#soylent | Logs for 2024-05-24

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[00:09:48] -!- systemd [systemd!~systemd@pid1] has joined #soylent
[00:37:48] <chromas2> Probably the local competition clogging up my internets hoping I'll buy their fiber
[00:55:18] <chromas2> https://techcrunch.com
[00:55:19] <systemd> ^ 03Using memes, social media users have become red teams for half-baked AI features
[00:55:31] <chromas2> Running with scissors is a cardio exercise that can increase your heart rate and require concentration and focus,” says Google’s new AI search feature.
[00:56:20] <chromas2> Running with scissors good, writing fast code in c++ bad
[02:22:07] <chromas2> https://www.nytimes.com
[02:22:07] <systemd> ^ 03A Test of Cloud-Brightening Machines Poses No Health Risk, Officials Say
[02:22:15] <chromas2> Rust maximizer
[04:05:16] -!- dx3bydt3 has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]
[04:31:24] -!- Runaway1956 [Runaway1956!~OldGuy@the.abyss.stares.back] has joined #soylent
[04:33:52] -!- Runaway has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]
[06:21:53] -!- soylentil7 [soylentil7!~soylentil@ysig-694-71-0-819.washdc.fios.verizon.net] has joined #soylent
[06:24:03] -!- soylentil7 has quit [Client Quit]
[07:26:01] -!- progo has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[07:26:18] -!- progo [progo!~progo@eegc-73-589-96-43.nwrknj.fios.verizon.net] has joined #soylent
[07:57:22] -!- Runaway1956 has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]
[08:10:24] -!- Runaway1956 [Runaway1956!~OldGuy@the.abyss.stares.back] has joined #soylent
[08:10:44] <Ingar> Geoengineering, how could it go wrong!
[08:11:18] <Ingar> anyone messing with the weather should be shot for crimes against humanity
[08:22:26] <janrinok> It is good to see that you are fairly open minded on these issues, and do not hold strong opinions on them :D Mornin' Ingar
[08:23:24] <Ingar> good morning, janrinok
[08:23:26] <ted-ious> Does that include cloud seeding?
[08:23:54] <Ingar> any rain you force to come down in spot A, won't come down in spot B
[08:24:20] <janrinok> It appears to all come down on your garden!
[08:24:33] <ted-ious> Right but usually spot a is very dry and needs the rain.
[08:24:43] <ted-ious> And lots of times spot b is an ocean.
[08:25:11] <chromas2> don't like in spot a
[08:25:14] <chromas2> s/k/v/
[08:25:35] <Ingar> ted-ious: that's somewhat contrary to the general water cycle were clouds are made over the ocean/sea
[08:25:53] <ted-ious> Well about a quarter of the western united states is spot a.
[08:26:32] <Ingar> ted-ious: but, what are the long-term consequences for the east coast ?
[08:26:48] <Ingar> or alaska
[08:26:49] <ted-ious> They seem to be ok so far.
[08:27:36] <ted-ious> Cloud seeding seems to be reasonable in the united states at least how it's been done for decades so far.
[08:27:56] <chromas2> yes, load the sky up with silver dust
[08:28:10] <ted-ious> It's the geo engineering trying to blot out the sun like the matrix that I have a problem with.
[08:28:35] <Ingar> that goes without saying
[08:28:46] <chromas2> Apparently not
[08:28:53] <ted-ious> Apparently not because more money is going into it every year.
[08:29:28] <ted-ious> Nasa needs to get back to their job of spending billions of dollars making pretty pictures of things we can't see with our own eyes.
[08:29:29] <chromas2> Just put those white rocks on your roof
[08:30:09] <chromas2> what's nasa got to do with it?
[08:30:35] <ted-ious> They are the lead agency for geo engineering research and funding.
[08:30:51] <chromas2> this is university of washington
[08:30:58] <chromas2> those dirty fartknocking huskies
[08:31:07] <ted-ious> Half of the phd's publishing geo engineering papers and filing patents work for nasa.
[08:31:30] <Ingar> lol, from the first search result on "NASA geoengineering"
[08:31:33] <Ingar> "Geoengineering is not a cure. At best, it’s a Band-Aid or tourniquet; at worst, it could be a self-inflicted wound. "
[08:31:48] <Ingar> - climate.nasa.gov
[08:32:08] <chromas2> what we should be doing is building underground cities
[08:32:17] <ted-ious> I think the guys who decided to put cheaper aluminum and cesium into the mix instead of more expensive silver compounds were from nasa.
[08:32:30] <chromas2> then we can stuff all the people from socal and portland or down there and make them eat bug meat
[08:33:01] <chromas2> so they're saving money and making our clouds synch up better
[08:34:02] <chromas2> we need to save our precious silver for hipster photographers
[08:34:44] <Ingar> and to protect ourselves against the werewolves
[08:35:24] <chromas2> maybe instead of trying to matrix the sun away they should find a way to precipitate that nasty dirty filthy carbon they hate so much from the air
[08:35:26] <ted-ious> Well we've definitely got higher levels of aluminum in our ground water over the past 10 or 20 years now that they started doing that.
[08:35:43] <ted-ious> That's racist chromas2.
[08:36:01] <chromas2> I don't have power so it doesn't count
[08:36:12] <ted-ious> Didn't you know that most of the largest particle size soot comes from africa?
