#soylent | Logs for 2024-05-06

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[00:00:12] <DarkHelmet> traceroute -m255  becky.keekles.org
[00:01:04] <chromas> Unknown command: traceroute
[00:01:42] <DarkHelmet> idk, install net-utils?
[00:01:55] <requerdanos> some operating systems misspell it tracert
[00:02:14] <drussell> DOS?
[00:02:19] <DarkHelmet> well they fuck up all the options too then
[00:02:21] <requerdanos> for example.
[00:02:34] <drussell> (the MS type, that is...)
[00:03:05] <chromas> linux/unix loves unnecessary abbrevs
[00:03:22] <drussell> They always tried to do things like be "posix compliant" but do everything just slightly differently than everyone else... just out of spite?
[00:03:25] <chromas> huh apparently I don't even have a traceroute on any of my boxes. Probably because it's not that useful
[00:03:39] <chromas> I have tracepath though
[00:04:03] <DarkHelmet> well anyone that would run that command and appreciate the output would know how to translate it to windoze if intending to run it there
[00:04:49] <DarkHelmet> it's a hell of a way to burn 13k
[00:05:22] <chromas> hah
[00:06:26] <chromas> I suppose once you have a box in the path you can just start returning whatever names you want
[00:11:39] <DarkHelmet> well you also need a path and VRF's
[00:13:27] <requerdanos> oddest traceroute i have seen, i must admit
[00:14:31] <DarkHelmet> https://bpa.st
[00:14:33] <systemd> ^ 03View paste QA6Q
[00:14:50] <DarkHelmet> scrpit that the route reflector loads
[00:15:38] <DarkHelmet> user mode linux and ties 128 namespaces in a string with routes into each
[00:17:24] <DarkHelmet> then you just need to load up the in-addr.arpa. PTR's
[00:17:30] <DarkHelmet> I had to edit them by hand
[00:18:05] <DarkHelmet> point was, that's the stack I have and can offer VM's out of.
[00:18:16] <DarkHelmet> stands if soylentnews needs it
[00:19:06] <DarkHelmet> got laid off due to this guy trying to drag my employer into the SLAPP suit, so no donations for now
[00:19:34] <DarkHelmet> but i can offer that
[00:20:08] <chromas> the only SLAPP should be on BASS
[00:20:19] <DarkHelmet> nah, 65k and counting
[00:21:00] <DarkHelmet> he got mad that I found his federal felony and pointed out that he was lying on his resume
[00:21:17] <DarkHelmet> the whole thing is retarded
[00:22:31] <DarkHelmet> but the state doesn't recognize the 1st amendment press freedom applies to blogs, only licensed broadcasters and people publishing a news paper as a primary business
[00:41:59] -!- DarkHelmet has quit [Quit: Client closed]
[02:50:10] -!- AlwaysNever has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[02:51:06] -!- AlwaysNever [AlwaysNever!~donaldo@] has joined #soylent
[02:51:07] * AlwaysNever is gone. Gone since Fri May 3 15:09:00 2024
[05:25:09] <chromas> https://www.youtube.com
[05:25:10] <systemd> ^ 03Precision guided disc golf launcher: noobs are now pros
[05:47:13] <chromas> "For the cost of one machine, the company can hire one hundred undergrads to chuck discs all day for weed and light beer! Machines can’t compete with desperate undergrads!"
[07:38:24] <Ingar> but the machine keeps going while the undergrads are knock out on the floor
[07:38:33] <Ingar> (that's what she said)
[09:00:43] <Ingar> also, in firefox, clear soylentnews cache and cookies
[09:00:58] <Ingar> (unless the cert got fixed in the past 5 minutes)
[09:03:04] -!- aristarchus [aristarchus!~aristarch@45.76.zvz.vq] has joined #soylent
[09:03:11] <janrinok> Ingar, it didn't ..... I have email AG several times now. He just ain't there
[09:15:15] <aristarchus> Several soylentils have offered to help set up automatic certificate renewal.  One must wonder why their offers were rejected.   Such a simple thing, for want of a nail, a horseshoe was lost.  For want of a shoe, a horse was lost.  For want of a horse, Richard the III, well, under a carpark.
