#staff | Logs for 2022-11-10

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[13:19:44] -!- NCommander [NCommander!~mcasadeva@Soylent/Staff/Sysop/mcasadevall] has joined #staff
[13:19:44] -!- mode/#staff [+v NCommander] by Ares
[13:19:46] <NCommander> @quotes
[13:19:47] <NCommander> !quotes
[13:19:56] <NCommander> Hrm
[13:23:32] <janrinok> some of the bots might not be working
[15:44:11] <chromas> !quote 420
[15:44:19] <chromas> !bier
[15:44:36] <chromas> Since when does Bender get stuck?
[15:44:58] <chromas> oh
[15:45:26] -!- mode/#staff [+o chromas] by Ares
[15:45:27] -!- mode/#staff [+v Bender] by chromas
[15:45:31] <chromas> !quote 420
[15:45:31] <Bender> Can't find quote 420
[15:45:37] <janrinok> he _is_ a little rusty, quite understandably so.
[15:45:37] <chromas> !quote 2
[15:45:37] <Bender> Quote 2 - <NCommander> mattie_p: because I've been riding you like a cheap slut and think you could use some downtime?
[15:45:51] <chromas> it's because the channel is +m and Bender didn't have oice
[15:46:07] <janrinok> I like oice in my drinks....
[15:46:22] <janrinok> but I try not to say it in a posh voice
[16:04:36] <NCommander> !quote NCommander
[16:04:36] <Bender> Quote 0 - <NCommander> mattie_p, I dunno, are you going to mail me an explosive device if I have you edit ANOTHER 3k novel?
[16:04:40] <Bender> Also in quotes: 2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15, 17, 18, 19, 21, 22, 23, 25, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 35, 37, 42, 43, 46, 52, 53, 54, 55, 58, 61, 62, 66, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 89, 90, 91, 93, 95, 98, 99, 101, 102, 110, 111, 112, 114, 118, 119, 122, 123
[16:06:50] <NCommander> !quote 118
[16:06:50] <Bender> Quote 118 - <NCommander> xlefay, quick, point me at the federal government!
[16:06:53] <NCommander> !quote 119
[16:06:53] <Bender> Quote 119 - <NCommander> xlefay, I play idlerpg like I play real life. With determination and a big stick
[16:06:58] <NCommander> !quote 1122
[16:06:58] <Bender> Can't find quote 1122
[16:07:00] <NCommander> !quote 122
[16:07:00] <Bender> Quote 122 - <NCommander> Effective management is like effective torture, you need to use just the right amount
[16:14:43] <janrinok> That's the one!
[17:20:53] <NCommander> God, past me was seriously macarbe
[17:20:56] <NCommander> !quote 30
[17:20:56] <Bender> Quote 30 - <NCommander> mattie_p, well, that's why its a secret test of character. If it was a public test of character, it wouldn't be super useful :-P
[17:21:04] <NCommander> !quote 29
[17:21:04] <Bender> Quote 29 - <NCommander> mattie_p, argh, you had to introduce facts into this!
[17:21:09] <NCommander> !quote 31
[17:21:09] <Bender> Quote 31 - <NCommander> I realize mattie_p might have been a nice looking private, but that was a long time ago.
[17:21:17] <NCommander> !quote 42
[17:21:17] <Bender> Quote 42 - <NCommander> applesmasher, just make sure to wear a rubber and everything shall be forgiven
[17:21:22] <NCommander> ... wtf
[17:21:29] <NCommander> !quote 80
[17:21:29] <Bender> Quote 80 - <NCommander> xlefay, noble gases
[17:21:33] <NCommander> !quote 90
[17:21:33] <Bender> Quote 90 - <NCommander> paulej72, of course. I'm not a madman
[17:21:40] <NCommander> ... lie detected ...
[17:23:20] <mechanicjay> good 'ol paulej72
[17:30:17] * Bytram wonders how he's doing these days
[17:30:31] <NCommander> !quote 101
[17:30:31] <Bender> Quote 101 - <xlefay> I really should just /ignore NCommander, it's just so hard not to !grab his lines.
[17:30:37] <NCommander> !quote 99
[17:30:38] <Bender> Quote 99 - <NCommander> hrm
[17:30:41] <NCommander> !quote 98
[17:30:42] <Bender> Quote 98 - <NCommander> RUN LIKE FUCKING HELL BOYS, THE END TIMES ARE HERE!
[17:30:47] <NCommander> Oh, that's a vibe
[20:45:51] -!- MrPlow has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[20:47:22] -!- MrPlow [MrPlow!MrPlow@Soylent/BotArmy] has joined #staff
[20:47:23] -!- MrPlow has quit [Changing host]
[20:47:23] -!- MrPlow [MrPlow!MrPlow@nsa.gov] has joined #staff