#staff | Logs for 2023-02-02

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[09:47:31] <sylvester> 2023-02-02 10:47:31 04mail.soylentnews CRITICAL PING IPv400 PING CRITICAL - Packet loss = 16%, RTA = 329.79 ms
[09:52:35] <sylvester> 2023-02-02 10:52:35 03mail.soylentnews OK PING IPv400 PING OK - Packet loss = 0%, RTA = 126.81 ms
[19:23:28] <Deucalion> .op
[19:23:28] -!- mode/#staff [+o Deucalion] by Ares
[19:24:18] Deucalion changed topic of #staff to: This is the channel for SoylentNews staff meetings | This channel is logged: https://logs.sylnt.us |
[19:25:34] Deucalion changed topic of #staff to: This is the channel for SoylentNews staff meetings | This channel is logged. https://logs.sylnt.us |
[19:25:41] Deucalion changed topic of #staff to: This is the channel for SoylentNews staff meetings | This channel is logged: https://logs.sylnt.us |
[19:25:46] <Deucalion> .deop
[19:25:46] -!- mode/#staff [-o Deucalion] by Ares
[19:34:06] <janrinok> Deucalion, I am still getting a 'Connection Refused' from the link in the topic heading.
[19:35:01] <janrinok> Is it working for you?
[19:37:24] <Deucalion> No, not working for me. Will let you know when done
[19:38:20] <janrinok> ok - I will stop clicking on that link and annoying you :)