#soylent | Logs for 2024-08-09

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[01:41:23] -!- AlwaysNever has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[01:42:34] -!- AlwaysNever [AlwaysNever!~donaldo@] has joined #soylent
[06:54:06] -!- mode/#soylent [+v AlwaysNever] by chromas
[09:48:28] -!- calamari [calamari!~calamari@195.146.k.prr] has joined #soylent
[10:12:53] -!- calamari has quit [Quit: Client closed]
[15:32:57] <Ingar> Greetings citizens
[15:33:09] <Ingar> I feel like shit and been in bed most of the day!
[15:33:17] <Ingar> great way to start the weekend
[15:34:28] <janrinok> Shower of Perseid this weekend
[15:35:06] <janrinok> Hope you feel better for sky gazing this w/e
[15:40:06] <fab23> =submit https://pluralistic.net
[15:40:09] <systemd> ✓* Sub-ccess! "08Pluralistic: Circular Battery Self-Sufficiency (06 Aug 2024) – Pluralistic: Daily Links From Cory " (64p) -> https://soylentnews.org
[15:43:29] <Ingar> janrinok: watching the perseids is doable, you only need a loung chair
[15:44:47] <Ingar> find a dark spot and look mostly east and up
[15:46:17] <janrinok> I think you also need a drink placed next to the chair, and perhaps a refill or two depending on how you feel - got to stay hydrated!
[15:50:32] <Ingar> exactly :)
[16:39:53] <fab23> just around my office, preparing for Streetparde tomorrow, the sound stage is huge and very loud (had the chance to test listening): https://nzz.roundshot.co
[16:44:35] <fab23> will have too much people tomorrow, the same place where the circus was a while ago -> https://www.streetparade.com