[09:17:02] -!- soylentil86 [soylentil86!~soylentil@ze-520-654-972-997.um68.pools.vodafone-ip.de] has joined #soylent
[09:17:43] -!- soylentil86 [soylentil86!~soylentil@ze-520-654-972-997.um68.pools.vodafone-ip.de] has parted #soylent
[09:22:44] <janrinok> Yes they have, but you are not one of them. Funny that.... I cannot give anyone access - I haven't got it.
[09:23:27] <janrinok> And it is not straightforward - otherwise we would have done it already.
[09:24:52] <aristarchus> Paranoia is a funny thing.
[09:40:36] <Ingar> I'm taking the opportunity to make some first posts ;)
[09:44:54] <aristarchus> Easy, when there is only the one comment per front page article.
[10:02:57] -!- aristarchus has quit [Quit: Client closed]
[11:14:58] <janrinok> BAD NEWS - the problems that we have encountered are nothing in comparison with the problems that audioguy is facing IRL. However, in the sort term it IS NOT POSSIBLE to fix the current problem without the assistance of NCommander. It is not simply a matter of updating the certs - in audioguy's opinion that are much more serious problems that need to be addressed. Nobody other than the current Board have access to the Linode servers
[11:14:58] <janrinok> and we cannot take any remedial action.
[11:15:12] <janrinok> * in the short term
[11:16:04] <janrinok> I have given audioguy the community's best wishes for the future.
[11:43:39] * Ingar summons ncommander
[11:44:02] <Ingar> (who knows, it might work)
[12:14:23] <Ingar> mmm it seems I'll have to add more hard liquor
[12:22:29] * Ingar yells "I stocked up on Vodca"
[12:49:34] -!- Runaway1956 has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]
[14:12:54] <drussell> You don't even need to respond to ari's bad-faith nonsense...
[14:23:22] <Ingar> if he joined here under his own nick, I have him on ignore so I wouldn't know
[18:29:50] -!- Runaway1956 [Runaway1956!~OldGuy@the.abyss.stares.back] has joined #soylent
[19:32:40] -!- soylentil40 [soylentil40!~soylentil@rio-307-532-943-022.res.spectrum.com] has joined #soylent
[19:32:48] -!- soylentil40 has quit [Client Quit]
[20:02:20] -!- aristarchus [aristarchus!~aristarch@195.146.u.pum] has joined #soylent
[20:09:11] <aristarchus> $3.5K  raised, and a month later, . . .   Curious.
[20:15:00] -!- aristarchus has quit [Quit: Client closed]
[21:24:42] <AlwaysNever> janrinok: "Nobody other than the current Board have access to the Linode servers" - so what is the Board doing or planning to do?
[21:28:15] <AlwaysNever> If audioguy has write access to the DocumentRoot of the soylentnews.org Apache VirtualHost, and also has write access to the CRT file, the certificate can be renewed on another system and then the CRT file moved the the web server - no matter how borked python or whatever may be in the web server
[21:29:19] <AlwaysNever> so I understand audioguy has no write access to the CRT file nor to the Apache VirtualHost's DocumentRoot in the web server
[21:29:58] <AlwaysNever> if that is the case, the problem should have been evident many days ago
[21:37:47] -!- soylentil86 [soylentil86!~soylentil@614.138.721.662.dyn.plus.net] has joined #soylent
[21:38:50] <drussell> The current board has no intention of doing anything except paying the hosting bill until the new corporation is set up and control is transferred to the new board.
[21:38:51] -!- soylentil86 has quit [Client Quit]
[21:39:28] <drussell> Once that occurs, all of the present issues can be resolved and problems fixed to prevent future issues and make the site properly robust.
