#staff | Logs for 2014-09-04

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[00:00:16] <Bytram> http://wiki.soylentnews.org
[00:00:25] <Bytram> look at the VERY bottom of the page, on the right hand side
[00:00:32] <Bytram> CC BY SA
[00:00:56] <Bytram> Also: there is the text: "Content is available under Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike unless otherwise noted."
[00:01:20] <Bytram> Huh! and there's a privacy policy on the wiki: http://wiki.soylentnews.org
[00:01:24] <NCommander> lets get this consistent and conformed
[00:01:28] <mrcoolbp> Privacy Policy: "There is currently no text in this page"
[00:01:39] <NCommander> I don't think there will be much issue with fixing this going forward, as long as its not retroactive
[00:02:08] <Bytram> code on github... what license do we have there?
[00:02:18] <Bytram> GPL? v2? v3?
[00:02:49] <NCommander> GPLv2
[00:02:52] <Bytram> nod nod
[00:02:56] <NCommander> Which was the slash license, no provision to upgrade
[00:02:58] <NCommander> So that's decided
[00:03:25] <Bytram> TODOS: note: 'slashcode' for SN is GPL v2
[00:03:30] <Bytram> nod nod
[00:04:14] <NCommander> My stomach is gettng violently upset
[00:04:19] <matt_> shall we schedule the next meeting? say in 1-2 weeks?
[00:04:32] <NCommander> How about a week, but can we do it sometime other than Wednesday?
[00:04:38] <mrcoolbp> hmm
[00:04:44] * Bytram loads his schedule
[00:05:22] <mrcoolbp> NCommander: Friday maybe? Though I only have 7-8pm if matt_ can't start earlier
[00:05:37] * NCommander can make wednesday work, but they're a bit awkward for me
[00:05:56] <Bytram> brb
[00:05:57] <matt_> mrcoolbp, i can do Friday the 12th, and a little earlier, say 6pm?
[00:06:05] <mrcoolbp> that should work
[00:06:20] -!- mythterj [mythterj!mythterj@tonvizu.sdf.org] has joined #staff
[00:06:30] * Bytram is working until 6:15 EDT on friday.
[00:06:42] <mrcoolbp> Bytram: how long is the commute?
[00:06:52] <Bytram> 15 minutes
[00:06:59] <matt_> want to make it 6:30?
[00:07:13] <Bytram> but, *you* are the board, so make the time that works for you.
[00:07:20] * mrcoolbp pictures Bytram rushing home for the meeting
[00:07:28] <mrcoolbp> I'm fine with 6:30
[00:07:31] * NCommander pictures Bytram on IRC while driving
[00:07:40] <NCommander> That would be 2:30 PM my time
[00:07:42] <NCommander> That should be OK
[00:08:05] <mrcoolbp> great: matt: send another notification for us if you would?
[00:08:40] <matt_> mrcoolbp, will do!
[00:08:43] <Bytram> I might be able to get out early, or may get tied up... but I'll sure try hard to get here by 6:30PM EDT (what time is that UTC?)
[00:08:58] <mrcoolbp> + 4
[00:09:16] <mrcoolbp> 22:30 I think
[00:09:36] <Bytram> Friday, Sept 12 at 20:30 UTC
[00:10:05] <mrcoolbp> I thinks it's 22:30
[00:10:19] <Bytram> ugh, yes. 22:30
[00:10:29] <Bytram> but is that AM or PM? ;)
[00:10:43] <Bytram> Friday, Sept 12 at 22:30 UTC
[00:10:58] <mrcoolbp> yup yup
[00:10:58] <Bytram> anything else to discuss?
[00:11:18] * NCommander is done
[00:11:19] <mrcoolbp> not pressing
[00:11:21] <mrcoolbp> I move to Adjourn
[00:11:22] <matt_> nope
[00:11:23] <Bytram> matt_: would you be so kind to post the minutes on the wiki?
[00:11:23] <NCommander> Aye
[00:11:29] <NCommander> (and second)
[00:11:31] <mrcoolbp> lol
[00:11:32] <matt_> Aye!
