#wiki | Logs for 2014-03-14

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[00:12:39] <baaaacon> [WikiRecentChanges] - User:Casey188 - http://sylnt.us
[00:51:06] <baaaacon> [WikiRecentChanges] - Development - http://sylnt.us
[01:22:30] <baaaacon> [WikiRecentChanges] - CssWork - http://sylnt.us
[01:25:33] <baaaacon> [WikiRecentChanges] - GitUse - http://sylnt.us || GitUse - http://sylnt.us
[01:33:39] <baaaacon> [WikiRecentChanges] - GitUse - http://sylnt.us
[01:34:41] <baaaacon> [WikiRecentChanges] - GitUse - http://sylnt.us
[01:52:53] <baaaacon> [WikiRecentChanges] - GitUse - http://sylnt.us
[02:06:04] <baaaacon> [WikiRecentChanges] - Fashionable Yet Cheap Watches - http://sylnt.us
[05:01:16] <baaaacon> [WikiRecentChanges] - Zetaclear Nail Fungus Relief Will It Truly Work For You? - http://sylnt.us
[05:34:41] <baaaacon> [WikiRecentChanges] - Setting And Reaching Muscle Building Goals - http://sylnt.us
[08:10:38] <baaaacon> [WikiRecentChanges] - User:AllieTranaxzao - http://sylnt.us
[08:16:43] <baaaacon> [WikiRecentChanges] - User:AllieTranaxzao - http://sylnt.us
[10:18:14] <baaaacon> [WikiRecentChanges] - User:ToneyDuffield - http://sylnt.us
[10:21:18] <baaaacon> [WikiRecentChanges] - User:ToneyDuffield - http://sylnt.us
[10:36:24] -!- FunPika [FunPika!~FunPika@Soylent/Staff/Wiki/FunPika] has joined #wiki
[10:36:24] -!- mode/#wiki [+v FunPika] by ChanServ
[10:44:48] -!- FunPika has quit [Quit: ChatZilla [Firefox 27.0.1/20140212131424]]
[10:59:46] <baaaacon> [WikiRecentChanges] - User:Crutchy - http://sylnt.us
[11:08:52] <baaaacon> [WikiRecentChanges] - User:Crutchy - http://sylnt.us
[11:10:54] <baaaacon> [WikiRecentChanges] - User:Crutchy - http://sylnt.us
[11:11:57] <baaaacon> [WikiRecentChanges] - User:Crutchy - http://sylnt.us
[11:13:56] <baaaacon> [WikiRecentChanges] - User:Crutchy - http://sylnt.us
[11:14:57] <baaaacon> [WikiRecentChanges] - User:Crutchy - http://sylnt.us
[11:26:07] <baaaacon> [WikiRecentChanges] - Wiki - http://sylnt.us || User:Crutchy - http://sylnt.us
[11:27:08] <baaaacon> [WikiRecentChanges] - User:Crutchy - http://sylnt.us
[11:29:08] <baaaacon> [WikiRecentChanges] - User:Crutchy - http://sylnt.us
[11:48:22] <baaaacon> [WikiRecentChanges] - User:Crutchy - http://sylnt.us
[11:49:23] <baaaacon> [WikiRecentChanges] - User:Crutchy - http://sylnt.us
[11:50:24] <baaaacon> [WikiRecentChanges] - User:Crutchy - http://sylnt.us
[11:57:32] <baaaacon> [WikiRecentChanges] - TodoList - http://sylnt.us || User:Crutchy - http://sylnt.us
[12:00:33] <baaaacon> [WikiRecentChanges] - TodoList - http://sylnt.us || User:Crutchy - http://sylnt.us
[12:40:03] <baaaacon> [WikiRecentChanges] - TodoList - http://sylnt.us || User:Kris228 - http://sylnt.us
[12:43:07] <baaaacon> [WikiRecentChanges] - TodoList - http://sylnt.us || User:Crutchy - http://sylnt.us
