#soylent | Logs for 2024-05-25

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[00:16:10] <chromas2> must be what's happening with chocolate too now
[00:16:17] <chromas2> it's always the dutch
[01:42:32] -!- Runaway1956 [Runaway1956!~OldGuy@the.abyss.stares.back] has joined #soylent
[09:18:37] <AlwaysNever> hello, has anyone heard that Googlis now using AI in its search results, which are now crappier because of it, and the searching in Google adding &udm=14 gives back search results witout AI "help"?
[09:19:21] <ted-ious> Does anybody still trust google searches directly?
[09:20:12] <AlwaysNever> suppossedly this web page eases that AI-free search usage of Google: https://udm14.com
[09:20:13] <systemd> ^ 03&udm=14 | the disenshittification Konami code;
[09:20:43] <AlwaysNever> is there any truth in all of that?
[09:22:57] <AlwaysNever> Or is Kim Jong Un behind that https://udm14.com site?
[09:22:57] <systemd> ^ 03&udm=14 | the disenshittification Konami code;
[09:27:46] <Ingar> haven't Google search results been shit like... forever
[09:28:34] <ted-ious> I sure think so.
[10:03:58] <AlwaysNever> Ingar: no, Google results were fine until a couple of years ago, they were informative and pretty complete, no they are shit because there are a lot of "promoted" links at the top of the search results, and because SEO is manageing to put up there utter garbage
[10:04:18] <AlwaysNever> *now they are shit
[11:07:42] <ted-ious> SEO has been a problem for so long I can't even remember when it first became a problem.
[11:08:00] <ted-ious> It's got to be at least 15 years.
[11:22:24] <AlwaysNever> SEO was a problem since long ago if you searched "buy newest Adidas" or some such, but searching for tecnical issues used to be fine - not anymore.
[11:25:07] <janrinok> AlwaysNever, somebody made a comment about it in response to a story within the last week or two. I'm looking for it but haven't located it yet. There is also a submission in the queue but it hasn't been selected yet. Google's use of AI is causing quite a bit of concern.
[11:26:50] <janrinok> The SEO and AI seem to be related, but nobody has quite decided how.
[11:27:54] <janrinok> For example, the AI recommends " The tool, which gives AI-generated summaries of search results, appeared to instruct a user to put glue on pizza when they searched "cheese not sticking to pizza."
[11:31:17] <AlwaysNever> That glue-on-pizza affair just shows Google's AI is quite behind ChatGPT
[11:31:56] <AlwaysNever> ChatGPT understand context much better, although it too gives hallucinates sometimes
[11:33:48] <drussell> Well, that is the whole problem. The AI doesn't "know" what the popular sequence of words it is regurgitating actually mean, whether it is good information, incorrect information, a joke or in jest, etc. because it doesn't actually understand what it is saying...
[11:34:34] <drussell> It just knows it is a common or popular sequence of words from its input training data.
[11:36:39] <drussell> The signal:noise ratio on the internet in general was already becoming abysmal before AI started polluting it further with a warp-speed blaster-cannon.
[11:54:28] -!- lilitsyunetsi [lilitsyunetsi!~lilitsyun@37.252.sp.xyt] has joined #soylent
[12:31:40] <janrinok> unfortunately, the konami code does not stop it from refusing searches via a VPN.
[13:50:12] -!- piusbird has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[14:10:10] -!- halibut has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]
[14:10:52] -!- halibut [halibut!~halibut@CanHazVHOST/halibut] has joined #soylent
[16:00:30] -!- piusbird [piusbird!~matt@2603:7081:izyo:vmkg::ugmj] has joined #soylent
[16:23:30] <chromas2> So does the glue work or not?
[16:24:49] <requerdanos> for advertising purposes, I am sure that some agency has used glue on pizza for a photoshoot. For culinary purposes, it probably does not work, or not well.
[16:36:57] <chromas2> since it didn't just make up the answer, but based it on an actual page with that instruction, I think we can start blaming google every time it includes anyone's nonsense in the results
[16:39:39] <AlwaysNever> janrinok: how can Google know you are behind a VPN? Unles the user is using a well-know commercial VPN provider whose IPs are known to Google...
[16:52:30] <chromas2> I'm sure they know all of them, but unless google is running the udm14 site googles' opinion on vpns probably doesn't matter
[17:24:53] <janrinok> AlwaysNever, Most of the big players do just what you suggest - they keep records of the address blocks associated with various VPN companies. It's easy to do. The same applies to TOR exit nodes.