[00:11:35] <mrcoolbp> Aye!
[00:11:55] <Bytram> meeting adjourned!
[00:12:00] * NCommander exhales
[00:12:01] <NCommander> yay
[00:12:03] <Bytram> thanks everyone!
[00:12:03] <mrcoolbp> yay
[00:12:10] <Bytram> wahooo!
[00:13:30] <mrcoolbp> .topic Everyone that doesn't have a voice or operator status in this channel: your messages will be forwarded to the channel ops (if there are none, feel free to PM an active user in the channel). | This channel is logged: http://logs.sylnt.us | SN PBC Board Meeting - Weds, Sept. 12 at 22:30 UTC (6:30pm EDT) in #staff, all are welcome
[00:13:30] juggler changed topic of #staff to: Everyone that doesn't have a voice or operator status in this channel: your messages will be forwarded to the channel ops (if there are none, feel free to PM an active user in the channel). | This channel is logged: http://logs.sylnt.us | SN PBC Board Meeting - Weds, Sept. 12 at 22:30 UTC (6:30pm EDT) in #staff, all are welcome
[00:13:46] <Bytram> mrcoolbp: thanks for that!!
[00:13:50] <mrcoolbp> np
[00:13:53] <mrcoolbp> .op
[00:13:53] -!- mode/#staff [+o mrcoolbp] by juggler
[00:13:58] * Bytram notices you took care of #soylent, too!
[00:14:04] <mrcoolbp> oops, none of us were opped
[00:14:22] <Bytram> orly?
[00:14:23] <Bytram> .op
[00:14:23] -!- mode/#staff [+o Bytram] by juggler
[00:14:32] -!- mythterj [mythterj!mythterj@tonvizu.sdf.org] has parted #staff
[00:14:38] <Bytram> oops.
[00:14:40] <Bytram> .deop
[00:14:40] -!- mode/#staff [-o Bytram] by juggler
[00:14:45] <matt_> minutes posted: http://wiki.soylentnews.org
[00:14:54] <Bytram> matt_++ thanks!!!!!
[00:15:05] <paulej72> that was short
[00:15:15] <mrcoolbp> it was over an hour paulej72
[00:15:25] <paulej72> shoter than 3
[00:15:29] <Bytram> nod nod
[00:15:49] <mrcoolbp> okay, I need to work on a bunch of stuff, then run off
[00:15:53] <mrcoolbp> thanks everyone
[00:17:05] <Bytram> quick n dirty grep:
[00:17:07] <Bytram> <+NCommander> !todo crowdfunding TODO list
[00:17:08] <Bytram> <+Bytram> TODOS: mrcoolbp e-mail to staff on providing inout on the policy wiki
[00:17:08] <Bytram> <+Bytram> TODOS: Bytram add Privacy section to policy wiki
[00:17:08] <Bytram> <+Bytram> TODOS: Bytram add Copyright section to policy wiki
[00:17:08] <Bytram> <+Bytram> TODOS: note: 'slashcode' for SN is GPL v2
[00:17:13] <Bytram> ...
[00:17:16] <Bytram> anything else?
[00:17:35] <mrcoolbp> <prospectacle> now that I'm not interrupting the meeting, does anyone who's still around have any ideas they feel like sharing share about what goals the crowdfunding project might/could include? e.g. is it a version of slashcode to be released/sold/hosted-by-paid-subscription? What awesome features might be included etc?
[00:17:41] <mrcoolbp> .voice prospectacle
[00:17:41] -!- mode/#staff [+v prospectacle] by juggler
[00:18:20] <Bytram> .op
[00:18:20] -!- mode/#staff [+o Bytram] by juggler
[00:18:40] <Bytram> afk back in a few
[00:20:10] <prospectacle> I don't know what you're planning but I was thinking a "$X / month instant-forum-of-your-own no programming required" might be cool/have commercial value.
