#soylent | Logs for 2024-08-05

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[07:00:45] -!- isospeculum [isospeculum!~isospecul@98.98.nyi.ovt] has joined #soylent
[07:04:42] -!- isospeculum has quit [Client Quit]
[09:07:40] -!- lld has quit [Quit: leaving]
[09:24:38] -!- lld [lld!~lld@2001:f40:ptq::vnyx] has joined #soylent
[09:44:22] -!- isospeculum [isospeculum!~isospecul@149.40.qi.uj] has joined #soylent
[10:02:12] <AlwaysNever> 15 minutes left for the web site certificate...
[10:08:01] -!- mode/#soylent [+v lld] by chromas
[10:18:29] <AlwaysNever> time is up! certificate crisis ongoing...
[10:29:07] -!- isospeculum has quit [Quit: Client closed]
[10:32:13] <Ingar> use lynx
[10:32:57] <fab23> or take a break :)
[10:45:49] <janrinok> use a private window, or clear your cookies
[11:03:25] <janrinok> I have sent another email to NCommander requesting his assistance.
[11:19:20] -!- isospeculum [isospeculum!~isospecul@98.98.uv.iyn] has joined #soylent
[11:25:12] -!- isospeculum has quit [Quit: Client closed]
[12:30:15] <fab23> site is working again, new certificate has been installed, thanks NC (I guess).
[13:19:17] <Ingar> huza
[14:18:08] -!- halibut has quit [Quit: Timeout]
[14:35:17] <Runaway1956> https://cw39.com
[14:35:46] <systemd> ^ 03EV Safety Concerns: Tesla Cybertruck crashes, catches fire in Baytown
[14:36:08] <Runaway1956> no real details yet, but the truck drove into a ditch, and burst into flames.
[14:36:24] <Runaway1956> No one has determined whether it was on autopilot or not.
[14:57:15] <Ingar> going by the number of crashes with combustion engine vehicles, those things should have been banned ages ago
[14:57:59] <Ingar> and trees ofc, those damn thigns crossing the street unexpected
[14:58:15] <Ingar> +ly
[15:15:24] <Runaway1956> Actually, it's the bursting into flames that got my attention.
[15:15:44] <Runaway1956> That, and the question of "self driving" or "autopilot" or whatever you prefer to call it.
[15:16:03] <Runaway1956> Did the computer drive into the ditch, and then set fire to itself to hide the evidence?
[15:16:48] <Runaway1956> Thank God we have computer forensics, so we can unmask the Borg!
[16:04:54] -!- kolie has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[16:35:51] <chromas> it's hollywood magic
[16:36:15] <chromas> vehicles are supposed to explode when crashing, just like vehicles and barrels explode when being shot
[18:17:41] <Ingar> the battery only needs to get pierced to go up in flames
[18:17:44] <Ingar> and burning it does
[18:17:56] <Ingar> the fire is sustained by the energy in it and there's nothing you can do
[18:18:05] <Ingar> (by the energy in the battery)
[18:20:04] <Ingar> in the meanwhile, I need to figure out if this tree in my garden is in the way for my astro target or not
[18:20:16] <janrinok> cut it down!
[18:21:26] <Ingar> don't make me get my chainsaw
[18:21:30] <Ingar> *evil madness laugh*
[18:22:31] <janrinok> :)
[18:24:15] <Ingar> also ordered a new camera so I can finally do wallpaper-size images
[18:24:46] <Ingar> and have an excuse to build a portable rig with my current one :D
[18:25:50] <janrinok> I look forward to seeing the results!
[18:56:49] <Ingar> I did make some funky ones in july though
[18:56:53] <Ingar> http://ingar.intranifty.net
[18:57:00] <Ingar> http://ingar.intranifty.net
[19:57:50] -!- kolie [kolie!~kolie@Soylent/Staff/Management/kolie] has joined #soylent
[20:00:12] -!- kolie [kolie!~kolie@Soylent/Staff/Management/kolie] has parted #soylent
[20:00:14] -!- kolie [kolie!~kolie@Soylent/Staff/Management/kolie] has joined #soylent
[20:00:48] -!- mode/#soylent [+v kolie] by OperServ
[20:00:51] <kolie> o/
[22:30:50] <chromas> \o