folds, saving $80 for better cards.
[04:56:16] <ciri> Harry Cooter folds, saving $80 for better cards. 07arti wins the hand.
[04:56:18] <ciri> 07Current standings: arti has 06$840. Buzz Lightyear has 06$80. Harry Cooter has 06$80.
[04:56:20] <ciri> 04Round 5. 07Blind values have been increased to $10 / $20. Harry Cooter is dealing. arti is the small blind this round; Buzz Lightyear is the big blind. Please wait....
[04:56:24] <ciri> OK, Harry Cooter throws in $20 and 02calls.
[04:56:26] <ciri> 07arti: You are the 02small blind. The current pot is worth $50. The bet is now at $20. You have $830 remaining. You can call for 06$10 to stay in. If you wish to raise, the minimum raise is 06$20. Do you wish to call, raise, or fold? If raise, how much (or all-in)? Or if you need me to show you your cards again, just ask.
[04:56:30] <arti> call
[04:56:30] <ciri> OK, arti throws in $10 and 02calls.
[04:56:32] <ciri> Buzz Lightyear 03raises the bet by 06$20 to a total of $40.
[04:56:34] <ciri> OK, Harry Cooter throws in $20 and 02calls.
[04:56:36] <ciri> 07arti: The current pot is worth $100. The bet is now at $40. You have $820 remaining. You can call for 06$20 to stay in. If you wish to raise, the minimum raise is 06$20. Do you wish to call, raise, or fold? If raise, how much (or all-in)? Or if you need me to show you your cards again, just ask.
[04:56:52] <arti> raise
[04:56:54] <ciri> arti: OK, how much would you like to bet?
[04:56:56] <arti> 20
[04:56:58] <ciri> arti sees the remaining $20, and 03raises the bet by an additional 06$20 to a total of $60.
[04:57:00] <ciri> OK, Buzz Lightyear is 09all-in, raising the bet by 06$40 to 06$80.
[04:57:02] <ciri> Harry Cooter folds, saving $40 for better cards.
[04:57:04] <ciri> 07arti: The current pot is worth $180. The bet is now at $80. You have $780 remaining. You can call for 06$20 to stay in. If you wish to raise, the minimum raise is 06$20. Do you wish to call, raise, or fold? If raise, how much (or all-in)? Or if you need me to show you your cards again, just ask.
[04:57:07] <arti> call
[04:57:08] <ciri> OK, arti throws in $20 and 02calls.
[04:57:10] <ciri> arti's cards: 00,14[7 of Clubs] 04,00[8 of Hearts]
[04:57:12] <ciri> Buzz Lightyear's cards: 01,00[9 of Spades] 01,00[10 of Spades]
[04:57:14] <ciri> The flop: 04,00[4 of Hearts] 00,04[2 of Diamonds] 00,04[Queen of Diamonds]
[04:57:16] <ciri> The turn: 04,00[4 of Hearts] 00,04[2 of Diamonds] 00,04[Queen of Diamonds] 01,00[3 of Spades]
[04:57:18] <ciri> The river: 04,00[4 of Hearts] 00,04[2 of Diamonds] 00,04[Queen of Diamonds] 01,00[3 of Spades] 04,00[5 of Hearts]
[04:57:20] <ciri> arti had a high card: 00,04[Queen of Diamonds] 04,00[8 of Hearts] 00,14[7 of Clubs] 04,00[5 of Hearts] 04,00[4 of Hearts]
[04:57:22] <ciri> Buzz Lightyear had a high card: 00,04[Queen of Diamonds] 01,00[10 of Spades] 01,00[9 of Spades] 04,00[5 of Hearts] 04,00[4 of Hearts]
[04:57:24] <ciri> Buzz Lightyear wins $200.
[04:57:26] <ciri> 07Current standings: arti has 06$760. Buzz Lightyear has 06$200. Harry Cooter has 06$40.
[04:57:28] <ciri> 04Round 6. arti is dealing. Buzz Lightyear is the small blind this round; Harry Cooter is the big blind. Please wait....
[04:57:32] <ciri> 07arti: The current pot is worth $30. The bet is now at $20. You have $760 remaining. You can call for 06$20 to stay in. If you wish to raise, the minimum raise is 06$20. Do you wish to call, raise, or fold? If raise, how much (or all-in)? Or if you need me to show you your cards again, just ask.
[04:57:39] <arti> raise 20
[04:57:40] <ciri> arti sees the remaining $20, and 03raises the bet by an additional 06$20 to a total of $40.
[04:57:42] <ciri> OK, Buzz Lightyear throws in $30 and 02calls.
[04:57:44] <ciri> Harry Cooter folds, saving $20 for better cards.
[04:57:46] <ciri> The flop: 04,00[Ace of Hearts] 04,00[8 of Hearts] 01,00[Queen of Spades]
[04:57:48] <ciri> OK, Buzz Lightyear 02checks.
[04:57:50] <ciri> 07arti: The current pot is worth $100. You have $720 remaining. If you wish to raise, the minimum raise is 06$20. Do you wish to check, raise, or fold? If raise, how much (or all-in)? Or if you need me to show you your cards again, just ask.
[04:57:56] <arti> check
[04:57:56] <ciri> OK, arti 02checks.
[04:57:58] <ciri> The turn: 04,00[Ace of Hearts] 04,00[8 of Hearts] 01,00[Queen of Spades] 00,04[4 of Diamonds]
[04:58:00] <ciri> OK, Buzz Lightyear 02checks.
[04:58:02] <ciri> 07arti: The current pot is worth $100. You have $720 remaining. If you wish to raise, the minimum raise is 06$20. Do you wish to check, raise, or fold? If raise, how much (or all-in)? Or if you need me to show you your cards again, just ask.