[00:20:47] <mrcoolbp> prospectacle: that ties into some of NCommander's ideas for the future, but we aren't quite there yet
[00:21:48] <mrcoolbp> we need to get "nexuses" setup first, then look into expanding the 'user space' things, but they'll likely be available to at least subscribers, if not everyone by default,
[00:22:10] <prospectacle> cool
[00:22:29] <mrcoolbp> prospectacle: I might be misunderstanding slightly, but your $X/mo isn't really typical on a kickstarter-type project as well
[00:24:53] <prospectacle> mrcoolbp, true I'm not sure if you can kickstart subscription products. I expect so, though, a lot of games would be subscription based
[00:25:09] <Bytram> prospectacle: short-and-sweet! I like the idea!
[00:25:48] <Bytram> the $/mo could be for support services?
[00:26:08] <mrcoolbp> Bytram: I think he meant we'd install/host etc.
[00:26:13] <Bytram> oh.
[00:26:18] <mrcoolbp> "pay us and we'll setup a slash for you"
[00:26:22] <mrcoolbp> not sure though
[00:26:37] <prospectacle> I did, but could be support/upgrades/a how-to-guide.
[00:26:43] <Bytram> turnkey discussion system?
[00:26:53] <prospectacle> Seems like slashcode has many virtues. Its one vice seems to be its horrible to set up, has weird requirements, etc. If you can solve that, and make it out-of-the-box, you could provide great value to a lot of people.
[00:26:53] <mrcoolbp> he said "forum of your own" which sounded kinda like the user spaces NC wants to look into in the future
[00:27:03] <prospectacle> And charge for it (or offer it as prizes to the kick-funders)
[00:27:17] <prospectacle> Bytram, exactly, with a nice little control panel for colours/graphics, options etc
[00:27:30] <mrcoolbp> prospectacle: yeah, but we have trouble keeping our own instance in line a lot
[00:27:52] <Bytram> prospectacle: Kickstart for $x; we'll do it for you; wait til we're done and it'll be $2x?
[00:28:11] <prospectacle> mrcoolbp, yes it would need some proper kickstarter funding, like two or three devs for a year or so.
[00:28:24] <mrcoolbp> that would be nice
[00:28:30] <Bytram> where x == $10,000 USD or somesuch?
[00:28:40] <prospectacle> Bytram, yes, you could get a years subscription, say, for a kickstart amount, and if you wait till it's done the yearly subscription is double that amount, for example
[00:29:03] <Bytram> nod nod
[00:29:23] <prospectacle> Well cloud hosting is fairly cheap. Once you've got hte software figured out, you can just effectively resell amazon hosting to your subscribers, with your own special software.
[00:29:29] <mrcoolbp> I'm not sure anyone will pay $10K for a slash instance
[00:29:38] <audioguy> Ask for donations to convert it to apache2, its greatest flaw at the moment.
[00:29:46] <Bytram> mrcoolbp: I ws just pulling a number out of $foo
[00:29:48] <prospectacle> audioguy, yes things just like that
[00:30:01] <mrcoolbp> audioguy: that doesn't get the "user" anything useful really (that they are aware of)
[00:30:33] <mrcoolbp> audioguy: also "donations" is a no-no, we should avoid that word
[00:30:35] <prospectacle> mrcoolbp, no I doubt they would. You might get a few thousand people to pay $10 thought, and then those people get a few months of subscription and a copy of the the source code.
[00:30:38] <audioguy> It gets them something that can actually be installed in a modern environment, so they can use it. :-)
[00:31:31] <mrcoolbp> prospectacle: so far we only have a few *hundred* people paying for subscriptions, also if there were a thousand slash instances, it might draw attention away from SN, And it might be a pain to maintain, not sure
[00:31:44] <Bytram> prospectacle: hmmm make it $30; they get a subscription on SN, too. =)
[00:31:47] <audioguy> The big bucks are with companys. Sell them a slash for internal use.
[00:31:55] <Bytram> audioguy: BINGO!
[00:31:58] <mrcoolbp> audioguy: interesting
[00:32:11] * Bytram dons devil's advocate's hat.
