#soylent | Logs for 2024-05-27

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[01:31:55] <Runaway> Huh. Today's word is "arbidol".
[01:32:14] <Runaway> https://libgen.gs
[01:32:16] <systemd> ^ 03Library Genesis
[01:32:39] <chromas2> ads.php eh
[01:32:49] <Runaway> Title: The anti-influenza virus drug, arbidol is an efficient inhibitor of SARS-CoV-2 in vitro
[01:33:14] <Runaway> Sorry, chromas2 but I see no addition problems on that page
[01:33:34] <Runaway> That is, they added no advertisements for me
[01:34:10] <chromas2> msn messenger used to silently eat messages containing download.php
[01:35:10] <Runaway> That's why you don't name a kid phillip or any other php names, he'll be eaten by a grue, or a messanger, whatever.
[01:36:03] <chromas2> 217 citations; it has to be legit
[01:36:28] <chromas2> no retraction notice. quick! sweep it under the rug!
[01:36:36] <Runaway> It's the bat lady of China, she knows her bats and her coronas
[01:37:13] <chromas2> bats aren't real. stop spouting conspiracy nonsense
[01:37:23] <Runaway> I'm playing with libgen desktop that I was telling you about -
[01:37:43] <Runaway> It does a search that I can then browse through, looking for the nuggets in the pile of shite.
[01:38:10] <Runaway> In fact, I can save the search for future reference if I want.
[01:38:40] <chromas2> suite
[01:39:32] <Runaway> It took all freaking day for it to download and synchronize the databases, but now that it's finished, I'm very impressed with it.
[01:40:46] <chromas2> is it just a list of isbns and links to files with them?
[01:40:57] <chromas2> or doi in that case
[01:41:09] <chromas2> perhaps I should integrate it into the bot
[01:43:15] <Runaway> Title, Author, magazine, year, DOI, and file size, each column sortable in ascending or descending order, right click anywhere to select "download", I've set it up to open a browser for download, so I can easily find and copy the URL
[01:44:02] <chromas2> they don't give you an option to grab the url form the ui?
[01:44:16] <Runaway> I don't see, can't find that option.
[01:44:35] <chromas2> what about right-click?
[01:44:56] <Runaway> Let me play around a little more . . . I didn't see it with r-click
[01:45:47] <Runaway> Nope, but I get a "copy" option, which gives me this:
[01:45:53] <Runaway> Title: The anti-influenza virus drug, arbidol is an efficient inhibitor of SARS-CoV-2 in vitro
[01:46:33] <chromas2> lame
[01:47:32] <Runaway> Maybe if I were experienced with this stuff, something obvious would be obvious, LOL
[01:48:44] <Runaway> Anyway, at the height of the Covid-19 frenzy, NO ONE was telling the public to get inoculated with the arbidol flu shot.
[01:49:03] <Runaway> Or to drink it, or whatever - let me look that up.
[01:50:38] <Runaway> https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
[01:50:40] <systemd> ^ 03Arbidol for preventing and treating influenza in adults and children
[01:51:05] <Runaway> It comes as tablet, capsule, or granules - no suppositories for you!
[01:57:29] <chromas2> =s !pub arbidol
[01:57:31] <systemd> Research Progress on Spike-Dependent SARS-CoV-2 Fusion Inhibitors and Small Molecules Targeting the S2 Subunit of Spike. - https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
[02:05:05] <Runaway> Good article - but I'll note that they DO NOT reference Shi Zhengli
[02:11:44] <chromas2> I hadn't even checked. Just looking at the various searx integrations
[02:15:38] <chromas2> also found some new ones I've never heard of like Stract and CrowdView
[02:16:28] <chromas2> https://stract.com
[02:16:30] <systemd> ^ 03Stract
[02:18:06] <chromas2> pretty snappy. I don't see image search though
[02:19:53] <chromas2> it has an Explore view where you can put in a domain and it'll show sites it thinks is similar
[02:22:34] <chromas2> =quote cubes
[02:22:34] <systemd> My family was always partial to meat cubes, but we do recognize the historical significance milk steak has had in our society.