[04:58:17] <arti> check
[04:58:18] <ciri> OK, arti 02checks.
[04:58:20] <ciri> The river: 04,00[Ace of Hearts] 04,00[8 of Hearts] 01,00[Queen of Spades] 00,04[4 of Diamonds] 04,00[5 of Hearts]
[04:58:22] <ciri> OK, Buzz Lightyear 02checks.
[04:58:24] <ciri> 07arti: The current pot is worth $100. You have $720 remaining. If you wish to raise, the minimum raise is 06$20. Do you wish to check, raise, or fold? If raise, how much (or all-in)? Or if you need me to show you your cards again, just ask.
[04:58:27] <arti> raise
[04:58:28] <ciri> arti: OK, how much would you like to bet?
[04:58:30] <arti> 40
[04:58:32] <ciri> arti 03raises the bet by 06$40 to a total of $80.
[04:58:34] <ciri> OK, Buzz Lightyear throws in $40 and 02calls.
[04:58:36] <ciri> arti had two pair: 01,00[Queen of Spades] 00,04[Queen of Diamonds] 04,00[8 of Hearts] 01,00[8 of Spades] 04,00[Ace of Hearts]
[04:58:38] <ciri> Buzz Lightyear had a high card: 04,00[Ace of Hearts] 04,00[King of Hearts] 01,00[Queen of Spades] 04,00[8 of Hearts] 01,00[7 of Spades]
[04:58:40] <ciri> arti wins $180.
[04:58:42] <ciri> 07Current standings: arti has 06$860. Buzz Lightyear has 06$120. Harry Cooter has 06$20.
[04:58:44] <ciri> 04Round 7. Buzz Lightyear is dealing. Harry Cooter is the small blind this round; arti is the big blind. Please wait....
[04:58:48] <ciri> OK, Buzz Lightyear throws in $20 and 02calls.
[04:58:50] <ciri> Harry Cooter folds, saving $10 for better cards.
[04:58:52] <ciri> 07arti: You are the 02big blind. The current pot is worth $50. You have $840 remaining. If you wish to raise, the minimum raise is 06$20. Do you wish to check, raise, or fold? If raise, how much (or all-in)? Or if you need me to show you your cards again, just ask.
[04:59:09] <arti> fold
[04:59:10] <ciri> arti folds, saving $840 for better cards. 07Buzz Lightyear wins the hand.
[04:59:12] <ciri> 07Current standings: arti has 06$840. Buzz Lightyear has 06$150. Harry Cooter has 06$10.
[04:59:14] <ciri> 04Round 8. Harry Cooter is dealing. arti is the small blind this round; Buzz Lightyear is the big blind. Please wait....
[04:59:18] <ciri> Harry Cooter folds, saving $10 for better cards.
[04:59:20] <ciri> 07arti: You are the 02small blind. The current pot is worth $30. The bet is now at $20. You have $830 remaining. You can call for 06$10 to stay in. If you wish to raise, the minimum raise is 06$20. Do you wish to call, raise, or fold? If raise, how much (or all-in)? Or if you need me to show you your cards again, just ask.
[04:59:26] <arti> raise
[04:59:26] <ciri> arti: OK, how much would you like to bet?
[04:59:27] <arti> 20
[04:59:28] <ciri> arti sees the remaining $10, and 03raises the bet by an additional 06$20 to a total of $40.
[04:59:30] <ciri> OK, Buzz Lightyear throws in $20 and 02calls.
[04:59:32] <ciri> The flop: 00,04[3 of Diamonds] 01,00[7 of Spades] 00,14[King of Clubs]
[04:59:34] <ciri> 07arti: The current pot is worth $80. You have $800 remaining. If you wish to raise, the minimum raise is 06$20. Do you wish to check, raise, or fold? If raise, how much (or all-in)? Or if you need me to show you your cards again, just ask.
[04:59:47] <arti> check
[04:59:48] <ciri> OK, arti 02checks.
[04:59:50] <ciri> OK, Buzz Lightyear 02checks.
[04:59:52] <ciri> The turn: 00,04[3 of Diamonds] 01,00[7 of Spades] 00,14[King of Clubs] 00,04[King of Diamonds]
[04:59:54] <ciri> 07arti: The current pot is worth $80. You have $800 remaining. If you wish to raise, the minimum raise is 06$20. Do you wish to check, raise, or fold? If raise, how much (or all-in)? Or if you need me to show you your cards again, just ask.
[05:00:04] <arti> check
[05:00:06] <ciri> OK, arti 02checks.
[05:00:08] <ciri> OK, Buzz Lightyear 02checks.
[05:00:10] <ciri> The river: 00,04[3 of Diamonds] 01,00[7 of Spades] 00,14[King of Clubs] 00,04[King of Diamonds] 04,00[King of Hearts]
[05:00:12] <ciri> 07arti: The current pot is worth $80. You have $800 remaining. If you wish to raise, the minimum raise is 06$20. Do you wish to check, raise, or fold? If raise, how much (or all-in)? Or if you need me to show you your cards again, just ask.
[05:00:17] <arti> check
[05:00:18] <ciri> OK, arti 02checks.
[05:00:20] <ciri> OK, Buzz Lightyear is 09all-in, raising the bet by 06$110 to 06$150.
[05:00:22] <ciri> 07arti: The current pot is worth $190. The bet is now at $150. You have $800 remaining. You can call for 06$110 to stay in. If you wish to raise, the minimum raise is 06$20. Do you wish to call, raise, or fold? If raise, how much (or all-in)? Or if you need me to show you your cards again, just ask.