[00:32:12] <audioguy> Best discussion platform available.
[00:32:24] <prospectacle> mrcoolbp, the product would not be to get people to read SN, it would be to raise money to fund SN. The product would be for other people who want their own forum.
[00:32:35] <audioguy> Plus integrated with irc. :-)
[00:32:38] <audioguy> etc.
[00:32:40] <prospectacle> audioguy, yes, exactly
[00:32:46] <mrcoolbp> interesting ideas guys
[00:32:53] <audioguy> and usenet
[00:32:59] <Bytram> IRC integration would be at a different funding level?
[00:33:01] <prospectacle> you could release all the code except the awesome no-programming-required control panel, and charge for a subscription that+hosting.
[00:33:16] <prospectacle> s/subscription that/subscription to that/
[00:33:36] <prospectacle> so hobbyists get the code, pros who want to save time pay for the control/setup panel and hosting+support.
[00:33:57] <mrcoolbp> prospectacle: the "control panel" you speak of is mostly built in to slash already, and we've already released it a few times
[00:33:59] <Bytram> prospectacle: where is that magic, no-programming-required control panel?
[00:34:12] <audioguy> 'modules' for different features :-) Support.
[00:34:14] <prospectacle> bytram, that's what you kick-start
[00:34:24] <Bytram> oh. doh!
[00:34:39] <prospectacle> bytram, so basically the project would be instant/easy slashcode for the masses/corporations/hobbyist
[00:34:49] <prospectacle> If you want the super-easy, super-instant, hosted version, you pay for it
[00:34:57] <audioguy> Sell a box already set up.
[00:34:58] <Bytram> so the control panel could do things like 'kick gluster'
[00:35:09] <audioguy> 'Slash Linux' :-)
[00:35:10] <prospectacle> otherwise you get the code (minus some of the control panel/setup features which are treated as business secrets)
[00:35:12] <Bytram> interesting.
[00:35:26] <prospectacle> audioguy, yes that could work too
[00:35:36] <audioguy> Like the old 'Google in a box' they had a few years ago.
[00:35:50] <Bytram> where/how could we dev that without it being generally visible? (github?)
[00:35:56] <Bytram> audioguy: I remember.
[00:36:30] <prospectacle> bytram, well git is not github, you could host some of the code wherever you want and keep it secret.
[00:37:07] <Bytram> prospectacle: okay, so we'd have the public code hosted on gihub, and have our own git repository on an SN server?
[00:37:33] <prospectacle> Bytram, I guess so, yes. For the bits you want to later sell access too.
[00:37:49] <Bytram> k
[00:38:07] <Bytram> would need lawyers and copyrights, etc for that part, I'd think.
[00:38:36] <Bytram> brb need food
[00:39:10] <prospectacle> bytram, I guess so, but if you just don't release the code (and only sell access to the use of the web page the code runs) then copying is not really a problem.
[00:39:19] <audioguy> I wanted to set up our own git server originally, but NCommander said that github had some extra features he wanted. I don't know what, exactly.
[00:39:21] <prospectacle> but of course legal fees would need to be factored into the kickstart costs.
[00:43:04] <Bytram> back
[00:44:02] * Bytram has only a very limited knowledge of what github provides vs just a git repository
[00:58:09] <audioguy> you know, if you sell a box for use on an internal network for a business, the loads are nowhere near the kind of stuff expected from a public website. Most of the extra caching and whatnot that seems to cause us a lot of problems can go away.
[00:59:45] <Bytram> audioguy: yes and no. Depends on the size of the organization, I would think. A company with less than 500 employees? no problem! WIth 100K employees? Gulp!
[01:00:26] <Bytram> as an added thought, the company could make it available to [some of] their customers, too.
[01:00:41] <audioguy> Sure but most business are small. And we can always sell the large business 'module' to fix those problems.:-)
[01:01:19] <Bytram> nod nod
[01:01:53] <audioguy> Small government orgs and schools.
