#soylent | Logs for 2024-06-03

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[01:27:36] <chromas> You're not looking for the store; you just find it there
[03:07:44] -!- chromas2 [chromas2!~chromas@Soylent/Staph/Infector/chromas] has joined #soylent
[03:07:44] -!- mode/#soylent [+v chromas2] by Imogen
[03:08:10] -!- systemd has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]
[03:08:10] -!- chromas has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]
[03:09:24] chromas2 is now known as chromas
[03:10:08] -!- systemd [systemd!~systemd@pid1] has joined #soylent
[08:19:33] -!- halibut has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[08:19:34] -!- halibut_ [halibut_!~halibut@CanHazVHOST/halibut] has joined #soylent
[08:38:52] <Ingar> janrinok: as expected, it was rather cloudy this morning. Got some nice images from last night though!
[08:48:45] <AlwaysNever> chromas: gamification works, I now have a 5-star rating in the wallapop app!
[08:48:53] <AlwaysNever> From there, to the sky!
[08:49:33] <janrinok> Ingar, much the same here, but at least at the moment it is dry.
[08:53:42] * chromas gives everyone ★☆☆☆☆
[08:54:04] <janrinok> As much as that! I am honoured.
[08:54:43] <janrinok> The village idiot will be along shortly...
[08:56:01] <chromas> Kids: We want a dumbass!
[08:56:01] <chromas> Mom: We have dumbass at home!
[08:56:01] <chromas> Dumbass at home: ⬇️
[09:04:54] <AlwaysNever> gamification has been around since forever, karma in Slash is an example
[09:05:19] <janrinok> lol
[09:06:12] <chromas> ari was supposed to be the next line, but he didn't come in in time, once again ruining everything :D
[09:06:39] <janrinok> We were all waiting for him, but AlwaysNever jumped in too soon.
[09:07:08] <janrinok> But, as we all knew who was expected, it still proves a point!
[09:09:17] <janrinok> chromas, are you pleased with your new GPU now?
[09:09:58] <chromas> Yeah. Still can't even get 1024x1024 with sd1.5 models for some reason, but xl ones work fine
[09:10:28] <chromas> I'm even building unnecessarily complex graphs using multiple models
[09:11:46] <chromas> Still can't get Input-Leap running on Wayland even though it has support now, but then I discovered lan-mouse and it works, despite the uggo gtk ui
[09:12:12] <chromas> software kvm, so I can control multiple desktops from one pc
[09:13:10] <janrinok> I haven't a clue what Input-Leap is... but no matter.
[09:18:43] <chromas> software kvm, so I can control multiple desktops from one pc
[09:19:16] <chromas> you slide your mouse to the edge of the screen and then it takes over controlling another pc like it's another screen on your active desktop
[09:22:00] <janrinok> gotcha!
[09:22:19] <janrinok> thanks for that - I will look at it sometime.
[09:22:29] <chromas> it's a fork of a fork of Synergy
[09:22:50] <chromas> works on windows and apple too I think
[09:36:33] -!- aristarchus [aristarchus!~aristarch@164.92.qgl.ymo] has joined #soylent
[09:37:12] <aristarchus> Janrinok's estimate of timing is off, as is his doxification of ACs.  Time to hang it up, Old Man!
[09:42:06] <fab23> .oO( Time is an illusion. Lunchtime doubly so. )
[09:43:02] <janrinok> https://en.wikipedia.org Now what PII has been compromised? nicknames are not PII.
[09:43:02] <systemd> ^ 03Doxing. - Wikipedia
[09:59:56] <Ingar> good morning aristarchus, ate any godo books lately?
[09:59:59] <Ingar> *good
[10:07:22] <aristarchus> Suggesting that an AC is actually a named user is the first step of doxxing.  Janrinok is guilty of this many times over.  He needs to recluse himself, like a US Supremecist Justice.
[10:08:14] <aristarchus> Ingar,  are you watching tau CorBorealis?
[10:17:56] -!- aristarchus has quit [Quit: Client closed]
[10:23:18] <Ingar> aristarchus: I'm not actively watching it but I'm aware we're waiting for it to flare up
[10:24:02] <Ingar> mayeb I should try a wide-angle image
[10:39:43] <janrinok> "Suggesting that an AC is actually a named user is the first step of doxxing." No, it isn't. Doxing is defined and not something that you can just make up to suit your self.