[05:00:51] <arti> fold
[05:00:53] <ciri> arti folds, saving $800 for better cards. 07Buzz Lightyear wins the hand.
[05:00:55] <ciri> 07Current standings: arti has 06$800. Buzz Lightyear has 06$190. Harry Cooter has 06$10.
[05:00:57] <ciri> 04Round 9. arti is dealing. Buzz Lightyear is the small blind this round; Harry Cooter is the big blind. Please wait....
[05:01:01] <ciri> 07arti: The current pot is worth $20. The bet is now at $10. You have $800 remaining. You can call for 06$10 to stay in. If you wish to raise, the minimum raise is 06$20. Do you wish to call, raise, or fold? If raise, how much (or all-in)? Or if you need me to show you your cards again, just ask.
[05:01:06] <arti> raise 20
[05:01:07] <ciri> arti sees the remaining $10, and 03raises the bet by an additional 06$20 to a total of $30.
[05:01:09] <ciri> OK, Buzz Lightyear throws in $20 and 02calls.
[05:01:11] <ciri> 07Harry Cooter: You are the 02big blind. You are all-in.
[05:01:13] <ciri> The flop: 00,14[4 of Clubs] 01,00[Queen of Spades] 04,00[9 of Hearts]
[05:01:15] <ciri> OK, Buzz Lightyear 02checks.
[05:01:17] <ciri> 07Harry Cooter: You are all-in.
[05:01:19] <ciri> 07arti: The current pot is worth $70. You have $770 remaining. If you wish to raise, the minimum raise is 06$20. Do you wish to check, raise, or fold? If raise, how much (or all-in)? Or if you need me to show you your cards again, just ask.
[05:01:28] <arti> check
[05:01:29] <ciri> OK, arti 02checks.
[05:01:31] <ciri> The turn: 00,14[4 of Clubs] 01,00[Queen of Spades] 04,00[9 of Hearts] 00,14[7 of Clubs]
[05:01:33] <ciri> OK, Buzz Lightyear 02checks.
[05:01:35] <ciri> 07Harry Cooter: You are all-in.
[05:01:37] <ciri> 07arti: The current pot is worth $70. You have $770 remaining. If you wish to raise, the minimum raise is 06$20. Do you wish to check, raise, or fold? If raise, how much (or all-in)? Or if you need me to show you your cards again, just ask.
[05:01:39] <arti> check
[05:01:41] <ciri> OK, arti 02checks.
[05:01:43] <ciri> The river: 00,14[4 of Clubs] 01,00[Queen of Spades] 04,00[9 of Hearts] 00,14[7 of Clubs] 04,00[2 of Hearts]
[05:01:45] <ciri> OK, Buzz Lightyear 02checks.
[05:01:47] <ciri> 07Harry Cooter: You are all-in.
[05:01:49] <ciri> 07arti: The current pot is worth $70. You have $770 remaining. If you wish to raise, the minimum raise is 06$20. Do you wish to check, raise, or fold? If raise, how much (or all-in)? Or if you need me to show you your cards again, just ask.
[05:01:53] <arti> check
[05:01:53] <ciri> OK, arti 02checks.
[05:01:55] <ciri> arti had a high card: 01,00[King of Spades] 01,00[Queen of Spades] 04,00[9 of Hearts] 00,14[7 of Clubs] 01,00[6 of Spades]
[05:01:57] <ciri> Buzz Lightyear had a pair: 00,14[7 of Clubs] 00,04[7 of Diamonds] 01,00[Queen of Spades] 04,00[9 of Hearts] 00,14[5 of Clubs]
[05:01:59] <ciri> Harry Cooter had a high card: 00,14[King of Clubs] 01,00[Queen of Spades] 00,14[10 of Clubs] 04,00[9 of Hearts] 00,14[7 of Clubs]
[05:02:01] <ciri> Buzz Lightyear wins $70.
[05:02:03] <ciri> 07Current standings: arti has 06$770. Buzz Lightyear has 06$230.
[05:02:05] <ciri> 04Round 10. 07Blind values have been increased to $15 / $30. Buzz Lightyear is dealing. Buzz Lightyear is the small blind this round; arti is the big blind. Please wait....
[05:02:09] <ciri> OK, Buzz Lightyear throws in $15 and 02calls.
[05:02:11] <ciri> 07arti: You are the 02big blind. The current pot is worth $60. You have $740 remaining. If you wish to raise, the minimum raise is 06$30. Do you wish to check, raise, or fold? If raise, how much (or all-in)? Or if you need me to show you your cards again, just ask.
[05:02:14] <arti> check
[05:02:15] <ciri> OK, arti 02checks.
[05:02:17] <ciri> The flop: 00,04[8 of Diamonds] 00,14[2 of Clubs] 01,00[Ace of Spades]
[05:02:19] <ciri> 07arti: The current pot is worth $60. You have $740 remaining. If you wish to raise, the minimum raise is 06$30. Do you wish to check, raise, or fold? If raise, how much (or all-in)? Or if you need me to show you your cards again, just ask.
[05:02:38] <arti> check
[05:02:39] <ciri> OK, arti 02checks.
[05:02:41] <ciri> Buzz Lightyear 03raises the bet by 06$30 to a total of $60.
[05:02:43] <ciri> 07arti: The current pot is worth $90. The bet is now at $60. You have $740 remaining. You can call for 06$30 to stay in. If you wish to raise, the minimum raise is 06$30. Do you wish to call, raise, or fold? If raise, how much (or all-in)? Or if you need me to show you your cards again, just ask.
[05:02:48] <arti> call
[05:02:49] <ciri> OK, arti throws in $30 and 02calls.
