#wiki | Logs for 2015-12-12

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[00:48:08] <crutchy> changed exec's wiki password to something a bit more challenging
[00:48:35] <crutchy> ~exec-suggest wiki banctl functions
[00:49:04] <chromas> hunter12345
[00:49:17] <crutchy> ~suggest-exec wiki banctl functions
[00:49:24] <x> *** suggestion successfully added to wiki - http://sylnt.us
[00:49:30] <crutchy> yay still works
[06:57:57] <crutchy> ~wiki login
[06:58:00] <x> error: not authorized
[07:01:18] <crutchy> i've been dumped :(
[07:02:51] <crutchy> ~wiki login
[07:02:55] <x> 13wiki: login=Success, username=Exec (userid=1546)
[07:03:10] <crutchy> yay. makeup sex
[07:05:23] x is now known as xy
[07:06:39] -!- xy has quit [Quit: dafuq]
[07:11:09] -!- x [x!~x@709-27-2-01.cust.aussiebb.net] has joined #wiki
[07:11:19] <crutchy> ~wiki login
[07:11:22] <x> 13wiki: login=Success, username=Exec (userid=1546)
[07:20:15] <crutchy> .delpage Test page
[07:36:38] <crutchy> .delpage Test page
[08:26:34] <crutchy> slow going, but so far so good
[08:26:41] <crutchy> gots mah token
[09:26:44] <crutchy> .delpage Test page
[09:26:47] <x> 13wiki: delpage=badtoken
[09:27:52] <crutchy> .delpage Test page
[09:27:54] <x> 13wiki: delpage=badtoken
[09:32:02] <crutchy> .delpage Test page
[09:32:05] <x> 13wiki: delpage=badtoken
[09:37:00] <crutchy> .delpage Test page
[09:37:03] <x> 13wiki: delpage=mustposttoken
[09:37:58] <crutchy> .delpage Test page
[09:38:00] <x> 13wiki: delpage=badtoken
[09:53:53] <crutchy> .delpage Test page
[09:55:07] <crutchy> .delpage Test page
[09:57:52] <crutchy> oops. was double-encoding the token :/
[09:58:00] <crutchy> .delpage Test page
[09:58:25] <crutchy> shit. now i gotta make another test page
[10:04:56] <crutchy> ~wiki Test page||test page for bot development
[10:04:58] <x> wiki: no action specified
[10:05:10] <crutchy> ~wiki edit Test page||test page for bot development
[10:05:12] <x> 13wiki: edit=invalid title/section
[10:06:01] <crutchy> ~wiki edit Test page|intro|test page for bot development
[10:06:05] <x> 13wiki: edit=error getting sections for page "Test page"
[10:06:14] <crutchy> :/
[10:16:07] <crutchy> hmm. i think i might have done that deliberately
[10:17:08] <WikiRC> 14[[07Test page14]]4 N10 02http://wiki.soylentnews.org/w/index.php?oldid=9439&rcid=13484 5* 03Crutchy 5* (+15) 10Created page with "bot development"
[10:17:29] <crutchy> .delpage Test page
[10:17:32] <x> 13wiki: delpage=9027
[10:17:47] <crutchy> [[Test page]]
[10:18:16] <WikiRC> 14[[07Test page14]]4 N10 02http://wiki.soylentnews.org/w/index.php?oldid=9440&rcid=13486 5* 03Crutchy 5* (+20) 10Created page with "moar bot development"
[10:18:21] <crutchy> [[Test page]]
[10:18:22] <x> 03Test page => 13moar bot development
[10:18:22] <x> └─ 02http://wiki.soylentnews.org/wiki/Test_page
[10:24:07] <WikiRC> 14[[07User:Exec14]]4 10 02http://wiki.soylentnews.org/w/index.php?diff=9441&oldid=9127&rcid=13487 5* 03Crutchy 5* (-499) 10
[10:24:31] <WikiRC> 14[[07User:Exec14]]4 M10 02http://wiki.soylentnews.org/w/index.php?diff=9442&oldid=9441&rcid=13488 5* 03Crutchy 5* (-12) 10
[10:31:18] <WikiRC> 14[[07IRC14]]4 M10 02http://wiki.soylentnews.org/w/index.php?diff=9443&oldid=9341&rcid=13489 5* 03Crutchy 5* (+6) 10updated exec devs/ops
[10:39:30] <crutchy> might leave admin functions manual for now
[10:40:09] <crutchy> no skynet mode
[10:42:51] <crutchy> ~wiki logout
[10:42:55] <x> 13wiki: successfully logged out
[10:43:14] <chromas> ~emit-terminator
[10:44:53] <crutchy> .delpage fart
[10:44:57] <x> 13wiki: delpage=missingtitle
[10:45:17] <crutchy> .delpage
[10:45:20] <x> 13wiki: delpage=invalid title
[10:45:23] <crutchy> .delpage
[10:45:24] <x> 13wiki: delpage=invalid title
[10:52:56] <WikiRC> 14[[07IRC:exec14]]4 M10 02http://wiki.soylentnews.org/w/index.php?diff=9444&oldid=9426&rcid=13490 5* 03Crutchy 5* (+93) 10added delpage
[23:03:49] <crutchy> .delpage Test page
[23:03:50] <x> page with title "Test page" added to wiki del pages file. need another authorized account to finalize page deletion
[23:04:01] <crutchy> chromas, you there dude?
[23:04:35] <crutchy> hmm. guess i could fudge x as authorized for the time being
[23:04:46] <chromas> 💩 :D
[23:05:23] <crutchy> hey hey :)
[23:05:31] <crutchy> can you do ".delpage Test page" for me?
[23:05:41] <chromas> .delpage Test page
[23:05:42] <x> page with title "Test page" added to wiki del pages file. need another authorized account to finalize page deletion
[23:05:47] <crutchy> :<
[23:05:56] <crutchy> ta
[23:06:00] <crutchy> stupid script
[23:07:54] <crutchy> .delpage Test page
[23:07:55] <x> page with title "Test page" added to wiki del pages file. need another authorized account to finalize page deletion
[23:08:06] <crutchy> now try
[23:08:12] <chromas> .delpage Test page
[23:08:12] <x> error: not authorized
[23:08:13] <x> login error
[23:08:27] <crutchy> bugger
[23:08:38] <crutchy> didn't write to the file either :(
[23:10:08] <crutchy> .delpage Test page
[23:10:08] <x> page with title "Test page" added to wiki del pages file. need another authorized account to finalize page deletion
[23:10:15] <chromas> .delpage Test page
[23:10:16] <x> error: not authorized
[23:10:16] <x> login error
[23:10:27] <crutchy> at least it wrote to the file that time
[23:12:35] <crutchy> how the fuck was it able to return both those messages has got me stuffed
[23:13:04] <crutchy> esp since there's a return immediately after the first one :/
[23:14:30] <crutchy> bugger. gotta go
[23:14:35] * crutchy pushes to github
[23:15:32] <chromas> see yas
[23:17:20] <crutchy> cya mate
[23:17:32] <crutchy> thanks for your help :)
[23:21:38] <chromas> welcome ;)