#wiki | Logs for 2014-03-05 - Select a date

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[15:45:20] -!- Loggie [Loggie!Loggie@Soylent/Bot/Bender] has joined #wiki
[15:45:41] <Bender> [WikiRecentChanges] - Style - http://sylnt.us || User:EmmettCrowe - http://sylnt.us
[16:03:48] <Bender> [WikiRecentChanges] - Style - http://sylnt.us || Best articles.com - http://sylnt.us || Web Design Services - http://sylnt.us || Gather - http://sylnt.us
[16:04:20] <FatPhil> cosurgi: the wiki needs more admins in more time zones
[16:14:31] -!- xlefay [xlefay!~xlefay@Soylent/Users/65/xlefay] has joined #wiki
[16:14:57] -!- xlefay [xlefay!~xlefay@Soylent/Users/65/xlefay] has parted #wiki
[16:27:01] <Bender> [WikiRecentChanges] - Quality Web Design and Affordable SEO Services India by John Anthony - http://sylnt.us
[16:41:19] <cosurgi> FatPhil: exactly. And in fact I am involved in wiki. That's why I am part of the staff :)
[16:41:42] <cosurgi> but so far I was only working on improving existing pages. That didn't require privileages to delete pages. Now I need those.
[16:41:51] * cosurgi lives in Poland.
[16:42:02] * FatPhil is planning a trip to Poland...
[16:42:35] * cosurgi is actually a tourist guide in polish mountains Sudety. But forgot everything in past 15 years ;)
[16:43:43] <FatPhil> Cool
[16:44:25] <cosurgi> s/is/was/g
[16:44:26] <cosurgi> :)
[16:45:52] <FatPhil> I don't know if I'll make it that far south.
[16:46:15] <cosurgi> actually I live by the sea, on the north.
[16:46:32] <cosurgi> that's why I got interested in mountains: they were far away.
[16:46:47] <cosurgi> besides, the sea is exceptionally boring and flat.
[16:47:15] * FatPhil is on the Baltic too - Tallinn
[20:08:29] <Bender> [WikiRecentChanges] - CssWork - http://sylnt.us
[20:36:33] <Bender> [WikiRecentChanges] - Style - http://sylnt.us || User:Reynaldo849 - http://sylnt.us
[20:49:42] -!- FunPika [FunPika!~FunPika@Soylent/Staff/Wiki/FunPika] has joined #wiki
[20:49:42] -!- mode/#wiki [+v FunPika] by ChanServ
[21:03:30] <Bender> [WikiRecentChanges] - User:Crutchy - http://sylnt.us || Best articles.com - http://sylnt.us
[21:04:32] <Bender> [WikiRecentChanges] - Professional Web Design Services - http://sylnt.us || Gather - http://sylnt.us || User:Stormy773 - http://sylnt.us || Reasons to Build a Web Design Portfolio Prior to Graduation - Yahoo Voices - voices.yahoo.com - http://sylnt.us
[21:05:36] <Bender> [WikiRecentChanges] - North london plumbers in your area - http://sylnt.us || Review of Trick Photography Book and Special Effects 2nd Edition by Evan Sharboneau - http://sylnt.us || CssWork - http://sylnt.us || Web Design Services - http://sylnt.us
[21:07:34] <Bender> [WikiRecentChanges] - Quality Web Design and Affordable SEO Services India by John Anthony - http://sylnt.us || CssWork - http://sylnt.us
[21:08:32] <Bender> [WikiRecentChanges] - AudioGuyWorkNotes - http://sylnt.us
[21:09:33] <Bender> [WikiRecentChanges] - CssWork - http://sylnt.us
[21:11:36] <Bender> [WikiRecentChanges] - Style - http://sylnt.us || AudioGuyWorkNotes - http://sylnt.us
[21:12:50] <Bender> [WikiRecentChanges] - Style - http://sylnt.us || AudioGuyWorkNotes - http://sylnt.us
[21:14:51] <Bender> [WikiRecentChanges] - Style - http://sylnt.us || AudioGuyWorkNotes - http://sylnt.us
[21:16:11] <Bender> [WikiRecentChanges] - AudioGuyWorkNotes - http://sylnt.us
[21:18:12] <Bender> [WikiRecentChanges] - SlashDocumentationIndex - http://sylnt.us || SlashDocumentationIndex - http://sylnt.us
[21:20:15] <Bender> [WikiRecentChanges] - CssWork - http://sylnt.us || SlashDocumentationIndex - http://sylnt.us
[21:21:14] <Bender> [WikiRecentChanges] - SlashDocumentationIndex - http://sylnt.us
[21:23:14] <Bender> [WikiRecentChanges] - CssWork - http://sylnt.us
[21:28:19] <Bender> [WikiRecentChanges] - User:Cierra327 - http://sylnt.us || SlashDocumentationIndex - http://sylnt.us
[21:29:18] <Bender> [WikiRecentChanges] - SlashDocumentationIndex - http://sylnt.us
[21:30:20] <Bender> [WikiRecentChanges] - BED BUG REMOVAL SERVICE NJ - http://sylnt.us
[21:36:27] <Bender> [WikiRecentChanges] - IndexPlWalkthroughNotes - http://sylnt.us
[21:38:27] <Bender> [WikiRecentChanges] - IndexPlWalkthroughNotes - http://sylnt.us
[21:39:28] <Bender> [WikiRecentChanges] - CssWork - http://sylnt.us || BED BUG REMOVAL SERVICE NJ - http://sylnt.us
[21:40:28] <Bender> [WikiRecentChanges] - IndexPlWalkthroughNotes - http://sylnt.us
[21:52:37] <Bender> [WikiRecentChanges] - IndexPlWalkthroughNotes - http://sylnt.us
[22:02:09] -!- FunPika has quit [Quit: Leaving]
[22:29:02] -!- FunPika [FunPika!~FunPika@Soylent/Staff/Wiki/FunPika] has joined #wiki
[22:29:02] -!- mode/#wiki [+v FunPika] by ChanServ
[22:38:37] <Bender> [WikiRecentChanges] - User:Crutchy - http://sylnt.us || SlashDocumentationIndex - http://sylnt.us
[22:59:56] <Bender> [WikiRecentChanges] - User:Crutchy - http://sylnt.us || PerlModuleUtility - http://sylnt.us
[23:00:57] <Bender> [WikiRecentChanges] - User:Crutchy - http://sylnt.us || PerlModuleUtility - http://sylnt.us
[23:01:57] -!- FunPika has quit [Quit: Leaving]
[23:05:00] <Bender> [WikiRecentChanges] - User:Crutchy - http://sylnt.us || PerlModuleUtility - http://sylnt.us
[23:15:07] <Bender> [WikiRecentChanges] - IndexPlWalkthroughNotes - http://sylnt.us
[23:17:10] <Bender> [WikiRecentChanges] - User:PYSCassand - http://sylnt.us
[23:19:10] <Bender> [WikiRecentChanges] - IndexPlWalkthroughNotes - http://sylnt.us
[23:19:37] -!- Bender has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[23:20:12] -!- Bender [Bender!~Bender@Soylent/Bot/Bender] has joined #wiki
[23:20:44] <Bender> [WikiRecentChanges] - PerlModuleUtility - http://sylnt.us
[23:22:48] <Bender> [WikiRecentChanges] - PerlModuleUtility - http://sylnt.us
[23:46:05] <Bender> [WikiRecentChanges] - CssWork - http://sylnt.us