[05:02:51] <ciri> The turn: 00,04[8 of Diamonds] 00,14[2 of Clubs] 01,00[Ace of Spades] 01,00[Queen of Spades]
[05:02:53] <ciri> 07arti: The current pot is worth $120. You have $710 remaining. If you wish to raise, the minimum raise is 06$30. Do you wish to check, raise, or fold? If raise, how much (or all-in)? Or if you need me to show you your cards again, just ask.
[05:03:15] <arti> check
[05:03:15] <ciri> OK, arti 02checks.
[05:03:17] <ciri> Buzz Lightyear 03raises the bet by 06$45 to a total of $105.
[05:03:19] <ciri> 07arti: The current pot is worth $165. The bet is now at $105. You have $710 remaining. You can call for 06$45 to stay in. If you wish to raise, the minimum raise is 06$45. Do you wish to call, raise, or fold? If raise, how much (or all-in)? Or if you need me to show you your cards again, just ask.
[05:03:21] <crutchy> test
[05:03:29] <arti> say faegot
[05:03:29] <tama> Faegot!
[05:03:33] <arti> call
[05:03:35] <ciri> OK, arti throws in $45 and 02calls.
[05:03:37] <ciri> The river: 00,04[8 of Diamonds] 00,14[2 of Clubs] 01,00[Ace of Spades] 01,00[Queen of Spades] 00,04[5 of Diamonds]
[05:03:39] <ciri> 07arti: The current pot is worth $210. You have $665 remaining. If you wish to raise, the minimum raise is 06$30. Do you wish to check, raise, or fold? If raise, how much (or all-in)? Or if you need me to show you your cards again, just ask.
[05:03:43] <arti> check
[05:03:44] <crutchy> ~bucket last_crutchy_#
[05:03:45] <exec> test
[05:03:45] <ciri> OK, arti 02checks.
[05:03:47] <ciri> OK, Buzz Lightyear is 09all-in, raising the bet by 06$125 to 06$230.
[05:03:49] <ciri> 07arti: The current pot is worth $335. The bet is now at $230. You have $665 remaining. You can call for 06$125 to stay in. If you wish to raise, the minimum raise is 06$30. Do you wish to call, raise, or fold? If raise, how much (or all-in)? Or if you need me to show you your cards again, just ask.
[05:04:21] <arti> fold
[05:04:23] <ciri> arti folds, saving $665 for better cards. 07Buzz Lightyear wins the hand.
[05:04:25] <ciri> 07Current standings: arti has 06$665. Buzz Lightyear has 06$335.
[05:04:27] <ciri> 04Round 11. arti is dealing. arti is the small blind this round; Buzz Lightyear is the big blind. Please wait....
[05:04:31] <ciri> 07arti: You are the 02small blind. The current pot is worth $45. The bet is now at $30. You have $650 remaining. You can call for 06$15 to stay in. If you wish to raise, the minimum raise is 06$30. Do you wish to call, raise, or fold? If raise, how much (or all-in)? Or if you need me to show you your cards again, just ask.
[05:04:34] <crutchy> ~buckets-list
[05:04:35] <ciri> Aussies are hunters at heart and rustle up grub using only snakes.
[05:04:35] <exec> bucket list output to terminal
[05:04:35] <exec> bucket count: 9
[05:04:39] <arti> call
[05:04:39] <ciri> OK, arti throws in $15 and 02calls.
[05:04:41] <ciri> Buzz Lightyear 03raises the bet by 06$30 to a total of $60.
[05:04:43] <ciri> 07arti: The current pot is worth $90. The bet is now at $60. You have $635 remaining. You can call for 06$30 to stay in. If you wish to raise, the minimum raise is 06$30. Do you wish to call, raise, or fold? If raise, how much (or all-in)? Or if you need me to show you your cards again, just ask.
[05:04:47] <arti> raise 60
[05:04:47] <ciri> arti sees the remaining $30, and 03raises the bet by an additional 06$60 to a total of $120.
[05:04:49] <ciri> OK, Buzz Lightyear throws in $60 and 02calls.
[05:04:51] <ciri> The flop: 01,00[8 of Spades] 00,04[3 of Diamonds] 00,14[4 of Clubs]
[05:04:53] <ciri> OK, Buzz Lightyear 02checks.
[05:04:55] <ciri> 07arti: The current pot is worth $240. You have $545 remaining. If you wish to raise, the minimum raise is 06$30. Do you wish to check, raise, or fold? If raise, how much (or all-in)? Or if you need me to show you your cards again, just ask.
[05:05:00] <arti> check
[05:05:01] <ciri> OK, arti 02checks.
[05:05:03] <ciri> The turn: 01,00[8 of Spades] 00,04[3 of Diamonds] 00,14[4 of Clubs] 00,14[5 of Clubs]
[05:05:05] <ciri> OK, Buzz Lightyear 02checks.
[05:05:07] <ciri> 07arti: The current pot is worth $240. You have $545 remaining. If you wish to raise, the minimum raise is 06$30. Do you wish to check, raise, or fold? If raise, how much (or all-in)? Or if you need me to show you your cards again, just ask.
[05:05:09] <arti> what is this shit
[05:05:19] <arti> check
[05:05:20] <ciri> OK, arti 02checks.
[05:05:22] <ciri> The river: 01,00[8 of Spades] 00,04[3 of Diamonds] 00,14[4 of Clubs] 00,14[5 of Clubs] 00,04[Ace of Diamonds]
[05:05:24] <ciri> OK, Buzz Lightyear 02checks.
[05:05:26] <ciri> 07arti: The current pot is worth $240. You have $545 remaining. If you wish to raise, the minimum raise is 06$30. Do you wish to check, raise, or fold? If raise, how much (or all-in)? Or if you need me to show you your cards again, just ask.
