#wiki | Logs for 2014-06-09

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[03:05:35] -!- Bytram|away [Bytram|away!~pc@Soylent/Staff/Developer/martyb] has joined #wiki
[04:01:59] -!- Bytram|away has quit [Quit: Leaving]
[13:22:18] -!- Bytram|away [Bytram|away!~pc@Soylent/Staff/Developer/martyb] has joined #wiki
[13:23:16] Bytram|away is now known as Bytram
[14:28:29] Bytram is now known as Bytram|afk
[15:24:57] Bytram|afk is now known as Bytram|away
[15:25:14] -!- Bytram|away has quit [Quit: Leaving]
[17:53:04] <WikiRC> 14[[07WhosWho14]]4 10 02http://wiki.soylentnews.org/w/index.php?diff=7689&oldid=7484&rcid=10749 5* 03Mrcoolbp 5* (+0) 10/* Content */
[17:54:06] <WikiRC> 14[[07WhosWho14]]4 10 02http://wiki.soylentnews.org/w/index.php?diff=7690&oldid=7689&rcid=10750 5* 03Mrcoolbp 5* (+0) 10/* Team Contacts */ changing Content -> Editors
[18:36:47] <WikiRC> 14[[07Editors14]]4 10 02http://wiki.soylentnews.org/w/index.php?diff=7691&oldid=7685&rcid=10751 5* 03Mrcoolbp 5* (-71) 10/* Who we are */ removing staff members that vanished
[18:38:38] <WikiRC> 14[[07UserExperience14]]4 10 02http://wiki.soylentnews.org/w/index.php?diff=7692&oldid=7686&rcid=10752 5* 03Mrcoolbp 5* (-157) 10/* Who we are */ removed a bunch of people that we haven't heard from (I left Frogblast as I'm hoping he may still return....)
[18:44:50] <WikiRC> 14[[07FAQ14]]4 10 02http://wiki.soylentnews.org/w/index.php?diff=7693&oldid=7542&rcid=10753 5* 03Mrcoolbp 5* (-6) 10/* What is this site about? */ updated URLs to the new dynamic versions (old versions 404)
[18:47:19] <WikiRC> 14[[07FAQ14]]4 10 02http://wiki.soylentnews.org/w/index.php?diff=7694&oldid=7693&rcid=10754 5* 03Mrcoolbp 5* (+157) 10/* Frequently Asked Questions */ added FAQ for "only logged in users can edit"
[19:26:58] <WikiRC> 14[[07UserExperience14]]4 10 02http://wiki.soylentnews.org/w/index.php?diff=7695&oldid=7692&rcid=10755 5* 03Mrcoolbp 5* (+93) 10added some to-do items
[21:15:00] -!- bspar has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
[21:17:57] -!- bspar [bspar!~dimwit@waol.bspar.org] has joined #wiki