[12:45:07] <baaaacon> [WikiRecentChanges] - AudioGuyWorkNotes - http://sylnt.us || User:Crutchy - http://sylnt.us
[12:47:06] <baaaacon> [WikiRecentChanges] - User:Crutchy - http://sylnt.us
[12:51:09] <baaaacon> [WikiRecentChanges] - GitUse - http://sylnt.us
[12:55:14] <baaaacon> [WikiRecentChanges] - CssWork - http://sylnt.us || User:Crutchy - http://sylnt.us
[12:57:14] <baaaacon> [WikiRecentChanges] - Development - http://sylnt.us
[12:59:16] <baaaacon> [WikiRecentChanges] - GitUse - http://sylnt.us || Development - http://sylnt.us
[13:03:21] <baaaacon> [WikiRecentChanges] - User:Crutchy - http://sylnt.us
[13:07:22] <baaaacon> [WikiRecentChanges] - User:Crutchy - http://sylnt.us
[13:13:28] <baaaacon> [WikiRecentChanges] - User:Crutchy - http://sylnt.us
[13:38:48] <baaaacon> [WikiRecentChanges] - User:Crutchy - http://sylnt.us
[14:56:45] <baaaacon> [WikiRecentChanges] - Suggestions - http://sylnt.us
[17:23:37] <baaaacon> [WikiRecentChanges] - GitUse - http://sylnt.us || IncidentLog - http://sylnt.us
[17:29:41] <baaaacon> [WikiRecentChanges] - IncidentLog - http://sylnt.us
[17:35:45] <baaaacon> [WikiRecentChanges] - IncidentLog - http://sylnt.us
[19:29:18] -!- baaaacon has quit [Excess Flood]
[19:30:03] -!- baaaacon [baaaacon!~Bender@Soylent/Bot/Bender] has joined #wiki
[19:35:30] -!- baaaacon has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[19:37:21] -!- baaaacon [baaaacon!~Bender@Soylent/Bot/Bender] has joined #wiki
[20:05:30] <baaaacon> [WikiRecentChanges] - User:CierrMp862 - http://sylnt.us
[20:23:43] -!- baaaacon has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[20:26:17] -!- baaaacon [baaaacon!~Bender@Soylent/Bot/Bender] has joined #wiki
[20:45:56] -!- FunPika [FunPika!~FunPika@Soylent/Staff/Wiki/FunPika] has joined #wiki
[20:45:56] -!- mode/#wiki [+v FunPika] by ChanServ
[20:48:22] <baaaacon> [WikiRecentChanges] - CommunitySupport - http://sylnt.us
[20:50:13] <baaaacon> [WikiRecentChanges] - CommunitySupport - http://sylnt.us
[20:51:13] <baaaacon> [WikiRecentChanges] - CommunitySupport - http://sylnt.us
[20:52:17] <baaaacon> [WikiRecentChanges] - CommunitySupport - http://sylnt.us
[20:56:20] <baaaacon> [WikiRecentChanges] - User:Crutchy - http://sylnt.us || Fashionable Yet Cheap Watches - http://sylnt.us || User:Idalia35 - http://sylnt.us || Zetaclear Nail Fungus Relief Will It Truly Work For You? - http://sylnt.us || Setting And Reaching Muscle Building Goals - http://sylnt.us
[20:57:21] <baaaacon> [WikiRecentChanges] - User:Crutchy - http://sylnt.us || Development - http://sylnt.us
[21:00:21] <baaaacon> [WikiRecentChanges] - User:Crutchy - http://sylnt.us || Dev/Sys - http://sylnt.us
[21:03:24] <baaaacon> [WikiRecentChanges] - User:Crutchy - http://sylnt.us || Dev/Sys - http://sylnt.us
[21:18:35] <baaaacon> [WikiRecentChanges] - User:Crutchy - http://sylnt.us || User:Karol211 - http://sylnt.us
