#soylent | Logs for 2024-08-31

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[07:13:15] -!- kebab [kebab!~soylentil@23.137.rvv.xqq] has joined #soylent
[07:15:39] -!- kebab has quit [Quit: Client closed]
[08:46:42] <Ingar> ironically, my VPS is with a french company
[11:57:10] -!- Runaway1956 has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]
[14:31:29] <janrinok> Ingar: Not Found
[14:31:29] <janrinok> The requested URL was not found on this server.
[14:31:47] <janrinok> doesn't sound like an email problem to me
[14:33:04] <janrinok> Your server is UP but that URL is not found.
[14:35:47] <janrinok> I've tried removing the apostrophe but that doesn't help.
[14:36:05] <Ingar> mmm let me try again
[14:36:36] <fab23> janrinok: I just tried the last URL from Ingar, and it works here (takes a while to display), but I had to manually copy the URL out of chat, as it was not fully recognized.
[14:36:37] <Ingar> let me remove the apostrophe anyway
[14:37:17] <Ingar> http://ingar.intranifty.net
[14:37:37] <Ingar> it's a 7MB JPEG
[14:37:43] <Ingar> erm, 37MB
[14:38:07] <fab23> works as well, but takes about 5 - 10 seconds until it gets displayed
[14:38:19] <fab23> I guess even after loading
[14:38:25] <Ingar> fab23: yes, my apologies, I was too lazy to rescale it to social media sizes
[14:38:46] <fab23> Ingar: no need, we want to be able to zoom in
[14:38:55] <Ingar> fab23: exactly!
[14:39:34] <fab23> it is 12'372px × 8'184px, so it takes a while to render
[14:40:27] <Ingar> there's a magic step in the processing called drizzled, which doubles your original resolution
[14:40:51] <Ingar> file sizes are getting ridiculous, especially RAWs
[14:42:11] <Ingar> I find this image has something religious
[14:42:18] <Ingar> the messiah figure on the middle
[14:42:31] <Ingar> and a choir of daemons and angels to the right
[14:42:47] <Ingar> filled with comsic clouds and hellfire
[14:42:48] <fab23> Just closed the browser window and did cmd-shift-n (in Firefox, will reopen the closed window) and the image should still be in cache, but it again took a few seconds until it got displayed, so it really is the rendering / scaling in the browser which takes time
[14:45:28] <Ingar> janrinok: http://ingar.intranifty.net takes it down to 2560p
[15:18:03] <janrinok> still getting a notfound. I can reach your site and see the server front page.
[15:19:25] <janrinok> OK, I can get it if I type it directly into my browser, but opening it from IRC doesn't work.
[15:20:04] <janrinok> I think it might be something to do with http and not https
[15:21:43] <janrinok> ... although my browsers are set to accept both.
[15:21:55] <fab23> janrinok: copy the URL from IRC and then paste into Browser, URL detection does sometimes not work when escaped characters are in the URL
[15:22:40] <janrinok> Yep, I've just come to the same conclusion... :)
[15:23:18] <janrinok> It appears to copy the correct URL but it does not open in the browser as other sites do. Strange
[15:24:28] <janrinok> And by pasting direct I an open the original 39Mb file
[15:50:50] <fab23> nanoseconds and picoseconds explained 🙂 https://www.youtube.com
[15:50:53] <systemd> ^ 03Grace Hopper Is The Computer Queen
[15:52:22] <fab23> accidently found because of this: https://www.schneier.com
[15:52:22] <systemd> ^ 03Adm. Grace Hopper’s 1982 NSA Lecture Has Been Published - Schneier on Security
[16:52:33] <ted-ious> https://www.livescience.com
[16:52:34] <systemd> ^ 03AI uncovers the universe's 'settings' with unprecedented precision, and it could help to resolve the Hubble tension
[16:52:58] <ted-ious> Part of me wants to submit this but the other part notices that it seems to be mostly about dark matter which is just bad science.
[17:02:58] <ted-ious> "With measurement errors negated, what remains is the real and exciting possibility we have misunderstood the universe," lead study author Adam Riess, professor of physics and astronomy at Johns Hopkins University, said in a statement.
[17:03:42] <ted-ious> That's a beautiful way of saying we are full of crap and we need a huge pile of money to replace the crap with actually good science. :)
[18:16:43] <janrinok> I don't see it like that. We have a hypothesis that is not bearing up to scrutiny. We are learning things every day, The scientific way is to be open-minded and change what we believe to fit the new facts that we are discovering. I'll bet you don't know what the real answer is but you are willing to criticise those who are trying to find out. Nobody else has claimed to know either.
[18:17:23] <janrinok> Submit it - it could make a great discussion.
[18:20:32] <fab23> The above linked lecture from Grace Hopper is also very enlightening on how to think better about solving (computer) challanges, and she has really a good and funny way in presenting it.
[18:20:49] <fab23> worth watching
[18:22:11] <janrinok> I'll try to take a look at it tomorrow. At the moment I am reconfiguring 18 computers and changing my computer room from the cellar to the ground floor. One thing I am not short of is space....
[18:24:52] <fab23> janrinok: sure one thing after another, the Videos will probably still be there tomorrow.
[19:59:50] <chromas> I could use a little space if you've some to spare