#staff | Logs for 2023-08-03

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[01:26:07] <kolie> audioguy, yea
[01:26:16] <kolie> hesiod - lol
[01:26:25] <kolie> I mean it comes with nc's dns obession.
[01:26:38] <kolie> Which don't get me wrong - I do a lot of weird shit with dns.
[01:26:51] <kolie> But hesiod was replaced with ldap and shit long time after.
[01:28:54] <kolie> I have a coredns api that I'm tied into for my pub infra. When I saw how soylent was using hesiod - I made up a web panel to add hesiod records into systems with ACL's on who could add what and what groups. Basically active directory for dummies GUI backed by coredns.
[02:31:23] <audioguy> He set it up that way at first. It was unreliable. We don't need all the fine tuned access stuff
[02:31:41] <audioguy> There is a lot of trust here.
[02:32:36] <audioguy> We only need three, at most four machnes. Normal ssh access willwork fine. KISS principle.
[02:32:57] <audioguy> any response in the other place.
[08:49:39] <sylvester> 2023-08-03 10:49:38 04soylentnews CRITICAL HTTPS Certificate soylentnews.org00 CRITICAL - Certificate *.soylentnews.org expires in 9 day(s) (Sun 13 Aug 2023 04:39:41 AM GMT +0000).
[10:49:09] <sylvester> 2023-08-03 12:49:09 04mail.soylentnews CRITICAL SMTP STARTTLS Certificate00 CRITICAL - Certificate *.soylentnews.org expires in 9 day(s) (Sun 13 Aug 2023 04:39:41 AM GMT +0000).
[16:55:47] <kolie> Yea wasn't mentioning it - just was cool how twisted hesiod is.
[16:55:58] <kolie> SSH keys is very simple and appropriate for a small system.
[19:26:22] <sylvester> 2023-08-03 21:26:21 04mail.soylentnews CRITICAL SMTP Submission Certificate00 CRITICAL - Certificate *.soylentnews.org expires in 9 day(s) (Sun 13 Aug 2023 04:39:41 AM GMT +0000).
[19:29:01] <kolie> it is nice to make one change and reflect on all machines though - the same can be achieved with system configuration via code like ansible/chef/etc for consistent management without the complexity in system.