[17:26:02] <janrinok> Well, when I used the udm14 site I get exactly the same response that I get from going direct to google. I have to go through a little routine to convince them that I am not a bot, and that there is really a person asking the questions.
[17:27:36] <fab23> janrinok: with the reCAPTCHA I always imagine that I am helping out a self-driving Google car somewhere right know :)
[17:28:05] <fab23> sometimes I click wrong things on purpose :)
[17:33:16] <fab23> I also wonder what this car will do when they will drive somewhere else in the world where e.g. crosswalks are yellow instead of white
[17:37:58] <janrinok> You have a mean streak - and I like that!
[17:39:48] <AlwaysNever> For a good VPN, I think the best option would be to rent a small VPS in "some place" you like, and then install OpenVPN on it, and be done - should be about 6 US$/month - for example here they rent VPS for 5.50 US$, and you can choose to have is locate in e.g. Sigapore
[17:41:12] <janrinok> perhaps some of our users already do that - I don't care what is on the end of the connection to our site, just what happens inside our site
[17:43:05] <AlwaysNever> also, about the subject of VPS: anyone knows a VPS provider where you can pay with Bitcoin, or whatever that is not traceable to a real person? asking for a friend.
[17:44:42] <janrinok> lol - I don't but if anywhere does it, it will be in Norway. They have very strict rules about protecting personal data. I use a site where I can pay in cash with my account number and it is accepted. They have never asked me for any personal information - as long as I pay they are happy.
[17:46:06] <AlwaysNever> what do you mean "cash with an account number", you mail the dollar bills on an evelope?
[17:47:23] <janrinok> effectively yes (although it is in €) - I paid for 5 years and I am just looking for the name of the company.
[17:47:50] <janrinok> The website gave me a number to quote when I paid. full stop
[17:48:40] <janrinok> From then on I just log in using that same number - no other information - and It works...
[17:49:40] <janrinok> mullvad.net
[17:50:39] <janrinok> "
[17:50:39] <janrinok> Generate an account number
[17:50:39] <janrinok> The account number is the only thing you need to connect to Mullvad VPN. We ask for no email, no phone number, no personal information whatsoever.
[17:50:39] <janrinok> Pay only €5/month (≈$5.42)
[17:50:40] <janrinok> Our pricing model is very simple. Since 2009, we have charged a fixed price of 5 euros per month. You can buy one month or several at a time.
[17:50:44] <janrinok> Download the app and you're set
[17:50:46] <janrinok> Download the Mullvad VPN app, enter your account number, and you're ready to roll. Use your account on up to 5 devices.
[17:50:49] <janrinok> "
[17:52:14] <AlwaysNever> nice
[17:52:40] <AlwaysNever> but do you really sent them the money on a paper envelope through snail mail?
[17:52:48] <janrinok> I have, yes
[17:52:53] <AlwaysNever> wow!
[17:53:06] <AlwaysNever> looks good
[17:53:28] <janrinok> just the money and a piece of paper with the account number on it
[17:53:47] <AlwaysNever> I'm astonished!
[17:53:59] <janrinok> They've probably got my fingerprints...!
[17:54:05] <AlwaysNever> lol
[17:55:52] <AlwaysNever> looks very promising, I'm checking them... thanks.
[17:56:11] <janrinok> I also use PIA, the mullvad one is for my private use. The PIA I use quite frequently.
[17:58:34] <janrinok> AlwaysNever, "We accept cash, Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, Monero, bank wire, credit card, PayPal, Swish, Giropay, Eps transfer, Bancontact, iDEAL, and Przelewy24."
[17:58:47] -!- boycode [boycode!~boycode@giox-199-76-61-390.washdc.fios.verizon.net] has joined #soylent
[17:59:42] -!- boycode has quit [Client Quit]
[18:01:14] <janrinok> Correction - it is Swedish, although I seem to remember paying to a Norwegian account... It worked so I don't care. But perhaps my memory is faulty.
[19:45:17] -!- anontor [anontor!~anontor@sys-nwsz.cubicchaos.net] has joined #soylent
[19:55:01] -!- lilitsyunetsi has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]
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[21:40:13] -!- anontor [anontor!~anontor@gayxwiw-9.nos-oignons.net] has joined #soylent