[01:02:36] <audioguy> Not a bad social platform for a school, with the moderation and all.
[01:02:46] <Bytram> make it an option as to whether or not they can have Anonymous Cowards post?
[01:02:55] <audioguy> Exactly.
[01:03:36] <Bytram> why would they do *that*? If they've done nothing wrong, then they've nothing to fear from any post by an AC!
[01:03:39] <Bytram> =)
[01:04:09] <audioguy> haven't been around a school lately, have you :-)
[01:04:38] <Bytram> it shows, huh? ;)
[01:06:05] <audioguy> I shudder at the thought of spending any time around a high school.
[01:07:37] <Bytram> yeah. Especially in a big city's more 'challenged' neighborhoods... I can imagine the comments might be, forceful and passionate.
[01:09:04] <Bytram> I guess I'm not really seeing the value for a school to get it for their students... but for staff, yeah, that might be useful.
[01:09:16] <audioguy> IT doesn't take a challenged neighborhood for high school culture to suck :-)
[01:10:09] <Bytram> can't say I've been in (or even near) one for many years.
[01:10:25] <audioguy> LOT of years for me.
[01:11:02] <audioguy> But I don't rememeber the teachers being all that much better than the students. Weird culture.
[01:12:14] <Bytram> in retrospect, I was fortunate to go to an excellent public school. I pretty much avoided the troublesome cliques and took advantage of the educational opportunities.
[01:13:06] <audioguy> I had a decent high school too, was lucky. But it is still a strange, sort of insular culture.
[01:14:17] <Bytram> nod nod
[01:15:22] <Bytram> thanks for the nice chat and excellent crowdsouring ideas... I'm going to call it a day (umm, night).
[01:15:34] Bytram is now known as Bytram|away
[01:16:16] -!- Bytram|away has quit [Quit: Leaving]
[01:16:50] <audioguy> Have a good one.
[01:22:57] -!- FunPika [FunPika!~FunPika@Soylent/Staff/Wiki/FunPika] has joined #staff
[01:22:57] -!- mode/#staff [+v FunPika] by juggler
[01:23:34] -!- matt_ has quit [Quit: Web client closed]
[01:38:15] -!- FunPika has quit [Quit: Leaving]
[01:41:05] <prospectacle> audioguy, the idea of a pre-made box is good cause a lot of orgs wouldn't want to cloud their discussions
[01:41:19] <prospectacle> could be an option anyway, or a "stretch goal" on the kickstarter
[01:42:10] <prospectacle> hell for a small org it could be little more than a raspberry pi
[01:50:50] -!- prospectacle has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
[02:08:55] -!- audioguy has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
[02:47:54] -!- mechanicjay [mechanicjay!~Adium@Soylent/Staff/Sysop/mechanicjay] has joined #staff
[02:47:54] -!- mode/#staff [+v mechanicjay] by juggler
[02:54:38] -!- drussell_ [drussell_!~drussell@jzjyfg.saturn-tech.com] has joined #staff
[02:55:25] -!- drussell has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
[03:14:07] -!- mechanicjay has quit [Quit: Leaving.]
[03:21:10] -!- audioguy [audioguy!~audioguy@50.45.qxv.no] has joined #staff
[03:21:26] -!- audioguy has quit [Changing host]
[03:21:26] -!- audioguy [audioguy!~audioguy@Soylent/Staff/Developer/audioguy] has joined #staff
[03:21:26] -!- mode/#staff [+v audioguy] by juggler
[03:23:55] <audioguy> 'Is "The cloud" lookinf a little too dark and stormy for you? Bring your company back into the light with a Slashbox'
[03:24:09] <audioguy> :-)
[03:24:39] <mrcoolbp> nice
[03:25:30] <audioguy> Well, now we have some ad copy, we can just announce this, following the usual Silicon Valley practice. :-)
[03:25:46] <mrcoolbp> IPO is on Friday
[03:29:55] -!- drussell_ has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[03:30:09] -!- drussell [drussell!~drussell@jzjyfg.saturn-tech.com] has joined #staff
[03:32:57] <audioguy> A little birdie told me NCommander might know a thing or two about putting a 'distro' together.
