#soylent | Logs for 2024-05-13

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[00:11:08] <drussell> There was a Radeon 7950 like 10+ years ago... One of those ridiculous chips with like 200W TDP...
[00:13:59] <chromas> yeah but now they're rx[number] instead of radeon [same number] so it's totally different :D
[00:14:24] <chromas> and they match the cpu numbers so putting in 7950 just gets cpus instead of cpus and gpus
[00:15:21] <chromas> Whew! Glad I updated my desktop so I can finally replace dbus-python with python-dbus
[00:18:11] -!- systemd [systemd!~systemd@pid1] has joined #soylent
[03:43:58] <chromas> It'd be neat if someone made a NUC-style motherboard with some SATA and stuff instead of wifi and 30 USB ports
[03:46:26] <chromas> https://en.wikipedia.org
[03:46:27] <systemd> ^ 03List of songs about losers in bars who are totally gonna quit drinking and go do something with their lives - Wikipedia
[04:05:10] <chromas> =yt motherlovers
[04:05:11] <systemd> https://youtube.com - Motherlover (feat. Justin Timberlake) (03:10; 141,323,136 views; đź‘Ť789,629)
[04:05:20] <chromas> happy post-momsmas
[05:07:39] <chromas> "The only thing that can stop a bad guy with a masterlock is a good guy with a masterlock."
[05:07:45] <chromas> https://www.youtube.com
[05:07:46] <systemd> ^ 030082 - Friendly Fire #lockpicking #military #survival #security
[05:09:02] -!- anontor has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[06:17:06] -!- aristarchus [aristarchus!~aristarch@82.102.ji.woz] has joined #soylent
[06:19:35] <aristarchus> i are joined.   ari
[06:22:24] <aristarchus> You know what Mother would have liked for Mother's Day?   A cert for the IRC log servers.   Such a simple thing, but might make up for the 9 months of waiting, and six hours of labor, and 24 years of feeding you.   Yes, chromas, we speak of thee.
[07:20:51] <ted-ious> AlwaysNever: The latest issue of the boeing saga. https://www.youtube.com
[07:20:52] <systemd> ^ 03Boeing’s Downfall - Going for the MAX!!
[07:29:04] <Ingar> I got my mom some flowers
[07:29:19] <Ingar> she was like "oh right it's mother's day"
[07:31:40] <janrinok> Ingar, she will still have appreciated them!
[07:35:39] <Ingar> janrinok: she did ;)
[08:19:47] -!- aristarchus has quit [Quit: Client closed]
[10:33:25] <chromas> I need a government grant to study why when earphones break on me, it's always the right earphone
[10:34:00] <ted-ious> Because you're right handed and you always snag the right one on whatever you're doing?
[10:34:01] <chromas> Need to boost my DEI score for free investments
[10:34:45] <chromas> I'll put that in the proposal
[11:04:45] <chromas> https://alternativeto.net
[11:04:46] <systemd> ^ 03Just a moment...
[11:04:53] <chromas> jesus wept
[11:06:54] <chromas> I wonder if there's a way to automatically de-cloudflare websites
[11:11:59] -!- anontor [anontor!~anontor@19.tor-exit.nothingtohide.nl] has joined #soylent
[11:41:58] <Ingar> which reminds me
[11:42:08] <Ingar> tried my earbuds a few days back and the left bud didn't work :p
[11:43:45] <Ingar> (it does now, probabely needed charging)
[14:28:58] -!- Runaway1956 has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]
[14:38:30] -!- anontor has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[14:38:46] -!- anontor [anontor!~anontor@iej-vrif-91.for-privacy.net] has joined #soylent
[15:07:31] -!- xuser [xuser!~xuser@619.57.071.567.adsl.inet-telecom.org] has joined #soylent
[15:12:58] -!- xuser has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]
[15:25:38] -!- xuser [xuser!~xuser@619.57.071.567.adsl.inet-telecom.org] has joined #soylent
[16:20:29] -!- Runaway1956 [Runaway1956!~OldGuy@the.abyss.stares.back] has joined #soylent
[16:24:10] -!- Runaway1956 has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[16:24:22] -!- Runaway1956 [Runaway1956!~OldGuy@the.abyss.stares.back] has joined #soylent
[16:25:12] <Runaway1956> That Great Palestinian Genocide that the Israeis are committing?