[21:28:43] <baaaacon> [WikiRecentChanges] - User:Crutchy - http://sylnt.us || Wiki - http://sylnt.us
[21:31:45] <baaaacon> [WikiRecentChanges] - User:Crutchy - http://sylnt.us || Suggestions - http://sylnt.us
[21:41:53] <baaaacon> [WikiRecentChanges] - User:Crutchy - http://sylnt.us || Banner Ads - http://sylnt.us
[21:43:55] <baaaacon> [WikiRecentChanges] - User:Crutchy - http://sylnt.us || Lighten your credit card debt load -- strategies for eliminating debt - Ottawa financial planning - http://sylnt.us || WhosWho - http://sylnt.us
[21:51:00] <baaaacon> [WikiRecentChanges] - User:Crutchy - http://sylnt.us || User:Mrcoolbp - http://sylnt.us
[21:55:03] <baaaacon> [WikiRecentChanges] - User:Crutchy - http://sylnt.us || Development - http://sylnt.us
[21:59:07] <baaaacon> [WikiRecentChanges] - User:Crutchy - http://sylnt.us || DevelopmentVMHowto - http://sylnt.us
[22:01:08] <baaaacon> [WikiRecentChanges] - User:Crutchy - http://sylnt.us || Suggestions - http://sylnt.us
[22:03:11] <baaaacon> [WikiRecentChanges] - WhosWho - http://sylnt.us
[22:08:14] <baaaacon> [WikiRecentChanges] - WhosWho - http://sylnt.us
[22:12:33] -!- mode/#wiki [+v NCommander] by ChanServ
[22:14:18] <baaaacon> [WikiRecentChanges] - User:Crutchy - http://sylnt.us || WhosWho - http://sylnt.us
[22:16:20] <baaaacon> [WikiRecentChanges] - User:Crutchy - http://sylnt.us || WhosWho - http://sylnt.us
[22:17:20] <baaaacon> [WikiRecentChanges] - User:Crutchy - http://sylnt.us || Wiki - http://sylnt.us
[22:18:23] <baaaacon> [WikiRecentChanges] - User:Crutchy - http://sylnt.us || Wiki - http://sylnt.us
[22:20:22] <baaaacon> [WikiRecentChanges] - WhosWho - http://sylnt.us
[22:21:23] <baaaacon> [WikiRecentChanges] - WhosWho - http://sylnt.us
[22:22:57] -!- drcoolbp [drcoolbp!~mrcoolbp@Soylent/Staff/mrcoolbp] has joined #wiki
[22:22:57] -!- mode/#wiki [+v drcoolbp] by ChanServ
[22:26:08] -!- mattie_p [mattie_p!~mattie_p@Soylent/Staff/Editor/mattiep] has joined #wiki
[22:26:08] -!- mode/#wiki [+v mattie_p] by ChanServ
[22:28:30] <baaaacon> [WikiRecentChanges] - UserExperience - http://sylnt.us
[22:30:30] <baaaacon> [WikiRecentChanges] - UserExperience - http://sylnt.us || WhosWho - http://sylnt.us
[22:31:31] <baaaacon> [WikiRecentChanges] - Development - http://sylnt.us || WhosWho - http://sylnt.us
[22:32:31] <baaaacon> [WikiRecentChanges] - WhosWho - http://sylnt.us
[22:36:36] <baaaacon> [WikiRecentChanges] - User:Crutchy - http://sylnt.us || My Dental office the Comedian - http://sylnt.us || WhosWho - http://sylnt.us
[22:39:38] <baaaacon> [WikiRecentChanges] - User:Crutchy - http://sylnt.us || IRC - http://sylnt.us
[22:39:44] <FunPika> drcoolbp: If you feel like trying out your wiki admin privileges, some spam just showed up on there ;)
[22:40:12] <drcoolbp> okay, let me see here....
[22:41:47] <drcoolbp> should I "block" the user? Delete the page?
[22:41:54] <drcoolbp> Delete all contents of the page?
