#soylent | Logs for 2024-06-30

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[03:59:24] <halibut> I did not understand much, if any, of it.
[04:18:23] <chromas> https://scontent-sea1-1.xx.fbcdn.net
[04:54:49] -!- halibut has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[04:54:55] -!- halibut [halibut!~halibut@CanHazVHOST/halibut] has joined #soylent
[05:01:15] -!- anontor has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[05:02:00] -!- anontor [anontor!~anontor@tl3068753.ip-066-534-529.eu] has joined #soylent
[06:37:51] -!- esainane has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[06:38:23] -!- esainane [esainane!esainane@sendjocq.space] has joined #soylent
[08:04:07] -!- Runaway1956 has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]
[10:40:47] <fab23> janrinok: Firefox in the settings has HTTPS-Only Mode, and initially was only enabled in private window, but I have it one since then and you can then on demand or permanently allow (or not) a http site (through the lock sysmbol).
[10:42:48] <janrinok> I know - I have http enabled
[10:46:12] <fab23> hm, strange, so Ingar's site should work then
[10:47:01] <janrinok> it should but the error I am getting is/was 401
[10:47:52] <janrinok> typo - 404
[10:48:14] <janrinok> No problem, I got it in Brave
[10:48:32] <Ingar> well, again it comes down to, "Ingar fix that damn https"
[10:48:37] <fab23> :)
[10:48:41] <Ingar> but I was going to clean out the fridge
[10:48:44] <Ingar> tough choice
[10:49:11] <fab23> Ingar: as far as I know you never hat https on your site, so all fine, take care of the fridge :)
[10:49:23] <fab23> s/hat/had/
[10:49:36] <Ingar> fab23: enabling https has been on my TODO like forever
[10:51:09] <fab23> Ingar: I guess you would like to have wildcard certificates from LE. :)
[10:51:36] <Ingar> fab23: yep that. and I have a second site to fix as well
[10:52:16] <janrinok> Don't let me be the one who stops you cleaning your fridge!
[10:52:20] <fab23> It took me also a while until I had a setup ready to also do https for other sites on my server.
[10:54:06] <fab23> now the setup grow that it even does distribute some certificates to multiple servers, for multiple services :)
[10:54:33] <Ingar> most likely I need to do server updates as well
[10:54:58] <Ingar> oh well
[10:55:01] <fab23> Ingar: never touch a running system :)
[10:55:26] <fab23> <- did upgrade FreeBSD just last week :)
[10:55:42] <Ingar> fab23: I usually clone the system to a local test setup first
[10:55:59] <fab23> and today Debian is replacing half the OS with their dot release :)
[10:56:16] <Ingar> I am intimately familiar with "let's quickly upgrade first"
[10:57:37] <fab23> That I like about FreeBSD, the OS is independent of the Ports, and only Major version upgraded to take a some more effort, but then also you have the compat-xx packages so software build for the previous version still runs.
[10:58:22] <fab23> Ports update I do quite regularly and also when it is urgent
[10:58:41] <Ingar> now you're making me to want to install a FreeBSD
[10:58:50] <Ingar> (it has been ages since I used it)
[11:02:51] <fab23> Ingar: go and clean out the fridge :)
[11:03:44] <Ingar> fab23: I must also maintain my procrastination skills
[11:04:08] <fab23> :)
[11:04:13] <Ingar> cat decided it needs to be petted!
[11:04:22] <Ingar> how could I resist
[11:06:59] <janrinok> fair enough...
[11:20:46] -!- Runaway1956 [Runaway1956!~OldGuy@the.abyss.stares.back] has joined #soylent
[12:27:01] <Ingar> half-time
[12:28:00] <Ingar> fab23: does FreeBSD still do older nvidia cards these days? eg GTX970
[12:28:06] <janrinok> Half time with the cat, or half time cleaning the fridge?
[12:28:18] <Ingar> janrinok: half time cleaning the fridge
[12:28:26] <janrinok> :)
[12:28:29] <Ingar> one shelf left and than the inside itself
[12:29:03] <Ingar> some people would be offended by what I found inside
[12:29:08] <Ingar> I know I am :D
[12:30:38] <fab23> Ingar: no idea, I am only running servers with FreeBSD, on my desktop/notebook I have a Darwin based OS, as it comes with the H/W :)
[12:30:48] <janrinok> I don't give too much notice to best before dates, but if the item starts walking of its own account I usually throw it away.
[12:32:05] <Ingar> vegetables usually liquify
[12:32:20] <Ingar> and then there's the stuff with hair
[12:32:32] <fab23> Ingar: https://www.freebsd.org
[12:32:32] <systemd> ^ 03FreeBSD 14.1 Hardware Notes
[12:32:38] <Ingar> and something that looks like an oilspill
[12:32:42] <janrinok> yeah, I see that occasionally too
[12:32:43] <Ingar> fab23: thanks!
[12:33:08] <Ingar> fab23: I actually have a phenom II here, it has windows 10 but who cares about that
[12:49:01] -!- anontor has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]
[12:58:29] -!- anontor [anontor!~anontor@185.220.jwl.mip] has joined #soylent
[13:07:43] <Ingar> success
[13:08:10] <Ingar> and can now diminish, and go into the West, and remain Ingar
[14:11:50] <Runaway1956> QOTD sent me down memory lane: I selected E5 ... but I didn't hear "Sam the Sham and the Pharoahs"!