[14:19:43] -!- Freeman [Freeman!~Freeman_S@CanHazVHOST/Freeman] has joined #soylent
[15:50:36] <chromas> It could only be doxxing if it were actually that user, which he insists it totally isn't.
[16:07:52] <Ingar> just stop arguing about it
[16:08:02] <Ingar> because that's the actual troll bait
[16:08:04] <chromas> no!
[16:08:47] <chromas> you stop arguing! :D
[16:08:56] <chromas> Mooooom! He won't argue with me!
[16:09:04] <janrinok> yes he will!
[16:10:04] <Ingar> https://www.youtube.com
[16:10:05] <systemd> ^ 03No Need To Argue
[16:11:06] -!- halibut_ has quit [Quit: Timeout]
[16:11:48] <Ingar> now if you'll excuse me, I have some dual narrowband images to process
[16:16:41] -!- halibut [halibut!~halibut@CanHazVHOST/halibut] has joined #soylent
[16:16:55] <janrinok> you come back here and argue with your friend this minute....!
[16:18:37] <Ingar> there's no need as I'm always right!
[16:21:31] <fab23> There is usually your truth, my truth and of course what really happen. :)
[16:23:26] <Ingar> The Minbari would say, Understanding is a three-edged sword: their side, your side and the truth
[16:23:35] <Ingar> but I'm not Minbari
[16:24:42] <fab23> ah, you probabl got the proper source, mine was out of may head and translated to english
[16:25:58] <chromas> Let me Live My Truth™
[16:26:01] <fab23> In the end this meaning can probably be written with many different words
[16:27:46] -!- soylentil19 [soylentil19!~soylentil@123-292-155-04.lightspeed.hstntx.sbcglobal.net] has joined #soylent
[16:28:59] <Ingar> I read it as "there are facts and anything else is opinion"
[16:30:24] <fab23> :)
[16:33:22] -!- drussell has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]
[16:33:50] -!- drussell [drussell!~drussell@a4627691kd3g1a0z4.wk.shawcable.net] has joined #soylent
[16:41:32] -!- soylentil19 has quit [Quit: Client closed]
[16:42:58] <AlwaysNever> aristarchus is proof the old saying is true: faithfulness in friends is mutable, but it is fixed and undoubtfull in foes
[16:54:07] -!- technoid_ [technoid_!~technoid_@gcpsxumk.nettek.io] has joined #soylent
[16:54:51] <Ingar> mmmm I have some weird shit going on in my image
[16:55:31] <janrinok> green men?
[16:56:16] <Ingar> hotpixel overdrive
[16:57:07] <janrinok> OK, not as frightening as I thought it might be
[17:00:49] <Ingar> it could because I'm afraid where it is coming from
[17:01:29] <janrinok> and your worst feat would be???
[17:01:37] <janrinok> *fear
[17:01:45] <Ingar> there's a short to ground on my scope
[17:02:03] <Ingar> I could feel the electricity when I touched it with my fingertips
[17:02:07] <Ingar> also in the camera housing
[17:03:05] <janrinok> that is NOT good
[17:04:34] <Ingar> I did some testing already I know it's coming from the motor control
[17:05:08] <Ingar> and I did open up stuff not too long ago
[17:06:05] <fab23> so you broke it then :)
[17:06:31] <Ingar> I'm not sure, I did use it before and didn't notice a thing
[17:06:41] <Ingar> and I fiexd it!
[17:06:46] <Ingar> *fixed :p
[17:08:30] <fab23> Could it be that your power cord does not have ground? I do see this with MacBooks (since ever) if only used with the short duckhead connector (does not have ground) instead of the cord (which has ground).
[17:09:22] <Ingar> it doesn't
[17:17:13] <janrinok> The problem with many european connectors is that you can plug them in 2 ways. I prefer plugs/sockets with 3 pins and an identifiable live wire!
[17:18:41] <Ingar> in the end, I'll need to taak a look at power supply anyway, it's rather messy atm
[17:19:55] <janrinok> good luck - and don't touch the wrong wire!