[05:05:29] <arti> raise 60
[05:05:30] <ciri> arti 03raises the bet by 06$60 to a total of $180.
[05:05:32] <ciri> OK, Buzz Lightyear throws in $60 and 02calls.
[05:05:34] <ciri> arti had a pair: 00,04[Ace of Diamonds] 01,00[Ace of Spades] 04,00[Queen of Hearts] 01,00[8 of Spades] 00,14[5 of Clubs]
[05:05:36] <ciri> Buzz Lightyear had a high card: 00,04[Ace of Diamonds] 01,00[Queen of Spades] 01,00[8 of Spades] 04,00[6 of Hearts] 00,14[5 of Clubs]
[05:05:38] <ciri> arti wins $360.
[05:05:41] <ciri> 07Current standings: arti has 06$845. Buzz Lightyear has 06$155.
[05:05:43] <ciri> 04Round 12. Buzz Lightyear is dealing. Buzz Lightyear is the small blind this round; arti is the big blind. Please wait....
[05:05:45] <arti> o/
[05:05:46] <ciri> OK, Buzz Lightyear throws in $15 and 02calls.
[05:05:48] <ciri> 07arti: You are the 02big blind. The current pot is worth $60. You have $815 remaining. If you wish to raise, the minimum raise is 06$30. Do you wish to check, raise, or fold? If raise, how much (or all-in)? Or if you need me to show you your cards again, just ask.
[05:05:53] <arti> raise 60
[05:05:54] <ciri> arti 03raises the bet by 06$60 to a total of $90.
[05:05:56] <ciri> Buzz Lightyear folds, saving $125 for better cards. 07arti wins the hand.
[05:05:58] <ciri> 07Current standings: arti has 06$875. Buzz Lightyear has 06$125.
[05:06:00] <ciri> 04Round 13. arti is dealing. arti is the small blind this round; Buzz Lightyear is the big blind. Please wait....
[05:06:04] <ciri> 07arti: You are the 02small blind. The current pot is worth $45. The bet is now at $30. You have $860 remaining. You can call for 06$15 to stay in. If you wish to raise, the minimum raise is 06$30. Do you wish to call, raise, or fold? If raise, how much (or all-in)? Or if you need me to show you your cards again, just ask.
[05:06:05] <crutchy> ~buckets-list
[05:06:06] <exec> bucket list output to terminal
[05:06:06] <exec> bucket count: 9
[05:06:08] <arti> raise 60
[05:06:11] <ciri> arti sees the remaining $15, and 03raises the bet by an additional 06$60 to a total of $90.
[05:06:13] <ciri> Buzz Lightyear folds, saving $95 for better cards. 07arti wins the hand.
[05:06:15] <ciri> 07Current standings: arti has 06$905. Buzz Lightyear has 06$95.
[05:06:17] <ciri> 04Round 14. Buzz Lightyear is dealing. Buzz Lightyear is the small blind this round; arti is the big blind. Please wait....
[05:06:21] <ciri> OK, Buzz Lightyear throws in $15 and 02calls.
[05:06:23] <ciri> 07arti: You are the 02big blind. The current pot is worth $60. You have $875 remaining. If you wish to raise, the minimum raise is 06$30. Do you wish to check, raise, or fold? If raise, how much (or all-in)? Or if you need me to show you your cards again, just ask.
[05:06:32] <arti> raise 40
[05:06:34] <ciri> arti 03raises the bet by 06$40 to a total of $70.
[05:06:36] <ciri> OK, Buzz Lightyear throws in $40 and 02calls.
[05:06:38] <ciri> The flop: 00,14[9 of Clubs] 04,00[Ace of Hearts] 01,00[Jack of Spades]
[05:06:40] <ciri> 07arti: The current pot is worth $140. You have $835 remaining. If you wish to raise, the minimum raise is 06$30. Do you wish to check, raise, or fold? If raise, how much (or all-in)? Or if you need me to show you your cards again, just ask.
[05:06:50] <arti> raise 20
[05:06:50] * ciri sighs and waits for a raise of at least $30 from arti.
[05:07:02] <arti> raise 30
[05:07:04] <ciri> arti 03raises the bet by 06$30 to a total of $100.
[05:07:06] <ciri> OK, Buzz Lightyear is 09all-in.
[05:07:08] <ciri> arti's cards: 00,04[10 of Diamonds] 00,14[Queen of Clubs]
[05:07:10] <ciri> Buzz Lightyear's cards: 04,00[3 of Hearts] 00,04[Queen of Diamonds]
[05:07:12] <ciri> The turn: 00,14[9 of Clubs] 04,00[Ace of Hearts] 01,00[Jack of Spades] 01,00[10 of Spades]
[05:07:14] <ciri> The river: 00,14[9 of Clubs] 04,00[Ace of Hearts] 01,00[Jack of Spades] 01,00[10 of Spades] 00,14[Ace of Clubs]
[05:07:16] <ciri> arti had two pair: 04,00[Ace of Hearts] 00,14[Ace of Clubs] 01,00[10 of Spades] 00,04[10 of Diamonds] 00,14[Queen of Clubs]
[05:07:18] <ciri> Buzz Lightyear had a pair: 04,00[Ace of Hearts] 00,14[Ace of Clubs] 00,04[Queen of Diamonds] 01,00[Jack of Spades] 01,00[10 of Spades]
[05:07:20] <ciri> arti wins the game with 06$1000!
[05:07:24] <arti> :D
[05:07:38] <arti> !orderfor DNA2251 slurpee
[05:07:38] * ciri sets slurpee in front of DNA2251.
[05:07:39] <ciri> Would you like anything else with that, arti?