[21:40:57] -!- anontor has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[21:41:42] -!- anontor [anontor!~anontor@5.255.xmq.jql] has joined #soylent
[21:41:47] <AlwaysNever> So how come the Board expects the site to keep going if the certificate needs their intervention to be renewd?
[21:42:41] <AlwaysNever> They don't relinquish control but neither they step in to do the necessary homekeeping work
[21:43:38] <drussell> That's just the way it is. If the current board had their way, the site would no longer exist.
[21:43:58] <drussell> There is one community sysadmin, but he is not currently available, so you just have to wait until he can manage to update the certificate.
[21:44:09] <drussell> If you don't like that situation, tough.
[21:44:51] -!- soylentil72 [soylentil72!~soylentil@zqy63-321-383-834.static.internode.on.net] has joined #soylent
[21:44:53] <AlwaysNever> the situation is ugly, but I have no meat in it - I am just astohished by it
[21:45:35] <drussell> It's a completely volunteer effort. In the grand scheme of things, it's a temporary, minor issue.
[21:46:32] <AlwaysNever> everything is a temporary minor issue, until one day the site vanishes for ever in a puff of smoke
[21:47:23] <drussell> There are a bunch of people working to ensure that doesn't happen, but the work is not yet complete. Yousimply must have patience. :)
[21:48:51] <AlwaysNever> and does the sysadmin have access enough to totally disable HTTPS
[21:49:03] <AlwaysNever> that would be better thn an expired cert
[21:51:15] <drussell> That is something that has been discussed, and will probably be implemented in the future, but not until control has been reestablished with the new board and admins have full access to a migrated system.
[21:51:25] <drussell> It's a tech-centric site...
[21:52:39] <drussell> If one can't figure out how to open a private window and override an expired certificate, they probably don't belong here anyway, just turn in their counterfiet geek card at the door. ;)
[21:53:40] <AlwaysNever> drussell: I don't agree with you caballier attitude, not sure if you are doing PR damage control, or serious
[21:53:58] <drussell> Yes.
[21:54:33] <drussell> :)
[21:55:37] <AlwaysNever> I'm off to bed
[21:55:53] <drussell> GN... Hopefully we will have a valid certificate tomorrow.
[22:10:07] <chromas> At least disable hsts
[22:13:10] <chromas> Also it's pretty weird that a private tab would ignore hsts
[22:28:33] <chromas> Scamazon won't stop emailing me to tell me I'm eligible for business-only pricing
[22:28:49] <chromas> I wonder if I should invent a company just to save five bucks
[22:30:18] <ted-ious> I thought they charged businesses more just because they can?
[22:31:22] <chromas> Maybe there's a subscription fee, like scamazon crime
[22:31:56] <chromas> Pay them regularly and they'll give you a discount they can pass on to the sellers
[22:33:36] <chromas> Since I do have an Amazon Payments account though, they have my bank info already, so I could buy with direct withdrawals, but then one day my bank went all Mr. Pink and said "nah, fuck all that"
[22:34:24] <chromas> When I tried it this time, they ended up cancelling my order. When I created the order again an item was $40 off
[22:34:31] <chromas> then after I bought it I saw it went back up
[22:43:42] <ted-ious> I've heard that they play all sorts of psychology games with customers.
[22:44:30] <ted-ious> It sounds like the algorithm thought you might have had second thoughts about buying the thing so it decided to offer you a discount.
[22:45:10] <ted-ious> You could try putting some expensive things in your shopping cart then going to search for prices on other websites and see if amazon gets jealous and protective.
[22:46:14] <ted-ious> Since only google seems to have more nosy data on users browser history amazon will find out immediately that you're trying to find better prices.
[23:14:14] -!- aristarchus [aristarchus!~aristarch@121.127.mn.gzt] has joined #soylent
[23:20:45] <aristarchus> It's all aboot the cavalier and Roundhead attitudes, and the PR spin management. Petards be hoisting.
[23:37:52] -!- aristarchus has quit [Quit: Client closed]