[03:42:16] -!- prospectacle [prospectacle!~31b58f91@ai22-919-926-428.pa.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has joined #staff
[04:28:09] -!- prospectacle has quit [Quit: Web client closed]
[04:39:16] -!- audioguy has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
[04:45:49] -!- drussell has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[04:53:54] -!- drussell [drussell!~drussell@jzjyfg.saturn-tech.com] has joined #staff
[05:11:59] <juggs> .op
[05:11:59] -!- mode/#staff [+o juggs] by juggler
[05:12:27] <juggs> .topic Everyone that doesn't have a voice or operator status in this channel: your messages will be forwarded to the channel ops (if there are none, feel free to PM an active user in the channel). | This channel is logged: http://logs.sylnt.us | SN PBC Board Meeting - Fri, Sept. 12 at 22:30 UTC (6:30pm EDT) in #staff, all are welcome
[05:12:27] juggler changed topic of #staff to: Everyone that doesn't have a voice or operator status in this channel: your messages will be forwarded to the channel ops (if there are none, feel free to PM an active user in the channel). | This channel is logged: http://logs.sylnt.us | SN PBC Board Meeting - Fri, Sept. 12 at 22:30 UTC (6:30pm EDT) in #staff, all are welcome
[05:12:54] <juggs> correcting topic - said Weds 12th rather than Fri 12th
[05:12:57] <juggs> .deop
[05:12:57] -!- mode/#staff [-o juggs] by juggler
[05:38:20] <juggs> .op
[05:38:20] -!- mode/#staff [+o juggs] by juggler
[07:38:20] -!- audioguy [audioguy!~audioguy@50.45.ims.zor] has joined #staff
[07:38:30] -!- audioguy has quit [Changing host]
[07:38:30] -!- audioguy [audioguy!~audioguy@Soylent/Staff/Developer/audioguy] has joined #staff
[07:38:30] -!- mode/#staff [+v audioguy] by juggler
[12:57:47] -!- Woods [Woods!~41a24c20@Soylent/Staff/Editor/Woods] has joined #staff
[12:57:47] -!- mode/#staff [+v Woods] by juggler
[13:54:15] -!- janrinok [janrinok!~janrinok@Soylent/Staff/Editor/janrinok] has joined #staff
[13:54:15] -!- mode/#staff [+v janrinok] by juggler
[14:09:25] -!- mechanicjay [mechanicjay!~jhowe@Soylent/Staff/Sysop/mechanicjay] has joined #staff
[14:09:25] -!- mode/#staff [+v mechanicjay] by juggler
[15:44:20] -!- Bytram|away [Bytram|away!~pc@Soylent/Staff/Developer/martyb] has joined #staff
[15:44:20] -!- mode/#staff [+v Bytram|away] by juggler
[15:48:01] Bytram|away is now known as Bytram
[16:58:06] -!- Woods has quit [Quit: Web client closed]
[18:32:12] -!- janrinok has quit [Quit: Lost terminal]
[19:08:15] Bytram is now known as Bytram|afk
[21:20:22] -!- FunPika [FunPika!~FunPika@Soylent/Staff/Wiki/FunPika] has joined #staff
[21:20:22] -!- mode/#staff [+v FunPika] by juggler
[22:00:15] -!- mechanicjay has quit [Quit: Leaving.]
[22:45:59] Bytram|afk is now known as Bytram|away
[22:46:06] -!- Bytram|away has quit [Quit: Leaving]
[23:10:37] -!- audioguy has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
[23:47:21] -!- audioguy [audioguy!~audioguy@50.45.nri.zqy] has joined #staff
[23:47:30] -!- audioguy has quit [Changing host]
[23:47:30] -!- audioguy [audioguy!~audioguy@Soylent/Staff/Developer/audioguy] has joined #staff
[23:47:30] -!- mode/#staff [+v audioguy] by juggler