[08:36:32] <Ingar> chromas2: there is a cheap carbon sequestration device
[08:36:36] <Ingar> it's called "tree"
[08:36:44] <ted-ious> We can't fix that problem because we're not allowed to talk about that.
[08:36:52] <chromas2> are hoteps claiming to have invented pollution now?
[08:37:01] <ted-ious> Ingar: How do you sequester soot?
[08:37:05] <chromas2> trees don't grow in the sky
[08:37:36] <chromas2> we need to invent sky islands and fill them with trees
[08:38:18] <Ingar> ted-ious: doesn't the soot act as cloud seeder and rains itself down?
[08:38:33] <chromas2> oh yeah, remember ACID RAIN?
[08:38:34] <ted-ious> I don't think so.
[08:38:48] <chromas2> we quit putting lead in our gas though
[08:38:53] <ted-ious> Maybe it's not hygroscopic enough?
[08:38:56] <Ingar> (the soot I get on e.g. my windows from passing planes is a bitch to clean)
[08:39:19] <Ingar> chromas2: afaik acaid rain was because of the sulfer, nto so much the carbon
[08:39:20] <ted-ious> Is it really dark?
[08:39:25] <ted-ious> Or just sticky?
[08:39:55] <Ingar> both
[08:40:09] <Ingar> no idea what they burn in plane engines these days
[08:40:12] * chromas2 spritzes some carbonic acid on Ingar's windows 95
[08:40:14] <ted-ious> chromas2: I found a wikipedia page that discussed various kinds of fuels that still have lead in them and are completely unregulated.
[08:40:45] <ted-ious> Ingar: Basically it's high quality kerosene.
[08:40:49] <chromas2> african trucks polluting our increasingly expensive cocoa plants
[08:41:09] <Ingar> anyway, back to work, this poor woman has a disk full
[08:41:16] <ted-ious> chromas2: It's not trucks it's cooking fires where they burn manure.
[08:41:32] <chromas2> their manure is leaded?
[08:41:58] <chromas2> must be where the saying about putting led in your belly comes from
[08:42:02] <ted-ious> Low temperature smoky fires of manure put out like a billion times more soot than a diesel truck.
[08:43:14] <chromas2> mud huts rolling coal on each other
[08:45:09] <Ingar> chromas2: according to the full 10 seconds of googling I did, rain usually has a Ph of around 5.6, the slight acidity because of carbon acidity. but with the SO2 and NOX it goes down a lot more
[08:45:49] -!- soylentil123 [soylentil123!~soylentil@158.58.wpy.pt] has joined #soylent
[08:45:53] <chromas2> where did the sulfur do though?
[08:45:59] <chromas2> go
[08:46:12] <chromas2> people suddenly quit talking about acid rain
[08:46:30] <chromas2> though it was mentioned in Avatar predecessor Fern Gully
[08:46:53] <Ingar> wasn't the sulfer mostly from fuels and industrial emissions?
[08:47:09] <Ingar> got cleaned up bu the early 90's
[08:47:20] <soylentil123> People suddenly quit talking.  Miranda.
[08:47:40] <chromas2> the Pidgin of the Windows world
[08:48:34] <Ingar> that planet were everyone died because of peopleengineering
[08:48:53] <chromas2> makes sense though; we stopped manufacturing most things here so our air got cleaned up. now it's all china's problerm
[08:50:08] <soylentil123> I used to have a user name, but I forgot the password, and someone changed my email, so not really worth logging in any more.  Discussion on the site is much reduced, and of lower quality.
[08:51:55] <Ingar> the world in 2024
[08:55:37] <janrinok> I'm having a good day!
[08:55:57] <janrinok> It is not raining!
[09:02:44] <chromas2> not even men?
[09:08:43] <fab23> drussell: its actually because the animal kids are there, as the adult anmials in the past were with the circus on tour.
[09:18:07] -!- soylentil123 has quit [Quit: Client closed]
[09:23:55] <ted-ious> Ingar: I think most of the sulfur came from burning low quality coal in power plants and it went away because of scrubbers and the fact that it turns into acid rain and falls down in a few days.
[09:38:45] <Ingar> ted-ious: indeed, I also do remember the pictures from those "acid rain forests" in the 80's
[10:20:22] -!- Runaway1956 has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]
[11:28:41] <ted-ious> I think most of those were forests that had been blighted by insects or fungi.
[11:29:37] <ted-ious> It takes some very extreme rain conditions to kill most trees but it will weaken their immune systems to the point that external threats can get the upper hand.
[13:24:37] -!- anontor has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]
[13:27:31] -!- anontor [anontor!~anontor@psg-pfke-5.zbau.f6netze.de] has joined #soylent
[14:25:09] <chromas2> acid rain = covid confirmed
[15:36:35] -!- Ox0000 [Ox0000!~Ox0000@ysig-694-71-0-819.washdc.fios.verizon.net] has joined #soylent
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[17:28:14] -!- dx3bydt3 [dx3bydt3!~|dx3bydt3@129.224.oqq.ulu] has joined #soylent
[19:30:28] <Bytram> ted-ious: Agreed. What immediately comes to mind was now Dutch Elm disease obliterated them in the late-1960s / early-1970s. :(
[19:32:15] <Bytram> Those were so majestic and stately, and in just a few years they were *gone*!
[23:22:28] -!- anontor has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]