[05:07:43] <arti> !tip 15
[05:07:44] * ciri thanks arti for the 15!
[05:08:09] <arti> "what does your bot do?"
[05:08:14] <arti> it spews text.
[05:08:56] <crutchy> crutchy, what does your bot do?
[05:09:00] <crutchy> oh, it borks
[05:09:09] <crutchy> ~restart
[05:09:10] <exec> successfully saved buckets file
[05:09:18] -!- exec has quit [Quit: dafuq]
[05:09:28] * arti is looking into C socket stuff
[05:09:32] -!- exec [exec!~exec@709-27-2-01.cust.aussiebb.net] has joined #
[05:09:46] <crutchy> cool
[05:09:59] * crutchy would like to use C sockets one day
[05:12:25] <crutchy> this looks like a good starting point: http://git.suckless.org
[05:12:27] <Cereal> ^ 03sic - simple irc client
[05:15:55] <tama> you see these shoes are a pliant heel with a cork filling, whereas you are a giant seal with a pork filling
[05:23:50] <crutchy> abcdefghijk
[05:23:55] <crutchy> s/d/X
[05:24:02] <crutchy> ~sed on
[05:24:03] <exec> sed enabled for 10#
[05:24:14] <arti> ah, thanks sir
[05:24:18] <crutchy> ~bucket last_crutchy_#
[05:24:19] <exec> ~sed on
[05:24:19] <exec> sed already enabled for 10#
[05:25:00] <crutchy> ~bucket last_crutchy_#
[05:25:01] <exec> ~sed on
[05:25:01] <exec> sed already enabled for 10#
[05:25:21] <crutchy> fuck. its like the thing is arse absout
[05:25:58] <crutchy> abcdefghijk
[05:26:01] <crutchy> ~bucket last_crutchy_#
[05:26:02] <exec> ~sed on
[05:26:02] <exec> sed already enabled for 10#
[05:29:34] <crutchy> abcdefghijk
[05:29:53] <crutchy> dammit
[05:30:27] <crutchy> test
[05:31:01] <crutchy> test
[05:31:37] <crutchy> test
[05:31:48] <crutchy> ~bucket last_crutchy_#
[05:31:49] <exec> ~sed on
[05:31:50] <exec> sed already enabled for 10#
[05:33:50] <crutchy> ~bucket last_crutchy_#
[05:33:51] <exec> ~sed on
[05:33:51] <exec> sed already enabled for 10#
[05:33:59] <crutchy> ~bucket last_crutchy_#
[05:34:00] <exec> ~bucket last_crutchy_#
[05:34:01] <exec> ~bucket last_crutchy_#
[05:34:03] <exec> ~bucket last_crutchy_#
[05:34:05] <exec> ~bucket last_crutchy_#
[05:34:07] <exec> ~bucket last_crutchy_#
[05:34:08] <crutchy> lol
[05:34:08] <ciri> now that is funny
[05:34:09] <exec> lol
[05:34:11] <ciri> hahaha
[05:35:00] <crutchy> abcdefghijk
[05:35:36] <crutchy> s/d/X
[05:35:37] <exec> <crutchy> abcXefghijk
[05:35:43] <crutchy> s/f/X
[05:35:43] <exec> <crutchy> abcdeXghijk
[05:35:49] <crutchy> s/h/X
[05:35:49] <exec> <crutchy> abcdefgXijk
[05:35:52] <crutchy> :D
[05:36:03] <crutchy> s/:/;
[05:36:04] <exec> <crutchy> ;D
[05:36:11] <crutchy> ~join #soylent
[05:37:06] crutchy changed topic of # to: the batcave
[05:37:20] <crutchy> .deop
[05:37:20] -!- mode/# [-o crutchy] by juggler
[05:40:56] <tama> fatties are for smoking
[05:49:16] <crutchy> ~buckets-list
[05:49:17] <exec> bucket list output to terminal
[05:49:17] <exec> bucket count: 16
[05:49:39] <crutchy> ~bucket last_crutchy_#soylent
[05:49:40] <ciri> ~Bucket last_crutchy_#soylent. Their most recent message is "i lament the loss of", pick your callsign!
[05:49:40] <exec> back to # for some moar testing
[05:49:40] <exec> set bucket
[05:49:57] <crutchy> ~bucket last_crutchy_#soylent
[05:49:58] <exec> back to # for some moar testing
[05:50:51] <arti> http://antiartificial.com
[05:50:51] <Cereal> ^ 03Index of /renders/tunes
[05:50:56] <arti> some music
[05:50:56] <crutchy> ~buckets-list
[05:50:57] <exec> bucket list output to terminal
[05:50:58] <exec> bucket count: 17
[05:51:43] <crutchy> arti, can you please try this: ~bucket arti_test blah (or something similar)?
[05:51:58] <crutchy> wondering if ciri was able to set a bucket back there
[05:52:12] <arti> ~bucket arti_test blah
[05:52:41] <crutchy> hmm
[05:52:47] <crutchy> thanks dude
[05:52:51] <arti> yeah mag
[05:52:58] <arti> say ~bucket arti_test blah
[05:52:58] <tama> ~bucket arti_test blah!
[05:53:21] <arti> say # blah
[05:53:21] <tama> # blah!
[05:54:33] <crutchy> abcdefghijk
[05:54:38] <crutchy> s/d/X/
[05:54:38] <exec> <crutchy> abcXefghijk
[05:55:01] <crutchy> ~bucket last_crutchy_#soylent
[05:55:02] <arti> i view the sed stuff as textual spells
[05:55:02] <exec> she became queen of blades in the original i think
[05:55:12] <arti> !seen faggot
[05:55:13] <ciri> arti, I don't remember seeing faggot.