[14:12:26] <Runaway1956> https://www.youtube.com
[14:12:27] <systemd> ^ 03The Association Windy
[14:12:55] <Runaway1956> Yeah, I know, that's not Sam the Sham, but close enough
[14:59:07] <Ingar> Windy has stormy eyes
[16:38:49] -!- anontor has quit [Quit: anontor]
[22:57:03] -!- soylentil27 [soylentil27!~soylentil@98.97.unj.liz] has joined #soylent
[23:00:39] -!- blowitallup [blowitallup!~blow@185.220.vgt.izq] has joined #soylent
[23:05:13] <soylentil27> Another foiled aristarchus attempt to register a sock puppet? Well done, janrinok! Keep all those new users at bey! 😄
[23:06:05] -!- soylentil27 has quit [Quit: Client closed]
[23:10:50] <blowitallup> I like to sit in my favorite chair, turn on the telly and urinate all over myself it feels so good
[23:11:24] <blowitallup> that's the power of love
[23:11:28] <blowitallup> dont take money dont take fame
[23:13:45] <blowitallup> back to the fuckin future man
[23:13:47] <blowitallup> i tell ya
[23:13:50] <blowitallup> what a movie
[23:16:27] <blowitallup> that Biff
[23:16:39] <blowitallup> I bet he was a closet gay
[23:17:17] -!- mode/#soylent [+o chromas] by Imogen
[23:17:23] -!- blowitallup was kicked from #Soylent by chromas!~chromas@Soylent/Staph/Infector/chromas [no BttF references]
[23:18:52] -!- blowitallup [blowitallup!~blow@185.220.vgt.izq] has joined #soylent
[23:19:01] <blowitallup> :P
[23:19:35] <blowitallup> Mayor Goldie Wilson, I LIKE THE SOUND OF THAT!
[23:19:43] * blowitallup ducks
[23:19:59] <chromas> To answer your question though, he wasn't gay; they weren't invented until 1979
[23:20:14] <blowitallup> BTTF 4 would be totally gay
[23:20:25] <blowitallup> and Marty + Doc would suck each other
[23:20:44] <chromas> That's the basis of Rick & Morty, actually
[23:20:49] <blowitallup> come on make #4 while the old guy is still alive
[23:20:57] <blowitallup> rick & who?
[23:21:09] <blowitallup> is that a cartoon
[23:21:55] <chromas> Make the new movie a prequel/sequel/reboot that references the originals but Doc is an old, worn out guy who hates life
[23:22:27] <blowitallup> and biff is a serial killer
[23:23:17] <blowitallup> would it be worth it for marty to shag his mom only to disappear and if so, would he vanish before, during, or after the deed?
[23:23:41] <blowitallup> BTTF4 should mix with the world of Dark City
[23:23:46] <chromas> bring in Jon Favreau to make sure the skies aren't too interesting and the singing talking animals don't have unrealistically expressive faces
[23:24:19] <blowitallup> Dark City was the real Matrix movie
[23:24:22] <chromas> Futurama dun diddit
[23:24:28] <chromas> Fry hooked up with his grandma
[23:24:52] <blowitallup> sounds heavy
[23:25:55] <blowitallup> I join IRC network after network today and it's all just dead noise nothing like there's been a nuke attack or alien invasion. One channel had over 2k users and nothing not a word
[23:26:33] <chromas> A lot of people join a channel for whatever reason then forget about it because they've got 6,000 channels in their client
[23:26:51] <chromas> but if someone pings them or they happen to be looking when someone asks a question then they might talk
[23:27:12] <blowitallup> hmm
[23:27:35] <blowitallup> this is the most active network so far today lol
[23:28:27] <chromas> Everyone's moved onto other systems, like matrix, where all the clients are web browsers
[23:28:48] <blowitallup> web browser client? eww =)
[23:29:43] <blowitallup> https://www.tomshardware.com
[23:29:44] <systemd> ^ 03Modder made an IRC client that runs entirely inside the motherboard's BIOS chip
[23:30:17] <blowitallup> now that's hard core
[23:30:31] <chromas> I bet it doesn't even have animated emojis
[23:30:42] <blowitallup> who needs emojis
[23:32:18] <blowitallup> DARK CITY FOREVER!
[23:33:44] <chromas> Was that the one where the Theyâ„¢ kept swapping people's minds at night?
[23:34:07] <blowitallup> yup, via injection of new memories
[23:34:11] <blowitallup> right through the head
[23:34:21] <blowitallup> keifer sutherland does a good job
[23:34:39] <blowitallup> kiefer or whatever
[23:36:32] <chromas> kefir sutherland, yogurt northerland
[23:36:39] <blowitallup> lol
[23:36:48] <blowitallup> with strawberries
[23:38:20] <blowitallup> dink dink dink dink dink DINK DINK dink !
[23:39:29] <blowitallup> what happened to that buzzard guy who used to chat in here
[23:39:41] <blowitallup> he was always smoking
[23:39:45] <blowitallup> !nicotine
[23:39:52] <chromas> he ODed on coffee and perl
[23:39:55] <blowitallup> ha
[23:42:49] <blowitallup> man fsck discord I won't even try it, proprietary bullshit
[23:45:46] -!- blowitallup has quit [Quit: Leaving.]