[22:41:58] <FunPika> both
[22:41:58] <drcoolbp> hmmm
[22:42:13] <drcoolbp> is there a delete page or would you just undo the edit
[22:43:10] <FunPika> there should be a dropdown menu to the left of the search menu if you are using the default skin that contains the options to move, delete, and protect a page
[22:43:49] <FunPika> *search bar
[22:43:50] <drcoolbp> I used "http://wiki.soylentnews.org/wiki/index.php/Special:RecentChanges" to find the spam
[22:44:20] <drcoolbp> Oh I see it
[22:44:36] <drcoolbp> done
[22:44:43] <drcoolbp> cool, thanks for teaching me
[22:45:05] <FunPika> no problem
[22:45:41] <baaaacon> [WikiRecentChanges] - My Dental office the Comedian - http://sylnt.us
[22:47:43] <baaaacon> [WikiRecentChanges] - Open Projects - http://sylnt.us
[22:48:47] <baaaacon> [WikiRecentChanges] - IncidentLog - http://sylnt.us || SoylentNews - http://sylnt.us || Suggestions - http://sylnt.us
[22:50:47] <baaaacon> [WikiRecentChanges] - IncidentLog - http://sylnt.us || UserExperience - http://sylnt.us || Open Projects - http://sylnt.us
[22:51:20] <drcoolbp> FunPika: so you watch here for spam obviously. Do you actually check all changes?
[22:52:25] <FunPika> I check any changes from a name I don't recognize
[22:52:36] <drcoolbp> ah
[22:52:48] <drcoolbp> but it doesn't tell you who made the changes in here
[22:52:58] <drcoolbp> that would certainly make your job easier no?
[22:53:40] <FunPika> Yes, and there is something on the todo list for the wiki to deal with that
[22:54:10] <FunPika> specifically configuring the wiki to use its recent changes UDP stream, and to stick an IRC bot that is listening to it in here to replace baaaacon
[22:54:38] <drcoolbp> wow, I never realized how much I spam this room
[22:54:40] <drcoolbp> sorry about that
[22:54:48] <baaaacon> [WikiRecentChanges] - CommunitySupport - http://sylnt.us
[22:54:52] <drcoolbp> = )
[22:54:59] <drcoolbp> there's another one....
[23:01:54] <baaaacon> [WikiRecentChanges] - Work with Correct Accidental Injury Legal professional - http://sylnt.us
[23:03:58] <baaaacon> [WikiRecentChanges] - CommunitySupport - http://sylnt.us || Editors - http://sylnt.us
[23:06:27] -!- FunPika has quit [Quit: Leaving]
[23:12:16] -!- drcoolbp has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
[23:14:22] -!- drcoolbp [drcoolbp!~mrcoolbp@Soylent/Staff/mrcoolbp] has joined #wiki
[23:14:22] -!- mode/#wiki [+v drcoolbp] by ChanServ
[23:16:05] -!- drcoolbp has quit [Client Quit]
[23:16:18] -!- drcoolbp [drcoolbp!~mrcoolbp@Soylent/Staff/mrcoolbp] has joined #wiki
[23:16:18] -!- mode/#wiki [+v drcoolbp] by ChanServ
[23:18:19] baaaacon is now known as theProphecyWillB
[23:18:52] theProphecyWillB is now known as PropheciesWillBe
[23:28:14] <PropheciesWillBe> [WikiRecentChanges] - CommunitySupport - http://sylnt.us || Retain the services of Proper Personal Injury Legal professional - http://sylnt.us
[23:32:11] <drcoolbp> ^^^ deleted and blocked
[23:32:17] <PropheciesWillBe> [WikiRecentChanges] - CommunitySupport - http://sylnt.us || Retain the services of Proper Personal Injury Legal professional - http://sylnt.us
[23:36:20] <PropheciesWillBe> [WikiRecentChanges] - WhosWho - http://sylnt.us
[23:44:28] <PropheciesWillBe> [WikiRecentChanges] - WhosWho - http://sylnt.us
[23:46:27] <PropheciesWillBe> [WikiRecentChanges] - WhosWho - http://sylnt.us
[23:46:35] PropheciesWillBe is now known as Bender
[23:54:36] <Bender> [WikiRecentChanges] - Editors - http://sylnt.us
[23:58:27] -!- drcoolbp has quit []