[05:55:24] <arti> !seen ncommander
[05:55:33] <crutchy> the script isn't overly complicated. just a bit of a logic mindfuck
[05:55:48] <arti> next you need to hook it up to the phone
[05:58:16] <crutchy> :/
[05:58:23] <crutchy> s/\//D
[05:58:24] <exec> syntax: 8[nick[:|,|>|.] ]s/pattern/replace[/[g]]
[06:00:55] <crutchy> s/\//D
[06:00:55] <exec> syntax: 8[nick[:|,|>|.] ]s/pattern/replace[/[g]]
[06:01:04] <crutchy> :/
[06:01:07] <crutchy> s/\//D
[06:01:08] <exec> syntax: 8[nick[:|,|>|.] ]s/pattern/replace[/[g]]
[06:01:56] <crutchy> :/
[06:01:57] <crutchy> s/\//D
[06:01:58] <exec> syntax: 8[nick[:|,|>|.] ]s/pattern/replace[/[g]]
[06:02:01] <crutchy> fuck
[06:04:06] <crutchy> :/
[06:04:09] <crutchy> s/\//D
[06:04:09] <exec> syntax: 8[nick[:|,|>|.] ]s/pattern/replace[/[g]]
[06:04:42] <crutchy> ahh
[06:04:43] <crutchy> 2014-08-16 17:04:09 > PHP Warning: preg_replace(): Unknown modifier '/' in /nas/server/git/test/scripts/sed.php on line 144
[06:07:03] <crutchy> ~php strpos
[06:07:03] <exec> mixed strpos( string $haystack , mixed $needle [, int $offset = 0] )
[06:08:01] <crutchy> wonder if i should just use command line sed
[06:09:01] <crutchy> nah
[06:09:06] <crutchy> that would be cheating
[06:09:09] <crutchy> :/
[06:09:18] <crutchy> s/\//D
[06:09:19] <exec> <crutchy> :D
[06:09:22] <crutchy> :D
[06:12:57] <tama> alcohol is bad m'kay
[06:25:45] -!- exec has quit [Quit: dafuq]
[06:34:50] * paulej72 pets tama
[06:37:58] <tama> PHP is the best web language.
[06:45:30] -!- exec [exec!~exec@709-27-2-01.cust.aussiebb.net] has joined #
[06:46:06] <crutchy> ~moo
[06:46:06] <exec> (__)
[06:46:07] <exec> (oo)
[06:46:07] <exec> /------\/
[06:46:07] <exec> / | ||
[06:46:07] <exec> * /\---/\
[06:46:07] <exec> ~~ ~~
[06:46:07] <exec> ...."Have you mooed today?"...
[06:46:16] <crutchy> ~sed on
[06:46:17] <exec> sed already enabled for 10#
[06:46:25] <crutchy> s/m/p
[06:46:26] <exec> syntax: 8[nick[:|,|>|.] ]s/pattern/replace[/[g]]
[06:46:34] <crutchy> :/
[06:46:39] <crutchy> s/\//D
[06:46:39] <exec> <crutchy> :D
[06:46:49] <crutchy> ~join #soylent
[06:49:58] <tama> your momma is so juicy that when she visited the juice factory they mistook her for a spill
[06:51:55] * chromas gives tama Juicy brand sweatpants
[06:51:55] * tama is now carrying Juicy brand sweatpants, but dropped a one and a zero.
[06:54:58] <tama> ciri is slutty
[07:15:37] * chromas gives tama the 12v shocker
[07:15:37] * tama is now carrying the 12v shocker, but dropped two fatties on bikes.
[07:18:59] <tama> tama is the universe
[07:22:15] <chromas> tama: tama is the universal poop slinger
[07:22:16] <tama> Okay, chromas.
[07:22:17] <ciri> Maybe "/msg ciri ident 123456 chromas.
[07:25:59] <tama> juggs is the heater of the furnace and the maker of soul steel.
[07:35:33] <crutchy> universal poop slinger: http://antiartificial.com
[07:39:00] <tama> the residents of uranus are called klingons
[08:36:21] <crutchy> clams++
[08:36:21] <Bender> karma - clams: 1
[08:36:40] <chromas> gives tama shaven clams
[08:36:40] * tama hands chromas a monster condom for my magnum dong in exchange for shaven clams
[08:40:01] <tama> NCommander is your husband
[10:21:43] -!- DNA2251 has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[11:05:44] <chromas> tama, exec is crutchimatronic
[11:05:44] <tama> Okay, chromas.
[11:09:06] <tama> sour cream is better when made with assistance
[11:10:41] * chromas puts systemd in tama
[11:10:41] * tama hands chromas a dragon in exchange for systemd
[11:13:46] * chromas puts (oYo) in tama
[11:13:46] * tama drops shaven clams and takes (oYo).
[11:14:59] <crutchy> plotting some gd dotty plotty to zomboy/fracionado
[11:15:58] <crutchy> https://www.youtube.com
[11:15:58] * chromas puts fracionado in tama
[11:15:58] * tama hands chromas a 400TB porn stash in exchange for fracionado
[11:15:59] <Cereal> ^ 03Zomboy - Nuclear (Guitar Cover) - YouTube
[11:17:15] <chromas> 8strings++
[11:17:15] <Bender> karma - 8strings: 1
[11:19:18] <crutchy> tis a nice looking guitar
[11:21:52] <chromas> skillz++
[11:21:52] <Bender> karma - skillz: 1
[11:25:06] <tama> ciri is a lunchbox
[11:25:17] <crutchy> it surely is
[11:25:32] <crutchy> tama is a dinner box
[11:29:06] <tama> crutchy is master of the clit
[11:29:17] <crutchy> this is another fave: https://www.youtube.com
[11:29:18] <Cereal> ^ 03i SQUARE - Hey Sexy Lady (Skrillex remix) Guitar Cover - YouTube
[11:33:07] <tama> this beat is this beat is this beat is technotronic
[11:38:58] <crutchy> i thought of a slightly different way to display chat data in a chart
[11:39:24] <chromas> Spirals?