[02:25:38] -!- anontor has quit [Quit: anontor]
[02:37:02] -!- anontor [anontor!~anontor@mmu-wthy-78.for-privacy.net] has joined #soylent
[04:07:29] -!- anontor has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[04:08:27] -!- anontor [anontor!~anontor@77.221.ywm.xlj] has joined #soylent
[15:20:57] -!- anontor has quit [Quit: anontor]
[15:56:01] -!- anontor [anontor!~anontor@37.252.xsr.ljx] has joined #soylent
[15:56:17] -!- anontor has quit [Client Quit]
[15:59:51] -!- anontor [anontor!~anontor@91.103.rvv.ijr] has joined #soylent
[21:05:04] <AlwaysNever> has systemd bot lost its mind?
[21:37:56] <drussell> Probably.
[21:38:08] <drussell> Yeah, that sounds about right... ;)
[23:10:49] <chromas2> =quote systemd
[23:10:49] <systemd> Not even Covid spreads like Systemd, goddamn
[23:10:51] <chromas2> :D
[23:21:33] -!- aristarchus [aristarchus!~aristarch@195.146.s.liw] has joined #soylent
[23:25:55] <aristarchus> Dr. Paul is in the house!  The Plandemic was a false ruse de liberale meant to out all the conservative hetero white mail.
[23:32:41] <AlwaysNever> =quote convoluted
[23:32:42] <systemd> [not found]
[23:33:25] <chromas2> I need to father more quotes
[23:33:27] <chromas2> or gather
[23:34:57] <AlwaysNever> aristarchus is hallucinating, that bot is spinning out of control
[23:35:15] <AlwaysNever> systemd stop aristarchus
[23:41:48] <aristarchus> Become Ungovernable!  khallow's new motto.
[23:42:53] <AlwaysNever> systemd stop aristarchus --force
[23:43:33] <chromas2> Can't kill process while in the D state
[23:43:38] <chromas2> I'll let you decide what D stands for
[23:44:09] <AlwaysNever> systemd stop aristarchus --force --ignore-dementia
[23:44:31] <AlwaysNever> that should do it
[23:44:49] <chromas2> it's going to be one of those events where it waits for 1:20 but then the time increases every time it reaches it
[23:45:35] <chromas2> 1:19 / 1:20 -> 1:20 / 3:30 ... 3:30 / 4:50
[23:45:49] <AlwaysNever> we are F*cked, then
[23:46:21] <aristarchus> Some are slower than others.
[23:46:26] <AlwaysNever> an old style manual power cycle is going to be needed
[23:48:05] <chromas2> 🎵that's the systemd...that's the systemd...that's the systemd waayyyyyyyy@🎵🎵
[23:48:53] <AlwaysNever> anyone knows where's the building's power breaker? We may need that...
[23:51:57] -!- anontor has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[23:52:21] <chromas2> systemd-powered
[23:52:32] <chromas2> mainsctl poweroff 50
[23:52:47] <AlwaysNever> that modole is still in betta, no docs for it...
[23:52:52] <aristarchus> Site is going down, again, then?
[23:55:58] <AlwaysNever> systemd-powerd --engine aristarchus --set off --yes -yes
[23:56:31] <AlwaysNever> [OK] aristarchus will shutdonw in 30 seconds...
[23:56:31] <aristarchus> Nothing of value to be lost?
[23:57:22] <AlwaysNever> ...SsHHHooooonnnnnn......
[23:57:26] -!- aristarchus has quit [Quit: Client closed]
[23:57:44] <AlwaysNever> Aha! it worked!!
[23:58:49] <AlwaysNever> that was EPIC
[23:58:55] <AlwaysNever> lol