[17:23:48] <Ingar> first I need to figrue out how to salvage this image sessions
[17:25:56] <fab23> janrinok: the thing is that the Swiss 3-pin plugs are different, and I have an adapter for Schuko, but in the place I was in Italy had still the italien 3-pin outlet, so the only thing which worked was the 2-pin adapter (duckhead) :)
[17:28:55] -!- requerdanos has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]
[17:29:29] <janrinok> what we need is a standard...... no, don't bother, I've seen it :)
[17:29:43] <fab23> I was waiting for that :)
[17:30:01] <janrinok> :)
[17:30:18] <fab23> janrinok: in the end everything is better then the massive UK plugs :)
[17:31:34] <janrinok> I've got a box with loads of them in it - One of my workshops is completely converted to them !
[17:31:48] <fab23> /o\ :)
[17:32:57] <fab23> janrinok: I guess it makes sense if you have enough of devices with them.
[17:34:11] <janrinok> I have loads of tools designed for them. A pedestal (capstan) drill, band saws, bench saws, planers etc
[17:34:53] <fab23> I see
[17:37:16] <fab23> hm, every European country has their own standard plug :)
[17:37:55] <janrinok> The rest of my house uses standard (?) French plugs.
[17:38:16] <AlwaysNever> in general continental Europe has standardize on the German-style plug
[17:38:55] <fab23> It seems that Type E and F plugs may work in either E and F outlets, F = Schuko (= Schutzkontakt / German)
[17:39:08] <janrinok> You mean with the brass earth contacts on either side?
[17:39:37] <fab23> check out for yourself: https://www.worldstandards.eu
[17:39:39] <systemd> ^ 03Full list: Plug, socket & voltage by country - World Standards
[17:40:01] <janrinok> I have an assortment of German, French, and Russian plugs.
[17:40:32] <fab23> :)
[17:41:21] <fab23> Italy, but the place only had the left outlet type https://www.worldstandards.eu
[17:41:22] <systemd> ^ 03Power plug & outlet Type L
[17:43:02] <fab23> for Type E / F only the ground is different, either on the side or with a pin in the outlet, the plugs are the same
[17:45:43] <fab23> the most beautiful plug / outlet :) https://www.worldstandards.eu which also does fit any Europlug (2-pin, Typ C)
[17:45:44] <systemd> ^ 03Power plug & outlet Type J
[17:49:25] <janrinok> No earth - that would not help with Ingar's problem
[17:50:19] <janrinok> How could that fit any Europlug?
[17:50:48] <fab23> It is funny how English differs with the ground/earth naming, in German it is also called "Erde".
[17:51:03] <fab23> janrinok: the Europlug (2-pin) does fit the Type J outlet
[17:51:26] <janrinok> Yes but the type J plug doesn't fit any other socket
[17:51:41] <fab23> not the other way around, but I have not seen any 2-pin outlet in Switzerland since a very long time ago.
[17:52:35] <fab23> I do rember that in flat of my grandmother there were still some 2-pin outlets, but I think also 3-pin Typ J.
[17:52:52] <fab23> s/rember/remember/
[17:54:21] <janrinok> ...busy
[18:01:08] <janrinok> ...had a phone call
[19:03:31] -!- holeinone [holeinone!~Hugo@Soylent/Staff/Misc/holeinone] has joined #soylent
[19:59:39] <Ingar> the issue was in my calibration frames. solution: don't use them
[20:44:08] -!- holeinone has quit [Quit: Leaving]
[21:23:06] -!- requerdanos [requerdanos!~requerdan@Soylent/Staff/Editor/requerdanos] has joined #soylent
[21:23:06] -!- mode/#soylent [+v requerdanos] by Imogen
[21:49:37] -!- drussell has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]
[21:50:21] -!- drussell [drussell!~drussell@a4627691kd3g1a0z4.wk.shawcable.net] has joined #soylent
[23:04:54] <chromas> Keep fixing it until it breaks
[23:32:18] -!- anontor has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[23:32:58] -!- anontor [anontor!~anontor@204.137.kn.zot] has joined #soylent