[11:39:32] <chromas> Pi czarts?
[11:43:07] <tama> chickens are cannibals when given the opportunity
[11:47:04] <crutchy> was going to try just a plain ol bar chart of time vs nicks, with color variation depicting line density
[11:47:35] <chromas> ooh that's good
[11:47:43] <crutchy> doesn't show relationships though
[11:48:10] <chromas> that's another graph
[11:48:12] <crutchy> but will be able to see how long nicks have been chatting for, how often
[11:48:29] <crutchy> arti's graph shows the relationships thingy
[11:48:50] <chromas> You could do that and use color, transparency and thickness
[11:49:46] <crutchy> i could try showing vertical lines connecting nicks in conversation
[11:49:46] <chromas> be sure to use lots of cubic splines and stuff. No straight lines, mister
[11:49:47] <ciri> ok chromas
[11:49:54] <crutchy> lol
[11:53:07] <tama> your mom is so ugly even Ron Jeremy refused to play her in her video biography
[11:56:31] <chromas> tama, your mom is so ugly she turned ellen degeneres gay
[11:56:31] <tama> Okay, chromas.
[12:00:07] <tama> in American it is Jews all the way up and Mexicans all the way down
[12:02:50] * chromas gives tama the Konomi code
[12:02:50] * tama hands chromas zombies in exchange for the Konomi code
[12:06:08] <tama> otherkin are faggots.
[12:08:45] <chromas> tama, deer are faggots
[12:08:45] <tama> Okay, chromas.
[12:09:04] <crutchy> tama, back to the pile!
[12:09:04] <tama> I cannot access that data.
[12:11:28] <chromas> tama, you need sentence diagramming
[12:11:28] <tama> Beeeeeeeeeeeeep!
[12:13:20] * chromas wonders how hard it would be to calculate what parts of speech the words are based one some statistics
[12:13:40] <chromas> like there aren't many two-letter words
[12:17:08] <tama> laxatives is something the internet needs to function
[12:18:00] <crutchy> tama, pubic hair is no substitute for a goatee
[12:18:00] <tama> Okay, crutchy.
[12:21:08] <tama> tama is a cocksucker
[12:53:09] <chromas> c y z and gives tama a test
[12:53:28] * chromas c y z and gives tama a test
[12:57:09] <tama> chromas is a sandwich
[12:57:48] * chromas is surprised the theme to the Fresh Prince of Bel Air is not only in Pandora but just popped up in ma playlist
[13:01:09] <tama> pron is another term for pornography. pornography built the web.
[13:02:01] <paulej72> porn not pron
[13:02:23] <chromas> prawn
[13:02:46] <chromas> prawns on the barbie
[13:06:09] <tama> elephants are mammals.
[13:18:17] <crutchy> tama, eating prawns off barbie is nyotaimori
[13:18:17] <tama> Okay, crutchy.
[13:22:10] <tama> Yo mama is so mean, her standard deviation's zero!
[13:44:53] <crutchy> ~rehash
[13:44:54] <exec> successfully reloaded exec file
[13:44:58] <crutchy> ~chatmap
[13:48:10] <tama> tama and ciri are buttbuddies
[13:48:12] <ciri> Gives tama virginity.
[13:48:12] <tama> I already have virginity.
[13:48:32] <crutchy> lol
[13:49:56] <crutchy> ~rehash
[13:49:57] <exec> successfully reloaded exec file
[13:50:03] <crutchy> ~chart
[13:52:45] <crutchy> ~chart
[13:53:13] <crutchy> ~chart
[13:53:49] <crutchy> ~chart
[13:54:26] <crutchy> ~chart
[13:54:54] <crutchy> ~chart
[13:56:37] <crutchy> ~chart
[13:58:08] <crutchy> ~chart
[14:00:43] <crutchy> ~chart
[14:02:16] <crutchy> ~chart
[14:03:26] <crutchy> ~chart
[14:07:11] <tama> champions are tougher and usually have elemental immunities
[15:00:24] -!- Bender has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[15:01:45] -!- Bender [Bender!~Bender@xs508-09.members.linode.com] has joined #
[21:42:18] <arti> http://www.reddit.com
[21:42:18] <Cereal> ^ 03[live] Live Feed for riot and protest in Ferguson, MO. Scanner reports, news links
[21:45:26] <tama> pussy is eaten everywhere
[22:10:32] <chromas> copyright_infringement_takedowns--
[22:10:32] <Bender> karma - copyright_infringement_takedowns: -1
[22:14:27] <tama> ciri is not to be trusted.
[22:15:26] <paulej72> too true
[22:15:44] <paulej72> tama: ciri is a badass
[22:15:44] <tama> Okay, paulej72.
[22:19:27] <tama> tama is an easy lay
[22:20:53] <paulej72> tama: we are not amused
[22:20:53] <tama> Okay, paulej72.
[22:24:27] <tama> bronies are number two.
[22:30:33] <chromas> tama, systemd is like the ACA
[22:30:33] <tama> Okay, chromas.
[22:34:28] <tama> bewbs are running for president
[23:27:30] * chromas gives tama cheese sauce
[23:27:30] * tama is now carrying cheese sauce, but dropped iced chocolate water.
[23:31:29] <tama> your inventory is volatile