[16:25:20] -!- Runaway1956 has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[16:25:36] -!- Runaway1956 [Runaway1956!~OldGuy@the.abyss.stares.back] has joined #soylent
[16:26:39] -!- Runaway1956 has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[16:27:01] -!- Runaway1956 [Runaway1956!~OldGuy@the.abyss.stares.back] has joined #soylent
[16:27:11] <Runaway1956> https://www.thegatewaypundit.com
[16:27:12] <systemd> ^ 03U.N. Halves Estimated Number of Women, Children Killed in Gaza by Half, Blames Error on 'Fog of War'
[16:27:39] <Runaway1956> Told everyone all along that the numbers were inflated . . .
[16:27:56] <chromas> it wasn't 6 million?
[16:28:37] -!- Runaway1956 has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[16:31:14] -!- Runaway1956 [Runaway1956!~OldGuy@the.abyss.stares.back] has joined #soylent
[16:31:50] <Runaway1956> Muh IRC seems to be broke - I blame Google
[16:32:13] <chromas> saying bad stuff about Israelis, then conveniently your internet gets Yeezy'd
[16:32:35] <Runaway1956> Surely there is no correlation there?
[16:32:52] <chromas> Is your shoe contract still on?
[16:33:19] <Runaway1956> No, but my Shoie panniers are still in place.
[16:39:00] <chromas> Check again
[16:45:22] -!- systemd has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]
[16:45:39] -!- chromas2 [chromas2!~chromas@Soylent/Staph/Infector/chromas] has joined #soylent
[16:45:39] -!- mode/#soylent [+v chromas2] by Imogen
[16:45:55] -!- chromas has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]
[16:46:52] <chromas2> hm, suspicious
[16:46:54] chromas2 is now known as chromas
[16:49:46] -!- Runaway1956 has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]
[16:54:35] -!- schestowitz[TR2] [schestowitz[TR2]!~schestowi@2a00:23c8:7480:soqy:xoix:hkxh:kshk:jluy] has joined #soylent
[16:59:09] -!- Runaway1956 [Runaway1956!~OldGuy@the.abyss.stares.back] has joined #soylent
[17:04:04] -!- anontor has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]
[17:06:17] -!- anontor [anontor!~anontor@185.220.mns.nw] has joined #soylent
[17:27:36] <AlwaysNever> Runaway1956: it is comforting to know that the number of WOMEN AND CHILDREN murdered in Gaza is only half of what was previously reported. Very comforting.
[17:29:07] <AlwaysNever> I guess that new FACT totally erases the pictures of burned children, and those of children smashed among the debris of their former homes
[17:29:30] <AlwaysNever> Oh, the comfort!
[17:31:22] <AlwaysNever> Israelli Gobernment has gone full Nazi.
[18:12:15] <Runaway1956> AlwaysNever - the US and UK burnt up more women and children in a week, than Israel has even thought about killing in 7 months. You've heard of Dresden, I imagine? Never mind about firebombings in Japan.
[18:40:40] <chromas> If the actual number was terrible they wouldn't need to inflate it
[18:43:56] <Runaway1956> Those who see genocide in Gaza really need to read Hamas charter, in it's entirety. Hamas openly admitted that their purpose is genocide.
[18:44:21] <Runaway1956> "The rocks and the trees will cry out, Oh Muslim, there is a Jew hiding behind me, come and kill him!"
[19:14:59] <Ingar> I say we fund both sides and let them kill each other?
[19:15:10] <Ingar> ofc, to be on equal footing, someone has to give hamas some nukes
[19:19:29] -!- aristranger [aristranger!~aristrang@146.70.wux.vpu] has joined #soylent
[19:26:20] <aristranger> Not saying Runaway is an anti-semite, but he is certainly drawn that way.
[19:31:13] <drussell> Please, at least take your argments over to #politics where it belongs, not #soylent...
[19:35:39] <aristranger> Yeah, Runaway and Chromas.
[19:43:45] -!- aristranger has quit [Quit: Client closed]
[20:08:53] <Runaway1956> =submit Grass huts, anyone? https://spj.science.org
[20:09:22] <Runaway1956> systemDumb out again
[20:11:22] <Runaway1956> https://interestingengineering.com
[20:13:09] <Runaway1956> fab23, WTF with your fellow Eastern Stonians?
[20:13:14] <Runaway1956> https://breakingdefense.com
[20:13:50] <Runaway1956> Nothing like excavating a military conflict, right?
[20:14:02] <Runaway1956> Dig in and milk the cash cow.
[20:18:54] <Runaway1956> https://arstechnica.com
[20:19:17] <Runaway1956> 'Stray needs to stop being such a cunt with their censorship.
[20:24:16] <Runaway1956> https://www.livetube.tv
[20:30:13] <drussell> Just use the main link at https://soylentnews.org
[21:27:23] <chromas> Ingar: we already fund both sides ;)